Proposal: AutoQA Infrastructure Upgrade

Tim Flink tflink at
Fri Jul 26 18:23:33 UTC 2013

After looking at the jobstats on autoqa-stg over the last day or so
since I changed all of the clients to be fc18, I'm happy enough with
the completion rates to suggest that we upgrade production autoqa and
get rid of our fc17 clients.

Proposed setup:

2x virthosts with 4x VMs each, 4096M and 20G disk
  - 6x f18 x86_64
  - 2x f18 i386

This is the setup I've been using in stg for a while and it seems to be
able to keep up with incoming jobs just fine. If it turns out not to be
enough, we can assign another virthost to production. With the new
ansible playbooks, it's trivial to reconfigure/add/remove clients and
the full process from virthost install/config to client install/config
would take well under an hour.

I'd like to do this on either Tuesday or Wednesday when we're removing
the fc17 repos from autoqa production. At that time, I'll upgrade
autoqa01 with the test fixes from the last several days, remove the
fc17 repos and disable the conflicts test as a non-hotfix.

Are there any objections to this plan or any additional details
requested before making a decision?

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