New and Improved Blocker Tracking App Beta

Tim Flink tflink at
Mon Mar 25 21:54:54 UTC 2013

This took a bit longer than I was hoping but we finally have a staging
instance of the new blocker tracking app up and running:

There are still a few kinks to work out around syncing with bugzilla
and on the app administration side of things but it is ready for

This new version allows for blocker/FE proposal though the web
interface after logging in with your FAS id and password. The first
proposal will prompt you for your bugzilla credentials so that you will
be added to the cc list of any bug you propose but this will only
happen once (per database - this will be reset when the app moves to
production) and we don't store any password information.

Keep in mind that this is working against the PRODUCTION bugzilla for
now - any bugs which are proposed using the web interface will show up
as real blockers. Please don't propose blocker/FE bugs just to try
it out. Once partner-bugzilla is back up and running, the staging
instance will be more testable without affecting the regular processes.

If you hit any issues, please let me know or file a bug against the
blocker tracking app in the fedora-qa trac:

Huge 'Thank You's to Martin Krizek for his help on the code, reviews and
testing and to Kevin Fenzi for his help and patience in getting the app
ready for staging deployment.

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