[Maniphest] [Created] T43: package resultsdb and resultsdb_frontend as rpm

tflink (Tim Flink) phab at qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org
Tue Jan 14 20:30:49 UTC 2014

tflink created this task.
tflink added subscribers: qa-devel, tflink.
tflink added a project: resultsdb

  Before we deploy anything beyond a dev environment, these deployments need to be automated and repeatable. The best way to make this happen for us is to package everything appropriate as RPM.
  Package resultsdb and resultsdb_frontend as RPM so that they can be hosted in a repository. This doesn't mean that getting the packages into fedora is required at this point, just working spec files in git.


To: tflink
Cc: qa-devel, tflink

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