[Maniphest] [Created] T46: bodhi directive module

tflink (Tim Flink) phab at qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org
Tue Jan 14 20:59:32 UTC 2014

tflink created this task.
tflink added subscribers: qa-devel, tflink.
tflink added a project: taskotron

  For phase 1, we need to replace AutoQA. This means that we need the ability to report results directly to bodhi - at least for the short term.
  The directive will take in TAP output and submit comments to bodhi using FAS credentials stored in a configuration file or injected by the runner (as in the examples). If the implementation uses injection, **make sure** that the actual credentials are not logged anywhere public.
      bodhi: baseurl={{bodhiurl}} username={{fasuser}} password={{faspassword}} doreport=all
  The main corner case of note is depcheck. The current paradigm is that depcheck will add reporting comments on state change (PASS to FAIL or FAIL to PASS) or repeat comments if the update in question has been in FAIL for a configurable number of days. Example directive for depcheck:
      bodhi: baseurl={{bodhiurl}} username={{fasuser}} password={{faspassword}} doreport=onchange
  The code for this should be mostly complete in AutoQA (both in lib and depcheck) and hopefully will require little modification.


To: tflink
Cc: qa-devel, tflink

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