Taskotron wiki page

Kamil Paral kparal at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 15:00:33 UTC 2014

> I also updated
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Tools
> with the list of our current projects. If you see something missing, please
> add it. Thanks.

Josef, I find this quite confusing:


What is the canonical source? Where should people report issues? Please, pick one location to keep the project in (it seems we're going bitbucket, or bitbucket+phab way) and kill the other site. Also make sure issues can't be reported on two different places, and forward people to the single one. And make sure your wiki page points to a correct location:
(I updated it before learning there are other sources of ResultsDB. You might have some more under your sleeve.)


As a general note, I'm not fully happy when the source code lives somewhere else than the issues do. It confuses people. But if we want to keep easy-to-browse-and-fork functionality (bitbucket) and full-featured-review functionality (phab), it seems we don't have much choice. At least we should always disable the issue support on bitbucket for every project.

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