Next Steps for Taskotron

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Jul 24 20:14:33 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 02:16:39PM -0600, Tim Flink wrote:
> While disposable clients may sound simple, there are many parts to this.
>  - deciding whether to use something like openstack vs. libvirt
>    * The limiting issue here is likely to be that clients need to be
>      isolated on the network which may preclude use of the existing
>      Fedora infra cloud. I'm not sure that setting up our own openstack
>      instance is wise or efficient.

I don't think a separate openstack instance should be necessary... I'm not
sure how ours is currently configured -- and I certainly haven't kept up
with the state of the art in openstack networking -- but having a separate
vlan for a tenant is a thing openstack....

But, also while, clearly, keeping systems secure is important, I don't want
to overthink this. For example, even without greater isolation, we could let
users who already have access to launch their own instances create and
submit tests, can't we? Or am I missing something?

Overall, supporting "run these tests on a cloud image" is definitely
something I want to do. However, that doesn't mean that the cloud image has
to be within taskotron -- the client itself could just have the command line
tools and credentials for accessing the cloud, launching the image,
connecting to it, and so on, right?

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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