New qadevel staging machine to poke at

Tim Flink tflink at
Thu May 14 15:17:00 UTC 2015

I ended up spending some time on the qadevel-stg system yesterday and I
think that I have the phabricator bits to the point where they're ready
to be tested (self-signed cert used, usual warnings will pop up).

I've built new phabricator packages, loaded a snapshot of our production
phabricator and this machine is capable of hosting git repositories
(once you add your ssh key, write access is ssh-only), so I made
snapshots of all the repos and they're currently available on

I still need to get buildbot and a few other bits working before it's
truely done but I do think it's almost to the point where we could
migrate off our current cloud instance once final freeze is over.

If you have some time, please poke at it and let me know what you think.

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