[Fedora-r-devel-list] R package in Fedora

Pierre-Yves pingou at pingoured.fr
Tue Aug 12 07:23:39 UTC 2008

Dear all,

Remi Collet has done a great job the past days to make these pages:

I think you will be interested specially in this one:

However, helping him to set up the parsers, we have been facing some 
problem with some package.
For example:
As you can see here:
The version have a '-', this leads to a "outdated" mark of the package 
in this page http://rpms.famillecollet.com/rpmphp/rpm.php?type=R .

The question is then, what should we do ?
There is nothing on the guideline that mention what we should do about 
the library that have a '-' on their version name (second exemple: R-pls
http://pingoured.fr/cgi-bin/R.py?name=R-pls ).

We also faced the problem that at least one library is present in both 
CRAN and bioconductor repository (R-qvalue 
http://pingoured.fr/cgi-bin/R.py?name=R-qvalue ). But the version are 
pretty clear, we kept only the Bioconductor.

So I think, when we have a library in CRAN and Bioconductor, we should 
only keep the Bioconductor version.

For the version with a '-', we skipped everything that was after the '-' 
until now, should we continue ?

Thanks for your comments,


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