[Fedora-r-devel-list] r2spec

Allen S. Rout asr at ufl.edu
Thu Sep 3 20:42:14 UTC 2009

So, I've modified r2spec fairly heavily on my own.  Pierre-Yves
suggested I bring conversation straight here, so I'm doing that.

I'll put a SRPM of my r2spec up at the next point when it works.  It
worked earlier today, but of course I'm doing more surgery right now.

Here are the most visible changes I've made so far; Please hear them
as suggestions, not demands. :)

+ Takes R package metadata from repositories directly through
  available.packages.  Can load from many repos at once.

+ Cleanly handles multi-line fields in package metadata

+ Recursively chases Depends
  + including across repositories (i.e. CRAN depends on BioC)
  + Or Depends and Suggests, and Imports and Extends.

There's a lot more to this.  Separate topic, separate post. 

+ Uses a single template for specfile, instead of two long functions
  with literal strings.

  + Permits template to be specified on the command line

+ String manipulation by regexp instead of iterated 'replace' and such.

+ Maintains a dependency graph to permit building an automated rpmbuild order.

[ toy additions ] 

outputs GraphViz (dot format) illustrations of dependency graphs.

I know this is lots and lots of change. I hope you don't see it as

- Allen S. Rout

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