[Fedora-r-devel-list] Re: r2spec

Allen S. Rout asr at ufl.edu
Mon Sep 14 19:16:31 UTC 2009

José Matos <jamatos-BxEiAy0842I at public.gmane.org> writes:

> Just for curiosity, do you create the %test section on the first
> passage? I had to comment that section for bootstrap because I had
> cyclic dependencies where test section of package A would depend on
> package B, and the test of package B would depend on A.

I'm hoping my previous message about dependencies has kind of answered
this question.  I've tried to be clear, but the topic is twisty and
complex, and rife with politics.

My "branch" (If I may so dignify it) is now doing the following:

+ Generating the specfiles for a broad dependency tree of a package

+ Generating a rpm build script which will go through the specs, and
  - build a RPM
  - install the RPM

  in an order which satisfies the narrow dependency tree.

I'm currently testing that one, it built the 162-package tree for
ggplot2 with a relatively small number of RPM build errors, which I
haven't yet solved.

I'm testing the r2spec package now, once I smack the bugs in my RPM of
it I'll stick it up for kibitzing.

Once _that_ is complete, I intend to automate the running of the R CMD

- Allen S. Rout

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