Proposal: Fedora 21+ image naming scheme

Adam Williamson adamwill at
Thu Jul 24 23:16:00 UTC 2014

Hi, folks!

So Dennis and I were discussing image naming in IRC today. Dennis
managed a 'dry run' 21 Alpha test compose:

but one of the things it makes clear is that our naming scheme for
images is really all over the place, now. It's grown up kind of
organically from a time when we had CD and DVD installer images to a
time when we have installer images, live images and disk images across
three different products, and there's no consistency.

We are also running into a size limit issue. ISO image volume IDs have a
maximum size of 32 characters. Right now we pretty much use the image
filename as the volume ID, for most images. Dennis has thrown in some ad
hoc contractions to the filenames/volume IDs used for the TC1 and TC2
compose attempts, but we didn't have any kind of solid plan behind it,
we were just duct taping as we went.

So, we tried to come up with a more fully thought through proposal,
which would make the names of all the different types of image
consistent, easily parseable by both humans and machines, and allow for
<=32 character volume IDs. And here it is!

flames, thoughts and suggestions are all welcome! thanks :)
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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