while true; do sleep 1h; rpm-ostree compose tree...; done

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Oct 9 15:52:32 UTC 2014

On Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:42:33 -0400
Colin Walters <walters at verbum.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> So weeks keep going by here.  I have intense pressure from many people
> to actually get content up to replace the completely ancient Fedora 20
> based content we originally put up on projectatomic.io.

Sorry about that. 

> I keep telling people "Oh don't use that", we're going to have Fedora
> 21...and I was really hoping to have a truly final location for the
> ostree repo where they would actually receive updates.
> But the problem is unless this appears soon, we have yet unfinished
> work to figure out how to actually consume it.  We don't know if the
> metalink code will work.

My understanding from long ago is that we wanted to do these jobs in
koji, so we would need a koji plugin to do them or a generic koji
plugin that lets us run $command in chroot. But I guess that was
longer term. 

Shorter term I think we were thinking of adding this to
rawhide/branched composes (once a day). But yes, it would then need
some way for people consuming it to hit mirrors for the content, etc. 
I don't know where we are on the metalink work... 

We could also alternately add to buildrawhide/branched now, and
produce the content, then work on the metalink code, and in the mean
time have people hit the master mirrors. I don't know if that would
result in too much load tho. 
> So an alternative plan is to make Atomic just part of "alt" - not a
> Fedora product.  Take it off the F21 download page and schedule.  Give
> it its own landing page.  Mark it as beta.  Downloads just come from
> alt.fp.org, there's no mirrorlist or metalink.

Yep. That could be an option... would give more time to sort things
> Composes are managed by atomic01.qa.fp.org, and done regularly, as
> they are today.
> Maybe we return to it for Fedora 22?

Right, if we can get metalink setup working it would make sense to
retarget 22. 

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