firewall rules on builders (iptables, firewalld, libvirt...)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Tue Oct 28 14:04:34 UTC 2014

It's my understanding (Dennis please correct if I'm wrong) that the
problem with cloud image creation was due to libvirt iptables rules
being lost when iptables was restarted. This is a fundamental known
issue (see last paragraph of <>), and
one of the things firewalld was meant to solve.

Dennis says that there are lot of complicated rules on the builders
making switching to firewalld difficult. One possibility might be to
move those complicated rules from the builders to a network firewall,
and keep the host rules simple and functional. But that's probably a
big undertaking.

In the meantime, any time iptables is restarted or reloaded, libvirt
needs a SIGHUP. (I suppose this means: ansible playbooks and also added
to any manual procedures.)

[cc rel-eng, reply-to infrastructure]
Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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