FAD proposal

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 19:17:17 UTC 2015

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 04:22:48PM -0500, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> I started a wiki page here for interested people to sign up:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Release_Tools_and_Infrastructure_2015
> There are some proposed dates listed on the wiki page.  None have been
> fully decided yet.  I have preliminary approval from the FPL, and I'm
> awaiting OSAS input on budget availability, and any time restrictions
> from their POV.  There is a good chance we will do this at the Red Hat
> Tower (HQ) in Raleigh, NC USA.  The event will not be restricted to
> USA people, although we'll have to select a roster of people to meet
> goals.
> There's a specific section in the page for you to write your name and
> any restrictions on dates.  This will help us make the best
> date/location plan.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Release_Tools_and_Infrastructure_2015#Potential_Attendees

Right now the dates I'm thinking about are:

May 29 - Jun 01
Jun 05 - Jun 08

We are going to have narrow down the cast of characters a bit.  We
don't need every person with a stake in tools to be at the FAD.  I'd
absolutely encourage, and we need to support, remote participation in
the FAD.  As noted in the first email, the FAD will concentrate on
coding, and whatever critical conversation needs to happen during that

As several people pointed out to me in sidebar, the bigger the group
gets, the more likely it's saddled with extra distractions or getting
off in the weeds.  It's OK if code comes out that's less than perfect;
if we don't have enough output, though, the FAD isn't successful.  I
feel like a group of 7-8 people is probably about ideal.

The absolutely essential people, in my mind, are:
dgilmore, pbrobinson, tyll, maxamillion, lmacken, threebean, walters

The intention here is not to shut anyone out.  In fact, the optimal
thing would be for other participants to be around in IRC at least on
Friday during FAD hours to participate, and/or to join some sort of
real time session to stay tuned in to the proceedings.  In other
words, physical presence is *not* a requirement to be involved.
That's how FADs are supposed to work.

I may have inadvertently left out someone critical.  If that's the
case, my sincere apologies, and please respond to this and point out
the oversight.  

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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