[Fedora Robotics] ROS Packaging

Rich Mattes richmattes at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 15:09:59 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Brennan Ashton <bashton at brennanashton.com>wrote:

> As was brought up again on the Fedora Packaging list, ROS is still not
> part of Fedora due to some serious build structure issues.
> This is certainly not a one man packaging job, so I was interested in
> seeing if there are others interested in joining in?  I know last time
> I built it on Fedora even just building not following the Fedora
> guidelines I had to apply various patches to deal with changes in
> boost.
> Thanks,
> Brennan Ashton

I'm interested in helping to get ROS into Fedora, but I think it's going to
be difficult to get it to conform to the FHS and the Fedora packaging
guidelines.  Right now it looks like the Ubuntu packages for ROS are
dumping everything into /opt, which isn't going to fly for packages
included in Fedora's repositories.  The other option is collaborating with
WG and letting them host their own packages with everything in /opt, but
that puts a large burden on them for making sure all of the builds are up
to date as the dependencies in Fedora change.

Another other issue is that there are no tarball releases.  All of the
source packages live in svn, so we'd be perpetually taking svn snapshots as
our package source.  It looks like there are version numbers being tagged
so maybe this is a tractable problem.

I think the biggest issue is the FHS stuff, if we can resolve that then
there's a clear way forward for packaging.  If I am way off base or missing
something please discuss.

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