[Fedora Robotics] Installing ROS on Fedora 18, and "the pcl issue" -- is there any hope?

Mary Ellen Foster mefoster at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 12:10:24 UTC 2012

On 5 December 2012 04:35, Rich Mattes <richmattes at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Sorry, rosstack looks for stack.xml, not manifest.xml.  Try using
> "rospack find pcl".  rospack seems to use folder names, so you should
> symlink /usr/share/pcl -> /usr/share/pcl-1.6.  Looking back at your
> original error message, it looks like the command "rospack deps-manifests
> costmap_2d" is what is failing.  So the "rospack" command should be the one
> you're using to find PCL.  I just tried creating the symlink, installing
> manifest.xml, and running the rospack command to find PCL and find the
> costmap deps, and it seems to have worked.

Yes, thanks -- that got me much further in the process. Here are the other
changes I had to make to get "rosmake -a" to complete:

   - I had to add a "ros" package to rosdep-fedora.yaml to allow "rosdep
   install -a" to work. I ended up just giving an empty list of yum packages
   and that seemed to work.
   - the manifest.xml for pcl refers to pkg-config things like
   pcl_common-1.5, while the pcl RPM installs un-versioned pkg-config things,
   so I had to change that both in the installed pcl manifest and in the
   copied version in perception_pcl/pcl_ros/manifest.xml. I also added
   `mysql_config --libs` to the ldflags list because libmysqlclient.so is in a
   subdirectory of /usr/lib64.
   - added more rosbuild_link_boost ($executable system) calls to
      - diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/CMakeLists.txt
      - added more instances of "set(PythonLibs_FIND_VERSION 2)" and
   rosbuild_link_boost($executable system) to CMakeLists.txt's as needed
   - added the following to laser_pipeline/laser_filters/CMakeLists.txt
   - added protobuf to the generated .rosinstall as described at

So this all worked fine, and then I tried to rosmake the code provided by
the students ...

Failed to invoke /opt/ros/fuerte/bin/rospack deps-manifests social_robot
[rospack] Error: package/stack social_robot depends on non-existent package

Arrggghhh ... does this mean that I need a manifest.xml for opencv-devel
too, or something like that?

Increasingly tempted to just jump ship to ubuntu and be done with it, but
I'm stubborn. :)


Mary Ellen Foster -- http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~mef3/
Interaction Lab -- http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/InteractionLab
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under charity
number SC000278
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