[Fedora Robotics] ROS Packaging Roadmap

Rich Mattes richmattes at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 00:23:00 UTC 2013

On 03/16/2013 08:54 AM, Ankur Sinha wrote:
Hi Ankur,
> I'm to work on a project with ROS and therefore will have a lot more
> cycles to work on it in the coming future. Would you have a list of
> packages we need to get into fedora. I might just have to work with
> groovy though, depending on what the project team chooses to use. The
> project is to do with the PR2 robot. I could work on trying to package
> groovy and we could maybe host a fedora people repo for this version,
> while keeping feurte as the official f18 ros release? Would you have any
> ideas or a dep map that would tell me what order to go about packaging
> stuff? There seems to be quite a few changes between feurte and groovy
> and no real documentation on building packages really. I've been looking
> around all day.

I do have a build order list that I've been using for fuerte: you can 
find it at [1].  I did set up a copr repository for fuerte[2], it's kind 
of broken right now but I think I know how to fix it.  It contains the 
ros-underlay packages and installs to /opt/ros/fuerte. The idea is that 
it can be parallel-installable with the packages in the core 
distribution in case the packages in your fedora distro aren't the same 
rosdistro as the one you want.  It probably wouldn't be hard to get some 
ros-groovy packages together in a copr while the ros-fuerte packages get 
reviewed for mainline.
> For example, I can't quite understand if we need to package catkin at
> all, since it looks like a tool that just spews out debs for their
> repository.

Catkin contains a bunch of cmake macros that the build systems for the 
packages seem to rely on.  I think it's required for fuerte and higher.


[1] http://rmattes.fedorapeople.org/ros-fuerte/fuerte-repobuild.txt
[2] http://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/coprs/detail/rmattes/ros-fuerte/

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