
Guillermo Gómez guillermo.gomez at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 12:29:09 UTC 2011

Ive been using mongrel as my main deployment webapp server for ruby in
combination with apache + haproxy but im interested on testing unicorn

Of course i want to know my fellow rubyists here their opinion about
its actual use case and potentially packaging it in Fedora.

Should i go for it? Is it well maintained?

unicorn 4.0.1 - regression bugfixes / 2011-06-29 18:59 UTC is the last
news from them so it seems pretty a live.

quote: Rails 2.3.5 is not compatible with Rack 1.1.x. Unicorn is
compatible with both Rack 1.1.x and Rack 1.0.x, and RubyGems will load
the latest version of Rack installed on the system. Uninstalling the
Rack 1.1.x gem should solve gem loading issues with Rails 2.3.5. Rails
2.3.6 and later correctly support Rack 1.1.x.

I had to remove some rack (gems) newest versions in order to make it
work and i Im afraid my efforts could be lost if we include certain
rack version in f16... any thoughts?

Ing.Guillermo Gomez S.
Fedora Board Member A4 - Fedora Rubyist by heart

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