[ANN] gem2rpm 0.8.1 released

Vít Ondruch vondruch at redhat.com
Thu Feb 9 15:18:14 UTC 2012


Today, I have released gem2rpm 0.8.1 which fixes small issues we have 
found in recent days. Please test it and give some karma in Bodhi.

BTW I probably forgot to mentioned earlier how to use it to generate 
.specs for F17. gem2rpm is going to choose the default template 
according to the system you are running on and it reflects also the 
system version. So if you are using F16, it will use template for F16. 
However, if you are running F16 and you want to generate template for 
F17, you can do this by:

$ gem2rpm -t fedora-17-rawhide yourgem-1.0.0.gem

and vice versa, if you are you are running F17/Rawhide and you want to 
generate template for F16, you can achieve it by

$ gem2rpm -t fedora yourgem-1.0.0.gem

Of course, as always, any bug reports, feature requests or patches 
ideally ;) please submit to the github [1].


[1] https://github.com/lutter/gem2rpm

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