updating gems

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Thu Nov 8 03:12:03 UTC 2012

Before jumping back into isitfedoraruby, I plan on pushing some long
overdue updates to some of the gems I maintain.

The following are on my list:

Must update:
- childprocess: 0.2.0 -> 0.3.6 (BZ #873320, required for rubygem-aruba

Upstream release monitoring
- minitest:        2.10.1 -> 4.2.0  (BZ #798247)
- ruby2ruby:       1.2.4  -> 2.0.1  (BZ #843895)
- ruby_parser:     2.0.4  -> 3.0.1  (BZ #843896, could we use this gem
in gem2rpm?)
- sexp_processor:  3.0.4  -> 4.1.2  (BZ #843897)
- ZenTest:         4.6.2  -> 4.8.2  (BZ #828262)
- sass:            3.1.20 -> 3.2.2  (BZ #847675)
- thor:            0.14.6 -> 0.16.0 (BZ #843898)
--- the following are only point releases so I don't expect any major
problems w/ these:
- webmock:         1.8.7  -> 1.8.11 (BZ #842655)
- haml:            3.1.6  -> 3.1.7  (BZ #847670)
- treetop:         1.4.11 -> 1.4.12 (BZ #871769)
- oauth:           0.4.4  -> 0.4.7  (BZ #746468)
- uuidtools:       2.1.2  -> 2.1.3  (BZ #840762)
- yard:            0.8.2  -> 0.8.3  (BZ #866401)

- authlogic:  3.0.3  -> 3.1.3
- compass:    0.11.5 -> 0.12.2
- cucumber:   1.1.9  -> 1.2.1
- vcr:        1.10.0 -> 2.3.0


Unless there are any objections, I would like to start pushing updates
to rawhide soon (rawhide only). To assist in the update process, I've
whipped up a little script (which you can find here [1]) called the Gem
Rpm Updater, or gru.rb

This script simply wraps some of the fedpkg commands to checkout a gem
from Fedora, download the latest version from rubygems, and updates the
spec file / builds it via koji.

It automates everything up to the git push and official koji build /
tagging. Most likely it won't catch all edge-cases, and some
intervention will be needed, but it spits out any discrepancies in the
process if it notices them, and I'm hoping if we standardize our
workflow enough, this will work w/out intervention for most packages
(perhaps we could offer another level of compliance in or ontop of
Fedora's Ruby guidelines).

I was able to come up with this over the course of a few hours, but if
there is an interest in it, it could be expanded to handle more of the
process. A next logical step could be to integrate David's ruby wrappers
to the Fedora package API [2] to try to match dependencies from rubygem
and fedora in an elegant manner.


[1] https://gist.github.com/4036394
[2] https://github.com/daviddavis/pkgwat

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