[Fwd: Re: Updated Fedora 11 hercules images available]

Harold Grovesteen h.grovsteen at tx.rr.com
Wed Jul 22 09:52:31 UTC 2009

Phil Knirsch wrote:

>On 07/21/2009 12:09 PM, Harold Grovesteen wrote:
>>Thought I would forward this request to this list.  I am with this
>>poster.  It would be great to have something better than vi.  I just
>>completed installing the latest released disk and am about to add a new
>>disk for /home.
>>Is there an FTP server installed?  Better yet, is there a place that has
>>a list of the installed packages?
>>Harold Grovesteen
>Hi Harold.
>As already posted on the marist list, i'll add that as it's really a 
>small and very useful tool that i remember now many people on IBM 
>mainframes use as it's similar to the x3270 consoles.
>Regarding an ftp server, what are you referring here too? For the images 
>we only have the secondary arch spins hosting site at the moment which 
>doesn't have FTP access afaik. For the packages themselves we have our 
>normal fedora repositories along with mirrors, some of which will have 
>FTP access.
>The idea of releasing a list of installed packages though is really 
>good, i'll do that for the next release and will post the current one to 
>the thread on Marist list.
This would have answered my question. What I was asking is if a FTP 
server was already installed on the Fedora 11 image or not that would 
allow Fedora 11 to be a FTP server as opposed to an FTP client. I am 
assuming it has a client installed. Maybe not. Anyway, this list would 
easily answer such questions. Thanks.

>Thanks & regards, Phil

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