[audex] (7 commits) ...Merge changes from F13 to ensure devel branch has bigger NVR.

Adam Tkac atkac at fedoraproject.org
Fri Aug 20 13:02:42 UTC 2010

Summary of changes:

  a10e752... Initialize branch F-13 for audex (*)
  7019242... Added KDE 4.4 compile fix. (*)
  777f5b8... Fixed compile and build issue. (*)
  6a492e7... Hate tagging... (*)
  bbc692c... It didn't read the KDE 44 compile patch, did I not upload t (*)
  63ba0b4... dist-git conversion (*)
  8b44bb1... Merge changes from F13 to ensure devel branch has bigger NV

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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