[euca2ools/f13/master] (7 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into f14

gholms gholms at fedoraproject.org
Fri Mar 4 20:09:18 UTC 2011

Summary of changes:

  c4ec256... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass (*)
  992b9d0... Stop stripping leading '0's from user IDs [LP:479823] (*)
  a01f8b3... Fix bad behavior with user IDs that contain '-' (*)
  41f7cd6... Preserve filesystem labels and UUIDs when bundling [LP:6677 (*)
  82410c4... Fix backtrace when --user-data-file does not exist [LP:7269 (*)
  4c5a4e8... Don't require source subnet when (de)authorizing [LP:725170 (*)
  aa2a69b... Merge branch 'master' into f14 (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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