[rubygem-rails/f15/master] (8 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into f15/master

Vít Ondruch vondruch at fedoraproject.org
Tue Mar 29 08:32:41 UTC 2011

Summary of changes:

  405d5ae... Uploaded new sources. (*)
  06eb81b... Updated to Rails 3.0.5. (*)
  cf0023b... Removed unnecessary Rake dependency. (*)
  03ffe76... Removed unnecessary cleanup. (*)
  66f528f... Use --bindir gem install parameter instead of magick. (*)
  6ccdfee... Do not mess with shebangs. (*)
  3cd35a5... Merge commit '06eb81bb5f21e10bb7b1dfe033bd71ed150962be' int
  2ec1bdd... Merge branch 'master' into f15/master

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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