[perl-Plack/f13/master] (10 commits) ...Merge.

corsepiu corsepiu at fedoraproject.org
Thu Mar 31 05:59:59 UTC 2011

Summary of changes:

  0c540e8... Import. (*)
  c720fc6... - Upstream update. (*)
  c15bb3c... - Upstream update. - Hack around incorrect hard-coded path  (*)
  6baae9d... - Upstream update. (*)
  3f2a83a... - Upstream update. (*)
  4e0a2b3... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass (*)
  29b7739... Upstream update. Reflect upstream not shipping Plack/Handle (*)
  be847e8... Upstream update. (*)
  0b5ed3f... Reflect HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI having entered Fedora (Add  (*)
  0cda016... Merge.

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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