[condor: 7/8] Merge branch 'f15' into f16

tstclair tstclair at fedoraproject.org
Fri Sep 30 18:28:27 UTC 2011

commit ae44ff2051ce4c60a645e4373fca3721c4ee1396
Merge: 660dddf 44dc910
Author: Timothy St. Clair <tstclair at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 30 13:26:22 2011 -0500

    Merge branch 'f15' into f16

 .gitignore           |    5 -
 7.7.0-catch-up.patch |122246 --------------------------------------------------
 cmake_26.patch       |   13 -
 condor.spec          |  300 +-
 sources              |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 122465 deletions(-)
diff --cc condor.spec
index c6517cf,df06a9f..802eaa8
--- a/condor.spec
+++ b/condor.spec
@@@ -1,81 -1,12 +1,61 @@@
- %define tarball_version 7.6.0
+ %define tarball_version 7.7.1
 +# Things for F15 or later
 +%if 0%{?fedora} >= 15
- # NOTE: Condor+gsoap doesn't work yet on F15; ticket not yet upstream AFAIK.  BB
- %define gsoap 0
 +%define deltacloud 1
 +%define aviary 1
 +%define systemd 1
 +%define cgroups 1
++%define qmf 1
- %define gsoap 1
 +%define deltacloud 0
 +%define aviary 0
 +%define systemd 0
 +%define cgroups 0
++%define qmf 0
 +# Things not turned on, or don't have Fedora packages yet
 +%define blahp 0
- %define qmf 0
- %define shared 0
 +# These flags are meant for developers; it allows one to build Condor
 +# based upon a git-derived tarball, instead of an upstream release tarball
 +%define git_build 0
 +# If building with git tarball, Fedora requests us to record the rev.  Use:
 +# git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h'
 +%define git_rev 8b70570
- %define git_build_man 0
- # Determine whether man pages will be included.
- %if !%git_build || (%git_build && %git_build_man)
- %define include_man 1
- %else
- %define include_man 0
- %endif
 +# Special patches must be applied only to RHEL5
 +%if 0%{?el5}
 +%define rhel5 1
 +%define rhel5 0
  Summary: Condor: High Throughput Computing
  Name: condor
- Version: 7.7.0
- # Only edit the %condor_base_release to bump the rev number
- %define condor_base_release 0.5
+ Version: 7.7.1
 -Release: 0.1%{?dist}
++%define condor_base_release 0.1
 +%if %git_build
- %define condor_release %condor_base_release.%{git_rev}git
++	%define condor_release %condor_base_release.%{git_rev}git
- %define condor_release %condor_base_release
++	%define condor_release %condor_base_release
 +Release: %condor_release%{?dist}
  License: ASL 2.0
  Group: Applications/System
  URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/
 +# This allows developers to test the RPM with a non-release, git tarball
 +%if %git_build
 +# git clone http://condor-git.cs.wisc.edu/repos/condor.git
 +# cd condor
 +# git-archive master | gzip -7 > ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/condor.tar.gz
 +Source0: condor.tar.gz
- # Also potentially allow a git-based doc tarball
- %if %git_build_man
- # git clone http://condor-git.cs.wisc.edu/repos/condor_docs.git
- # cd condor
- # git-archive V7_6_0 | gzip -7 > ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/condor_docs.tar.gz
- Source1: condor_docs.tar.gz
- %endif
  # The upstream Condor source tarball contains some source that cannot
  # be shipped as well as extraneous copies of packages the source
  # depends on. Additionally, the upstream Condor source requires a
@@@ -98,58 -29,39 +78,42 @@@
  #   108a4b91cd10deca1554ca1088be6c8c  condor_src-7.4.4-all-all.tar.gz
  #   b482c4bfa350164427a1952113d53d03  condor_src-7.5.5-all-all.tar.gz
  #   2a1355cb24a56a71978d229ddc490bc5  condor_src-7.6.0-all-all.tar.gz
+ #
+ #   From here on out:
+ #     git archive --format=tar --prefix=condor-7.7.1/ V7_7_1 | gzip >condor_src-7.7.1-all-all.tar.gz
+ #
+ #   ecafed3e183e9fc6608dc9e55e4dd59b  condor_src-7.7.1-all-all.tar.gz
  # Note: The md5sum of each generated tarball may be different
- Source0: condor-7.6.0-327697-RH.tar.gz
+ Source0: condor-7.7.1-UPSTREAM-GT.tar.gz
  Source1: generate-tarball.sh
 +%if %systemd
  Source2: %{name}-tmpfiles.conf
 +Source3: condor.service
  Patch0: condor_config.generic.patch
- Patch3: chkconfig_off.patch
- %if !%git_build
- Patch4: 7.7.0-catch-up.patch
- %endif
- %if %shared
- Patch5: condor_shared_libs.patch
- %endif
- %if %rhel5
- Patch6: cmake_26.patch
- %endif
+ Patch1: chkconfig_off.patch
  BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
- BuildRequires: cmake
+ BuildRequires: %_bindir/cmake
  BuildRequires: %_bindir/flex
  BuildRequires: %_bindir/byacc
  BuildRequires: pcre-devel
--#BuildRequires: postgresql-devel
 -#BuildRequires: gsoap-devel >= 2.7.12-1
  BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  BuildRequires: krb5-devel
  BuildRequires: libvirt-devel
  BuildRequires: bind-utils
  BuildRequires: m4
- #BuildRequires: autoconf
  BuildRequires: libX11-devel
- %if %aviary
--BuildRequires: wso2-wsf-cpp-devel
--BuildRequires: wso2-axis2-devel
- %endif
  BuildRequires: /usr/include/curl/curl.h
  BuildRequires: /usr/include/expat.h
- %if %qmf
++BuildRequires: openldap-devel
+ BuildRequires: /usr/include/ldap.h
  BuildRequires: qpid-qmf-devel
- %endif
- %if %deltacloud
  BuildRequires: %_includedir/libdeltacloud/libdeltacloud.h
- %endif
- BuildRequires: openldap-devel
+ BuildRequires: latex2html
  # Globus GSI build requirements
  BuildRequires: globus-gssapi-gsi-devel
@@@ -177,40 -89,10 +141,36 @@@ BuildRequires: globus-ftp-control-deve
  BuildRequires: libtool-ltdl-devel
  BuildRequires: voms-devel
- %if %cgroups
- BuildRequires: libcgroup-devel >= 0.37
++%if %qmf
++BuildRequires: qpid-qmf-devel
- %if %blahp
- BuildRequires: blahp
++%if %deltacloud
++BuildRequires: %_includedir/libdeltacloud/libdeltacloud.h
- %if %qmf
- BuildRequires: qpid-qmf-devel
++%if %aviary
++BuildRequires: wso2-wsf-cpp-devel
++BuildRequires: wso2-axis2-devel
- %if %systemd
- BuildRequires: systemd-units
++%if %cgroups
++BuildRequires: libcgroup-devel >= 0.37
++Requires: libcgroup >= 0.37
- %if %git_build_man
- BuildRequires: transfig
- BuildRequires: latex2html
++%if %blahp
++Requires: blahp >= 1.16.1
- %if %gsoap
- Requires: gsoap >= 2.7.12
++%if %systemd
++BuildRequires: systemd-units
  Requires: mailx
  Requires: python >= 2.2
  Requires: condor-classads = %{version}-%{release}
 +Requires: condor-procd = %{version}-%{release}
- %if %blahp
- Requires: blahp >= 1.16.1
- %endif
- # libcgroup < 0.37 has a bug that invalidates our accounting.
- Requires: libcgroup >= 0.37
  Requires: initscripts
  Requires(pre): shadow-utils
@@@ -243,14 -117,7 +202,15 @@@ chooses when and where to run the jobs 
  monitors their progress, and ultimately informs the user upon
 +%package procd
 +Summary: Condor Process tracking Daemon
 +Group: Applications/System
 +%description procd
 +A daemon for tracking child processes started by a parent.
 +Part of Condor, but able to be stand-alone
+ #######################
 +%if %qmf
  %package qmf
  Summary: Condor QMF components
  Group: Applications/System
@@@ -262,9 -129,8 +222,10 @@@ Obsoletes: condor-qmf-plugin
  %description qmf
  Components to connect Condor to the QMF management bus.
+ #######################
 +%if %aviary
  %package aviary
  Summary: Condor Aviary components
  Group: Applications/System
@@@ -273,8 -139,8 +234,9 @@@ Requires: condor-classads = %{version}-
  %description aviary
  Components to provide simplified WS interface to Condor.
+ #######################
  %package kbdd
  Summary: Condor Keyboard Daemon
  Group: Applications/System
@@@ -299,7 -165,7 +261,8 @@@ The condor_vm-gahp enables the Virtual 
  Condor. The VM Universe uses libvirt to start and control VMs under
  Condor's Startd.
+ #######################
 +%if %deltacloud
  %package deltacloud-gahp
  Summary: Condor's Deltacloud Gahp
  Group: Applications/System
@@@ -308,8 -174,8 +271,9 @@@ Requires: %name = %version-%releas
  %description deltacloud-gahp
  The deltacloud_gahp enables Condor's ability to manage jobs run on
  resources exposed by the deltacloud API.
+ #######################
  %package classads
  Summary: Condor's classified advertisement language
  Group: Development/Libraries
@@@ -358,43 -225,14 +323,24 @@@ exit 
 +%if %git_build
- %if %git_build_man
- %setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{tarball_version} -a 1
- %else
 +%setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{tarball_version}
- %endif
 +# For release tarballs
  %setup -q -n %{name}-%{tarball_version}
- %patch3 -p1
- # Catch-up patch for release tarballs
- %if !%git_build
- %patch4 -p1
- %endif
  %patch0 -p1
- %if %shared
- %patch5 -p1
- %endif
 +%if %rhel5
 +%patch6 -p1
  # fix errant execute permissions
  find src -perm /a+x -type f -name "*.[Cch]" -exec chmod a-x {} \;
- # Possibly build man files
- %if %git_build_man
- pushd doc
- make just-man-pages
- popd
- %endif
@@@ -410,37 -244,15 +352,33 @@@
 +%if %aviary
 +%if %qmf
 +%if %deltacloud
 +%if %cgroups
 +       -DLIBCGROUP_FOUND_SEARCH_cgroup=/%{_lib}/libcgroup.so.1
- # NOTE: I used to have these.  Check to see if they are still needed
- #       -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF \
  make %{?_smp_mflags}
@@@ -463,16 -275,11 +401,13 @@@ populate %_sysconfdir/condor %{buildroo
  # Things in /usr/lib really belong in /usr/share/condor
  populate %{_datadir}/condor %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/lib/*
 -# Except for libclassad
 +# Except for the shared libs
  populate %{_libdir}/ %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/condor/libclassad.so*
 -rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/condor/libclassad.a
 +rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/condor/libclassads.a
- %if %shared
- mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/lib*.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/
- %endif
 +%if %aviary || %qmf
  populate %{_libdir}/condor/plugins %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/libexec/*-plugin.so
  # It is proper to put Condor specific libexec binaries under libexec/condor/
  populate %_libexecdir/condor %{buildroot}/usr/libexec/*
@@@ -513,11 -311,8 +439,12 @@@ sed -e "s:^LIB\s*=.*:LIB = \$(RELEASE_D
  mkdir -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/condor/config.d
  cp %{buildroot}/etc/examples/condor_config.local %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/condor/config.d/00personal_condor.config
 +%if %qmf
  # Install condor-qmf's base plugin configuration
  populate %_sysconfdir/condor/config.d %{buildroot}/etc/examples/60condor-qmf.config
 +%if %aviary
  # Install condor-aviary's base plugin configuration
  populate %_sysconfdir/condor/config.d %{buildroot}/etc/examples/61aviary.config
@@@ -530,24 -324,8 +457,25 @@@ mkdir -p -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/ru
  mkdir -p -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/log/condor
  mkdir -p -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lock/condor
  mkdir -p -m1777 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lock/condor/local
 -mkdir -p -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/condor/spool
 -mkdir -p -m1777 %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/condor/execute
 +# Note we use %{_var}/lib instead of %{_sharedstatedir} for RHEL5 compatibility
 +mkdir -p -m0755 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/condor/spool
 +mkdir -p -m1777 %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/condor/execute
- cat >> %{buildroot}/%_var/lib/condor/condor_config.local << EOF
- COLLECTOR_NAME = Personal Condor
++## NOTE: This type of config mod should be contained in the patch 
++##       process.  
++#cat >> %{buildroot}/%_var/lib/condor/condor_config.local << EOF
++#COLLECTOR_NAME = Personal Condor
 +# this gets around a bug whose fix is not yet merged
- echo "TRUST_UID_DOMAIN = TRUE" >> %{buildroot}/%_var/lib/condor/condor_config.local
++#echo "TRUST_UID_DOMAIN = TRUE" >> %{buildroot}/%_var/lib/condor/condor_config.local
  # no master shutdown program for now
  rm %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/condor_set_shutdown
@@@ -602,55 -375,6 +530,56 @@@ install -Dp -m0755 %{buildroot}/etc/exa
  # we must place the config examples in builddir so %doc can find them
  mv %{buildroot}/etc/examples %_builddir/%name-%tarball_version
++## NOTE: commented out b/c full-deploy=false
 +# Remove stuff that comes from the full-deploy
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/cleanup_release
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_cleanup_local
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_cold_start
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_cold_stop
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_config_bind
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_configure
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_credd
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_install
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_install_local
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_local_start
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_local_stop
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_startd_factory
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_vm-gahp-vmware
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/condor_vm_vmware.pl
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/filelock_midwife
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/filelock_undertaker
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/install_release
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/uniq_pid_command
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/uniq_pid_midwife
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/uniq_pid_undertaker
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/Execute.pm
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/ExecuteLock.pm
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/FileLock.pm
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_usrsrc}/chirp/chirp_*
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_usrsrc}/startd_factory
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/DOC
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/INSTALL
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/LICENSE-2.0.txt
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/README
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/examples/
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/MyString.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/chirp_client.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/compat_classad*
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/condor_classad.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/condor_constants.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/condor_event.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/condor_header_features.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/condor_holdcodes.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/file_lock.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/iso_dates.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/read_user_log.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/stl_string_utils.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/user_log.README
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/user_log.c++.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/write_user_log.h
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/condor/bgp_*
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/libchirp_client.a
 +rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/condor/libcondorapi.a
  rm -rf %{buildroot}
@@@ -684,11 -404,9 +613,6 @@@
  %dir %_sysconfdir/condor/config.d/
- %if %gsoap
- %dir %_datadir/condor/webservice/
- %_datadir/condor/webservice/condorCollector.wsdl
- %_datadir/condor/webservice/condorSchedd.wsdl
- %endif
 -#%dir %_datadir/condor/webservice/
  %dir %_libexecdir/condor/
@@@ -834,37 -546,11 +750,19 @@@
  %dir %_var/lib/condor/execute/
  %dir %_var/log/condor/
  %dir %_var/lib/condor/spool/
- %dir %_var/lock/condor/
- %dir %_var/run/condor/
- #%files static
- #%defattr(-,root,root,-)
- #%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt
- #%_libdir/libcondorapi.a
- #%dir %_includedir/condor/
- #%_includedir/condor/condor_constants.h
- #%_includedir/condor/condor_event.h
- #%_includedir/condor/condor_holdcodes.h
- #%_includedir/condor/file_lock.h
- #%_includedir/condor/user_log.c++.h
- #%doc %_includedir/condor/user_log.README
- #%dir %_usrsrc/chirp/
- #%_usrsrc/chirp/chirp_client.c
- #%_usrsrc/chirp/chirp_client.h
- #%_usrsrc/chirp/chirp_protocol.h
+ %ghost %dir %_var/lock/condor/
+ %ghost %dir %_var/run/condor/
 +%files procd
- %if %include_man
- %_mandir/man1/procd_ctl.1.gz
- %_mandir/man1/gidd_alloc.1.gz
- %endif
+ #################
 +%if %qmf
  %files qmf
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
@@@ -879,9 -565,9 +777,10 @@@
+ #################
 +%if %aviary
  %files aviary
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
@@@ -904,14 -590,16 +803,15 @@@
+ #################
  %files kbdd
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
+ #################
  %files vm-gahp
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
@@@ -920,25 -608,23 +820,22 @@@
+ #################
 +%if %deltacloud
  %files deltacloud-gahp
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
+ #################
  %files classads
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
- %_libdir/libclassad.so.1
- %_libdir/libclassad.so.1.1.0
- # That's right; the internal library that Condor statically linked against
- # is called classads, while the exported one is classad.  Hopefully this
- # is resolved as the shared lib work is upstreamed.  For now, we deal.
- %if %shared
- %_libdir/libclassads.so
- %endif
+ %_libdir/libclassad.so.2
+ %_libdir/libclassad.so.2.0.0
+ #################
  %files classads-devel
  %doc LICENSE-2.0.txt NOTICE.txt
@@@ -1015,7 -673,7 +912,6 @@@ f
  #   restorecon  %_sbindir/condor_startd
  %preun -n condor
  if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
    /sbin/service condor stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
@@@ -1028,15 -686,24 +924,19 @@@ if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; the
    /sbin/service condor condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+ * Fri Sep 16 2011 <tstclair at redhat.com> - 7.7.1-0.1
+ - Fast forward to 7.7.1 official release tag V7_7_1
+ - ghost var/lock and var/run in spec (BZ656562)
 -* Wed Aug 10 2011 <tstclair at redhat.com> - 7.7.0-0.7
 -- Rebuild for libdeltacloud mods
 -* Wed Aug 10 2011 <tstclair at redhat.com> - 7.7.0-0.6
 -- Rebuild for libdeltacloud mods
 +* Tue Jun  8 2011 <bbockelm at cse.unl.edu> - 7.7.0-0.5
 +- Start to break build products into conditionals for future EPEL5 support.
 +- Begun integration of a systemd service file.
 -* Tue Jun 14 2011 <matt at redhat> - 7.7.0-0.5
 -- Enabled condor-qmf package
 -* Wed Jun  8 2011 <matt at redhat> - 7.7.0-0.4
 -- Install SOURCE2 instead of SOURCE1 into tmpfiles.d
 -- Removed unused condor_config.local
 +* Tue Jun  7 2011 <matt at redhat> - 7.7.0-0.4
 +- Added tmpfiles.d/condor.conf (BZ711456)
  * Tue Jun  7 2011 <matt at redhat> - 7.7.0-0.3
  - Fast forward to 7.7.0 pre-release at 1babb324

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