[travelccm/el5] (16 commits) ...Adapted the RPM specification file to EPEL 5.

Denis Arnaud denisarnaud at fedoraproject.org
Tue Dec 25 13:36:17 UTC 2012

Summary of changes:

  f0470d5... Integrated feedback from review requests: #732218, #728649  (*)
  c877c5f... Rebuild for the new 0.43.0 version of the StdAir package (*)
  f5e70bc... Rebuilt for the new soci-3.1.0 and stdair-0.44.0 packages (*)
  f316c10... [Sources] Uploaded the travelccm-0.5.2 tar-ball. (*)
  01b3903... Rebuild for the new Boost-1.48.0 (*)
  9fc2d59... Upstream update (*)
  f4ee547... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass (*)
  53a4b8c... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass (*)
  2d9f242... Rebuilt for new Boost 1.50.0. (*)
  741de17... Rebuilt for new Boost 1.50.0. (*)
  0fdc374... Upstream update (*)
  166a4b1... Upstream update (*)
  3203c72... Removed unused parts (merged from the f18 branch) of the ch (*)
  112375e... Upstream update (*)
  dc3ae09... Merge branch 'el6' into el5
  b54c0ea... Adapted the RPM specification file to EPEL 5.

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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