[libreport/f19] Remove useless items from BZ, add reporter version, update translation

Jakub Filak jfilak at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 3 11:56:38 UTC 2013

commit ceb0446354ddb059dcc86e228238e569df8a2294
Author: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri May 3 13:42:59 2013 +0200

    Remove useless items from BZ, add reporter version, update translation

 ...gzilla-support-new-format-keyword-reporte.patch |   87 +
 ...gzilla-remove-recently-added-aux.-files-f.patch |   61 +
 ...d-or-install-any-piece-of-BZ-when-without.patch |   73 +
 ...d-or-install-BZ-dependencies-when-without.patch |  157 +
 0006-updated-translation.patch                     |89306 ++++++++++++++++++++
 libreport.spec                                     |   18 +-
 6 files changed, 89701 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/0001-reporter-bugzilla-support-new-format-keyword-reporte.patch b/0001-reporter-bugzilla-support-new-format-keyword-reporte.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c82f5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0001-reporter-bugzilla-support-new-format-keyword-reporte.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+From 9d294341f62be3d3e2716eb6111cfe61a21d9c99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:54:22 +0200
+Subject: [LIBREPORT PATCH 1/6] reporter-bugzilla: support new format keyword
+ %reporter
+Readd lost information essential for bug fixing.
+Example of line added to a bug report:
+reporter:    libreport-
+Related to #155
+Signed-off-by: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Martin Milata <mmilata at redhat.com>
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf           | 1 +
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_format_kernel.conf    | 2 +-
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf | 1 +
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf        | 1 +
+ src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c            | 4 ++++
+ 5 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
+index b06e68a..f668d17 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Additional info:: \
+ 	-analyzer,-count,-duphash,-uuid,-abrt_version,\
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+ 	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
++	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
+ Truncated backtrace:: %bare_%short_backtrace
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_kernel.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_kernel.conf
+index c32e424..e46af89 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_kernel.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_kernel.conf
+@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@
+ Description of problem:: %bare_comment
+-Additional info:: %bare_backtrace
++Additional info:: %reporter, %bare_backtrace
+ %attach:: dmesg
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
+index e5b3870..40428a5 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
+@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ Additional info:: \
+ 	-analyzer,-count,-duphash,-uuid,-abrt_version,\
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+ 	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
++	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
+ Truncated backtrace:: %bare_%short_backtrace
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
+index 2ec183e..99f63c2 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
+@@ -49,4 +49,5 @@
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+ 	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
+ 	-var_log_messages,\
++	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
+diff --git a/src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c b/src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c
+index e9e0a70..d0e04b6 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c
++++ b/src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c
+@@ -436,6 +436,10 @@ int append_item(struct strbuf *result, const char *item_name, problem_data_t *pd
+     if (strcmp(item_name, "%short_backtrace") == 0)
+         return append_short_backtrace(result, pd, CD_TEXT_ATT_SIZE_BZ, print_item_name);
++    /* Compat with previously-existed ad-hockery: %reporter */
++    if (strcmp(item_name, "%reporter") == 0)
++        return append_text(result, "reporter", PACKAGE"-"VERSION, print_item_name);
+     /* %oneline,%multiline,%text */
+     bool oneline   = (strcmp(item_name+1, "oneline"  ) == 0);
+     bool multiline = (strcmp(item_name+1, "multiline") == 0);
diff --git a/0002-reporter-bugzilla-remove-recently-added-aux.-files-f.patch b/0002-reporter-bugzilla-remove-recently-added-aux.-files-f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c0fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0002-reporter-bugzilla-remove-recently-added-aux.-files-f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From 68a5b3036bb7d4b4b095a34d85a8873bcb5a442b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:54:23 +0200
+Subject: [LIBREPORT PATCH 2/6] reporter-bugzilla: remove recently added aux.
+ files from bz reports
+last_occurrence - holds a time stamp of last problem occurrence
+ureports_counter - holds a number of sent ureports
+Closes #155
+Signed-off-by: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Martin Milata <mmilata at redhat.com>
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf           | 2 +-
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf | 2 +-
+ src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf        | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
+index f668d17..cad5876 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Additional info:: \
+ 		-component,-architecture,\
+ 	-analyzer,-count,-duphash,-uuid,-abrt_version,\
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+-	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
++	-time,-pid,-pwd,-last_occurrence,-ureports_counter,\
+ 	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
+index 40428a5..2ecdf6f 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_format_libreport.conf
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Additional info:: \
+ 		-component,-architecture,\
+ 	-analyzer,-count,-duphash,-uuid,-abrt_version,\
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+-	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
++	-time,-pid,-pwd,-last_occurrence,-ureports_counter,\
+ 	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
+diff --git a/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf b/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
+index 99f63c2..f5e89f7 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
++++ b/src/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup.conf
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+ 		-component,-architecture,\
+ 	-analyzer,-count,-duphash,-uuid,-abrt_version,\
+ 	-username,-hostname,-os_release,-os_info,\
+-	-time,-pid,-pwd,\
++	-time,-pid,-pwd,-last_occurrence,-ureports_counter,\
+ 	-var_log_messages,\
+ 	%reporter,\
+ 	%oneline
diff --git a/0003-do-not-build-or-install-any-piece-of-BZ-when-without.patch b/0003-do-not-build-or-install-any-piece-of-BZ-when-without.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bbee08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0003-do-not-build-or-install-any-piece-of-BZ-when-without.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From ba41acbee0b8d65ccfac89265a2b6e84c6e0bf7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michal Toman <mtoman at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 09:20:34 +0200
+Subject: [LIBREPORT PATCH 3/6] do not build or install any piece of BZ when
+ --without-bugzilla
+Signed-off-by: Michal Toman <mtoman at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jiri Moskovcak <jmoskovc at redhat.com>
+ configure.ac            | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/plugins/Makefile.am |  5 ++---
+ 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 67310d1..179add8 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -104,8 +104,31 @@ XMLRPC_CLIENT_CFLAGS=`xmlrpc-c-config client --cflags 2> /dev/null`
+ XMLRPC_CLIENT_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config client --libs 2> /dev/null`
++# enable bugzilla translations
++for FILE in `grep "#.*ugzilla.*" po/POTFILES.in`
++  sed -ie "s,$FILE,${FILE:1}," po/POTFILES.in
++  sed -ie "\,^${FILE:1}$,d" po/POTFILES.skip
+ else
++# disablie bugzilla translations
++for FILE in `grep "ugzilla" po/POTFILES.in`
++  if test "${FILE:0:1}" = "#"
++  then
++    continue
++  fi
++  sed -ie "s,$FILE,#$FILE," po/POTFILES.in
++  grep "$FILE" po/POTFILES.skip > /dev/null 2>&1
++  if test $?
++  then
++    echo "$FILE" >> po/POTFILES.skip
++  fi
+ fi dnl end NO_BUGZILLA
+ AC_PATH_PROG([PYTHON_CONFIG], [python-config], [no])
+diff --git a/src/plugins/Makefile.am b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+index 79fe9d2..16ff97c 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+@@ -62,14 +62,13 @@ eventsconfdir = $(EVENTS_CONF_DIR)
+ dist_eventsconf_DATA = \
+     mailx_event.conf \
+     print_event.conf \
+-    bugzilla_event.conf \
+     rhtsupport_event.conf \
+     uploader_event.conf \
+-    emergencyanalysis_event.conf \
+-    bugzilla_anaconda_event.conf
++    emergencyanalysis_event.conf
+ reporters_extra_dist =
++dist_eventsconf_DATA += bugzilla_event.conf bugzilla_anaconda_event.conf
+ reporters_extra_dist += report_Bugzilla.xml.in report_Bugzilla.conf
+ endif
diff --git a/0004-do-not-build-or-install-BZ-dependencies-when-without.patch b/0004-do-not-build-or-install-BZ-dependencies-when-without.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb66c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0004-do-not-build-or-install-BZ-dependencies-when-without.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+From 96f766fbf741ebef67d9ef3aa9256f9e94bd24be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michal Toman <mtoman at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 09:20:35 +0200
+Subject: [LIBREPORT PATCH 4/6] do not build or install BZ dependencies when
+ --without-bugzilla
+Signed-off-by: Michal Toman <mtoman at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jiri Moskovcak <jmoskovc at redhat.com>
+ configure.ac              |  8 ++++----
+ doc/Makefile.am           |  2 +-
+ src/plugins/Makefile.am   |  9 ++++++---
+ src/workflows/Makefile.am | 22 +++++++++++++++++-----
+ 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 179add8..cef8b64 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ XMLRPC_CLIENT_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config client --libs 2> /dev/null`
+-# enable bugzilla translations
+-for FILE in `grep "#.*ugzilla.*" po/POTFILES.in`
++# enable bugzilla & deps translations
++for FILE in `grep -e "#.*ugzilla.*" -e "#.*naconda.*" po/POTFILES.in`
+ do
+   sed -ie "s,$FILE,${FILE:1}," po/POTFILES.in
+   sed -ie "\,^${FILE:1}$,d" po/POTFILES.skip
+@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ done
+ else
+-# disablie bugzilla translations
+-for FILE in `grep "ugzilla" po/POTFILES.in`
++# disablie bugzilla & deps translations
++for FILE in `grep -e "ugzilla" -e "naconda" po/POTFILES.in`
+ do
+   if test "${FILE:0:1}" = "#"
+   then
+diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
+index fc5241d..b52a043 100644
+--- a/doc/Makefile.am
++++ b/doc/Makefile.am
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ MAN1_TXT += report-cli.txt
+ MAN1_TXT += reporter-bugzilla.txt
++MAN1_TXT += report.txt
+ endif
+ MAN1_TXT += reporter-kerneloops.txt
+@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ MAN1_TXT += reporter-mailx.txt
+ MAN1_TXT += reporter-print.txt
+ MAN1_TXT += reporter-rhtsupport.txt
+ MAN1_TXT += reporter-upload.txt
+-MAN1_TXT += report.txt
+ MAN5_TXT =
+ MAN5_TXT += report_event.conf.txt
+diff --git a/src/plugins/Makefile.am b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+index 16ff97c..129b436 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ pluginslibdir = $(PLUGINS_LIB_DIR)
+ reporters_bin =
+-reporters_bin += reporter-bugzilla
++reporters_bin += \
++    reporter-bugzilla \
++    report
+ endif
+@@ -14,8 +16,7 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = $(reporters_bin) \
+     reporter-kerneloops \
+     reporter-upload \
+     reporter-mailx \
+-    reporter-print \
+-    report
++    reporter-print
+ pluginsconfdir = $(PLUGINS_CONF_DIR)
+@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ reporter_print_CPPFLAGS = \
+ reporter_print_LDADD = \
+     ../lib/libreport.la
+ report_SOURCES = \
+     report.c
+ report_CPPFLAGS = \
+@@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ report_CPPFLAGS = \
+ report_LDADD = \
+     ../lib/libreport.la
+ reporter_ureport_SOURCES = \
+diff --git a/src/workflows/Makefile.am b/src/workflows/Makefile.am
+index 17e3f1a..45ba7e0 100644
+--- a/src/workflows/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/workflows/Makefile.am
+@@ -3,30 +3,42 @@ workflowsdir = $(WORKFLOWS_DIR)
+ dist_workflows_DATA = \
+     workflow_Fedora.xml \
+     workflow_Upload.xml \
+-    workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml \
+-    workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml \
+     workflow_RHELCCpp.xml \
+     workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml \
+     workflow_RHELPython.xml \
+     workflow_RHELvmcore.xml \
+     workflow_RHELxorg.xml
++dist_workflows_DATA += \
++    workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml \
++    workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml
+ workflowsconfdir = $(WORKFLOWS_CONF_DIR)
+ dist_workflowsconf_DATA =\
+     report_fedora.conf \
+-    anaconda_event.conf \
+     report_rhel.conf
++dist_workflowsconf_DATA += \
++    anaconda_event.conf
+     workflow_Fedora.xml.in \
+     workflow_Upload.xml.in \
+-    workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in \
+-    workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in \
+     workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in \
+     workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in \
+     workflow_RHELPython.xml.in \
+     workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in \
+     workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in
++    workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in \
++    workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in
diff --git a/0006-updated-translation.patch b/0006-updated-translation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0260cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0006-updated-translation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,89306 @@
+From 612f850a8bf306ab7963d28892f708632ef0ec4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 09:51:23 +0200
+Subject: [LIBREPORT PATCH 6/6] updated translation
+Related to rhbz#951416
+Signed-off-by: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>
+ po/ar.po       |  872 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/as.po       |  888 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/bg.po       |  914 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/bn_IN.po    |  896 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/bs.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/ca.po       |  876 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/cs.po       |  925 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/da.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/de.po       | 1008 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/el.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/en_GB.po    |  874 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/es.po       | 1004 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/eu.po       |  862 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/fa.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/fi.po       |  900 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/fr.po       | 1100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
+ po/ga.po       |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/gu.po       |  888 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/he.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/hi.po       |  894 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/hu.po       |  980 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/ia.po       |  914 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/id.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/is.po       |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/it.po       |  960 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ po/ja.po       |  929 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/kn.po       |  888 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/ko.po       |  890 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/lv.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/mai.po      |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/ml.po       |  894 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/mr.po       |  888 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/nb.po       |  868 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/nds.po      |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/nl.po       |  992 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/nn.po       |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/or.po       |  914 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/pa.po       |  892 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/pl.po       |  992 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/pt.po       |  890 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/pt_BR.po    | 1076 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
+ po/ru.po       |  918 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/sk.po       |  890 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/sr.po       |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/sr at latin.po |  864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/sv.po       |  874 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/ta.po       |  892 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/te.po       |  888 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/tr.po       |  905 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/uk.po       |  991 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ po/vi.po       |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/zh_CN.po    |  934 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ po/zh_HK.po    |  858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/zh_TW.po    | 1002 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ 54 files changed, 30366 insertions(+), 18584 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/po/ar.po b/po/ar.po
+index e937f0d..ef89277 100644
+--- a/po/ar.po
++++ b/po/ar.po
+@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Med Touhami MAHDI <>, 2012.
+-# <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-#   <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# غعس <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Med Touhami MAHDI <>, 2012
++# yusuf2011 <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012
++# yusuf2011 <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012
++# yusuf2011 <ys9889 at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Arabic <trans-ar at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -24,50 +24,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "اعرض الإصدارة و اخرج"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "\"غير تبادلي : لا تسأل أسئلة، تفترض \"نعم"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -118,136 +109,98 @@ msgstr "# حزمة"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# سبب العطل"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# اسم إصدار نظام التشغيل"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "غير قادر علي تشغيل فيم (vim): لم يتم تعيين المتغيرات $TERM , $VISUAL , $EDITOR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nحٌدّث التقرير"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nلم يتم العثور علي تغييرات في التقرير"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "ن"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "ل"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "لقد اخترت عددا خارج النطاق"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(لا وصف)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "إرسال التقرير..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "كيف تريد للإبلاغ عن المشكلة؟"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "اختر تقريرًا(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -256,28 +209,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -285,56 +242,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -383,57 +340,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -441,7 +397,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -449,170 +405,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(لا وصف)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "يتضمن"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "الاسم:"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "قيمة"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -647,7 +628,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -704,16 +685,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "إذا كنت تريد تقرير المشكلة إلى جهة مختلفة، وجمع معلومات إضافية ، أو توفير وصف أفضل المشكلة ثمتكرار عملية إعداد التقارير ، اضغط على \"إلى الأمام\"."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -722,6 +703,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "ن"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "ل"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -736,11 +725,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "قيمة إجبارية ناقصة"
+@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "بيانات التقفِّي غير كاملة, رجاءا تأكد أنّك توضّح خطوات إعادة تكرار العطل."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -797,33 +797,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "استعمال"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -878,11 +931,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -906,44 +1007,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -979,121 +1080,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1139,7 +1252,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1166,26 +1279,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1197,79 +1310,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1290,7 +1405,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1411,6 +1526,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "عنوان"
+@@ -1425,6 +1541,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1441,130 +1567,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "كيف تريد للإبلاغ عن المشكلة؟"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1599,9 +1782,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1618,3 +1804,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po
+index 2cf4df9..e7e96c5 100644
+--- a/po/as.po
++++ b/po/as.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Nilamdyuti Goswami <ngoswami at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# ngoswami <ngoswami at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Assamese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/as/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "সম্ভাব্য ঘটনাসমূহ তালিকাভুক্ত কৰক [যি PREFIX -ৰ সৈতে আৰম্ভ হয়]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "সংস্কৰণ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক আৰু প্ৰস্থান কৰক"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "অভাৱ-বিনিময়ী: প্ৰশ্ন নোসোধিব,  'yes'  ধৰি লওক"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog লে লগ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "লগ লে প্ৰগ্ৰামৰ নামসমূহ যোগ কৰক"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# পেকেইজ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# ক্ৰেষৰ কাৰণ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# অপাৰেটিং চিস্টেমৰ উন্মোচন  স্ট্ৰিং"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi চলাব নোৱাৰি: $TERM, $VISUAL আৰু $EDITOR সংহতি কৰা হোৱা নাই"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nআবেদনপত্ৰটো আপডেইট কৰা হৈছে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nআবেদনপত্ৰটোত কোনো পৰিৱৰ্তন পোৱে যোৱা নাছিল"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "আপোনাৰ ইনপুট বৈধ নহয়, কাৰণ:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' -ৰ বাবে বেয়া মান: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "আপুনি কিধৰণে সমস্যাটো বিশ্লেষণ কৰিব বিচাৰে?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "বিশ্লেষখ বাছক: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "আপুনি নম্বৰ বিস্তাৰৰ বাহিৰ বাছিছে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "অবৈধ ইনপুট, প্ৰগ্ৰাম প্ৰস্থান কৰি আছে..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "কি অতিৰিক্ত তথ্য আপুনি সংগ্ৰহ কৰিব বিচাৰে?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "সংগ্ৰহকাৰী(সমূহ) নিৰ্বাচন কৰে: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(কোনো বিৱৰণ নাই)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "অতিৰিক্ত তথ্য সংগ্ৰহ কৰোতে %d ত্ৰুটিসমূহ আছিল\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "জনোৱা হৈ আছে..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "আপুনি কিধৰণে সমস্যা সংবাদন কৰিব বিচাৰে?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "সাংবাদিক(সমূহ) বাছক: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "সমস্যা %d সংবাদ ঘটনাসমূহৰে সংবাদন কৰা হৈছে (%d ত্ৰুটিসমূহ)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} ৰ পৰা cpio নিষ্কাষণ কৰা"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' লে লিখিব নোৱাৰি: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "পেকেইজ '{0}' নিষ্কাষণ কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1} ৰ পৰা বনোৱা {0} ৰ পৰা নথিপত্ৰসমূহ ক্যাশ কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ৰ পৰা নথিপত্ৰসমূহ নিষ্কাষণ কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' আতৰাব নোৱাৰি: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({1} ৰ {0}) {2} ডাউনল'ড কৰা হৈ আছে: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum আৰম্ভ কৰা হৈছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum আৰম্ভ কৰোতে ত্ৰুটি (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum ভঁৰালসমূহ সংস্থাপন কৰা"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} সংস্থাপন কৰিব নোৱাৰি: {1}, অসামৰ্থবান কৰা হৈছে"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "{0} সংস্থাপন কৰিব নোৱাৰি: {1}, অ
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "ভঁৰালসমূহত প্ৰয়োজনীয় পেকেইজসমূহ বিচাৰি চোৱা হৈছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "মেটাডাটা উদ্ধাৰ কৰোতে ত্ৰুটি: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "নথিপত্ৰতালিকাসমূহ উদ্ধাৰ কৰোতে ত্ৰুটি: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo নথিপত্ৰসমূহৰ বাবে পেকেইজসমূহ বিচাৰি পোৱা নাযায়"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ডাউনল'ড কৰিব লগিয়া পেকেইজ: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ডাউনল'ড কৰা হৈছে, ইনস্টল'ড আকাৰ: {1:.2f}Mb। আগবাঢ়িব নে?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ডাউনল'ড ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী দ্বাৰা বাতিল কৰা হৈছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "পেকেইজ {0} ডাউনল'ড ব্যৰ্থ হল"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "আনপেক কৰা ব্যৰ্থ হল, ডাউনল'ড বাদ দিয়া হৈ আছে..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} আতৰোৱা হৈছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s আতৰাব নোৱাৰি, সম্ভবত এটা ত্ৰুটি লগ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰে"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "মোক আকৌ নুসুধিব"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ডসমূহ সংৰক্ষণ নকৰি
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "বৈকল্পিক GUI নথিপত্ৰ"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "সংবাদনৰ পিছত DIR আতৰাব"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s সংৰূপণ কৰক (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "লিখিব পৰা ডাইৰেকটৰিৰ প্ৰয়োজন, কিন্তু '%s' লিখিব নোৱাৰি। ইয়াক '%s' লে লিখি স্থানান্তৰ কৰা তথ্যত কাৰ্য্য কৰিব নে?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "এটা লিখনী নথিপত্ৰ দৰ্শন কৰক/সম্পাদন কৰক"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(চাবলে/সম্পাদন কৰিবলে ইয়াত ক্লিক কৰক)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(বাইনাৰি নথিপত্ৰ, %llu বাইটসমূহ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(কোনো বিৱৰণ নাই)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu বাইটসমূহ, %u নথিপত্ৰসমূহ"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "'%s' ঘটনাৰ বাবে কোনো প্ৰক্ৰিয়া দিয়া হোৱা নাই"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "সম্ভাব্য সংবেদ্য তথ্য চিনাক্ত কৰা হৈছে, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি উজ্জ্বলকৰণ টেবসমূহ সঠিকভাৱে পুনৰদৰ্শন কৰক।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' এটা সাধাৰণ নথিপত্ৰ নহয়"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "আপুনি এটা নথিপত্ৰক নিজৰ মাজত কপি কৰিব বিচাৰিছে"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' কপি কৰিব নোৱাৰি: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "বস্তু '%s' ইতিমধ্যৈ অস্তিত্ববান আৰু সলনি কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰক"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "নাম"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "মান"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "সমস্যা বিৱৰণ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "অতিৰিক্ত তথ্য প্ৰদান কৰক"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "তথ্য পুনৰদৰ্শন কৰক"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "তথ্যক সংবাদলে সুনিশ্চিত কৰক"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "যদি আপুনি সমস্যাক এটা অন্য গন্তব্যলে সংবাদন কৰিব বিচাৰে, অতিৰিক্ত তথ্য সংগ্ৰহ কৰক, অথবা এটা উন্নত সমস্যা বিৱৰণ প্ৰদান কৰক আৰু সংবাদন প্ৰক্ৰিয়া পুনৰ পৰিৱেশন কৰক, 'আগলৈ' দবাওক।"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "আপল'ড কৰা হল: %llu kbytes -ৰ %llu"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s -ক %s -লে পঠোৱা হৈ আছে"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "সফলভাৱে %s -ক %s -লে পঠোৱা হল"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "বাধ্যতামুলক মান সন্ধানহীন"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "backtrace টো অসমপূৰ্ণ, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি নিশ্চিত কৰক পুনৰ উৎপাদন কৰিবলে আপুনি পৰ্যায়সমূহৰ যোগান দিছে।"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "প্ৰয়োজনীয় উপাদান '%s' সন্ধানহিন, আগবাঢ়িব নোৱাৰি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "কেইচ সৃষ্টিত ত্ৰুটি: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "কেইচ সৃষ্টি, HTTP ক'ডত ত্ৰুটি: %d, চাৰ্ভাৰে কয়: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "কেইচ সৃষ্টি, HTTP ক'ডত ত্ৰুটি: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "কেইচ সৃষ্টিত ত্ৰুটি: কোনো অৱস্থান URL, HTTP ক'ড: %d নাই"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL কি বৈধতা নিৰীক্ষণ কৰক"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS উন্মোচন স্ট্ৰিং"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "যদি আপুনি /etc/system-release নথিপত্ৰ সলনি কৰিছে তেতিয়াহে ইয়াক ধাৰ্য্য কৰক"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' অথবা 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "টিকেট/কেইচ ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s -ত Bugzilla লে লগিন কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "সংৰূপ নথিপত্ৰ (কেইবাবাৰো দিব পৰা যাব)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEসমূহক এটাচ কৰক [এই ID -ৰ সৈতে বাগলে]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "এটা বাগ সৃষ্টি কৰোতে, বাইনাৰি নথিপত্ৰসমূহ সংলঘ্ন কৰিব"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "সংবাদন বলৱৎ কৰক যদিও এই সমস্যা ইতিমধ্যে সংবাদিত"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "লগ আউট কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "প্ৰতিলিপিসমূহৰ বাবে নিৰীক্ষণ কৰা হৈ আছে"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "এটা নতুন বাগ সৃষ্টি কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "বাগ %i লে এটাচমেন্টসমূহ যোগ কৰা"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "বাগ ইতিমধ্যে সংবাদিত: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "বাগ %d লে এটা নতুন মন্তব্য যোগ কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "বাগ ইতিহাসত একেটা মন্তব্য পোৱা গল, এটা নতুন যোগ কৰা হোৱা নাই"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "উন্নত বেকট্ৰেইচ সংলঘ্ন কৰা"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "বাগ ইতিহাসত একেটা মন্তব্য পোৱা গল, এটা নতুন যোগ কৰা হোৱা নাই"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "অৱস্থা: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nই-মেইলৰ সহায়ত এটা সমস্যা ডাইৰেকটৰি DIR লে সমলসমূহ প্ৰেৰণ কৰে\n\nযদি ধাৰ্য্যত নাথাকে, CONFFILE অবিকল্পিত হয় "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "সংৰূপ নথিপত্ৰ"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "সংযোজন কৰক, অথবা FILE অভাৰৰাইট
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR -ত reported_to সৃষ্টি কৰক"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী দ্বাৰা বাতিল কৰা হৈছে।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s' ক লিখাৰ বাবে খোলিব নোৱাৰি। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি অন্য নথিপত্ৰ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "সংবাদ %s -ত সংযোজন কৰা হৈছিল"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "সংবাদ %s -ত সংৰক্ষণ কৰা হৈছিল"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRHTSupport লে এটা সমস্যা সংবাদন কৰে।\n\nযদি ধাৰ্য্যত নাথাকে, CONFFILE অবিকল্পিত হয় "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEসমূহক আপল'ড কৰে [এই ID -ৰ লগত কেইচ কৰিবলে]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "ৰিক্ত RHTS লগিন অথবা পাছৱাৰ্ড"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' -ক কেইচ  '%s' -লে এটাচ কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "তথ্য সংকোচন কৰা হৈ আছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp -ত এটা অস্থায়ী ডাইৰেকটৰি সৃষ্টি কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp -ত অস্থায়ী নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "আপুনি তথাপিও এটা RHTSupport টিকেট সৃষ্টি কৰিব বিচাৰে নে?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "এটা নতুন কেইচ সৃষ্টি কৰা হৈ আছে..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "তথ্যচিত্ৰ যি প্ৰাসংগিক হব 
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "আপডেইটসমূহ যি সম্ভবত সহায়ক হব পাৰে: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s -ক %s -লে পঠোৱা হৈ আছে"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "সফলভাৱে %s -ক %s -লে পঠোৱা হল"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "আৰ্কাইভ সৃষ্টি কৰা হল: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nসমস্যা ডাইৰেকটৰি DIR ৰ সংকোচিত টাৰবল URL লে আপল'ড কৰে।\nযদি URL ধাৰ্য্যত নাথাকে, /tmp ত টাৰবল সৃষ্টি কৰি প্ৰস্থান কৰে।\n\nURL ৰ বিন্যাস 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nথাকিব লাগিব যত প্ৰটোকল http(s), ftp, scp, অথবা নথিপত্ৰ হব পাৰিব।\nনথিপত্ৰ প্ৰটোকলৰ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী আৰু হস্ট অংশসমূহ থাকিব নোৱাৰে: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nযদি URL এটা শ্লেষৰ সৈতে শেষ হয়, আৰ্কাইভ নাম সৃজন কৰি URL লে সংযোজন কৰা হব\n; নহলে, URL ক এটা সম্পূৰ্ণ ন
 থিপত্ৰ নাম হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হব।\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT ত তালিকাভুক্ত নামৰ সৈতে নথিপত্ৰসমূহ টাৰবলত\nঅন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰা নহয়\n\nCONFFILE শাৰীসমূহৰ 'PARAM = VALUE' বিন্যাস থাকিব লাগিব।\nচিনাক্ত কৰা স্ট্ৰিং প্ৰাচল: URL.\nপ্ৰাচলক $Upload_URL ৰে অভাৰৰাইড কৰিব পাৰি।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "ভিত্তি URL যলে আপল'ড কৰা হব"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz নথিপত্ৰ হিচাপে আপল'ড কৰক (FTP/SCP/ ৰে ...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "ক্ষতিগ্ৰস্থ xml প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া যেন দেখা যায়, কিয়নো '%s' সদস্য সন্ধানহিন।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "বাগ %i CLOSED, কিন্তু ইয়াৰ কোনো RESOLUTION নাই"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "বাগ %i DUPLICATE হিচাপে CLOSED, কিন্তু ইয়াৰ কোনো DUP_ID নাই"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "নতুন বাগ আইডি: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla -এ বাগ %d -ৰ উপধায়ক বিচাৰি নাপালে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "আপুনি কিধৰণে সমস্যা সংবাদন কৰিব বিচাৰে?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "সংবাদনৰ পিছত DIR আতৰাব"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
+index 665c905..7ddf576 100644
+--- a/po/bg.po
++++ b/po/bg.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Valentin Laskov <laskov at festa.bg>, 2011-2012.
++# Valentin Laskov <laskov at festa.bg>, 2011-2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Bulgarian <trans-bg at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   или: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   или: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   или: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   или: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Покажи списък на възможните събития [започващи с PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Стартирай само тези събития"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Стартирай анализ на събитие(я) в PROBLEM_DIR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Стартирай сбор на събитие(я) в PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Премахни PROBLEM_DIR след докладването"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Анализирай, събери и докладвай данните за проблеми в PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Показва версията и излиза"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Премахни PROBLEM_DIR след докладването"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Неинтерактивно: не задава въпроси, приема 'да'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Пиши в журнала"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Добавяй името на програмите в журнала"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Пакет"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Причина за срива"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Низ на изданието на операционната система"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Не мога да стартирам vi: $TERM, $VISUAL и $EDITOR не са зададени"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nДокладът беше обновен"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nНе бяха намерени промени в доклада"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "Д"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "Н"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Въведеното от Вас не е валидно, защото:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Грешна стойност за '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Как бихте искали да анализирате проблема?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Изберете анализатор: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Избрахте номер извън допустимите"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Въведеното е невалидно, програмата спира..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Каква допълнителна информация бихте искали да бъде събрана?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Изберете събирач(и): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(няма описание)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Получиха се %d грешки докато събирах допълнителни данни\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Докладване..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Как желаете да докладвате проблема?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Изберете докладчик(ци): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Проблемът е докладван чрез %d рапорт на събития (%d грешки)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Извличане на cpio от {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Не мога да пиша в '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не мога да извлека пакет '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Кешване на файлове от {0} създадени от {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не мога да извлека файлове от '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Не мога да премахна '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Сваляне на ({0} от {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr "Възникна проблем '{0!s}' при сваляне от съ
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Инициализиране на yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Грешка при инициализиране на yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Не мога да забраня хранилище '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Задаване на yum хранилища"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Не мога да задам {0}: {1}, забраняване"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "Не мога да задам {0}: {1}, забраняване"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Търсене на необходими пакети в хранилищата"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Грешка при извличане на метаданни: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Грешка при извличане на списъци с файлове: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Не мога да намеря пакети за {0} debuginfo файлове"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Пакети за сваляне: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Сваляне на {0:.2f}Mb, инсталиран обем: {1:.2f}Mb. Да продължа ли?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Свалянето е прекратено от потребителя"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Свалянето на пакета {0} не успя"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Разопаковането не успя, прекратяване на свалянето..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Премахване {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Не мога да премахна %s, вероятно съдържа списък с грешки"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Не ме питай повече"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "Не записвай пароли"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Услугата Secret Service не е налична, настройките Ви няма да бъдат записани!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "През DBus не мога да извикам метод '%s' на път '%s' интерфейс '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') методът се провали: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\nИнструмент с ГПИ за анализиране и докладване на проблем, записан в зададена DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Алтернативен GUI файл"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Премахни DIR след докладването"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Стартирай само това събитие"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Открити са грешни настройки за %s, докладването вероятно ще пропадне ако продължите с текущата конфигурация.\n\nПрочетете още за конфигурирането на https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Открити са грешни настройки за <b>%s</b>, докладването вероятно ще пропадне ако продължите с текущата конфигурация.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Прочетете още за конфигурирането</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Кон_фигурирай %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Нужна е директория за запис, но в '%s' не може да се пише. Да я преместя ли в '%s' и да оперирам с преместените данни?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Преглед/редакция на текстов файл"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Не са дефинирани цели за рапортуване за този проблем. Проверете конфигурацията в /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(изисквани: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(не е необходимо, данните вече съществуват: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(цъкнете тук за преглед/редакция)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(двоичен файл, %llu байта)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(няма описание)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu байта, %u файла"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Обработката завърши."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Обработката се провали."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Не е дефинирана обработка на събитие '%s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Обработката е прекъсната: не мога да продължа без записваема директория."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Обработка..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Не мога да проверя рейтинга на обратното проследяване поради невалидно име на събитието"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Възможно е наличие на поверителни данни, моля, прегледайте внимателно подчертаните страници."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Обработка..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Обработката се провали. Може да опитате друга операция ако е достъпна."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Обработката се провали."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Обработката завърши."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Обработката завърши, моля, преминете към следващата стъпка."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Събитието '%s' изисква позволение за да изпрати вероятно лични данни.\nИскате ли да продължите?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Обработката бе прекратена."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' не е нормален файл"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Опитвате се да копирате файл в самия него"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Не мога да копирам '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' вече съществува и не може да бъде променено"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Включи"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Име"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Стойност"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Описание на проблема"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Предоставяне на допълнителна информация"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Преглед на данните"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Потвърдете данните в доклада"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Обработка"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Обработката завърши."
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Ако искате да докладвате проблема другаде, да съберете допълнителна информация, или да предоставите по-добро описание на проблема и да повторите процеса, цъкнете върху 'Напред'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Бъди подробен"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Директория с проблеми"
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr "Директория с проблеми"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Не мога да изтрия: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "Д"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "Н"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr "Липсва необходим елемент: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "невалидна uid стойност: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Качени: %llu от %llu kбайта"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Изпращане на %s към %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Успешно е изпратен %s към %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Липсва задължителна стойност"
+@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Обратното проследяване е непълно, моля, проверете дали сте дали стъпки за възстановка."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "Обратното проследяване вероятно няма да помогне в търсенето на бъг от разработчик."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr "Моля, опитайте ръчно да инсталирате debugi
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Вероятно липсва подходящо debuginfo или coredump е повредено."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Употреба: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Съществен елемент '%s' липсва, не мога да продължа"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "грешка в създаването на случая: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "грешка в създаването на случая, HTTP код: %d, сървърът казва: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "грешка в създаването на случая, HTTP код: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "грешка в създаването на случая: няма URL на мястото, HTTP код: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Проверете валидността на SSL ключа"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Низ, идентифициращ изданието на OS"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Задайте това само ако сте променили файла /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' или 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID на случай/билет"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Не мога да направя разбор на обратното проследяване"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Не мога да намеря crash нишката"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Влизане в Bugzilla на %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Конфигурационен файл (може да е даден много пъти)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Прикрепя FILEs [към бъг с това ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Когато създаваш бъг, прилагай и двоичните файлове"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Принудително докладване, даже и ако този проблем вече е докладван"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Отпечатва BUG_ID имащ дадения DUPHASH"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Ограничи достъпа само до тази група"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Излизане"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Проверка за дубликати"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Създаване на нов бъг"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Добавяне като приложени към бъг %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Грешката вече е докладвана: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Добавяне на нов коментар към бъг %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Намерен е същия коментар в бъг историята, няма да добавям нов"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Прилагане на по-добро проследяване"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Намерен е същия коментар в бъг историята, няма да добавям нов"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Статус: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nИзпраща съдържанието на директорията с проблема DIR чрез email\n\nАко не е зададено, CONFFILE по подразбиране е "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Конфиг файл"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "Добавяне към, или препокриване на FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Създаване на reported_to в DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Прекратено от потребителя."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Не мога да отворя '%s' за запис. Моля, посочете друг файл:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Докладът беше добавен към %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Докладът беше записан в %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nили:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nДокладва проблем на RHTSupport.\n\nАко не е зададено, CONFFILE по подразбиране е "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Качване на FILEs [към случая с това ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Празно RHTS име или парола"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Прикрепяне на '%s' към случай '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Компресиране на данни"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не мога да създам временна директория в /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не мога да създам временен файл в /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Искате ли все още да създадете RHTSupport билет?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Създаване на нов случай..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "Документация, която може да е свързана 
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Обновления, които може да помогнат: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Изпращане на %s към %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Успешно е изпратен %s към %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Архивът е създаден: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nКачва компресиран архив на директорията с проблема DIR на URL.\nАко URL не е зададен, създава архив в /tmp и спира.\n\nURL трябва да има формата 'протокол://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]',\nкъдето протокол е http(s), ftp, scp или file.\nПротоколът file не може да има части user и host: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nАко URL завършва с /, името на архива ще бъде създадено и добавено\nкъм URL-а; иначе, URL-ът ще се използва като пълно име на файл.\n\nФайловете с имена, включени в $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT няма да\nбъдат включени в архива.\n\nРедовете в CONFFILE трябва да са с формат 'PARAM = VALUE'.\nРазпознат
  низов параметър: URL.\nПараметър може да бъде пренебрегнат чрез $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Основен URL, към който да се качва"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Качи като tar.gz файл (чрез FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Примери:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr "URL на uReport сървър"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Адрес на uReport уеб услуга"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Прилича на повреден xml отговор, понеже частта '%s' липсва."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Бъг %i е ЗАТВОРЕН, но няма РЕШЕНИЕ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Бъг %i е ЗАТВОРЕН като ДУБЛИРАЩ се, но в него липсва DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ID на новия бъг: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla не можа да намери parent на бъг %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Не мога да получа отговор от сървър поради невалиден url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Невъзможен е разбор на отговора от ureport сървъра"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Данните в отговора на сървъра са с невалиден формат"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Несъответствие в типа отговор на сървъра"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Неочакван HTTP код на състояние: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Грешка от страна на сървъра: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Задаване URL на сървър"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Позволи несигурна връзка към ureport сървър"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "bthash на uReport за прикрепяне"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Прикрепя RHBZ бъг (изисква -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Прикрепи съдържанието на reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nКачва микро доклад или прикрепя приложение към микро доклад"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Трябва да зададете ID-то на бъга за прикрепяне."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Трябва да зададете bthash на uReport-а за прикрепяне."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "На този проблем не е присвоен uReport."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Този проблем не е докладван в Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Този проблем вече е докладван."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Как желаете да докладвате проблема?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nnewt инструмент за докладване на проблем, записан в зададената DIR"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Премахни DIR след докладването"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/bn_IN.po b/po/bn_IN.po
+index fee076e..12d44bd 100644
+--- a/po/bn_IN.po
++++ b/po/bn_IN.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Runa Bhattacharjee <runab at redhat.com>, 2011.
+-#   <runabh at gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
++# runab <runab at redhat.com>, 2011
++# runa <runabh at gmail.com>, 2011-2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Bengali (India) <anubad at lists.ankur.org.in>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "[প্রারম্ভে PREFIX সহযোগে] সম্ভাব্য ঘটনাগুলির তালিকা প্রস্তুত করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "শুধুমাত্র এই ইভেন্টগুলি সঞ্চালন করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "সংস্করণ প্রদর্শন করে প্রস্থান করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog-এ লগ করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "লগের মধ্যে প্রোগ্রামের নাম অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# প্যাকেজ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# বিপর্যয়ের কারণ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# অপারেটিং সিস্টেমের রিলিজ স্ট্রিং"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi সঞ্চালন করতে ব্যর্থ: $TERM, $VISUAL ও $EDITOR-র মান নির্ধারণ করা হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nরিপোর্ট আপডেট করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nরিপোর্টের মধ্যে কোনো পরিবর্তন সনাক্ত করা যায়নি"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "নিম্নলিখিত কারণবসত, আপনার প্রদত্ত তথ্য সঠিক নয়:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s'-র মান সঠিক নয়: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "কী প্রক্রিয়ায় সমস্যা বিশ্লেষণ করা হবে?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "বিশ্লেষণ ব্যবস্থা নির্বাচন করুন: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "সীমা বহির্ভূত সংখ্যা নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "অবৈধ ইনপুট, প্রোগ্রাম থেকে প্রস্থান করা হচ্ছে..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "অতিরিক্ত কী তথ্য আপনি সংগ্রহ করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "সংগ্রহকারী নির্বাচন করুন: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(বর্ণনা বিহীন)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "অতিরিক্ত তথ্য সংগ্রহের সময় %d-ট ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "রিপোর্ট দায়ের..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "সমস্যাটি কীভাবে দায়ের করা হবে?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "দায়ের করার পন্থা নির্বাচন করুন: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d রিপোর্ট ইভেন্টের মাধ্যমে সমস্যা দায়ের করা হয়েছে (%d ত্রুটি)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} থেকে cpio প্রাপ্ত করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}'-এ লিখতে ব্যর্থ: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' প্যাকেজ প্রাপ্ত করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0} থেকে ফাইল ক্যাশে করা হচ্ছে, এইগুলি {1} থকে প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' থেকে ফাইল প্রাপ্ত করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' সরাতে ব্যর্থ: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({0} ডাউনলোড করা হচ্ছে, সর্বমোট {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum আরম্ভ করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum আরম্ভ করতে ত্রুটি (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "'{0!s}' সংগ্রহস্থল নিষ্ক্রিয় করতে ব্যর্থ: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum সংগ্রহস্থল নির্ধারণ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} প্রস্তুত করতে ব্যর্থ: {1}, নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হচ্ছে"
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr "{0} প্রস্তুত করতে ব্যর্থ: {1}, ন
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "সংগ্রহস্থলের মধ্যে আবশ্যক প্যাকেজ অনুসন্ধান করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "মিটা-ডাটা প্রাপ্ত করতে সমস্যা: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ফাইলের তালিকা প্রাপ্ত করতে ত্রুটি: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ফাইলের জন্য প্যাকেজ পাওয়া যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ডাউনলোড করার জন্য চিহ্নিত প্যাকেজ: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "ডাউনলোডের মাপ {0:.2f}মেগাবাইট, ইনস্টলেশনের মাপ: {1:.2f}মেগাবাইট। এগিয়ে যাওয়া হবে কি?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা ডাউনলোড বাতিল করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "প্যাকেজ {0} ডাউনলোড করতে ব্যর্থ"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "আন-প্যাক করতে ব্যর্থ, ডাউনলোডের কাজ পরিত্যাগ করা হচ্ছে..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} সরিয়ে ফেলা হবে"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s সরিয়ে ফেলা সম্ভব নয়, সম্ভবত ত্রুটির তথ্য বিশিষ্ট লগ উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "পুনরায় জিজ্ঞাসা করা হবে না"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "পাসওয়ার্ড সংগ্রহ করা হবে ন
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "গোপনীয় পরিসেবা বর্তমানে উপলব্ধ নেই, এর ফলে আপনার নির্ধারিত বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি সংরক্ষণ করা হবে না!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' মেথডকে DBus '%s' পাথ '%s' ইন্টারফেসে DBUS-র মাধ্যমে কল করা সম্ভব নয়: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') মেথড ব্যর্থ: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "বিকল্প GUI ফাইল"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "দায়ের করার পরে DIR মুছে ফেলা হবে"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "শুধুমাত্র এই ইভেন্ট সঞ্চালিত হবে"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s কনফিগার করুন (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "লিখনযোগ্য একটি ডিরেক্টরি প্রয়োজন, কিন্তু '%s'-র মধ্যে বর্তমানে কিছু লেখা সম্ভব নয়। '%s'-এ এটি সরিয়ে এই প্রতিলিপির মধ্যে কর্ম সঞ্চালিত হবে কি?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "টেক্সট ফাইল প্রদর্শন/সম্পাদনা করুন"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "এই সমস্যার ক্ষেত্রে, অভিযোগ দায়েরের কোনো স্থান চিহ্নিত হয় নি। /etc/libreport/* -এ কনফিগারেশন পরীক্ষা করুন।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(আবশ্যক: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(আবশ্যক নয়, তথ্য বর্তমানে উপস্থিত রয়েছে: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(প্রদর্শন/সম্পাদনা করতে এইখানে ক্লিক করুন)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(বাইনারি ফাইল, %llu বাইট)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(বর্ণনা বিহীন)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu বাইট, %u ফাইল"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ সমাপ্ত হয়েছে।"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ ব্যর্থ।"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "'%s' ইভেন্টের ক্ষেত্র প্রক্রিয়াকরণ নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণের কাজে বাধা সৃষ্টি হয়েছে: লিখনযোগ্য ডিরেক্টরি বিনা এগিয়ে যাওয়া সম্ভব নয়।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ চলছে..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "ইভেন্টের নাম বৈধ না হওয়ার ফলে backtrace-র গুরুত্ব পরীক্ষা করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "সম্ভাব্য সংবেদনশীল তথ্য চিহ্নিত হয়েছে, অনুগ্রহ করে উজ্জ্বল করা ট্যাবগুলির তথ্য  যত্নসহকারে পরীক্ষা করুন।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ চলছে..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণে বিফল। অন্য কোনো কাজ উপলব্ধ থাকলে সেটির প্রয়াস করা যাবে।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ ব্যর্থ।"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ সমাপ্ত হয়েছে।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ সমাপ্ত, অনুগ্রহ করে পরবর্তী ধাপে এগিয়ে চলুন।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "'%s' ইভেন্টের ক্ষেত্রে সংবেদনশীল তথ্য পাঠানোর অনুমতি আবশ্যক। আপনি কি এগিয়ে যেতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ বাতিল করা হয়েছে।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' সাধারণ ফাইল নয়"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "আপনি একটি ফাইলকে সেটির মধ্যেই কপি করার প্রচেষ্টা করছেন"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' কপি করা সম্ভব নয়: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' বস্তুটি বর্তমানে উপস্থিত রয়েছে ও সেটি পরিবর্তন করা সম্ভব নয়"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "নাম"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "মান"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "সমস্যার বিবরণ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "অতিরিক্ত তথ্য উপলব্ধ করুন"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "তথ্য পরিবর্ধন করুন"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "রিপোর্ট করার যোগ্য তথ্য নিশ্চিত করুন"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "প্রক্রিয়াকরণ সমাপ্ত"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "ভিন্ন স্থানে সমস্যার রিপোর্ট দায়ের করতে ইচ্ছুল থাকলে, অতিরিক্ত তথ্য সংগ্রহ করুন অথবা সমস্যার বিবরণটি উন্নত করে পুনরায় রিপোর্ট করুন ও 'এগিয়ে চলুন' ক্লিক করুন।"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "ভার্বোস মোড ব্যবহার করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "সমস্যা সংক্রান্ত ডিরেক্টরি"
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr "সমস্যা সংক্রান্ত ডিরেক্টর
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "মুছে ফেলা যায়নি: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr "আবশ্যক সামগ্রী অনুপস্থিত: '%
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "আপলোড করা হচ্ছে: %llu কিলোবাইট, সর্বমোট %llu কিলোবাইট"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s-কে %s-এ পাঠানো হচ্ছে"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s-কে %s-এ সাফল্যের সাথে পাঠানো হয়েছে"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "আবশ্যক মান অনুপস্থিত"
+@@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ব্যাক-ট্রেসের তথ্য সম্পূর্ণ নয়, অনুগ্রহ করে পুনরাবৃত্তির জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ধাপগুলি সঠিকরূপে চিহ্নিত করুন।"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "‌backtrace-র সাহায্যে ডিভেলপররা সম্ভবত বাগ সন্ধান করতে পারবেন না।"
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে চিহ্নিত কমান্ড
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "সঠিক debuginfo সম্ভবত অনুপস্থিত অথবা coredump ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়েছে।i"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ব্যবহারপ্রণালী: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "'%s' নামক আবশ্যক সামগ্রী অনুপস্থিত, এগিয়ে যাওয়া সম্ভব নয়"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "কেস প্রস্তুত করতে ত্রুটি: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "কেস প্রস্তুত করতে ত্রুটি, HTTP কোড: %d, সার্ভার থেকে প্রাপ্ত তথ্য: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "কেস প্রস্তুত করতে ত্রুটি, HTTP কোড: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "কেস প্রস্তুত করতে ত্রুটি: অবস্থানের URL অনুপস্থিত, HTTP কোড: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL-কির বৈধতা যাচাই করা হবে"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS রিলিজ স্ট্রিং"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "সিস্টেমের /etc/system-release ফাইলটি স্বয়ং পরিবর্তন করে থাকলেই তবে এটি উল্লেখ করুন"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' অথবা 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "টিকেট/কেস ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "backtrace পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "বিপর্যয় সংক্রান্ত থ্রেড পাওয়া যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s-এ Bugzilla-তে লগ-ইন করুন"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "কনফিগারেশন ফাইল (একাধিকবার উল্লেখ করা হতে পারে)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE যোগ করা হবে [এই ID সহ বাগে]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "বাগ প্রস্তুত করার সময়, বাইনারি ফাইলগুলিও যুক্ত করুন"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "এই সমস্যার রিপোর্ট উপস্থিত থাকলেও তা পুনরায় দায়ের করতে বাধ্য করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "লগ-আউট করুন"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "প্রতিলিপি পরীক্ষা করা হচ্ছে"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "নতুন বাগ নির্মাণ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "বাগ %i-র সাথে কিছু অতিরিক্ত সামগ্রী যোগ করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "বাগটি পূর্বেই দায়ের করা হয়েছে: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "%d বাগে নতুন বক্তব্য যোগ করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "বাগের পূর্ববর্তী তথ্যের মধ্যে একই বিবৃতি পাওয়া গিয়েছে, নতুন করে একই বিবৃতি পুনরায় যোগ করা হবে না"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "উন্নত ব্যাক-ট্রেস যোগ করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "বাগের পূর্ববর্তী তথ্যের মধ্যে একই বিবৃতি পাওয়া গিয়েছে, নতুন করে একই বিবৃতি পুনরায় যোগ করা হবে না"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "অবস্থা: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nSends contents of a problem directory DIR via email\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "কনফিগ ফাইল"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "FILE-র সংযোজন করুন অথবা নতুন ক
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR-র মধ্যে reported_to প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা বাতিল করা হয়েছে।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "লেখার জন্য '%s' খোলা যায়নি। অনুগ্রহ করে একটি পৃথক ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "রিপোর্টটি %s-এ সংযুক্ত করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "রিপোর্টটি %s-এ সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReports a problem to RHTSupport.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE আপলোড করুন [এই ID সহ কেসের সাথে]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS লগ-ইন অথবা পাসওয়ার্ড ফাঁকা রয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s'-কে '%s' কেসের সাথে যুক্ত করা হচ্ছে"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "তথ্য সংকুচন করা হচ্ছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp-র মধ্যে অস্থায়ী ডিরেক্টরি প্রস্তুত করা যায়নি"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp-র মধ্যে অস্থায়ী ফাইল প্রস্তুত করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "RHTSupport টিকেট তৈরি করতে কি আপনি এখনো ইচ্ছুক?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "নতুন কেস প্রস্তুত করা হচ্ছে..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "প্রাসঙ্গিক নথিপত্র: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "সম্ভবত সহায়ক আপডেট: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s-কে %s-এ পাঠানো হচ্ছে"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s-কে %s-এ সাফল্যের সাথে পাঠানো হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "আর্কাইভ প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nUploads compressed tarball of problem directory DIR to URL.\nIf URL is not specified, creates tarball in /tmp and exits.\n\nURL should have form 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nwhere protocol can be http(s), ftp, scp, or file.\nFile protocol can't have user and host parts: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nIf URL ends with a slash, the archive name will be generated and appended\nto URL; otherwise, URL will be used as full file name.\n\nFiles with names listed in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT are not included into the tarball.\n\nCONFFILE lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format.\nRecognized string parameter: URL.\nParameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "যে মূল URL-এ আপলোড করা হবে"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ফাইল রূপে আপলোড করা হবে (FTP/SCP/... মাধ্যমে)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr "uReport সার্ভারের URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport webservice-র ঠিকানা"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "'%s' সদস্য অনুপস্থিত থাকার ফলে  সম্ভবত একটি ত্রুটিপূর্ণ xml প্রত্যুত্তর প্রাপ্ত হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "%i বাগটি CLOSED অবস্থায় রয়েছে কিন্তু এটির কোনো মীমাংসা অর্থাৎ RESOLUTION হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "%i বাগটি DUPLICATE রপে চিহ্নিত করে CLOSED অবস্থায় রয়েছে কিন্তু এটির কোনো DUP_ID নেই"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "নতুন বাগ id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla দ্বারা বাগ %d-র ঊর্ধ্বতন বাগ সন্ধান করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "ureport সার্ভারের সাথে অনিরাপদ সংযোগের অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "সমস্যাটি কীভাবে দায়ের করা হবে?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nসুনির্দিষ্ট DIR-র মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত সমস্যার তথ্য দায়ের করার জন্য একটি নতুন সরঞ্জাম"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "দায়ের করার পরে DIR মুছে ফেলা হবে"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/bs.po b/po/bs.po
+index 24b5eaf..98cb7d1 100644
+--- a/po/bs.po
++++ b/po/bs.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Bosnian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/bs/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Zapiši u syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Dodaj nazive programa u zapis"
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "Paket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Razlog pada"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Znakovni niz izdanja operativnog sistema"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Nemogu pokrenuti vi: $TERM, $VISUAL i $EDITOR nisu postavljeni"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nIzvještaj je ažuriran"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNiakakve promjene nisu otkrivene u izvještaju"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "d"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Vaš unos nije ispravan zbog:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Loša vrijednost za '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Odabrali ste broj izvan dometa"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Nevažeći unos. Program prekida sa radom..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(bez opisa)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Izvještavam..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Pad obavješten putem %d obavještajnih događaja (%d greški)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternativna GUI datoteka"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(pritisnite ovdje da pogledate/uredite)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binarna datoteka, %llu bajta)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(bez opisa)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bajta, %u datoteka"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Procesiranje za događaj '%s' nije definisano"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Ime"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Vrijednost"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "d"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Nedostaje obavezna vrijednost"
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Funkcijski trag nije potpun. Molim pobrinite se da unesete korake za reproduciranje."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
+index 3956421..4f060cf 100644
+--- a/po/ca.po
++++ b/po/ca.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# jmoskovc <jmoskovc at redhat.com>, 2011.
+-# josep torne <josep.torne at gmail.com, 2011.
++# Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>, 2011
++# josep torne <josep.torne at gmail.com, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Catalan <fedora at llistes.softcatala.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Llista els possibles esdeveniments [que comencen per PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Visualitza la versió i surt"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Noninteractive: no realitza preguntes, s'assumeix 'si'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Registra a syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Afegeix noms de programa a registrar "
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Paquet"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Motiu de la fallida"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Cadena de text amb el llançament del sistema operatiu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "No es pot executar vi: $TERM, $VISUAL i $EDITOR no estan esablerts"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nS'ha actualitzat l'informe"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNo s'han detectat canvis en l'informe"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "La vostra entrada no es vàlida degut a:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valor incorrecte per '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Com voldríeu analitzar el problema?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Selecciona analitzador:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Heu escollit un número fora de rang"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Entrada incorrecta, es tancarà el programa..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Quina informació addicional voldríeu recollir?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecciona recollidor(s):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(cap descripció)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "S'han trobat %d errors durant el procés de recol·lecció d'informació addicional\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "S'hi està informant..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Com voldríeu que s'informi el problema?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecciona informador(s):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problema informat via %d informa esdeveniments (%d errors)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Fitxer GUI alternatiu"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Elimina DIR després de realitzar el llistat"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Visualitza/edita un fitxer de text"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(cliqueu aquí per a visualitzar/editar)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(fitxer binari, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(cap descripció)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u fitxers"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' no és un fitxer normal"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Esteu intentant copiar un fitxer a si mateix"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "No es pot copiar '%s': '%s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "L'ítem '%s' ja existeix i no es pot modificar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Incloure"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nom"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Descripció del problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Proporciona informació addicional "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirma les dades de l'informe"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Si voleu informar el problema a una destinació diferent, recollir informació addicional o proporcionar una millor descripció del problema i repetir el procés de realitzar el llistat, pressioneu 'Endavant'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "s"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "S'ha penjat: %llu of %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "S'està enviant %s a %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "S'ha enviat satisfactòriament %s a %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Manca valor obligatori"
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "La traça inversa no és completa, si us plau assegureu que proporcioneu els passos que s'han de reproduir. "
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -795,33 +795,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Sintaxi:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -876,11 +929,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Reviseu la validesa de la clau SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' o 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "S'està registrant en Bugzilla a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Fitxer de configuració (pot ser donat moltes vegades)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Adjunta FITXERs [a l'error amb aquest ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Quan es crei un error, adjunta també els fitxers binaris"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "S'està finalitzant"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "S'està revisant si hi ha duplicats"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "S'està creant un nou error"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "L'error ja s'ha informat: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "S'està afegint un nou comentari a l'error %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Fitxer de configuració "
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Afegeix a, o sobreescriu FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "L'informe s'ha afegit a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "L'informe s'ha guardat a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Buida el nom d'usuari o contrasenya RHTS"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "S'està adjuntant '%s' al cas '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "S'estan comprimint les dades"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "No es pot crear un directori temporal a /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "No es pot crear un fitxer temporal a /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "S'està creant un nou cas..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "S'està enviant %s a %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "S'ha enviat satisfactòriament %s a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "L'arxiu s'ha creat: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL base per penjar a"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Sembla una resposta xml corrupta degut a que manca el membre '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "L'error %i està TANCAT, però no té RESOLUCIÓ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Id d'error nou: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla no ha pogut trobar un pare de l'error %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Com voldríeu que s'informi el problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Elimina DIR després de realitzar el llistat"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
+index b20ccaa..9c7b175 100644
+--- a/po/cs.po
++++ b/po/cs.po
+@@ -3,17 +3,18 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-#   <appukonrad at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Jakub Jedelský <jakub.jedelsky at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Jan Varta <jan.varta at atlas.cz>, 2012.
+-# Milan Kerslager <milan.kerslager at pslib.cz>, 2011.
++# jui <appukonrad at gmail.com>, 2012
++# zdenek <chmelarz at centrum.cz>, 2013
++# Jakub <jakub.jedelsky at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Jan Varta <jan.varta at atlas.cz>, 2012-2013
++# Milan Kerslager <milan.kerslager at pslib.cz>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/cs/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -24,50 +25,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Vypsat možné události [začínající na PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Spustit pouze tyto události"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Zobrazit verzi a skončit"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Neinteraktivně: neptat se na otázky, předpokládat 'Ano'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Protokolovat do syslogu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Přidá názvy programů do protokolu"
+@@ -118,136 +110,98 @@ msgstr "# Balíček"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Příčina pádu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Název vydání operačního systému"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Nebylo možné spustit vi: Ani $TERM, ani $VISUAL, ani $EDITOR není nastavena"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nHlášení bylo aktualizováno"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nV hlášení nebyly nalezeny žádné změny"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "a"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Váš vstup není platný, protože:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Chybná hodnota „%s“: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Jak chcete problém analyzovat?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Zvolte analyzátor: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Zvolili jste číslo mimo rozsah"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Neplatný vstup. Program skončí..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Jaké další informace si přejete shromáždit?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(žádný popis)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Během shromažďování dodatečných dat se objevilo %d chyb\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Nahlašuje se…"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Jak chcete problém ohlásit?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Zvolit ohlašovatele: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problém byl nahlášen jako %d událost(i) (%d chyb)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extrahování cpio z {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nelze rozbalit balíček '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nelze rozbalit soubory z '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nelze odstranit '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Stahování ({0} z {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -256,28 +210,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Inicializuji yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba inicializace yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Nelze zablokovat repositář '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Nastavení yum repozitářů"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Nelze nastavit {0}: {1}, zakazuji"
+@@ -285,56 +243,56 @@ msgstr "Nelze nastavit {0}: {1}, zakazuji"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Hledání potřebných balíčků v repozitářích"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba při načítání metadat: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba při načítání seznamu souborů: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Nelze najít balíčky pro {0} debuginfo soubory"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Balíčky ke stažení: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Stahování {0:.2f}Mb, velikost instalovaných: {1:.2f}Mb. Pokračovat?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Stahování bylo zrušeno uživatelem"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Stahování balíčku {0} selhalo"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Rozbalování selhalo, ruším stahování..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Odstraňování {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Nelze odstranit %s, pravděpodobně obsahuje protokol o chybách"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Neptejte se mě znovu"
+@@ -345,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nastavení"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -361,11 +319,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Události"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "_Nastavit"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -383,57 +341,56 @@ msgstr "Neukládat hesla"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Nelze volat metodu '%s' přes DBus na cestě '%s' rozhraní '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Náhradní soubor s GUI"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Odstranit DIR po odeslání hlášení"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Spustit pouze tuto událost"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -441,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -449,170 +406,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "_Konfigurace %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Potřebujete adresář s možností zápisu, ale do '%s' nelze zapisovat. Přesunout do '%s' a pracovat na přesunutých datech?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Zobrazit/Upravit testový soubor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(vyžaduje: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(nedůležité, data již existují: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(kliknout zde pro zobrazení/úpravy)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binární soubor, %'llu bajtů)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(žádný popis)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%'llu bajtů, %'u souborů"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Zpracování dokončeno."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Zpracování se nezdařilo."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Pro událost „%s“ není určen způsob zpracování"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Zpracování přerušeno: nelze pokračovat bez zapisovatelného adresáře."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Zpracování ..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Detekovány citlivé data, prosím zkontrolujte zvýrazněné záložky."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Zpracování ..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Zpracování se nezdařilo. Vyzkoušejte další operaci pokud je dispozici."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Zpracování se nezdařilo."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Zpracování dokončeno."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Zpracování dokončeno, přejděte prosím na další krok."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Událost '%s' vyžaduje oprávnění k odeslání potenciálně citlivých informací.\nChcete pokračovat?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Zpracování bylo zrušeno"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "„%s“ není obyčejný soubor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Pokoušíte se kopírovat soubor na sebe sama"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Nelze zkopírovat „%s“: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Položka „%s“ již existuje a není možné ji upravovat"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Vložit"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Název"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Hodnota"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Popis problému"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Poskytnutí dodatečných informací"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Zkontrolujte data"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Schválit data k odeslání hlášení"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Zpracování"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Zpracování provedeno"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -647,7 +629,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -704,16 +686,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Chcete-li nahlásit problém jinam, doplnit informace, poskytnout lepší vysvětlení a zopakovat ohlášení, stiskněte tlačítko 'Další'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -722,6 +704,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nelze smazat: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "a"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -736,11 +726,22 @@ msgstr "Chybí požadovaná položka: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Odesláno: %llu z %llu kilobytů"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Odesílání %s na %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s v pořádku odesláno na %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Chybí povinná hodnota"
+@@ -779,7 +780,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Výpis volání není úplný, prosím ujistěte se, že jste dostatečně popsaly postup, jak problém vyvolat."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -797,34 +798,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Správné debuginfo je pravděpodobně chybé nebo je poškozen coredump."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Použití: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Chybí důležitý prvek '%s', nelze pokračovat"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "chyba při tvorbě záznamu: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "chyba při tvorbě záznamu, HTTP kód: %d, server hlásí: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "chyba při tvorbě záznamu, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "chyba při tvorbě záznamu: žádná URL, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -846,7 +900,7 @@ msgstr "Adresa Bugzilla serveru"
+ msgid ""
+ "You can create bugzilla.redhat.com account &lt;a "
+ "href=\"https://bugzilla.redhat.com/createaccount.cgi\"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;"
+-msgstr "Můžete vytvořit bugzilla.redhat.com účet &lt;a href=\"https://bugzilla.redhat.com/createaccount.cgi\"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;"
++msgstr "Můžete vytvořit bugzilla.redhat.com <a href=\"https://bugzilla.redhat.com/createaccount.cgi\">účet</a>"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid "User name"
+@@ -869,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr "Heslo Bugzilla účtu"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:9
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Verify SSL"
+-msgstr "Kontrola SSl"
++msgstr "Kontrola SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:11
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:10
+@@ -878,12 +932,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Kontrola platnosti SSL klíče"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Řetězec verze OS"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Zadejte pouze v případě, že jste upravili soubor /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -906,44 +1008,44 @@ msgstr "„strata“ nebo „bugzilla“"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID Lístku/záznamu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Nelze analyzovat backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Nelze najít vlákno havárie"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Přihlašování do Bugzilly na %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -979,121 +1081,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Konfigurační soubor (může být uveden několikrát)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Přiloží SOUBOR [k chybě s ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Při vytváření chybového hlášení přiložte také binární soubory"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Vynutit hlášení, i když je tento problém již hlášený"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nelze najít Bugzilla ID, protože tento problém ještě nebyl do Bugzilly hlášen."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Odhlašování"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Kontrola duplikátů"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Vytváření hlášení nové chyby"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Přidávání příloh do chyby %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Chyba je již nahlášena: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Vkládání  nového komentáře k chybě %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Nalezen stejný komentář v historii chyby, není třeba přidávat nový"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Připojení lepšího backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Nalezen stejný komentář v historii chyby, není třeba přidávat nový"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Stav: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1139,7 +1253,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nOdeslat obsah pracivního adresáře DIR přes email\n\nPokud není specifikováno, CONFFILE výchozí "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Konfigurační soubor"
+@@ -1164,28 +1278,28 @@ msgstr "Přiložit nebo přepsat SOUBOR"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:59
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Vytvořit oznámeno_do v adresáři DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Zrušeno uživatelem."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Nelze otevřít '%s' pro zápis. Vyberte prosím jiný soubor:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Hlášení bylo připojeno k %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Hlášení bylo uloženo v %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1197,53 +1311,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nnebo:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nNahlásit problém na RHTSupport.\n\nPokud není specifikováno, CONFFILE výchozí  "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Nahrát SOUBORy [k případu s tímto ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Prázdné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo pro RHTS"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Přikládání „%s“ k případu „%s“"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Komprese dat"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Není možné vytvořit dočasný adresář v /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Není možné vyvtořit dočasný soubor v /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Ještě pořád chcete vytvořit lístek RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Vytváření nového případu..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1253,23 +1379,13 @@ msgstr "Dokumentace, která může mít význam:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Aktualizace, které možná pomohou:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Odesílání %s na %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s v pořádku odesláno na %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archív je vytvořen: „%s“"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1290,7 +1406,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Základní URL odeslat do"
+@@ -1411,6 +1527,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Nahrát jako tar.gz soubor (přes FTP / SCP / ...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1425,146 +1542,213 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Sends ureports to FAF server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Odeslat ureport na FAF server"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "uReport Server URL"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL serveru uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
++msgstr "Adresa webové služby uReport"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Chyba %i je UZAVŘENA, ale nemá ŘEŠENÍ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Chyba %i je UZAVŘENA jako DUPLIKÁT, ale nemá DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ID nové chyby: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla nemůže nalézt rodiče chyby %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
+-msgid "Specify server URL"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
++msgid "Specify server URL"
++msgstr "Vložte URL serveru"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Povolit nezabezpečené připojení k ureport serveru"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tento problém nebyl hlášen do Bugzilly."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Jak chcete problém ohlásit?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1590,7 +1774,7 @@ msgstr "--- Probíhá %s ---"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+ msgid "No reporters available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nedostupné reportéry"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:382
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1599,9 +1783,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Odstranit DIR po odeslání hlášení"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1612,9 +1799,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nahrát problémová data na server"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
+index 8d77cf1..29ff2aa 100644
+--- a/po/da.po
++++ b/po/da.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Danish <dansk at dansk-gruppen.dk>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Skriv til syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Føj programnavne til log"
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# Pakke"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Grund til nedbrud"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Operativsystemets udgivelsesstreng"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke køre vi: $TERM, $VISUAL og $EDITOR er ikke angivet"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nRapporten er blevet opdateret"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nIngen ændringer er fundet i rapporten"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Dit input er ikke gyldigt, fordi:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Dårlig værdi for \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Du har valgt et nummer som er uden for det tilladte"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Ugyldig input, program afslutter..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ingen beskrivelse)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Rapporterer..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternativ GUI-fil"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(klik her for at se/redigere)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binærfil, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ingen beskrivelse)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u filer"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Ingen behandling for begivenheden \"%s\" er defineret"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Navn"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Værdi"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Mangler påkrævet værdi"
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Backtracen er ikke komplet, vær sikker på at du angiver trinene til at reproducere fejlen."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
+index 73b2426..c4c1683 100644
+--- a/po/de.po
++++ b/po/de.po
+@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-#   <hpeters at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-#   <jdimanos at redhat.com>, 2011.
+-# Mario Blättermann <mariobl at freenet.de>, 2011.
+-# Roman Spirgi <bigant at fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
+-# Roman Spirgi <rspirgi at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-#   <ruehlema at informatik.uni-luebeck.de>, 2011.
++# hpeters <hpeters at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++#   <jdimanos at redhat.com>, 2011
++# Mario Blättermann <mariobl at freenet.de>, 2011
++# Roman Spirgi <bigant at fedoraproject.org>, 2012-2013
++# Roman Spirgi <rspirgi at gmail.com>, 2011
++# DerDerwish <ruehlema at informatik.uni-luebeck.de>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: German <trans-de at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -26,50 +26,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   oder: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   oder: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   oder: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   oder: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   oder: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   oder: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   oder: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+-msgstr "Mögliche Ereignisse auflisten [die mit PREFIX starten]"
++msgstr "Mögliche Ereignisse auflisten [die mit PREFIX beginnen]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Nur diese Abläufe ausführen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Ereignisanalyse durchführen in »PROBLEM_DIR«"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Daten zusammenstellen aus Verzeichnis »PROBLEM_DIR«"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR nach der Übertragung entfernen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Daten im Verzeichnis »PROBLEM_DIR« analysieren, zusammenstellen und übertragen"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Ausführlicher Modus"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Version anzeigen und beenden"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR nach der Übertragung entfernen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+-msgstr "Nicht interaktiv: keine Nachfragen, 'ja' annehmen"
++msgstr "Nicht interaktiv: keine Nachfragen, »ja« annehmen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+-msgstr "Im Systemprotokoll speichern"
++msgstr "In Systemprotokoll speichern"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Programmnamen zu Protokoll hinzufügen"
+@@ -120,136 +111,98 @@ msgstr "# Paket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Grund des Absturzes"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Release-String des Betriebssystems"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi kann nicht ausgeführt werden, $TERM, $VISUAL und $EDITOR sind nicht definiert"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nDer Bericht wurde aktualisiert"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nEs wurden keine Änderungen am Bericht festgestellt"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Ihre Eingaben sind aus folgenden Gründen ungültig:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Wie möchten Sie das Problem analysieren?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Der Ablauf »%s« benötigt die Erlaubnis, um möglicherweise vertrauliche Daten zu senden. Möchten Sie fortfahren?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Analyse-Tool auswählen: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Auszuführende Aktion wählen:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Gewählter Wert ist außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Ungültige Eingaben, Programm wird beendet..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Welche zusätzlichen Informationen möchten Sie sammeln?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Sammel-Tool(s) auswählen:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(keine Beschreibung)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Beim Sammeln zusätzlicher Daten traten %d Fehler auf\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Berichten..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Wie möchten Sie das Problem berichten?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Berichts-Tool(s) auswählen: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problem berichtet via %d Ereignisse berichten (%d Fehler)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Ungültige Eingabe, Abbruch."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Cpio extrahieren von {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nach »{0}« konnte nicht geschrieben werden: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Paket »{0}« konnte nicht extrahiert werden"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Dateien cachen von {0} erstellt von {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Dateien von »{0}« konnten nicht extrahiert werden"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "»{0}« konnte nicht entfernt werden: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Herunterladen ({0} von {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -258,28 +211,32 @@ msgstr "Während dem Herunterladen ist ein »{0!s}«-Problem aufgetreten: '{1!s}
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Yum wird initialisiert"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Initialisieren von Yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): »{0!s}«"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Paketquelle konnte nicht deaktiviert werden »{0!s}«: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Einrichten von Yum-Repositorys"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Asynchroner Download kann nicht deaktiviert werden, die Ausgabe kann Fehler enthalten!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} konnte nicht eingerichtet werden: {1}, wird deaktiviert"
+@@ -287,67 +244,67 @@ msgstr "{0} konnte nicht eingerichtet werden: {1}, wird deaktiviert"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Benötigte Pakete werden in Repositorys gesucht"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten: »{0!s}«"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Abrufen der Dateiliste: »{0!s}«"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Pakete für {0} Debuginfo-Dateien konnten nicht gefunden werden"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Herunterzuladene Pakete: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Herunterladen von {0:.2f} MB, installierte Größe: {1:.2f} MB. Fortfahren?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Download durch Benutzer abgebrochen"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Herunterladen von Paket {0} ist fehlgeschlagen"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Entpacken fehlgeschlagen, Download wird abgebrochen ..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Entfernen von {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s konnte nicht entfernt werden, enthält wahrscheinlich ein Fehlerprotokoll"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Nicht erneut nachfragen"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keine Beschreibung verfügbar"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Konfiguration"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -357,17 +314,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Abläufe"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ereignisse"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "K_onfigurieren"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -385,57 +342,56 @@ msgstr "Passwörter nicht speichern"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Gnome-Schlüsselbund ist nicht verfügbar, Ihre Einstellungen werden nicht gespeichert!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keine Verbindung über DBus zu Name »%s« Pfad »%s« Schnittstelle »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Modus »%s« konnte über DBus auf Pfad »%s«interface nicht abgerufen werden »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Zeitüberschreitung einer Aufforderung des DBus-Dienstes."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Möchten Sie abbrechen und ohne vollständig geladene Konfiguration weiterfahren?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Gnome-Schlüsselbund ReadAlias('%s') Modus fehlgeschlagen: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Es konnte kein sicheres Objekt für das Ereignis erstellt werden »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Vertraulicher Wert kann nicht von »%s« ausgelesen werden: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\nWerkzeug mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche, um fehlerhafte Daten zu analysieren und zu melden, die in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis »DIR« abgelegt sind"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\nGUI-Anwendung für die Analyse und das Berichten von Fehlern in entsprechendem Fehlerverzeichnis »PROBLEM_DIR«."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternative GUI-Datei"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "DIR nach Berichterstattung löschen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Nur diesen Ablauf ausführen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -443,7 +399,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Fehlerhafte Einstellungen entdeckt für %s, das Übertragen wird vermutlich fehlschlagen, wenn Sie mit der bestehenden Konfiguration fortfahren.\n\nErfahren Sie mehr über das Konfigurieren auf https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -451,170 +407,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Fehlerhafte Einstellungen entdeckt für <b>%s</b>, das Übertragen wird vermutlich fehlschlagen, wenn Sie mit der bestehenden Konfiguration fortfahren.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Erfahren Sie mehr über das Konfigurieren</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s kon_figurieren"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Schreibbares Verzeichnis ist erforderlich, doch »%s« ist schreibgeschützt. Nach »%s« verschieben und auf der verschobenen Kopie fortfahren?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Textdatei ansehen/bearbeiten"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Keine Ziele für die Berichterstattung dieses Problems definiert. Überprüfen Sie die Konfiguration in /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(benötigt: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(nicht nötig, »%s« existiert bereits)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(zum Anzeigen/Bearbeiten hier klicken)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(Binärdatei, %llu Bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(keine Beschreibung)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu Bytes, %u Dateien"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Verarbeitung abgeschlossen."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Die Verarbeitung des Fehlers ist fehlgeschlagen. Dies kann mehrere Gründe haben, tritt jedoch häufig aus zwei Gründen auf:\n\t▫ <b>Netzwerkverbindungsprobleme</b>\n\t▫ <b>Nicht lesbare Daten</b>\n\n\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Falls Sie uns helfen möchten,  klicken Sie bitte die Schaltfläche, um die Fehlerdaten für eine ausführliche Analyse zu übermitteln.\n<i>Bevor Sie dies tun, vergewissern Sie sich der Sicherheitsrisiken. Fehlerdaten können vertrauliche Informationen wie Passwörter beinhalten.\nDie hochgeladenen Daten werden an einem sicheren Ort gespeichert und nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Personen hat Zugriff darauf</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Verarbeitung fehlgeschlagen."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Keine Verarbeitung für Ereignis »%s« definiert"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Verarbeitung unterbrochen: Kein Schreibberechtigung für Verzeichnis vorhanden."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Verarbeitung läuft..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Backtrace-Bewertung konnte wegen eines ungültigen Ablauf-Namens nicht überprüft werden"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Möglicherweise sensible Daten gefunden, bitte prüfen Sie die hervorgehobenen Reiter sorgfältig."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Verarbeitung läuft..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Verarbeitung fehlgeschlagen. Sie es mit einer anderen Operation probieren."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Verarbeitung fehlgeschlagen."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Verarbeitung abgeschlossen."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Verarbeitung beendet, bitte fahren Sie mit dem nächsten Schritt weiter."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Der Ablauf »%s« benötigt die Erlaubnis, um möglicherweise vertrauliche Daten zu senden. \nMöchten Sie fortfahren?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Verarbeitung wurde abgebrochen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dieses Problem muss nicht gemeldet werden (es ist wahrscheinlich ein bekanntes Problem). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gewöhnliche Datei"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Sie versuchen, eine Datei auf sich selbst zu kopieren"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "»%s« kann nicht kopiert werden: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Element »%s« existiert bereits und ist nicht veränderbar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Einbeziehen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Name"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Wert"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Problembeschreibung"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wählen Sie, wie dieser Fehler gemeldet werden soll"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Weitere Informationen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Daten überprüfen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Zu berichtende Daten bestätigen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Verarbeitung läuft"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Verarbeitung abgeschlossen"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Hochladen für Analyse"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Um die eingebaute Screencast-Funktion zu nutzen, muss das Paket recordmydesktop installiert werden. Falls Sie dies installieren möchten, führen Sie bitte den folgenden Befehl aus.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -646,11 +627,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Ihre Kommentare sind nicht privat.</b> Sie können in öffentlich sic
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Falls Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie ihn beschreiben sollen, können Sie "
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "Einen Screencast hinzufügen"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -706,16 +687,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Falls Sie das Problem an anderer Stelle berichten möchten, weitere Information sammeln oder eine bessere Problembeschreibung angeben möchten, klicken Sie auf »Vor«, um den Vorgang der Berichterstellung zu wiederholen."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Ausführlich protokollieren"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Problem-Verzeichnis"
+@@ -724,6 +705,14 @@ msgstr "Problem-Verzeichnis"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "»%s« konnte nicht gelöscht werden"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -738,11 +727,22 @@ msgstr "Benötigtes Objekt ist nicht vorhanden: »%s«"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "UID-Wert ist ungültig: »%s«"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Übertragen: %llu von %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s wird an %s gesendet"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s wurde erfolgreich an %s gesendet"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Fehlender erforderlicher Wert"
+@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Der Backtrace ist unvollständig, bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Schritte zum Reproduzieren angeben."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "Der Backtrace kann einem Entwickler bei der Suche nach dem Fehler vermutlich nicht weiterhelfen."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "Diese Ablaufverfolgung kann Entwicklern bei der Fehlerdiagnose vermutlich nicht weiterhlefen."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -799,34 +799,87 @@ msgstr "Bitte versuchen Sie, debuginfo manuell mit dem Befehl »debuginfo-instal
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Vermutlich fehlt eine korrekte Debuginfo oder der Coredump ist beschädigt"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Fehlerhaftes Element »%s« nicht vorhanden"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Wert »%s« in fehlerhaftem Element »%s«"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Ein uReport kann nicht ohne »Typ« erstellt werden"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Ein leerer uReport kann nicht hochgeladen werden"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Aufruf:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Notwendiges Element »%s« fehlt, fortfahren nicht möglich"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Fehler bei der Berichterstellung bei »%s«: %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Fehler bei der Berichterstellung bei »%s«, HTTP-Meldung: %d, Serverantwort:  »%s«"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fehler bei der Berichterstellung bei »%s«, HTTP-Meldung: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "Fehler in Fallerstellung: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fehler bei der Berichterstellung bei »%s«, keine URL-Angabe, HTTP-Meldung: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Fehler in Fallerstellung, HTTP-Code: %d, Server meldet: »%s«"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen eines Kommentars bei »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "Fehler in Fallerstellung, HTTP-Code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Kommentars bei »%s«, HTTP-Meldung: %d, Serverantwort:  »%s«"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "Fehler in Fallerstellung: keine Adress-URL, HTTP-Code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Kommentars bei »%s«, HTTP-Meldung: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Kommentars bei »%s«, keine URL-Angabe, HTTP-Meldung: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -880,12 +933,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Gültigkeit des SSL-Schlüssels überprüfen"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS-Release-Kennung"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Geben Sie dies nur an, falls Sie Ihre /etc/system-release-Datei bearbeitet haben"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTP-Proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Proxy-Server für HTTP festlegen"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTPS-Proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Proxy-Server für HTTPS festlegen"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -908,44 +1009,44 @@ msgstr "»strata« oder »bugzilla«"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ticket/Fall-ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Backtrace konnte nicht ausgewertet werden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Der Absturz konnte nicht ermittelt werden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fortfahren ohne Login nicht möglich"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fortfahren ohne Passwort nicht möglich"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Anmelden bei Bugzilla unter %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ungültiges Passwort oder Login. Bitte geben Sie Ihren BZ-Login ein:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ungültiges Passwort oder Login. Bitte geben Sie das Passwort für »%s« ein:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Antwort von Bug.search(quicksearch) enthält keine angehängten Fehlerberichte"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -979,123 +1080,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\noder:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\noder:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\noder:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nFehler an Bugzilla melden.\n\nDiese Anwendung liest das Fehlerverzeichnis DIR. Danach loggt es sich in Bugzilla ein und versucht einen Fehler mit dem gleichen abrt_hash:HEXSTRING-Wert zu finden.\n\nFalls ein solcher Fehler noch nicht berichtet wurde , wird ein neuer Fehlerbericht erstellt. Dateien aus DIR werden als Teil der Fehlerbeschreibung oder als Anhang gespeichert, abhängig vom Typ und Größe.\n\nFalls bereits ein Fehlerbericht existiert der mit CLOSED DUPLICATE markiert ist, folgt die Anwendung der Kette der vorhandenen Fehlerberichte bis zum non-DUPLICATE-Fehlerbericht. Die Anwendung fügt diesem einen weiteren Kommentar hinzu.\n\nDie URL des neuen oder geänderten Fehlerberichtes wird an stdout ausgegeben und im »Gemeldet a
 n«-Element abgelegt.\n\nOption -t fügt dem bereits vorhandenen Bugzilla-Fehlerbericht weitere Dateien an.\nDie ID des Fehlerberichts wird mit -d DIR aus dem entsprechenden Verzeichnis gelesen.\nFalls die Fehlerdaten in DIR zuvor nicht an Bugzilla berichtet wurden, schlägt das Hochladen fehl.\n\nOption -tID fügt dem Fehlerbericht mit der entsprechenden ID weitere Dateien an.\n-d DIR wird ignoriert.\n\nOption -w fügt den Bugzilla-Benutzer zur CC-Liste des Fehlerberichtes hinzu.\n\nFalls nicht angegeben, weist die Konfigurationsdatei CONFFILE standardmäßig auf"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei (kann mehrmals angegeben werden)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Vorbereiten der Datei für erste Anmerkung"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Vorbereiten der Datei für Duplikate"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs anhängen [an Fehlerbericht mit dieser ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Beim Erstellen des Fehlerberichts auch Binärdateien anhängen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Berichten erzwingen, selbst wenn dieses Problem bereits gemeldet wurde"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla-Benutzer zu CC-Liste hinzufügen [an Fehlerbericht mit dieser ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "BUG_ID anzeigen, welche DUPHASH erzeugt hat"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Zugriff nur auf diese Gruppe beschränken"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlersuche"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Auf Bugzilla nach ähnlichen Fehlern suchen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Login ist in der Konfiguration nicht angegeben. Bitte geben Sie Ihren BZ-Login ein:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Password ist in der Konfiguration nicht angegeben. Bitte geben Sie das Passwort für »%s« ein:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla-ID kann nicht ausgelesen werden, da dieser Fehler noch nicht an Bugzilla gemeldet wurde."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dieser Fehler wurde an Bugzilla gemeldet »%s«. Dies unterscheidet sich zu konfiguriertem Bugzilla »%s«."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlerhafte URL an Bugzilla »%s«."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla ID »%s« verwenden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Abmelden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Überprüfen auf Duplikate"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Neuer Fehlerbericht wird erstellt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Anhänge werden an Fehlerbericht %i angefügt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Fehler wurde bereits eingereicht: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s zu CC-Liste hinzufügen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Neuen Kommentar zu Fehler %d hinzufügen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Identischer Kommentar in Fehlerchronik gefunden, kein neuer Kommentar wird hinzugefügt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Besserer Backtrace wird hinzugefügt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Identischer Kommentar in Fehlerchronik gefunden, kein neuer Kommentar wird hinzugefügt"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1141,7 +1254,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d VERZ [-c KONFDATEI]\n\nSendet Inhalte eines Problem-Verzeichnisses DIR per E-Mail\n\nFalls nicht spezifiziert, ist KONFDATEI standardmäßig "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei"
+@@ -1168,26 +1281,26 @@ msgstr "In FILE anhängen oder überschreiben"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Erstellt »reported_to« in DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Durch Benutzer abgebrochen."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "»%s« kann nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Datei:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Der Bericht wurde an %s angehängt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Der Bericht wurde unter %s gespeichert"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1199,53 +1312,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c KONFDATEI] -d VERZ\noder:\n& [-v] [-c KONFDATEI] [-d VERZ] -t[ID] DATEI...\n\nBerichtet ein Problem an RHTSupport.\n\nFalls nicht spezifiziert, ist KONFDATEI standardmäßig"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs übertragen [an Fall mit dieser ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS-Login oder Passwort ist leer"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "»%s« wird an Fall »%s« angehängt"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Daten werden komprimiert"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Temporäres Verzeichnis konnte nicht in /tmp erstellt werden"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Temporäre Datei konnte nicht in /tmp erstellt werden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Suche nach Hinweisen"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Möchten Sie noch immer ein RHTSupport-Ticket erstellen?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Neuer Fall wird erstellt..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Einen neuen Bericht erstellen"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Hinzufügen des Kommentars zu Fehlerbericht »%s«"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Fehlerdaten zu Bericht »%s« hinzufügen"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1255,23 +1380,13 @@ msgstr "Möglicherweise relevante Dokumentation: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Möglicherweise hilfreiche Updates: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s wird an %s gesendet"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s wurde erfolgreich an %s gesendet"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archiv wurde erstellt: »%s«"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1292,7 +1407,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d VERZ [-c KONFDATEI] [-u URL]\n\nLädt komprimierten Tarball des Problemverzeichnisses VERZ an URL hoch.\nFalls URL nicht angegeben ist, wird Tarball in /tmp erstellt und beendet.\n\nURL sollten dem Format »protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]« folgen, wobei das Protokoll http(s), ftp, scp oder file sein kann.\nFile-Protokoll darf keine Benutzer- und Host-Angaben enthalten: »file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].«\nFalls die URL in einem Schrägstrich endet, wird der Archivname generiert und an die URL angefügt, andernfalls wird die URL als vollständiger Dateiname angesehen.\n\nDateien, deren Namen in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT aufgeführt sind, werden nicht in den Tarball einbezogen.\n\nKONFDATEI-Zeilen sollten dem Format »PARAM = WERT« folgen.\nAkzeptierte String-Parameter: SubmitURL.\nParameter können mittels $KerneloopsReporter_SubmitURL außer Kraft gesetzt werden."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Basis-URL, an die übertragen wird"
+@@ -1413,6 +1528,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Hochladen als tar.gz-Datei (per FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1427,6 +1543,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Beispiele:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "FTP-Proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Proxy-Server für FTP festlegen"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1443,130 +1569,187 @@ msgstr "uReport Server-URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Adresse des uReport-Webdienstes"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Notfallanalyse"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Hochladen der Fehlerdaten für weitere Analysen"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+-msgstr "Fehlerhafte xml-Antwort, da »%s« Mitglied fehlt."
++msgstr "Fehlerhafte XML-Antwort, da »%s«-Mitglied fehlt."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Fehler %i ist CLOSED, hat jedoch keine RESOLUTION"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Fehler %i ist CLOSED als DUPLICATE, hat jedoch keine DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Neue Fehler-ID: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla konnte keinen übergeordneten Fehlerbericht für Fehler %d finden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Verschlüsselung: {0!s}% abgeschlossen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fenster auswählen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Benutzung: abrt-screencast -o AUSGABE_DATEI"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Keine Server-Antwort möglich, da die URL ungültig ist"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Antwort von Ureport-Server kann nicht aufgelöst werden"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Hochladen des uReport zum Server »%s« mit curl: %s fehlgeschlagen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Daten der Server-Antwort weist ungültiges Format auf"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "Die URL »%s« ist nicht vorhanden (Server-Fehlermeldung 404)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Unterschiedlicher Typ der Server-Antwort"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "Der Server bei »%s« hat einen internen Fehler festgestellt (Fehler 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "Der Server bei »%s« kann diese Anfrage derzeit nicht bearbeiten (Fehler 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Unerwarteter HTTP-Status-Code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Unerwartete HTTP-Antwort von »%s«: %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Server-seitiger Fehler: »%s«"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Antwort des uReport-Servers konnte nicht verarbeitet werden »%s«:\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "Die Antwort von »%s« weist ein ungültiges Format auf"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Unterschied des Typs in der Antwort von  »%s« festgestellt"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Der Server bei »%s« hat mit einer Fehlermeldung geantwortet: »%s«"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Server-URL angeben"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Erlaube die unsichere Verbindung zum ureport-Server"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "Bthash von uReport anzuhängen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "RHBZ-Fehler anhängen (benötigt -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Inhalte von Gemeldet_an anhängen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nMicro-Report hochladen oder einen Anhang an Micro-Report hinzufügen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Um einen Anhang zu erstellen, müssen Sie die Bug-ID angeben"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Sie müssen den Bthash des uReport angeben, um Anhang zu erstellen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "Dieses Problem hat keinen zugewiesenen uReport."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Dieses Problem wurde nicht an Bugzilla gemeldet."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehler-ID konnte aus der Bugzilla-URL »%s« nicht gelesen werden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehler-ID konnte nicht aus der Bugzilla-URL »%s «gelesen werden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Fehlerbericht konnte nicht übertragen werden"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Dieses Problem wurde bereits gemeldet."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Der Server hat mit einer Fehlermeldung geantwortet: »%s«"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Wie möchten Sie das Problem berichten?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1601,22 +1784,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nNewt-Werkzeug zum Berichten eines im angegebenen Verzeichnis DIR gespeicherten Problems"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "DIR nach Berichterstattung löschen"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Fehlermeldung an die Fedora-Maintainer"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlerbericht mit Hilfe der Fedora-Infrastruktur bearbeiten"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlerdaten an einen Server senden"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehler lokal analysieren und die Daten über SCP oder FTP hochladen"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "An Fedora melden"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "An Red Hat melden"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "C/C++ Absturzmeldung mit Hilfe der Red Hat-Infrastruktur verarbeiten"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Kernel-Absturzmeldung mit Hilfe der Red Hat-Infrastruktur verarbeiten"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Python-Ausnahme mit Hilfe der Red Hat-Infrastruktur verarbeiten"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Kernel-Absturzmeldung mit Hilfe der Red Hat-Infrastruktur verarbeiten"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "X-Serverproblem mit Hilfe der Red Hat-Infrastruktur verarbeiten"
+diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
+index 9ac7370..bbb610e 100644
+--- a/po/el.po
++++ b/po/el.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Greek <trans-el at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Όνομα"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po
+index 6c5fc68..3be343f 100644
+--- a/po/en_GB.po
++++ b/po/en_GB.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Bruce Cowan <bruce at bcowan.me.uk>, 2011.
++# Bruce Cowan <bruce at bcowan.me.uk>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/en_GB/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Display version and exit"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Log to syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Add program names to log"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Package"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Reason of crash"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Release string of the operating system"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nThe report has been updated"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNo changes were detected in the report"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "How you would like to analyse the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Select analyser: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "You have chosen number out of range"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Select collector(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(no description)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Reporting..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Select reporter(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternate GUI file"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figure %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "View/edit a text file"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(click here to view/edit)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(no description)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u files"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Include"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Name"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Value"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Problem description"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Provide additional information"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirm data to report"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "If you want to report the problem to a different destination, collect additional information, or provide a better problem description and repeat reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Sending %s to %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Missing mandatory value"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "The backtrace is incomplete, please make sure you provide the steps to reproduce."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Usage: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Check SSL key validity"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' or 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ticket/case ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Logging out"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Checking for duplicates"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Creating a new bug"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Bug is already reported: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Config file"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "Append to, or overwrite FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Create reported_to in DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "The report was appended to %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "The report was stored to %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Empty RHTS login or password"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Compressing data"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Sending %s to %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archive is created: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Base URL to upload to"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "New bug id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "How would you like to report the problem?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Remove DIR after reporting"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
+index 97a644f..97a1b90 100644
+--- a/po/es.po
++++ b/po/es.po
+@@ -3,20 +3,22 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-#   <benjavalero at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Claudio Rodrigo Pereyra Diaz <elsupergomez at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Daniel Cabrera <logan at fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
+-# Daniel E. Moctezuma <dmoctezuma at fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
+-#   <domingobecker at gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
+-#   <gguerrer at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Hugo Jiménez Hernández <hjimenezhdez at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Benjamín Valero Espinosa <benjavalero at gmail.com>, 2011
++# chris.rico <chrisrico at linux.com>, 2013
++# Claudio Rodrigo Pereyra Diaz <elsupergomez at gmail.com>, 2011-2013
++# Daniel Cabrera <logan at fedoraproject.org>, 2011
++# Daniel E. Moctezuma <dmoctezuma at fedoraproject.org>, 2012
++# Domingo Becker <domingobecker at gmail.com>, 2011-2012
++# vareli <ehespinosa at ya.com>, 2013
++# Gladys Guerrero <gguerrer at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Hugo Jiménez Hernández <hjimenezhdez at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Spanish <trans-es at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -27,50 +29,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [DIR_PROBLEMA]\n   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENTO DIR_PROBLEMA\n   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] DIR_PROBLEMA\n   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] DIR_PROBLEMA\n   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] DIR_PROBLEMA"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIJO] [PROBLEMA_DIR]\n   o: & [-vspy] -e EVENTO PROBLEMA_DIR\n   o: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEMA_DIR\n   o: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEMA_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Lista los posibles eventos [que inician con PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Ejecutar estos eventos solamente"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Ejecute el análisis de evento(s) en DIR_PROBLEMA"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Ejecute la recolección de evento(s) en DIR_PROBLEMA"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Elimine el DIR_PROBLEMA después de informar"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Analice, recolecte e informe los datos del problema en DIR_PROBLEMA"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Modo experto"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Muestra la versión y sale"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Elimine el DIR_PROBLEMA después de informar"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "No interactivo: no haga preguntas: suponga 'sí'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Registro en syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Agregue  el nombre del programa al log"
+@@ -121,136 +114,98 @@ msgstr "# Paquete"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Razón de la caída"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Cadena de lanzamiento del sistema operativo"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar vi: $TERM, $VISUAL y $EDITOR no fueron configurados"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nEl informe ha sido actualizado."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNo se detectaron cambios en el informe"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Su entrada no es válida porque:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valor incorrecto para '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "¿Cómo desea analizar el problema?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "El evento '%s' necesita permiso para enviar datos. ¿Quieres continuar?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Seleccione el analizador: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Seleccione un evento a ejecutar:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Usted eligió un número de opción fuera del rango"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Entrada inválida, saliendo del programa..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "¿Qué información adicional desearía recolectar?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Seleccionar recolector(es):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(no hay descripción)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Se presentaron %d errores al recolectar datos adicionales\n\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Informando..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "¿Cómo desea reportar el problema?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Seleccione el o los reportero(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problema reportando vía %d eventos de reporte (%d errores)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Entrada invalida, saliendo."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extrayendo copio desde {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "No se puede crear '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "No se puede extraer paquete '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Almacenando en cache archivos de '{0}' creados en {1} "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "No se pueden extraer archivos de '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "No se pueden retirar '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Descargando ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -259,28 +214,32 @@ msgstr "Ocurrió el problema '{0!s}' mietras descargaba del espejo: '{1!s}'. Int
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Inicializando yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Error al inicializar yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "No se pudo deshabilitar el repositorio '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Configuración de repositorios yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se pudo deshabilitar la descarga asincrónica, ¡la salida puede ser ilegible!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "No se puede configurar {0}: {1}, inhabilitando"
+@@ -288,67 +247,67 @@ msgstr "No se puede configurar {0}: {1}, inhabilitando"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Buscando en repositorios los paquetes necesarios"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Error al recuperar metadatos: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Error al recuperar listas de archivos:'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "No se pueden encontrar paquetes para {0} archivos de depuración"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Paquetes a descargar: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Descargando {0:.2f}Mb, tamaño instalado: {1:.2f}Mb. ¿Continuar?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Descarga cancelada por usuario"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Descarga de paquete {0} falló"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Desempaque falló, abortando descarga"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Retirando {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "No se puede remover %s, probablemente contiene un registro de error"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr " No me pregunte otra vez"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No hay descripciones disponibles."
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configuración"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -358,17 +317,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Flujos de trabajo"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Eventos"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "C_onfiguración"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -386,57 +345,56 @@ msgstr "No almacenar contraseñas"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "El Servicio Secreto no está disponible, ¡su configuración no se grabará!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se puede conectar a través de DBus para nombrar '%s' ruta '%s' interfaz '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar el método '%s' por medio de DBus en la ruta '%s' interfaz '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Se llegó al limite del tiempo de espera de una respuesta del servicio secreto DBus."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "¿Desea dejar de esperar y continuar con el reporte sin cargar apropiadamente la configuración?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "El método ReadAlias('%s') del Servicio Secreto por D-Bus falló: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se pudo crear un item secreto para el evento '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se puede obtener el valor secreto de '%s': %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g ARCH_GUI] DIR\n\nHerramienta GUI para analizar e informar un problema guardado en el DIR especificado"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENTO]... [-g ARCHIVO_GUI] PROBLEMA_DIR\n\nGUI herramienta para análisis y reporte de problemas guardado en directorio especificado PROBLEMA_DIR"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Archivo alterno de GUI"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Retira el DIR después de reportar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Ejecutar este evento solamente"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -444,7 +402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Se detectó una configuración incorrecta de %s, al informar es probable que falle si continúa con la configuración actual.\n\nLea más acerca de la configuración en: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -452,170 +410,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Configuración incorrecta detectada para <b>%s</b>, al informar es probable que falle si continúa con la configuración actual.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Lea más acerca de la configuración.</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figure %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Necesita directorio de escritura, pero '%s' no lo es. ¿Desea desplazar '%s' y operar en los datos desplazados?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Ver o editar archivo de texto"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "No hay destinatario de informe definido para este problema. Verifique la configuración en /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(se requiere: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(no es necesario, los datos ya existen: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(Haga clic aquí para ver/editar)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(archivo binario, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(no hay descripción)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u archivos"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Proceso finalizado"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Ocurrió un fallo al procesar el problema. Esto puede tener varios motivos pero los siguientes son los mas comunes:\n\t▫ <b>problemas con la conexión de red</b>\n\t▫ <b>datos del problema corruptos</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Si usted desea ayudarnos, por favor pulse el botón de subida y suministre todos los datos del problema para un análisis en profundidad. <i>Antes de hacer esto, considere los riesgos de seguridad. Los datos del problema pueden contener información sensible como contraseñas. Los datos subidos son almacenados en un almacenamiento protegido y sólo un limitado número de personas pueden leerlos.</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "El proceso ha fallado"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "No se define proceso para evento '%s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "El proceso ha sido interrumpido: no se puede continuar sin un directorio donde escribir."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Procesando..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "No se pudo verificar la tasa de retrotrazado debido al nombre de evento inválido"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Se detectaron posibles datos confidenciales, por favor revise con cuidado las pestañas resaltadas."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Procesando..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "El proceso ha fallado. Puede intentar con alguna otra operación disponible."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "El proceso ha fallado"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Proceso finalizado"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Proceso finalizado, favor de proceder con el siguiente paso"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "El evento '%s' requiere de permisos para enviar posibles datos sensibles.\n¿Desea continuar?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "El proceso ha sido cancelado"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Este problema no se debe reportar (probablemente sea un problema conocido). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un archivo común"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Está intentando copiar un archivo en sí mismo"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "No se puede copiar '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Elemento '%s' ya existe y no se puede modificar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Incluya"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nombre"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Descripción del problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecciona como enviar este problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Proporcionar información adicional"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Revisar los datos"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirmar datos que se van a reportar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Procesando"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Proceso terminado"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Cargando para análisis"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "A fin de habilitar la funcionalidad incoporada de grabado de pantalla debe instalar el paquete recordmydesktop. Por favor ejecute el siguiente comando si quiere instalarlo.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -647,11 +630,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Sus comentarios no son confidenciales.</b> Pueden incluirse en report
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Si no sabes como se describe, puedes"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "agregar una grabación de pantalla"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -707,16 +690,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Si desea reportar el problema a un destino diferente, recoja toda la información adicional o proporcione una mejor descripción del problema y repita el proceso del reporte, presione 'Siguiente'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Sea profuso"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Directorio del problema"
+@@ -725,6 +708,14 @@ msgstr "Directorio del problema"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "No se pudo eliminar: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "s"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -739,11 +730,22 @@ msgstr "Falta un elemento obligatorio: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "el valor uid no es válido: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Cargado: %llu of %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Enviando %s a %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Enviado correctamente %s a %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Falta un campo obligatorio"
+@@ -782,8 +784,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "El trazado está incompleto, por favor, asegúrese de proveer bien los pasos para reproducir el error."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "El retrotrazado probablemente no ayude a un desarrollador en la búsqueda del error."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "El retrotrazado probablemente no ayude a los desarroladores a diagnosticar el error."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -800,34 +802,87 @@ msgstr "Favor de intentar instalar debuginfo manualmente con el siguiente omando
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Probablemente haga falta un archivo de depuración o el coredump está corrupto."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Elemento del problema desaparecido ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Valor no soportado ‘%s’ en elemento de problema ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "No puede crear un uReport sin ‘type’"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "No sube un uReport vacío"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Uso:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Falta elemento esencial '%s', no se puede continuar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Error en la creación del caso en ‘%s’: %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Error en la creación del cado en ‘%s’, código HTTP: %d, el servidor dice: ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Error en la creación del caso en ‘%s’, código HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "error al crear caso: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Error en la creación del caso en ‘%s’: no URL de Localización, código HTTP: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "error al crear caso, código HTTP: %d, servidor dice: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Error en creación de comentario en ‘%s’: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "error al crear caso, código HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Error en creación de comentario en ‘%s’, código HTTP: %d, el servidor dice: ‘%s’"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "error al crear caso: no URL de ubicación, código HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Error en creación de comentario en ‘%s’, código HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Error en creación de comentario en ‘%s’: sin URL de Localización, código HTTP: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -881,12 +936,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Revisar la validez de la llave SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Cadena de lanzamiento de SO "
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Especificarlo si ha modificado su archivo /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Fija el servidor proxy para ser usado por HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy HTTPS"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Fija el servidor proxy para ser usado por HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -909,44 +1012,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' o 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID de tiquete o caso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "No se pudo analizar el retrotrazado"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "No se pudo ubicar el hilo (thread) que se colgó"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No puede entrar sin iniciar sesión"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No puede continuar sin contraseña"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Ingresando a Bugzilla en '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Contraseña o usuario inválido. Por favor, introduce tu usuario BZ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Contraseña o usuario inválido. Por favor, introduce la contraseña para '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(búsqueda rápida) valor de retorno no devuelve 'bugs'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -980,123 +1083,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\nor:\n\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nReporta el problema a Bugzilla.\n\nLa herramienta lee DIR. Después accede a Bugzilla e intenta encontrar un bug\ncon la misma abrt_hash:HEXSTRING en 'Whiteboard'.\n\nSi no se encuentra ningún bug, entonces se crea un nuevo bug. Los elementos de DIR\nson almacenados en el bug como parte de la descripción del bug o como adjunto,\ndependiendo de su tipo y tamaño.\n\nDe otra manera, si se encuentra un bug y está marcado como CLOSED DUPLICATE,\nla herramienta sigue la cadena de duplicados hasta encontrar un bug non-DUPLICATE.\nLa herramienta añade un  nuevo comentario al bug encontrado.\n\nLa URL al bug nuevo o modificado se imprime en stdout y se graba en el \nelemento 'reported_to'.\n\nLa opción -t sube FILEs al bug ya creado en el siti
 o Bugzilla.\nLa ID del bug es recuperada del directorio especificado por -d DIR.\nSi los datos del problema en DIR nunca han sido reportados a Bugzilla, la subida fallará.\n\nLa opción -tID sube FILEs al bug con la ID especificada al sitio Bugzilla.\n-d DIR es ignorado.\n\nLa opción -w añade al usuario bugzilla a la lista CC de bug.\n\nSi no se especifica, CONFFILE por defecto a "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Archivo de configuración (puede darse muchas veces)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Formateando archivos para comentario inicial"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Formateando archivos para duplicados"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Adjunte ARCHIVOS[para error con este ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Al crear error, también anexe los archivos binarios "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forzar el reporte incluso si este problema ya ha sido reportado"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Añade el usuario de Bugzilla a la lista CC [de error con este ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Imprime el BUG_ID al que se le dió el DUPHASH"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Restrinja el acceso a este grupo solamente"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Depurar"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Buscando problemas similares en bugzilla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "El usuario no ha sido proporcionado. Por favor, introduce tu usuario BZ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "La contraseña no ha sido proporcionado. Por favor, introduce la contraseña para '%s':"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se puede obtener el ID de Bugzilla porque el error no ha sido enviado todavía."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Este problema ha sido enviado a Bugzilla '%s' y se diferencia de la configuración de Bugzilla '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL mal escrito para Bugzilla '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Uso del ID de Bugzilla '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Salida "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Búsqueda de duplicados"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Creación de un nuevo error"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Adición de adjuntos al error %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "El error ya fue reportado:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Añade %s a la lista CC"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Adición de un nuevo comentario al error %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Se encontró el mismo comentario en este historial de errores, no se añade uno nuevo"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Añadiendo un mejor seguimiento"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Se encontró el mismo comentario en este historial de errores, no se añade uno nuevo"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Estatus: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1142,7 +1257,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nEnvía contenido del directorio de problemas DIR a través de correo-e\n\nSi no se especifica, CONFFILE se predetermina\n "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Archivo config"
+@@ -1169,26 +1284,26 @@ msgstr "Adjunte a o sobrescriba el ARCHIVO"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Cree reported_to en DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Cancelado por usuario."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "No se puede abrir %s para escritura. Por favor seleccione otro archivo:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Se adjuntó el reporte a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Se guardó el reporte en %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1200,53 +1315,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReporta un problema a RHTSupport.\n\nSi no se especifica, CONFFILE se predetermina"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Cargue ARCHIVOS [para caso con este ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Vacíe el nombre de usuario o contraseña RHTS "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Anexa %s' para caso '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Comprensión de datos "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "No se puede crear un directorio temporal en /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "No puede crear un archivo temporal en /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Comprobando sugerencias"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "¿Aún desea crear un tiquete de soporteRHT?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Crea un nuevo caso..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Creando un nuevo caso"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Añadiendo comentario a caso ‘%s’"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Adjuntando datos de problema a caso ‘%s’"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1256,23 +1383,13 @@ msgstr "La documentación podría ser relevante:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Actualizaciones que podrían ser de ayuda:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Enviando %s a %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Enviado correctamente %s a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Se creó el archivo: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1293,7 +1410,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nCarga archivadores tar del directorio de problemas DIR a la URL.\nSi no se especifica la URL, se crea un archivador  tar en /tmp y sale.\n\nLa URL debe tener la forma 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\ndonde el protocolo puede ser http(s), ftp, scp, or file.\nEl protocolo de archivo no puede tener partes de usuario y host: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nSi la URL termina en barra inclinada, el nombre del archivo se generará y agregará a la URL; de lo contrario, la URL será utilizada como nombre completo del archivo.\n\nLos archivos con nombres listados en  $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT no se incluyen en el archivador tar.\n\nLas líneas de CONFFILE deben tener el formato 'PARÁM = VALOR'.\nEl parámetro de cadena reconocido: URL.\nEl parámetro puede sobrescribirse a través de $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Base URL para cargar a "
+@@ -1414,6 +1531,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Cargue como archivo tar.gz (vía FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL "
+@@ -1428,6 +1546,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Ejemplos:&#xA;ftp://[usuario[:clave]@]equipo/dir/[archivo.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[usuario[:clave]@]equipo/dir/[archivo.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[archivo.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy FTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Fijar el servidor proxy para usar por FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1444,130 +1572,187 @@ msgstr "URL del servidor uReport"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Dirección del servicio web uReport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Análisis de emergencia"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Cargando datos del problema para futuro análisis"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Parece que la respuesta xml está dañada, porque falta el miembro '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Error %i está CERRADO, pero no tiene RESOLUCIÓN"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Error %i está CERRADO como DUPLICADO, pero no tiene DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "¡ID de nuevo error: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla no pudo hallar el padre de error %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Codificación: {0!s}% completado"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecciona ventana"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Uso: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "No se obtuvo respuesta del servidor debido a un url inválido"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "No se pudo analizar la respuesta desde el servidor ureport"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Fallo al subir uReport al servidor ‘%s’ con curl: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Los datos de la respuesta del servidor tienen un formato inválido"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "La URL ‘%s' no existe (obteniendo error 404 del servidor)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "No coincide el tipo de respuesta del servidor"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "El servidor en ‘%s’ encontró un error interno (obtuvo error 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "El servidor en ‘%s’ está actualmente sin poder manejar la petición (obtuvo error 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Código de estado HTTP inesperado: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Respuesta HTTP inesperada desde ‘%s’: %d %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Error en el lado del servidor: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Incapaz de analizar respuesta desde servidor ureport en ‘%s’: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "La respuesta desde ‘%s’ tiene formato no válido"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Se ha detectado un desajuste de tipo en la respuesta desde ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "El servidor en ‘%s’ respondió con un error: ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Especifique el URL del servidor"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Permitir conexión insegura al servidor ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "bthash del uReport a adjuntar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Adjunte error de RHBZ (requiere -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Adjunte los contenidos de informado a"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b id-error] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nSube un micro informe o agrega un adjunto a un micro informe"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Necesita especificar el ID del error a adjuntar."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Necesita especificar el bthash del uReport a adjuntar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "Este problema no tiene un uReport asignado."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Este problema no fue informado a Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el ID de Bugzilla en la URL '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No se pudo analizar el ID del error a partir de la URL de bugzilla '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Fallo al presentar el problema"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Este problema ya fue informado."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "El servidor respondió con un error: ‘%s’"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "¿Cómo desea reportar el problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1602,22 +1787,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nnueva herramienta para informar un problema guardado en el DIR especificado"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Retira el DIR después de reportar"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Reportar un bug a los mantenedores Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Procesar el informe usando la infraestructura de Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sube los datos del problema al servidor"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Analiza el problema localmente y sube los datos via scp o ftp"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Enviar a Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Reportar a Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Procesar el accidente C/C++ usando la infraestructura Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Procesar el kerneloops usando la infraestructura Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Procesar la excepción python usando la infraestructura Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Procesar el accidente del núcleo usando la infraestructura Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Procesar el problema del Servidor X usando la infraestructura Red Hat"
+diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
+index 274f644..280f467 100644
+--- a/po/eu.po
++++ b/po/eu.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/eu/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Bistaratu bertsioa eta irten"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Paketea"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Ezin da exekutatu vi: $TERM, $VISUAL eta $EDITOR ezarri gabe daude"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "b"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "E"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Hautatu analizatzailea:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(deskribapenik ez)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
++msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Ez galdetu berriro"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "Ez gorde pasahitzak"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Ikusi/editatu testu-fitxategi bat"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(klikatu hemen ikusi/editatzeko)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(fitxategi bitarra, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(deskribapenik ez)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u fitxategi"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Izena"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Balioa"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Arazoaren deskribapena"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Izan berritsua"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ezin da ezabatu: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "b"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "E"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' edo 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Egoera: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Ezin da '%s' ireki idazteko. Mesedez hautatu beste fitxategi bat:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,79 +1307,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Kargatu tar.gz fitxategi bezala (FTP/SCP/... bidez)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URLa"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1438,27 +1564,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,96 +1606,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Zehaztu zerbitzariaren URLa"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/fa.po b/po/fa.po
+index 8aad64d..4b114ce 100644
+--- a/po/fa.po
++++ b/po/fa.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Persian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/fa/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "در syslog سیاهه شد"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# بسته"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# دلیل شکست"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# رشته انتشار سیستم عامل"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "نمی تواند vi: $TERM, $VISUAL و $EDITOR را اجرا کند چون متغییرها تعیین نشده اند"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nگزارش به روز شد"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nهیچ تغییر در گزارش یافت نشد"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "ب"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "ن"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(بدون توضیح)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "درحال گزارش..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "پرونده GUI جایگزین"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(برای نما/ویرایش این‌جا را کلیک کنید)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(پرونده باینری، %llu بایت)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(بدون توضیح)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu بایت، %u پرونده"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "پردازشی برای رخ‌داد '%s' تعریف نشده"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "نام"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "ارزش"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "ب"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "ن"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ردگیری ناقص است، لطفا مطمئن شوید مراحل باتولید را تشریح کرده اید."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
+index 622a87f..fc6b999 100644
+--- a/po/fi.po
++++ b/po/fi.po
+@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Juhani Numminen <juhaninumminen0 at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpvainio at iki.fi>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi>, 2011.
++# Juhani Numminen <juhaninumminen0 at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpvainio at iki.fi>, 2011, 2012
++# Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Finnish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/fi/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -23,50 +23,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Luetteloi mahdolliset tapahtumat [jotka alkavat PREFIXillä]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Näytä versio ja lopeta"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Ei-interaktiivinen: älä kysy kysymyksiä, vaan oleta \"kyllä\""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Kirjoita lokia syslogiin"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Lisää ohjelmanimet lokiin"
+@@ -117,136 +108,98 @@ msgstr "# Paketti"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Kaatumisen syy"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Käyttöjärjestelmän julkaisutunnus"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Komentoa vi ei voida suorittaa: $TERM-, $VISUAL- tai $EDITOR -muuttujia ei ole määritetty."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nRaportti on päivitetty"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nRaportissa ei havaittu muutoksia"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "k"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "E"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Syöte ei kelpaa, syy:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Virheellinen arvo kohteelle ”%s”: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Kuinka haluat analysoida ongelman?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Valitse analysaattori: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Valittu numero ei ole sallittu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Virheellinen syöte, ohjelma lopetetaan..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Mitä muita tietoja haluat kerätä?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Valitse kerääjät: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ei kuvausta)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Tapahtui %d virhettä lisätietoja kerätessä\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Raportoidaan..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Miten haluat raportoida ongelman?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Valitse raportoija(t):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Puretaan cpio:ta paketista {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Kohteeseen ”{0}” ei voida kirjoittaa: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Ei voida purkaa pakettia ”{0}”"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Viedään välimuistiin tiedostoja kohteesta {0}, jotka on tehty paketista {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Kohteesta ”{0}” ei voida purkaa tiedostoja"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Hakemistoa ”{0}” ei voida poistaa: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Ladataan ({0} / {1}) {2}: {3:3} %"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -255,28 +208,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Käynnistetään yumia"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Virhe käynnistettäessä yumia (YumBase.doConfigSetup): ”{0!s}”"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Otetaan käyttöön yum-pakettilähteitä"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Pakettilähdettä {0} ei voida ottaa käyttöön: {1}, poistetaan käytöstä"
+@@ -284,56 +241,56 @@ msgstr "Pakettilähdettä {0} ei voida ottaa käyttöön: {1}, poistetaan käyt
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Etsitään tarvittavia paketteja pakettilähteistä"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Virhe ladattaessa metatietoja: ”{0!s}”"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Virhe ladattaessa tiedostoluetteloita: ”{0!s}”"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo-tiedostolle ei löydy paketteja"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Ladattavat paketit: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Ladataan {0:.2f} Mb, asennettu koko: {1:.2f} Mb. Jatketaanko?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Käyttäjä perui latauksen"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Paketin {0} lataus epäonnitui"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Purku epäonnistui, keskeytetään lataus…"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Hakemistoa %s ei voida poistaa, luultavasti se sisältää virhelokin"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Älä kysy uudestaan"
+@@ -382,57 +339,56 @@ msgstr "Älä tallenna salasanoja"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Vaihtoehtoinen GUI-tiedosto"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Poista HAKEMISTO raportoinnin jälkeen"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -440,7 +396,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -448,170 +404,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Aseta %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Tarvitaan hakemisto johon voidaan kirjoittaa, mutta hakemistoon ”%s” ei voida. Siirretäänkö se hakemistoon ”%s” ja käytetäänkö siirrettyjä tietoja?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Näytä tekstitiedosto tai muokkaa sitä"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(riippuvuus: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(ei tarvita, ”%s” on jo olemassa)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(napsauta tästä katsellaksesi tai muokataksesi)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binääritiedosto, %llu tavua)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ei kuvausta)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu tavua, %u tiedostoa"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Prosessi valmis."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Käsittely epäonnistui."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Tapahtumalle ”%s” ei ole määritetty toimintoa"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Käsitellään..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Tunnistettiin mahdollisesti arkaluontoisia tietoja, tarkista korostetut välilehdet."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Käsitellään..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Käsittely epäonnistui. Voit yrittää jotain muuta toimintoa, jos sellaisia on saatavilla."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Käsittely epäonnistui."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Prosessi valmis."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Käsittely valmis, siirry seuraavaan vaiheeseen."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Tapahtuma \"%s\" pyytää lupaa mahdollisesti henkilökohtaisen tiedon lähettämiseen.\nHaluatko jatkaa?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Käsittely peruutettiin"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "”%s” ei ole tavallinen tiedosto"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Yrität kopioida tiedostoa itseensä"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Tiedostoa ”%s” ei voi kopioida: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Kohde ”%s” on jo olemassa eikä sitä voi muokata"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Sisällytä"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nimi"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Arvo"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Ongelman kuvaus"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Anna lisätietoja"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Tarkista tiedot"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Vahvista raportoitavat tiedot"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Käsitellään"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Käsittely valmis"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -646,7 +627,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -703,16 +684,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Jos haluat raportoida ongelman toiseen kohteeseen, kerätä lisätietoja tai antaa paremman ongelmakuvauksen ja toistaa raportointiprosessin, napsauta ”Eteenpäin”."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -721,6 +702,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ei voida poistaa: \"%s\""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "k"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "E"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -735,11 +724,22 @@ msgstr "Puuttuva tarvittu kohde: \"%s\""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Lähetetty: %llu/%llu kilotavua"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Lähetetään tiedosto %s osoitteeseen %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Tiedoston %s lähetys osoitteeseen %s onnistui"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Puuttuva pakollinen arvo"
+@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Virheenjäljitystiedot ovat epätäydelliset, varmista että olet kertonut tarkat vaiheet virheen toistamiseen."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -796,34 +796,87 @@ msgstr "Yritä asentaa debuginfo manuaalisesti komennolla \"debuginfo-install %s
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Käyttö:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Tärkeä elementti ”%s” puuttuu, ei voida jatkaa"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "virhe tapauksen luonnissa: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "virhe tapauksen luonnissa, HTTP-koodi: %d, palvelin sanoo ”%s”"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "virhe tapauksen luonnissa, HTTP-koodi: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "virhe tapauksen luonnissa: ei Location-URL:ää, HTTP-koodi: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -877,12 +930,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Tarkista SSL-avaimen oikeellisuus"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "käyttöjärjestelmän julkaisutunnus"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Määritä tämä vain, jos olet muokannut /etc/system-release-tiedostoa"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -905,44 +1006,44 @@ msgstr "”strata” tai ”bugzilla”"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Tiketti/tapauksen tunnus"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Kirjaudutaan Bugzillaan osoitteessa %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -978,121 +1079,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Asetustiedosto (voidaan syöttää useita)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Liitä TIEDOSTOja [vikailmoitukseen ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Liitä virheilmoitusta luotaessa siihen myös binääritiedostoja"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Pakota raportin teko vaikka tämä ongelma on jo raportoitu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Kirjaudutaan ulos"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Etsitään samanlaisia"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Luodaan uusi ohjelmavirheilmoitus"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Lisätään liitetiedostoja vikailmoitukseen %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Ohjelmavirheestä on jo tehty ilmoitus: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Lisää uusi kommentti vikailmoitukseen %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Sama kommentti on jo vikailmoituksessa, ei lisätä uudelleen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Liitetään parempi pinolistaus"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Sama kommentti on jo vikailmoituksessa, ei lisätä uudelleen"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Tila: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1138,7 +1251,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Asetustiedosto"
+@@ -1165,26 +1278,26 @@ msgstr "Lisää uudet raportit TIEDOSTOon tai kirjoita TIEDOSTOn yli"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Luo reported_to HAKemistossa"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Käyttäjä perui."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Tiedostoon ”%s” ei voida kirjoittaa. Valitse toinen tiedosto:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Raportti lisättiin kohteeseen %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Raportti tallennettiin kohteeseen %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1196,53 +1309,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Lähetä TIEDOSTOJA [tapaukseen ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Tyhjä RHTS-käyttäjätunnus tai -salasana"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Liitetään tiedosto ”%s” tapaukseen ”%s”"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Pakataan tietoja"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Väliaikaishakemistoa ei voi luoda hakemistoon /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Väliaikaistiedostoa ei voi luoda hakemistoon /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Haluatko silti luoda RHTSupport-tiketin?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Luodaan uusi tapaus..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1252,23 +1377,13 @@ msgstr "Mahdollisesti tärkeää dokumentaatiota:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Pävityksiä, jotka saattavat auttaa:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Lähetetään tiedosto %s osoitteeseen %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Tiedoston %s lähetys osoitteeseen %s onnistui"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Luodaan pakettia: ”%s”"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1404,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Perusosoite, johon lähetetään"
+@@ -1410,6 +1525,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Lähetä tar.gz-tiedostona (FTP:llä/SCP:llä…)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1424,6 +1540,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1440,130 +1566,187 @@ msgstr "uReport-palvelimen URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Näyttää vioittuneelta XML-vastaukselta, koska ”%s”-elementti puuttuu."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Ohjelmavirhe %i on suljettu, mutta sillä ei ole ratkaisua"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Ohjelmavirhe %i on suljettu duplikaattina, mutta sillä ei ole DUP_ID:tä"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Uuden ohjelmavirheilmoituksen tunnus: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla ei löytänyt ylemmän tason vikailmoitusta ilmoitukselle %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Odottamaton HTTP-tilakoodi: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Palvelinongelma: \"%s\""
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Määritä palvelimen URL"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "Liitettävä bthash tai uReport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Liitä RHBZ-vika (vaatii valitsimen -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Liitä reported_to:n sisältö"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nLähetä mikroraportti tai lisää liite mikroraporttiin"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Sinun täytyy määritellä sen vikailmoituksen ID, johon liitetään."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Tätä ongelmaa ei ole raportoitu Bugzillaan."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Ongelma on jo raportoitu."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Miten haluat raportoida ongelman?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1598,9 +1781,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Poista HAKEMISTO raportoinnin jälkeen"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1617,3 +1803,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
+index f64cc11..5fbe8f2 100644
+--- a/po/fr.po
++++ b/po/fr.po
+@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Elodie  <djezael at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Kévin Raymond <shaiton at fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
+-# Sam Friedmann <sam.friedmann at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Elodie <djezael at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Elodie <djezael at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Jérôme Fenal <jfenal at gmail.com>, 2013
++# Kévin Raymond <shaiton at fedoraproject.org>, 2011
++# Sam Friedmann <sam.friedmann at redhat.com>, 2011-2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: French <trans-fr at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -23,50 +25,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Répertorier les événements possibles [qui commencent avec PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ne lancer que ces événements"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Supprimer PROBLEM_DIR après le rapport"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Mode expert"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-o FILE] [-a yes/no] [-r]\n\nImprime les informations d'incidents sur un sortie standard ou un FICHIER (FILE)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Non-interactif : ne pose pas de questions et répond à toutes les questions par 'oui'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "& -o [-d] DIR\n\nnouvel outil pour rapporter les incidents enregistrés dans le RÉPERTOIRE (DIR) spécifié"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Ajouter le nom des programmes dans le journal"
+@@ -117,166 +110,132 @@ msgstr "# Paquet"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Raison de l'incident"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Version du système d'exploitation"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Exécution de vi impossible : $TERM, $VISUAL et $EDITOR ne sont pas définis"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nLe rapport a été mis à jour"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nAucun changement n'a été détecté dans le rapport"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Votre entrée n'est pas valide, à cause de :"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "De quelle manière souhaitez-vous analyser le problème ?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "L'évenement « %s » nécessite la permission d'envoyer des données sensibles. Voulez-vous continuer ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un analyseur :"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un événement à lancer :"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Le nombre choisi est hors des limites"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr "Entrée invalide, arrêt du programme..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Quelles informations supplémentaires souhaitez-vous collecter ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Sélectionner le(s) collecteur(s) : "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(sans description)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "%d incidents se sont produits lors de la collecte des données supplémentaires\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Envoi du rapport..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "De quelle manière souhaitez-vous rapporter le problème ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un (des) rapporteur(s) :"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problème rapporté via %d événements rapport (%d erreurs)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extraction de cpio depuis {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Écriture sur '{0}' impossible : {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Extraction du paquetage '{0}' impossible"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Mise en cache des fichiers de {0} effectuée à partir de {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Extraction des fichiers de '{0}' impossible"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Suppression de '{0}' impossible : {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Téléchargement ({0} de {1}) {2} : {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Un incident « {0!s} » est survenu pendant le téléchargement depuis le mirroir : « {1!s} ». Essai du suivant"
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Initialisation de yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erreur lors de l'initialisation de yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup) : '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
+-msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
++msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
++msgstr "Impossible de désactiver le référentiel « {0!s} » : {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Paramétrage des référentiels yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de désactiver le téléchargement asynchrone, le résultat pourrait contenir des artefacts !"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Impossible d'installer {0} : {1}, désactivation"
+@@ -284,67 +243,67 @@ msgstr "Impossible d'installer {0} : {1}, désactivation"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Recherche des paquetages nécessités dans les référentiels"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erreur lors de la récupération des métadonnées : '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erreur lors de la récupération des listes de fichiers : '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Les paquetages pour les fichiers debuginfo {0} sont introuvables"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Paquetages à télécharger : {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Téléchargement {0:.2f}Mo, taille installée : {1:.2f}Mo. Continuer ?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Téléchargement annulé par l'utilisateur"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Échec du téléchargement du paquetage {0}"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Échec de la décompression, téléchargement annulé..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Suppression de {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Suppression de %s impossible, contient probablement un journal des erreurs"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Ne plus demander"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aucune description disponible"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configuration"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -354,17 +313,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Workflows"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Événements"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "C_onfigurer"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -380,237 +339,261 @@ msgstr "Ne pas stocker de mots de passe"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:257
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Secret Service n'est pas disponible, les paramètres ne seront pas enregistrés !"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de se connecter via DBus sur le nom « %s », chemin « %s », interface « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible d'appeler la méthode « %s » via DBus sur le chemin « %s » interface « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Un délai d'attente a été dépassé lors de l'attente d'un résultat à une demande à DBus Secret Service."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Voulez-vous arrêter d'attendre et continuer dans le processus de rapport sans avoir chargé correctement la configuration ?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Échec de la méthode ReadAlias('%s') de D-Bus Secrets Service : %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de créer un élément secret pour l'événement « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "impossible d'obtenir la valeur secrete de « %s » : %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\nOutil graphique pour analyser et rapporter l'incident enregistré dans le PROBLEM_DIR spécifié"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Fichier GUI alternatif"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Supprimer DIR après le rapport"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Des paramètres incorrects ont été détectés pour %s, le rapport va probablement échouer si vous continuez avec la configuration actuelle.\n\nEn savoir plus sur la configuration à : https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Des paramètres incorrects ont été détectés pour %s, le rapport va probablement échouer si vous continuez avec la configuration actuelle.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">En savoir plus sur la configuration</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figurer %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Un répertoire accessible en écriture est nécessaire, mais '%s' n'est pas accessible en écriture. Le déplacer sur '%s' et opérer sur les données déplacées ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Voir/modifier un fichier texte"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aucune cible de rapport n'est définie pour cet incident. Vérifiez la configuration dans "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(nécessite : %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(non nécessaire, les données existent déjà : %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(cliquer ici pour voir/éditer)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(fichier binaire, %llu octets)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(sans description)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu octets, %u fichiers"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Le traitement de l'incident a échoué. Cela peut avoir plusieurs causes, mais les deux plus courantes sont :\n\t▫ <b>problèmes de connexion réseau</b>\n\t▫ <b>corruption des données d'incident</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Si vous souhaitez nous aider, merci de cliquer sur le bouton de téléversement et de fournir toutes les données de l'incident pour une analyse approfondie.\n<i>Avant de procéder, merci d'envisager les risques liés à la sécurité. Les données de l'incident peuvent contenir des informations sensibles comme les mots de passe.\nLes données téléversées sont stockées dans un stockage protégée que seul un nombre limité de personnes peut lire.\t</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Échec du traitement."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Aucune action liée à l'événement « %s » n'a été définie."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Traitement interrompu : impossible de continuer sans répertoire inscriptible."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Traitement..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de vérifier la trace arrière du fait d'un nom d'événement invalide"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Des données possiblement critiques ont été détectées, veuillez vérifier les onglets surlignés avec attention."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr ""
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Fin du traitement."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Traitement terminé. Vous pouvez procéder à l'étape suivante."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "L'évenement « %s » demande la permission d'envoyer des données sensibles. Voulez-vous continuer ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cet incident ne doit a priori pas être rapporté (il est probablement déjà connu). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un fichier ordinaire"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Vous essayez de copier un fichier sur lui-même"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Copie de '%s' impossible : %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "L'élément '%s' existe déjà et n'est pas modifiable"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Inclure"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nom"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valeur"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+-msgstr "Description du problème"
++msgstr "Description de l'incident"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sélectionnez la manière dont vous souhaitez rapporter l'incident"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Veuillez fournir des informations supplémentaires"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Vérifier les données"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirmer les données à rapporter"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Traitement"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Traitement terminé"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Téléversement pour analyse"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Afin d'activer la diffusion d'écran interne, le paquet recordmydesktop doit être installé. Merci d'utiliser la commande suivante si vous souhaitez l'installer.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+@@ -618,7 +601,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "occurred, to choose how to analyze the problem (if needed), to review "
+ "collected data, and to choose where the problem should be reported. Click "
+ "'Forward' to proceed."
+-msgstr "Sur les écrans suivants, il vous sera demandé de décrire comment le problème est survenu, de choisir comment analyser le problème (si nécessaire), de revoir les données collectées et de choisir où le problème devra être rapporté. Veuillez cliquer sur 'Suivant' pour continuer."
++msgstr "Sur les écrans suivants, il vous sera demandé de décrire comment l'incident est survenu, de choisir comment analyser le problème (si nécessaire), de revoir les données collectées et de choisir où l'incident devra être rapporté. Veuillez cliquer sur « Suivant » pour continuer."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:2
+ msgid "Details"
+@@ -643,11 +626,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Vos commentaires ne sont pas privés.</b> Ils peuvent être ajoutés
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Si vous ne savez pas le décrire, vous pouvez"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "ajouter une diffusion d'écran"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -663,7 +646,7 @@ msgstr "Utiliser ce bouton afin de générer un rapport plus complet une fois qu
+ msgid ""
+ "Please review the data before it gets reported. Depending on reporter "
+ "chosen, it may end up publicly visible."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Merci de passer en revue les données avant qu'elles ne soient rapportées. En fonction du rapporteur choisi, elles peuvent être rendues publiques."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:11
+ msgid "Size:"
+@@ -686,7 +669,7 @@ msgstr "Si vos rapports sont envoyés à un serveur distant, assurez-vous de bie
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:15
+ msgid "Processing did not start yet"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le traitement n'a pas encore démarré"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:16
+ msgid "Show log"
+@@ -701,45 +684,64 @@ msgid ""
+ "If you want to report the problem to a different destination, collect "
+ "additional information, or provide a better problem description and repeat "
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+-msgstr "Si vous souhaitez rapporter le problème sur une différente destination, collecter des informations supplémentaires ou fournir de meilleures descriptions de problèmes et répéter le processus de rapportage, pressez sur 'Suivant'."
++msgstr "Si vous souhaitez rapporter l'incident à un destinataire différent, collecter des informations supplémentaires ou fournir de meilleures descriptions d'incidents et répéter le processus de rapportage, appuyez sur « Suivant »."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Verbeux"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Répertoire de l'incident"
+ #: ../src/lib/abrt_sock.c:150
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de supprimer : « %s »"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "f"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:39
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing required item: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Élément requis manquant : « %s »"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:54
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "la valeur de l'uid est invalide : « %s »"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Téléchargé : %llu sur %llu Ko"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Envoi de %s sur %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Envoi de %s sur %s réussi"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Une valeur nécessaire est manquante"
+@@ -765,11 +767,11 @@ msgstr "Option de type non supportée"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:420
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the rating does not contain a number."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Les rapports sont désactivés car l'évaluation ne contient pas de nombre."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:421
+ msgid "Please report this problem to ABRT project developers."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Merci de rapporter cet incident aux développeurs du projet ABRT."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:427
+ msgid ""
+@@ -778,8 +780,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Le backtrace est incomplet, veuillez vous assurer de fournir les étapes pour le reproduire."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "La trace arrière n'aidera probablement pas les développeurs à diagnostiquer le défaut."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -790,40 +792,93 @@ msgstr "L'envoi du rapport est désactivé car le backtrace est inutilisable."
+ msgid ""
+ "Please try to install debuginfo manually using the command: \"debuginfo-"
+ "install %s\" and try again."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Merci d'essayer d'installer les debuginfo manuellement à l'aide de la commande : « debuginfo-install %s » et de réessayer."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:440
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Des informations de débogage adéquates sont probablement manquantes, ou le vidage du plantage (coredump) est corrompu."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Élément d'incident manquant « %s »"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Une valeur non prise en charge « %s » dans l'élément de problème « %s »"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Impossible de créer un uReport sans « type »"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Pas de téléversement d'un uReport vide"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Utilisation :"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "L'élément essentiel '%s' est manquant, impossible de continuer"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Erreur lors de la création du dossier sur « %s » : %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier sur « %s », code HTTP : %d, le serveur dit : « %s »"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier sur « %s », code HTTP : %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier : %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier sur « %s » : pas d'emplacement URL, code HTTP : %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier, code HTTP : %d, le serveur dit : '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Erreur lors de la création de commentaire sur « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier, code HTTP : %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Erreur lors de la création de commentaire sur « %s », code HTTP : %d, le serveur dit : « %s »"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erreur lors de la création du dossier : pas d'emplacement URL, code HTTP : %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "erreur lors de la création de commentaire sur « %s », code HTTP : %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "erreur lors de la création de commentaire sur « %s » : pas d'emplacement URL, code HTTP : %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -877,12 +932,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Vérifier la validité de la clé SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Chaîne de version du SE"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Uniquement spécifier si vous avez modifié votre fichier /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Mandataire HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Configure le serveur mandataire à utiliser pour HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "Mandataire HTTPS"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Configure le serveur mandataire à utiliser pour HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -905,44 +1008,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' ou 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID du ticket/cas"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible d'analyser la trace arrière"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fil de l'incident introuvable"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de continuer sans s'identifier"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de continuer sans mot de passe"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Connexion à Bugzilla sur %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mot de passe ou identifiant invalide. Merci d'indiquer votre identifiant BZ :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mot de passe ou identifiant invalide. Merci d'indiquer votre mot de passe pour « %s » :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) renvoie une valeur ne contenant pas de défaut membre."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,123 +1079,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\nou :\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d REPERTOIRE] -t[ID] FICHIERS...\nou :\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d REPERTOIRE] -t[ID] -w\nou :\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nRapporte un problème sur Bugzilla.\n\nL'outil lit le REPERTOIRE. Puis il s'identifie sur Bugzilla et essaie de\ntrouver une anomalie avec le même abrt_hash:HEXSTRING dans le « Whiteboard ».\n\nSi une telle anomalie n'est pas trouvée, alors un nouveau rapport est\ncréé. Les éléments du REPERTOIRE sont stockés dans le rapport d'anomalie\nen tant que partie de la description de celle-ci ou comme pièce jointe,\nla méthode dépendant du type et de la taille des éléments.\n\nSinon, si une telle anomalie est trouvée et qu'elle est marquée comme\nCLOSED DUPLICATE, l'outil suit la chaine de duplication jusqu'à ce qu'il\ntrouve une anomalie non-DUPLICATE. L'outil ajoute un nouveau commentaire\nau rapport de l'anom
 alie trouvée.\n\nL'URL vers le rapport de l'anomalie, nouveau ou modifié, est affichée sur\nla sortie standard et enregistrée dans l'élément « reported_to ».\n\nL'option -t téléverse les FICHIERS vers l'anomalie déjà créée sur le site\nBugzilla. L'ID d'anomalie est récupérée du répertoire spécifié par\n-d REPERTOIRE. Si les données de l'incident dans REPERTOIRE n'ont\njamais été rapportées sur Bugzilla, le téléversement échouera.\n\nL'option -tID téléverse les FICHIERS sur l'anomalie spécifiée par ID\nsur le site Bugzilla. -d REPERTOIRE est ignoré.\n\nL'option -w ajoute l'utilisateur bugzilla à la liste CC de l'anomalie.\n\nS'il n'est pas spécifié, CONFFILE est défini par défaut à"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Fichier de configuration (peut être fourni de nombreuses fois)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Mise en forme du fichier pour le commentaire initial"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Mise en forme du fichier pour les duplications"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Attacher les FICHIERs (FILEs) [au bogue avec cet ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Attacher les fichiers binaires aussi lors de la création d'un bogue"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forcer le rapport même si cet incident a déjà été rapporté"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ajouter votre utilisateur bugzilla à la liste CC [du défaut portant cet ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Afficher le BUG_ID possédant un DUPHASH donné"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Restreindre l'accès à ce seul groupe"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Débogage"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Recherche d'incidents similaires dans bugzilla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le mot de passe n'est pas fourni dans la configuration. Merci d'indiquer votre identifiant BZ :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le mot de passe n'est pas fourni dans la configuration. Merci d'indiquer le mot de passe pour « %s » :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir un ID Bugzilla car cet incident n'a pas été rapporté sur Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cet incident a déjà été rapporté au Bugzilla « %s » qui diffère du Bugzilla « %s » configuré."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL malformé vers le Bugzilla « %s »."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Utilisation de l'ID Bugzilla « %s »"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Déconnexion"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Vérification des duplications"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Création d'un nouveau bogue"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Ajouter des attachements au bogue %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Le bogue a déjà été rapporté : %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ajout de %s à la liste en copie"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Ajout d'un nouveau commentaires au bogue %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Le même commentaire a été trouvé dans l'historique du bogue, ajout d'un nouveau commentaire annulé"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Attachement d'un meilleur backtrace en cours"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Le même commentaire a été trouvé dans l'historique du bogue, ajout d'un nouveau commentaire annulé"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Statut : %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1138,13 +1253,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nEnvoie le contenu d'un répertoire d'incidents DIR via courriel\n\nSi non-spécifié CONFFILE est ajusté par défaut sur "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Fichier de configuration"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:175
+ msgid "Notify only (Do not mark the report as sent)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Notification uniquement (ne pas marquer le rapport comme envoyé)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:42
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1165,26 +1280,26 @@ msgstr "Ajouter à, ou écraser FICHIER (FILE)"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Créer reported_to dans DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Annulé par l'utilisateur."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Ouverture de '%s' pour accès en écriture impossible. Veuillez sélectionner un autre fichier :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Le rapport a été ajouté à %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Le rapport a été stocké sur %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,55 +1309,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "Reports a problem to RHTSupport.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nou :\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRapporte un problème à RHTSupport.\n\nSi non-spécifié, CONFFILE est ajusté par défaut sur  "
++msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nou :\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRapporte un incident à RHTSupport.\n\nSi non-spécifié, CONFFILE est ajusté par défaut sur  "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Télécharger les FICHIERs (FILEs) [sur le dossier avec cet ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Identifiant ou mot de passe RHTS vide"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Attachement de '%s' au dossier '%s' en cours"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Compression des données"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Impossible de créer un répertoire temporaire dans /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Impossible de créer un fichier temporaire dans /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Recherche d'indices"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Voulez-vous toujours créer un ticket RHTSupport ?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Création d'un nouveau dossier..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Création d'un nouveau dossier"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Ajout d'un commentaire au dossier « %s »"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Ajout des données de l'incident au dossier « %s »"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1252,23 +1379,13 @@ msgstr "Documents pouvant être pertinents :"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Mises à jour pouvant être utiles :"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Envoi de %s sur %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Envoi de %s sur %s réussi"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archive créée : %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1406,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nTélécharge le tarball compressé du répertoire d'incidents DIR sur l'URL.\nSi l'URL n'est pas spécifié, le tarball peut être créé dans /tmp et fermé.\n\nL'URL doit être sous la forme 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\noù le protocole peut être http(s), ftp, scp, ou file.\nLe protocole File ne peut pas avoir de partie utilisateur et hôte : 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nSi l'URL se termine par une barre oblique, le nom de l'archive sera généré et ajouté\nà l'URL ; sinon, l'URL sera utilisé en tant que nom de fichier complet.\n\nLes fichiers avec des noms répertoriés dans $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT ne sont pas inclus\ndans le tarball.\n\nLes lignes CONFFILE doivent être sous le format 'PARAM = VALUE'.\nParamètre de chaîne reconnu : URL.\nLe paramètre peut être remplacé via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL de base sur lequel effectuer le téléchargement"
+@@ -1410,6 +1527,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Télécharger en tant que fichier tar.gz (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,147 +1540,214 @@ msgstr "Où souhaitez-vous télécharger le tarball avec le rapport sous la form
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Exemples :&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Mandataire FTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Configure le serveur mandataire à utiliser pour FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Sends ureports to FAF server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Envoyer les ureports au serveur FAF"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "uReport Server URL"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL du serveur uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Adresse du service web uReport"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Analyse d'urgence"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Téléverser les données d'incident pour analyse plus poussée"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Il semble que la réponse xml est corrompue car il manque '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Le bogue %i est FERMÉ (CLOSED), mais il n'y a pas de RÉSOLUTION (RESOLUTION)."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Le bogue %i est FERMÉ (CLOSED) en tant que DUPLIQUÉ (DUPLICATE), mais il ne possède pas de DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nouvel ID de bogue : %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla n'a pas trouvé le parent du bogue %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Encodage : terminé à {0!s}%c"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sélectionner la fenêtre"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Utilisation : abrt-screencast -o FICHIER_SORTIE"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Échec du téléversement du uReport au serveur « %s » avec curl : %s"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "L'URL « %s » n'existe pas (erreur 404 renvoyée par le serveur)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "Le serveur à « %s » a rencontré une erreur interne (erreur 500 renvoyée)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "Le serveur à « %s » ne peut actuellement pas prendre en charge la demande (réception d'une erreur 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Réponse HTTP inattendue de « %s » : %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Impossible d'analyser la réponse du serveur ureport à « %s » :\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "La réponse de « %s » a un format invalide"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Une confusion de type a été détectée dans la réponse de « %s »"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Le serveur à « %s » a répondu par une erreur : « %s »"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Spécifier l'URL du serveur"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permettre les connexions non-sécurisées au serveur ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "bthash du uReport à joindre"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Attacher le bogue RHBZ (requiert -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Attacher le contenu du reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nTéléverse le micro-rapport ou ajouter une pièce-jointe à un micro-rapport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Vous devez spécifier l'ID du bogue auquel se rattacher."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Vous devez spécifier le bthash du uReport auquel se rattacher."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cet incident n'a pas de uReport attribué."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cet incident n'a pas été rapporté sur Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver l'ID de défaut dans l'URL bugzilla « %s »"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'ID de défaut de l'URL bugzilla « %s »"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Échec de la soumission du problème"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cet incident a déjà été rapporté."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Le serveur a répondu par une erreur : « %s »"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "De quelle manière souhaitez-vous rapporter l'incident ?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+@@ -1596,24 +1781,59 @@ msgid ""
+ "& [-d] DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nl'outil newt pour rapporter l'incident a enregistré dans le répertoire DIR"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Supprimer DIR après le rapport"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Rapporter un défaut aux mainteneurs Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Traiter le rapport en utilisant l'infrastructure Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Téléverser les données de l'incident sur un serveur"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Analyser l'incident localement et téléverser les données via scp ou ftp"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Rapporter à Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Rapporter à Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Traiter le plantage C/C++ en utilisant l'infrastructure Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Traiter le kerneloops en utilisant l'infrastructure Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Traiter l'exception python en utilisant l'infrastructure Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Traiter le plantage du noyau en utilisant l'infrastructure Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Traiter l'incident du serveur X en utilisant l'infrastructure Red Hat"
+diff --git a/po/ga.po b/po/ga.po
+index e800fe2..ea76e3b 100644
+--- a/po/ga.po
++++ b/po/ga.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Irish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/ga/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/gu.po b/po/gu.po
+index 0e1b193..7b9d838 100644
+--- a/po/gu.po
++++ b/po/gu.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# , 2011, 2012.
++# , 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Gujarati <trans-gu at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "શક્ય ઘટનાઓની યાદી કરો [કે જે PREFIX સાથે શરૂ થાય છે]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "આવૃત્તિને દર્શાનો અને બહાર નીકળો"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "બિનઆંતરિક: પ્રશ્ર્નો પૂછો નહિં, 'હાં' ધારી લો"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog માં લૉગ લો"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "લૉગ રાખવા માટે કાર્યક્રમ નામો ઉમેરો"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# પેકેજ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# ભંગાણનુ કારણ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ઓપરેટીંગ સિસ્ટમની શબ્દમાળાને પ્રકાશિત કરો"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi ને ચલાવી શકાતુ નથી: $TERM, $VISUAL અને $EDITOR સુયોજિત નથી"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nઅહેવાલ સુધારી દેવામાં આવ્યો છે"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nઅહેવાલમાં બદલાવો શોધાયા નથી"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "આને કારણે તમારુ ઇનપુટ માન્ય નથી:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' માટે ખરાબ કિંમત: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "સમસ્યાનું વિશ્ર્લે,ણ કરવું તમને કેવી રીતે ગમે છે?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "વિશ્લેષક પસંદ કરો: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "સીમાની બહાર તમે નંબર પસંદ કરેલ છે"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "અયોગ્ય ઇનપુટ, કાર્યક્રમ બહાર નીકળી રહ્યુ છે..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "કઇ વધારાની જાણકારીને તમે સંગ્રહ કરવા માંગો છો?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "કલેક્ટર (ઓ) પસંદ કરો"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(વર્ણન નથી)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "ત્યાં %d ભૂલો હતી જ્યારે વધારાની માહિતીનો સંગ્રહ કરી રહ્યા હોય ત્યારે\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "અહેવાલ કરી રહ્યા છે..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "કેવી રીતે તમે સમસ્યાનો અહેવાલ કરવા માંગો છો?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "રીપોર્ટર (ઓ) પસંદ કરો:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d રિપોર્ટ ઘટનાઓ મારફતે અહેવાલ થયેલ સમસ્યા (%d ભૂલો)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} માંથી cpio ને બહાર કાઢી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' માં લખી શકાતુ નથી: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ '{0}' ને કાઢી શકાતુ નથી"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1} માંથી બનાવેલ {0}  માંથી ફાઇલોનું કેશ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' માંથી ફાઇલોને કાઢી શકાતુ નથી"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ને દૂર કરી શકાતુ નથી: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({1}) {2} નું {0}) ડાઉનલોડ કરી રહ્યા છે: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum ને શરૂ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup) શરૂ કરતી વખતે ભૂલ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum રિપોઝીટરીઓને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} ને સુયોજિત કરી શકતા નથી: {1}, નિષ્ક્રિય કરી રહ્યા છે"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "{0} ને સુયોજિત કરી શકતા નથી: {1},
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરીઓમાં જરૂરી પેકેજો માટે જોઇ રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "મેટાડેટાને પ્રાપ્ત કરતી વખતે ભૂલ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ફાઇલયાદીને પ્રાપ્ત કરતી વખતે ભૂલ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ફાઇલો માટે પેકેજોને શોધી શકાતા નથી"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે પેકેજો: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ડાઉનલોડ કરી રહ્યા છે, સ્થાપિત થયેલ માપ: {1:.2f}Mb. ચાલુ રાખો?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "વપરાશકર્તા દ્દારા રદ થયેલ ડાઉનલોડ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ {0} ડાઉનલોડ કરતી વખતે નિષ્ફળતા"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "નિકાળતી વખતે નિષ્ફળતા, ડાઉનલોડને કાઢી રહ્યા છે..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} દૂર કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s ને દૂર કરી શકાતુ નથી, કદાચ ભૂલ લૉગ સમાવે છે"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "ફરીથી મને પૂછો નહિં"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "પાસવર્ડોને સંગ્રહ કરી શકાત
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "વારાફરતી GUI ફાઇલ"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "અહેવાલીકરણ પછી DIR દૂર કરો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s રૂપરેખાંકિત કરો (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "લખી શકાય તેવી ડિરેક્ટરીની જરૂર છે, પરંતુ '%s' ને લખી શકાય તેમ નથી. '%s' માં તેને ખસેડો અને ખસેડેલ માહિતી પર ચલાવો?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "લખાણ ફાઇલને દર્શાવો/ફેરફાર કરો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(જોવા/ફેરફાર કરવા માટે અહિંયા ક્લિક કરો)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(બાઇનરી ફાઇલ, %llu બાઇટ્સ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(વર્ણન નથી)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu બાઇટ્સ, %u ફાઇલો"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "ઘટના '%s' માટે પ્રક્રિયા વ્યાખ્યાયિત થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "શક્ય સંવેદનશીનલ માહિતીને શોધાઇ, મહેરબાની કરીને સંભાળીને પ્રકાશિત થયેલ ટૅબનું રિવ્યૂ કરો."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' એ સામાન્ય ફાઇલ નથી"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "તમે પોતાનાં પર ફાઇલની નકલ કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ની નકલ કરી શકાતી નથી: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "વસ્તુ '%s' પહેલેથી જ અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવે છે અને બદલી શકાય તેમ નથી"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "સમાવો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "નામ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "કિંમત"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "સમસ્યા વર્ણન"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "વધારાની જાણકારીને પૂરી પાડો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "માહિતીનું રિવ્યૂ કરો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "અહેવાલ કરવા માટે માહિતીની ખાતરી કરો"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "જો તમે વિવિધ સ્થળમાં સમસ્યાનો અહેવાલ કરવા માંગો તો, વધારાની જાણકારીને ભેગી કરો, અથવા સારામાં સારી સમસ્યા વર્ણનને પૂરી પાડો અને અહેવાલીકરણ પ્રક્રિયા વારંવાર કરો, 'આગળ ધપાવો' દબાવો."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "અપલોડેડ: %llu kbytes નું %llu"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s માં %s ને મોકલી રહ્યા છે"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s માં %s ને સફળતાપૂર્વક મોકલ્યું"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "ફરજિયાત કિંમત ખૂટે છે"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "બેકટ્રેસ એ અપૂરતુ છે, મહેરબાની કરીને ખાતરી કરો કે પુન:ઉત્પન્ન કરવા માટે સારાં પગલાઓ પૂરા પાડો છો."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "વપરાશ: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "જરૂરી ઘટક '%s' એ ગેરહાજર છે, ચાલુ કરી શકાતુ નથી"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "નિર્માણ સ્થિતિમાં ભૂલ: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "નિર્માણ સ્થિતિમાં ભૂલ, HTTP કોડ: %d, સર્વર કહે છે: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "નિર્માણ સ્થિતિમાં ભૂલ, HTTP કોડ: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "નિર્માણ સ્થિતિમાં ભૂલ: સ્થાન URL નથી, HTTP કોડ: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL કી યોગ્યતાને ચકાસો"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS પ્રકાશન શબ્દમાળા"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "ફક્ત આને સ્પષ્ટ કરો જો તમે તમારી /etc/system-release ફાઇલને બદલેલ હોય તો"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' અથવા 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ટિકીટ/કેસ ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s પર બગઝીલામાં પ્રવેશ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલ (ઘણી વખત આપી શકાય છે)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "ફાઇલો જોડો [આ ID સાથે ભૂલમાં]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "જ્યારે ભૂલનો અહેવાલ કરી રહ્યા હોય ત્યારે, બાઇનરી ફાઇલોને પણ જોડો"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "અહેવાલ કરવાનું દબાણ કરો જો આ સમસ્યા પેહલેથી જ અહેવાલ થયેલ છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "બહાર નીકળી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "નકલો માટે ચકાસી રહ્યા છે"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "નવી ભૂલને બનાવી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ %i માં જોડાણોને ઉમેરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ પહેલેથી જ અહેવાલ થયેલ છે: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ %d માં નવી ટિપ્પણીને ઉમેરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "ભૂલ ઇતિહાસમાં એજ ટિપ્પણી મળી, નવાં એકને ઉમેરતા નથી"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "સારામાં સારા બેકટ્રેસને જોડી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "ભૂલ ઇતિહાસમાં એજ ટિપ્પણી મળી, નવાં એકને ઉમેરતા નથી"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "પરિસ્થિતિ: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nઇમેઇલ દ્દારા સમસ્યા ડિરેક્ટરીનાં સમાવિષ્ટોને મોકલે છે\n\nજો સ્પષ્ટ થયેલ ન હોય તો, CONFFILE એ તેમાં મૂળભૂત છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલ"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "માં ઉમેરો, અથવા FILE ઉપર લખો"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR માં અહેવાલ થયેલ છે તેને બનાવો (_t)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "વપરાશકર્તા દ્દારા રદ થયેલ છે."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "લખવા માટે '%s' ને ખોલી શકાતુ નથી. મહેરબાની કરીને બીજી ફાઇલને પસંદ કરો:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "અહેવાલ %s માં જોડાયેલ હતો"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "અહેવાલ %s માં સંગ્રહ થયેલ હતો"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRHTSupport માં સમસ્યાનો અહેવાલ થાય છે.\n\nજો સ્પષ્ટ થયેલ ન હોય તો, CONFFILE એ તેમાં મૂળભૂત છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "અપલોડ FILEs [આ ID સાથેની સ્થિતિમાં]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "ખાલી RHTS પ્રવેશ અથવા પાસવર્ડ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "સ્થિતિ '%s' માં '%s' ને જોડી રહ્યા છે"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "માહિતીને સંકોચી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp માં કામચલાઉ ડિરેક્ટરીને બનાવી શકતા નથી"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp માં કામચલાઉ ડિરેક્ટરીને બનાવી શકતા નથી"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "શું તમને હજુ RHTSupport ટિકીટ બનાવવાની ઇચ્છા છે?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "નવી સ્થિતિને બનાવી રહ્યા છે..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "દસ્તાવેજીકરણ કે જે તેને લગ
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "સુધારાં કે જેનાથી મદદ થઇ શકે છે:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s માં %s ને મોકલી રહ્યા છે"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s માં %s ને સફળતાપૂર્વક મોકલ્યું"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "પેટી બનાવેલ છે: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nURL ની સમસ્યા ડિરેક્ટરીનાં સંકોચાયેલ ટારબોલને અપલોડ કરે છે.\nજો URL સ્પષ્ટ થયેલ ન હોય તો, /tmp માં ટારબોલને બનાવે છે અને બહાર નીકળે છે.\n\nURL પાસે 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' બંધારણ હોવુ જોઇએ\nજ્યાં પ્રોટોકોલ http(s), ftp, scp, અથવા ફાઇલ હોઇ શકે.\nફાઇલ પ્રોટોકોલ પાસે વપરાશકર્તા અને યજમાન ભાગો હોઇ શકતા નથી: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nજો URL નો સ્લૅશ સાથે અંત થાય તો, આર્કાઇવ નામ ઉત્પન્ન થશે અને URL માં જોડાશે\n; નહિà
 ª‚ તો, URL સંપૂર્ણ ફાઇલ નામ તરીકે વાપરેલ હશે.\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT માં યાદી થયેલ નામો સાથે ટારબોલમાં સમાવેલ નથી.\n\nCONFFILE વાક્યો પાસે 'PARAM = VALUE' બંધારણ હોવુ જોઇએ.\nઓળખાયેલ શબ્દમાળા પરિમાણ: URL.\nપરિમાણ $Upload_URL મારફતે ઉપર લખી શકાય છે."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "તેમાં અપલોડ કરવા માટે આધાર URL"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ફાઇલ તરીકે અપલોડ કરો (FTP/SCP/ મારફતે...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "એવું લાગે છે તે ભાંગેલ xml જવાબ, કારણ કે '%s' સભ્ય ગુમ થયેલ છે."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Bug %i એ CLOSED છે, પરંતુ તેની પાસે RESOLUTION નથી"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Bug %i એ DUPLICATE તરીકે CLOSED છે, પરંતુ તેની પાસે DUP_ID નથી"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "નવી ભૂલ id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "બગઝીલા ભૂલ %d નાં મુખ્યને શોધી શક્યુ નહિં"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "કેવી રીતે તમે સમસ્યાનો અહેવાલ કરવા માંગો છો?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "અહેવાલીકરણ પછી DIR દૂર કરો"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
+index 3fa79c5..eb09fa8 100644
+--- a/po/he.po
++++ b/po/he.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Hebrew <he-users at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "רשום ליומן המערכת"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# Package"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Reason of crash"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Release string of the operating system"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nThe report has been updated"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNo changes were detected in the report"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(אין תיאור)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "מדווח..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(לחץ כאן לצפיה/עריכה)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(קובץ בינארי, %llu בתים)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(אין תיאור)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu בתים, %u קבצים"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "שם"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "ערך"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "חסר ערך חובה"
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "מידע הקריסה לא שלם. אנא וודא שסיפקת הסבר טוב על איך לגרום לקריסה להתרחש שוב."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
+index 754197f..3225752 100644
+--- a/po/hi.po
++++ b/po/hi.po
+@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# rajesh <rajesj>, 2012.
+-# Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Rajesh <rranjan>, 2011.
+-# zz <zz>, 2012.
++# rajesh <rajesj>, 2012
++# Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Rajesh <rranjan>, 2011
++# zz <zz>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Hindi <indlinux-hindi at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -24,50 +24,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "संभावित घटना सूचीबद्ध करें [जो PREFIX के साथ आरंभ करें]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "संस्करण दिखाएँ और बाहर निकलें"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Noninteractive: प्रश्न मत पूछें, 'हाँ' मानकर चलें"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "सिसलॉग में लॉग करेंसिस्टल"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "लाग करने के लिए अधिक प्रोग्राम नाम"
+@@ -118,136 +109,98 @@ msgstr "# संकुल"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# क्रैश के कारण"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का रिलीज स्ट्रिंग"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi नहीं चला सकता है: $TERM, $VISUAL और $EDITOR सेट नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nरिपोर्ट अद्यतन किया गया है"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nरिपोर्ट में कोई परिवर्तन पता नहीं किया गया"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "आपका इनपुट इस कारण वैध नहीं है:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' के लिए गलत मान: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "आप इस समस्या को कैसे विश्लेषित करना चाहेंगे?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "विश्लेषक चुनें: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "आपने एक संख्या चुनी है जो परिसर के बाहर है"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "अवैध इनपुट, प्रोग्राम बाहर निकल रहा है..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "किस प्रकार की अतिरिक्त सूचना आप जमा करना चाहते हैं?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "संग्राहक चुनें: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(कोई विवरण नहीं)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "अतिरिक्त आँकड़ा जमा करने के दौरान %d त्रुटियाँ आई\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "रिपोर्ट कर रहा है..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "आप कैसे इस समस्या को रिपोर्ट करना चाहेंगे?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "रिपोर्ट चुनें: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d के द्वारा रिपोर्ट किए गए कार्यक्रम (%d errors) में त्रुटि\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "cpio को {0} से निष्कर्षित कर रहा है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' में नहीं लिख सकता है: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "संकुल '{0}' निकाल नहीं सकता है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0} मेड से {1} फ़ाइल कैशिंग "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' से फ़ाइल नहीं निकाल सकता है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' को नहीं हटा सकता है: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({0} {1} का) डाउनलोड कर रहा है {2} : {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -256,28 +209,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum प्रारंभिकीकरण कर रहा है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup) के प्रारंभिकीकरण में त्रुटि: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum रिपॉजिटरी सेटअप कर रहा है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0}: {1} सेटअप नहीं कर सकता, निष्क्रिय कर रहा है"
+@@ -285,56 +242,56 @@ msgstr "{0}: {1} सेटअप नहीं कर सकता, निष्
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "जरूरी संकुल के लिए रिपोजिटरी को देख रहा है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "metadata प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "फ़ाइललिस्ट प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo फ़ाइल के लिए संकुल नहीं ढूँढ़ सका"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "डाउनलोड के लिए संकुल: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb डाउनलोड कर रहा है, संस्थापन आकार: {1:.2f}Mb. जारी?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "उपयोक्ता के द्वारा डाउनलोड रद्द किया गया "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "संकुल डाउनलोडिंग {0} विफल "
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "पैक करना विफल, डाउनलोड छोड़ रहा है..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} हटा रहा है"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s को हटा नहीं सकता है, शायद कोई त्रुटि लॉग समाहित करता है"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "मुझे फिर मत पूछें"
+@@ -383,57 +340,56 @@ msgstr "कूटशब्द जमा मत करें"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "वैकल्पिक जीयूआई फ़ाइल"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "रिपोर्टिंग के बाद DIR हटाएँ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -441,7 +397,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -449,170 +405,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s विन्यस्त करें  (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "लेखन योग्य निर्देशिका चाहिए, लेकिन '%s' लेखन योग्य नहीं है. '%s' में खिसकाएँ और खिसकाए गए आँकड़ा पर संचालित करें?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "पाठ फ़ाइल देखें/संपादित करें"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "देखें/संपादन में यहाँ क्लिक करें)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(द्विपदीय फ़ाइल, %llu बाइट्स)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(कोई विवरण नहीं)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu बाइट्स, %u फ़ाइल"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "घटना '%s' के लिए कोई प्रक्रिया परिभाषित नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "संभावित संवेदनशील आँकड़ा का पता चला, आलोकित टैब को ध्यान से समीक्षा करें."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' एक सामान्य फ़ाइल नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "आप इस पर एक फ़ाइल कॉपी करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' को कॉपी नहीं कर सकता है: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "मद '%s' पहले से मौजूद है और रुपांतरण योग्य नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "शामिल करें"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "नाम"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "मान"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "समस्या विवरण"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "अतिरिक्त सूचना दें"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "आँकड़ा समीक्षा करें"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "रिपोर्ट में आँकड़ा संपुष्ट करें"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -647,7 +628,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -704,16 +685,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "यदि आप भिन्न गंतव्य में समस्या को रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं, अतिरिक्त सूचना जमा करें या बेहतर समस्या विवरण दें या रिपोर्टिंग प्रक्रिया दुहराएँ, 'आगे' दबाएँ."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -722,6 +703,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -736,11 +725,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "अपलोड किया गया: %llu of %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s को %s में भेज रहा है"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s को %s में सफलतापूर्वक भेजा"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "गुम अनिवार्य मान"
+@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "बैकट्रेस अपूर्ण है, कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि आप फिर बनाने के लिए बेहतर चरण देते हैं."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -797,34 +797,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "प्रयोग: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "आवश्यक तत्व '%s' अनुपस्थित है, जारी नहीं रख सकता है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माण में त्रुटि: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माण में त्रुटि, HTTP कोड: %d, सर्वर कहता है: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माण में त्रुटि, HTTP कोड: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माण में त्रुटि: कोई अवस्थिति URL नहीं, HTTP कोड: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -878,12 +931,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL कुंजी वैधता जाँचें"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS रिलीज स्ट्रिंग"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "इसे केवल तभी रूपांतरित करें यदि आपने /etc/system-release फ़ाइल को बदला है"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -906,44 +1007,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' या 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "टिकट/स्थिति ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "बगजिला में %s पर लागिंग"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -979,121 +1080,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "विन्यास फ़ाइल (कई बार दिया हो सकता है)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE संलग्न करें [इस ID के साथ बग फाइल करने के लिए]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "जब बग निर्मित किया जाता है, द्विपदीय फ़ाइलें भी संलग्न करें"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "बाध्यकारी रिपोर्टिंग इसके बावजूद कि यह समस्या पहले ही रिपोर्ट की जा चुकी है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "लॉगिंग आउट"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "नकली के लिए जाँचा जा रहा है"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "नया बग बना रहा हूँ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "बग %i में संलग्नक जोड़ रहा है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "बग पहले से रिपोर्ट किया हुआ है: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "%d बग में नयी टिप्पणी जोड़ें"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "बग इतिहास में समान टिप्पणी पायी लेकिन कोई नया जोड़ नहीं रहा है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "बेहतर बैकट्रेस जोड़ रहा है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "बग इतिहास में समान टिप्पणी पायी लेकिन कोई नया जोड़ नहीं रहा है"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "स्थिति: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1139,7 +1252,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nसमस्या निर्देशिका DIR को ईमेल के द्वारा सामग्री भेजाn\nयदि नहीं निर्दिष्ट है तो CONFFILE इसमें तयशुदा है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "विन्यास फ़ाइल"
+@@ -1166,26 +1279,26 @@ msgstr "इसमें जोड़ें, या फ़ाइल पर अध
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "reported_to को DIR में बनाएँ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "उपयोक्ता के द्वारा रद्द किया गया ."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s' को लिखने के नहीं खोल सकता है. कृपया दूसरी फ़ाइल चुनें:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "रिपोर्ट को %s में अंतिम में जोड़ा जाता है."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "रिपोर्ट को %s में अंतिम में जोड़ा गया"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1197,53 +1310,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReports a problem to RHTSupport.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "फ़ाइल अपलोड करें [इस ID के साथ केस में]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "रिक्त RHTS लॉगिन या कूटशब्द"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' को '%s' स्थिति में संलग्न कर रहा हूँ"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "संकुचित आँकड़ा "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "अस्थायी निर्देशिका को /tmp में बना नहीं सकता है"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "अस्थायी निर्देशिका को /tmp में बना नहीं सकता है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "क्या आप अभी भी कोई RHTSupport टिकट बनाना चाहते हैं?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "नयी स्थिति बना रहा हूँ..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1253,23 +1378,13 @@ msgstr "दस्तावेज़ीकरण जो प्रासंगि
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "अद्यतन जो संभवतः मदद कर सकता है:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s को %s में भेज रहा है"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s को %s में सफलतापूर्वक भेजा"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "अभिलेख बनाया गया: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1290,7 +1405,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nसमस्या निर्देशिका DIR का संकुचित टॉरबॉल अपलोड करता है.\nयदि URL निर्दिष्ट नहीं है, तो /tmp में टारबॉल बनाता है और निकल जाता है.\n\nURL के पास 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nप्रारूप होने चाहिए जहाँ प्रोटोकॉल http(s), ftp, scp, या फ़ाइल हो सकता है.\nफ़ाइल प्रोटोकॉल के पास उपयोक्ता या मेजबान हिस्सा नहीं हो सकता है: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nयदि URL किसी स्लैश से खत्म होता है, अभिलेख नाम जनित किया जाता है\nऔर URL में जोडà¤
 ¼à¤¾ जाता है; अन्यथा, URL को पूर्ण फ़ाइल नाम के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाएगा.\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT में सूचीबद्ध फ़ाइल \nटारबॉल में शामिल नहीं है.\n\nCONFFILE लाइन को 'PARAM = VALUE' प्रारूप रखना चाहिए.\nस्ट्रिंग पैरामीटर पहचान रहा है: URL.\n$Upload_URL के द्वारा पैरामीटर अधिरोहित किया जाता है."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "बेस URL जिसमें अपलोड किया जाना है"
+@@ -1411,6 +1526,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "बतौर tar.gz फ़ाइल (FTP/SCP/... के द्वारा) अपलोड करें"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1425,6 +1541,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1441,130 +1567,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "खराब xml अनुक्रिया की तरह दिखता है, क्योंकि '%s' सदस्य अनुपस्थित है."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "बग %i बंद है लेकिन इसका कोई समाधान नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "बग %i बतौर नकली बंद है, लेकिन इसका कोई DUP_ID नहीं है"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "नया बग id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "बगजिला के पास बग %d के लिए कोई जनक नहीं ढूँढ़ सका"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "आप कैसे इस समस्या को रिपोर्ट करना चाहेंगे?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1599,9 +1782,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "रिपोर्टिंग के बाद DIR हटाएँ"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1618,3 +1804,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
+index 1c637ae..8b7a4fe 100644
+--- a/po/hu.po
++++ b/po/hu.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Zoltan Hoppár <hopparz at gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
++# Zoltan Hoppár <hopparz at gmail.com>, 2011-2013
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Hungarian <trans-hu at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   vagy: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   vagy: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   vagy: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Lista a lehetséges eseményekről [ami PREFIX-el kezdődik]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Csak ezeket az eseményeket futtassa"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Esemény(ek) elemzésének futtatása PROBLEM_DIR mappán"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Esemény(ek) begyűjtésének futtatása PROBLEM_DIR mappán"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Távoltítsa el a PROBLEM_DIR mappát a bejelentés után"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Elemezze, gyűjtse és jelentse a felmerülő problémákat a PROBLEM_DIR mappába"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Tapasztalt mód"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Verzió megjelenése és kilépés"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Távoltítsa el a PROBLEM_DIR mappát a bejelentés után"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Nem interaktív: ne kérdezzen, a válasz 'igen'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Logoljon a syslogba"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Adjon meg programneveket a logoláshoz"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Csomag"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Az összeomlás oka"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Kiadási szövege az operációs rendszernek"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "A vi nem futtatható: $TERM, $VISUAL és $EDITOR nincsenek megadva"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nA jelentést frissítettem"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nA jelentés nem változott"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "A megadott információk használhatatlanok, mert:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Rossz érték '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Hogyan kívánja analizálni a problémát?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Az esemény: %s számára engedély szükséges hogy valószínűleg érzékeny adatokat küldhessen. Kívánja folytatni?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Válasszon analizálót: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Válasszon egy eseményt a futtatáshoz:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "A választott szám túlment a limiten"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Rossz bemeneti információ, a program kilép..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Milyen további információt szeretne még összegyüjteni?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Válassza ki a begyüjtő(ket): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(nincs leírás)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "A további adatok összegyűjtésekor %d hiba történt\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Jelentés küldése..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Hogyan jelentené be a problémát?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Válassza ki a bejelentő(ke)t: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "A probléma jelentve a %d hibajelentőn keresztül (%d hiba)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Rossz bemeneti információ, az alkalmazás bezár."
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr " cpio kibontása innen {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nem írható itt '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Csomag kibontása sikertelen '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Fájlok gyorstárzása {0} innen történik {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Fájlok kibontása sikertelen innen '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nem eltávolítható '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Letöltés folyamatban ({0} / {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr "Hiba '{0!s}' merült fel a tükörről való letöltés közben: '{1!s}'
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Yum előkészítése"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Yum előkészítése sikertelen (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "A tároló nem kapcsolható le '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Yum tárolók beállítása"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Az aszinkron letöltés nem állítható meg, a kimenet fontos dolgokat is tartalmazhat!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Nem beállítható {0}: {1}, figyelmen kívül hagyva"
+@@ -282,67 +239,67 @@ msgstr "Nem beállítható {0}: {1}, figyelmen kívül hagyva"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Szükséges csomagok keresése a tárolókban"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Metadat letöltése sikertelen: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fájllisták letöltése sikertelen: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo fájlokhoz nem találhatóak csomagok"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Letöltendő csomagok: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Letöltésre ütemezve {0:.2f}Mb, ez telepítve: {1:.2f}Mb. Folytatja?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Letöltés felhasználó által megszakíva"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "{0} csomag letöltése nem sikerült"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Kicsomagolás sikertelen, letöltés megszakításra kerül..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} eltávolítása"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s eltávolíthatatlan, valószínűleg hibajelentést, log fájlt tartalmaz"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Ne kérdezze meg újra"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Leírás nem érhető el"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Beállítás"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -352,17 +309,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Munkafolyamat"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Események"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Beállítás_ok"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "Jelszavakat ne tárolja"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Gnome kulcskarika nem elérhető, a beállításai nem kerülnek mentésre"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "DBus-on keresztüli csatlakozás meghiúsult: név '%s' elérési út '%s'csatlakozó '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' eljárás nem hívható a DBus-on keresztül: elérési út '%s'csatlakozó '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "A várakozási idő letelt miközben a DBus titkosított szolgáltatásának azonnali válaszára várt."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Megállítja a várakozást és folytatja a helyesen betöltött konfiguráció nélkül a jelentést?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "DBus titkosítási szolgáltatás ReadAlias('%s') mód sikertelen: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem sikerült titkosított elemet létrehozni ehhez az eseményhez '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "titkosított érték nem elérhető '%s' számára: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\nGUI eszköz hogy elemezze és jelentse az elmentett problémákat a definiált DIR mappában"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\nGUI eszköz hogy elemezze és jelentse az elmentett problémákat a definiált PROBLEM_DIR mappában"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternatív GUI fájl"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Mappa eltávoltása jelentés után"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Csak ezt az eseményt futtassa"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n\nRead more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Ko_figurálja: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Egy írható könyvtárra lenne szükség, de '%s' nem írható. Mozgassuk '%s' célra és munkát folytassuk az elmozgatott adatokon?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Szövegfájl megtekintése/szerkesztése"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "NIncsenek céljelentések meghatározva erre a problémára. Ellenőrizze az összeállításokat itt: /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(szügséges: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(nem szügséges, az adatok már léteznek: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(kattintson ide hogy megtekintse/szerkessze)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(bináris fájl, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(nincs leírás)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u fájl"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Feldolgozás befejeződött."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Hiba feldolgozása sikertelen. Ennek több oka is lehet, de a két leggyakoribb:\n\t▫ <b>hálózati problémák</b>\n\t▫ <b>sérült adatok a problémáról</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Ha segíteni szeretne nekünk, kérem kattintson a feltöltő gombra és adja meg az összes felmerült probléma adatait egy alaposabb elemzésre.\n<i> Mielőtt még megtenné, kérem vegye figyelembe a biztonsági kockázatokat. A probléma adatai érzékeny információkat is tartalmazhatnak, mint jelszavak.\nA feltöltött adatok egy védett tárhelyen kerülnek elhelyezésre és csak néhány személy férhet hozzá, olvashatja azokat. </i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Feldolgozás sikertelen."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Nincs meghatározva feldolgozás a '%s' eseményhez"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Feldolgozás megszakítva: nem folytatható írható mappa nélkül"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Feldolgozás..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Nem ellenőrizhető a nyomkövetés minősítése mivel hibás az esemény neve"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Valószínűleg érzékeny adatok találhatóak a tartalomban, kérem tekintse át a kiemelt részeket figyelmesen."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Feldolgozás..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Feldolgozás sikertelen. Megpróbálhat egy másik műveletet ha lehetséges."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Feldolgozás sikertelen."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Feldolgozás befejeződött."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Feldolgozás befejeződött, kérem folytassa a következő lépéssel."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Az esemény: %s - engedélyre van szügsége hogy elküldhessen valószínűleg érzékeny "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Feldolgozás megszakítva"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A problémát inkább ne jelentse (ez egy ismert problémának tűnik). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' nem egy szokványos fájl"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Önmagára próbálja másolni a fájlt"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Az '%s' nem másolható: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Az '%s' elem már létezik és nem módosítható"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Hozzáadva"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Név"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Értéke"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Probléma leírása"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Válassza ki hogyan jelenti a problémát"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "További infirmációk megadása"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Adatok áttekintése"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Erősítse meg az adatokat a jelentéshez"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Feldolgozás"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Feldolgozás kész"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Feltöltés elemzésre"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Ahhoz, hogy engedélyezhesse a képernyőképeket/képernyőmentés funkciót, a recordmydesktop csomagot telepíteni kell. Kérem futtassa a következő parancsot, ha telepíteni szeretné. \n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -641,11 +622,11 @@ msgstr "<b>A bejegyzései nem zártak.</b> Publikusan látható jelentésekben m
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ha nem tudja hogyan írja le, megteheti hogy "
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "képernyőképeket/felvételt ad hozzá"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Ha szeretné jelenteni a problémát egy másik célra is, vagy további információt gyűjtene, vagy jobb leírást adna a korábbi helyett és megismételné a folyamatot, kérem kattintson a 'Folytatás' gombra."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Legyen részletes"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Hibagyűjtő mappa"
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr "Hibagyűjtő mappa"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nem törölhető: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr "Hiányzó szügséges elem: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "uid értéke érvénytelen:  '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Feltöltve: %llu / %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s küldése ide %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s sikeresen elküldve ide %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Hiányzó fontos érték"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "A nyomkövetési információk hiányosak, kérem biztosítsa hogy a reprodukálási lépések pontosan belekerüljenek."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr "A nyomkövetési információ valószínűleg nem tud segíteni a fejlesztőnek a hibakeresésben."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr "Kérem próbálja meg a debuginfo csomagokat kézzel telepíteni ennek a
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "A helyes debuginfo csomag hiányzik, vagy a coredump hibás."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Használata: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Alapvető '%s' komponens  hiányzik, nem folytatható"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "hiba az eset összeállításakor: %s"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "hia az eset összeállításakor, HTTP kód: %d, kiszolgáló válasza: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "hiba az eset összeállításakor, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "hiba az eset összeállításakor: nincs cél URL, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Ellenőrizze a SSL kulcs érvényességét"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS kiadási szöveg"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Csak akkor definiálja ezt, ha módosította a saját /etc/system-release fájlját"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' vagy 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Tikett / eset ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Nyomkövetési információ nem értelmezhető"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Összeomlási szál nem található"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem folytathatja bejelentkezés nélkül"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem folytathatja jelszó nélkül"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Bejeletkezés a Bugzilla rendszerbe: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Helytelen jelszó vagy bejelentkezési név. Kérem adja meg a BZ bejelentkezési nevét:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Helytelen jelszó vagy bejelentkezési név. Kérem adja meg a jelszavát '%s' számára:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) visszaadott értéke nem tartalmazott 'bugs' részt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -974,123 +1075,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\nvagy:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\nvagy:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\nvagy:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nBejelenti a hibát a  Bugzilla nyomkövetőjébe.\n\nAz eszköz a DIR mappát olvassa. Majd logolja a Bugzilla kiszolgálóba és megpróbál hibát találni\nugyanazzal az abrt_hash:HEXSTRING alapján a 'Whiteboard'-ban.\n\nHa ilyen hiba nem található, akkor egy új hibajegy készül. A DIR mappa elemei\na hiba leíró és csatolmány részeként kerülnek tárolásra,\na típusától és méretétől függően.\n\nMáskülönben, ha ilyen hiba megtalálható már, megjelölésre kerül mint CLOSED DUPLICATE,\nés az eszköz követi a láncot addig, míg nem talál nem duplikált hibát. \nAz eszköz majd új megjegyzést csatol a talált hibához.\n\nAz újonnan felvett vagy módosított hiba URL-je megjelenik a stdout kimeneten men
 tésre\nkerül a 'reported_to' elemben.\n\nOpció -t feltölti a FILE-okat a már elkészített hibajegyhez a Bugzilla oldalára.\nA hiba ID-je a -d DIR-ben meghatározott mappából kerül letöltésre.\nHa a bejelentett probléma adatai még sosem kerültek a Bugzilla-ba, a feltöltés sikertelen lesz.\n\nOpció -tID feltölti FILE-okat a hibajegyhez a meghatározott ID-vel a Bugzilla oldalára.\n-d DIR kihagyásra kerül.\n\nOpció -w hozzáadja a bugzilla felhasználót a bug's CC listájához.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Konfigurációs fájl (többször is szerepelhet)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Fájl formázása kezdeti megjegyzéshez"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Fájl formázása a duplikátumokhoz"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Mellékeljen fájlokat [ehhez a hibához ezzel az ID-vel]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ha hibajelentést készít, mellékeljen bináris fájlokat is"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Jelentse be akkor is ha ezt a problémát már bejelentették"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla felhasználó hozzáadása a CC listához [ezzel az azonosítóval rendelkező hibához]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Nyomtassa a BUG_ID-t aminek DUPHASH értéket adott"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Szűkítse le a hozzáférését csak erre a csoportra"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
++msgstr "Hibakeresés"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bejelentkezési azonosítója nem lett megadva a konfigurációban. Kérem adja meg a BZ azonosítóját:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jelszó nem került megadásra a konfigurációban. Kérem adja meg a jelszavát '%s' számára: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla ID nem elérhető mivel a probléma még nem került bejelentésre."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ez a probléma már bejelentésre került a Bugzilla '%s' nyomkövetőre, ami különbözik a beállított Bugzilla '%s'-től."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hibás url a Bugzilla '%s' számára."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla ID '%s' felhasználásával"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Kijelentkezés"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Duplikátumok ellenőrzése"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Új jelentés készül"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Mellékletek hozzáadása a %i hibához"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "A hiba már bejelentésre került: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s hozzáadása a listához"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Új megjegyzés hozzáfűzése a %d hibához"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Ugyanazon megjegyzés található meg a hiba korábbi bejegyzéseiben, nincs új hozzáfűzés"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Pontosabb nyomonkövetés mellékelése"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Ugyanazon megjegyzés található meg a hiba korábbi bejegyzéseiben, nincs új hozzáfűzés"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Státusz: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nElküldi a DIR hibakönyvtár tartalmát email-en keresztül\n\nHa másképp nincs meghatározva, CONFFILE alapértelmezése ez "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Konfigurációs fájl"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "Mellékelje vagy írja felül a FILE-t"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "reported_to készítése a DIR-ben"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Felhasználó által megszakítva."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s' írásra nem nyitható meg. Kérem válasszon másik fájlt: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "A jelentés mellékelve ide: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "A jelentés tárolásra került ehhez: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nAz RHTSupport-nak jelent be hibákat.\n\nHa nincs meghatározva, a CONFFILE alapértelmezés szerint "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE-ok feltöltése [ehhez az esethez, ezzel az ID-vel]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Üres RHTS felahsználói név vagy jelszó"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Mellékelem '%s' esethez: '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Adatok tömörítése"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nem lehetséges az átmeneti mappa létrehozása a /tmp mappában"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nem lehetséges az átmeneti fájl létrehozása a /tmp mappában"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Még mindig szeretne egy RHTSupport tikettet készíteni?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Új hibaeset feljegyzése..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Új hibaeset készítése"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "Dokumentáció ami fontos lehet: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Frissítések amelyek valószínűleg segíthetnek: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s küldése ide %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s sikeresen elküldve ide %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archív elkészült: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nFeltölt egy tömörített tar fájlt a hibagyűjtő DIR mappából az URL címre.\nHa az URL cím nem definiált, egy tar fájlt készít a /tmp mappában és kilép.\n\nURL formája: 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nahol a protokoll lehet http(s), ftp, scp, vagy fájl.\nFájl protokollnak nem lehet felhasználó és kiszolgáló része: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nHa az URL link slash jellel végződik, az archív neve automatikusan kerül előállításra és kapcsolva\naz URL linkhez; máskülönben, URL mint teljes fájlnév fogm megjelenni.\n\nNévvel felsorolt fájlok amik a $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT listában szerepelnek\nnem kerülnek a tar fájlba.\n\nCONFFILE soroknak kell lennie 'PARAM = VALUE' formátumú részének is.\nFelismert szöveges paraméter: URL.\nParaméter felülírható a $Upload_URL-en keresztül.."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Alap URL a feltöltéshez ide"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Feltöltés tar.gz fájlként (FTP/SCP/... csatornán keresztül)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Példák:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr "uReport kiszolgáló URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport webszolgáltatás címe "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Vészhelyzeti analízis"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "A probléma adatainak feltöltése a kiszolgálóra további elemzésre"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Egy hibás XML válasznak tűnik, mert az '%s' tag hiányzik."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "A %i számú hiba LEZÁRVA, de nincs MEGOLDÁSA"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Az %i számú hiba LEZÁRVA mint DUPLIKÁLT, de nincs DUP_ID-je."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Új hiba ID: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla nem találja a kiindulási hibát a %d számú hibánál"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kódolás: {0!s}% kész"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Válasszon ablakot"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Alkalmazás: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Kiszolgáló válasza elérhetetlen mivel hibás az URL linkje"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a beérkezett válasz a ureport kiszolgálótól"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Kiszolgáló válasz adatai helytelen formátumúak"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Kiszolgáló választípusa eltérő"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Váratlan HTTP státuszkód: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Kiszolgáló oldali hiba: '%s'"
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Adjon meg egy kiszolgáló URL linkjét"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Engedélyezzen nem biztonságos kapcsolatot a uReport kiszolgálóhoz"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "uReport bthash része mellékeléshez"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "RHBZ hibát mellékel (szügséges: -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Tartalmat mellékel a bejelentő részhez"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nFeltölt egy uRepotot vagy egy mellékletet csatol a uReport-hoz"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Meg kell határoznia a hiba ID számát a mellékeléshez."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Meg kell határoznia a uReport bthash részét a mellékeléshez."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "Ennek a problémának nincs hozzákapcsolat uReport része. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "A hiba még nem került  bejelentésre a Bugzillába."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem található a hiba ID száma bugzilla URL '%s' részéből."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
++msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a hiba ID száma bugzilla URL '%s' részéből."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "A hiba már bejelentésre került."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Hogyan jelentené be a problémát?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,22 +1779,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nnewt eszköz hogy a probléma jelentést elmentse egy meghatározott DIR mappában "
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Mappa eltávoltása jelentés után"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dolgozza fel a jelentést a Fedora Infrastructure segítségével"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A probléma adatainak feltöltése a kiszolgálóra"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
++msgstr "Elemezze a problémát helyben és töltse fel az adatokat scp vagy ftp segítségével"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Jelentse a Fedorának"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ia.po b/po/ia.po
+index a5e644c..2e34d38 100644
+--- a/po/ia.po
++++ b/po/ia.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Nik Kalach <nik.kalach at inbox.ru>, 2012.
++# Nik Kalach <nik.kalach at inbox.ru>, 2012-2013
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Interlingua <trans-ia at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,230 +21,183 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Listar eventos possibile [que comencia de PREFIXO]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Monstrar le version e sortir"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non interactive: non face questiones, suppone le responsa 'si'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Registrar in syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Adder nomines de programmas al registro"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:132
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "# This field is read only\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Iste campo es solmente pro leger\n"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:152
+ msgid "# Describe the circumstances of this crash below"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Describe le circumstantias de iste crash in basso"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:154
+ msgid ""
+ "# Backtrace\n"
+ "# Check that it does not contain any sensitive data (passwords, etc.)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Retraciamento\n# Virifica que illo non contine alicun datos secrete (contrasignos, etc.)"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:156
+ msgid "# Architecture"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Architectura"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:157
+ msgid "# Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Linea de commando"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:158
+ msgid "# Component"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Componente"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:159
+ msgid "# Core dump"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Discargamento de memoria"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:160
+ msgid "# Executable"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Executabile"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:161
+ msgid "# Kernel version"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Version de nucleo"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:162
+ msgid "# Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "# Pacchetto"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:163
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
++msgstr "# Causa del crash"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
+-msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
+-msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
++msgstr "# Edition del systema operative"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
++msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
++msgstr "Impossibile de exequer vi: $TERM, $VISUAL e $EDITOR non es definite"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nLe reporto se ha actualisate"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nNecun cambiamentos era  detegite in le reporto"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le entrata non es valide a causa de:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Valor incorrecte pro '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le numero seligite es foras de limites del diapason"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -366,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Monstrar le contrasigno"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:216
+ msgid "Advanced"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Alternar le file GUI"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(clicca hic pro examinar/modificar)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(file binari, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(necun description)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
++msgstr "%llu bytes, %u files"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Necun tractamento pro le evento '%s' es definite"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "s"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -773,15 +773,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid ""
+ "The backtrace is incomplete, please make sure you provide the steps to "
+ "reproduce."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le retraciamento es incomplete. Describe le passos pro reproducer le problema."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Le reportage es disactivate proque le retraciamento es inutile."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:438
+ #, c-format
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,79 +1307,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++msgstr ""
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,27 +1564,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,96 +1606,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "In qual maniera reportar le problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
+index 9737219..de7ae26 100644
+--- a/po/id.po
++++ b/po/id.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Indonesian <trans-id at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/is.po b/po/is.po
+index c776f0e..7b2c292 100644
+--- a/po/is.po
++++ b/po/is.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Icelandic (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/is/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
+index 99208e2..41e1980 100644
+--- a/po/it.po
++++ b/po/it.po
+@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Antonio Trande (sagitter), 2011.
+-# Francesco D'Aluisio <fdaluisio at fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
+-#   <fvalen at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Mauro Gaggiotti <mauro.gaggiotti at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# silvio pierro <perplesso82 at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Silvio Pierro <perplesso82 at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Antonio Trande (sagitter), 2011
++# Francesco D'Aluisio <fdaluisio at fedoraproject.org>, 2011,2013
++# fvalen <fvalen at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Mauro Gaggiotti <mauro.gaggiotti at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Silvio Pierro <perplesso82 at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Silvio Pierro <perplesso82 at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Italian <trans-it at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -26,50 +26,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Elenca gli eventi possibili [che iniziano con PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Esegui solo questi eventi"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "imuovi PROBLEM_DIR dopo la segnalazione"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Mostra versione ed esci"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Non interattivo: non fare domande, assumi 'yes'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Log su syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Aggiungi i nomi dei programmi sul log"
+@@ -120,136 +111,98 @@ msgstr "# Pacchetto"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Motivo del crash"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Versione di rilascio del sistema operativo"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Impossibile eseguire vi: $TERM, $VISUAL e $EDITOR non sono impostati"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nIl report è stato aggiornato"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNessuna modifica è stata rilevata nel report"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Il tuo input non è valido"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valore incorretto per '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Come desideri analizzare il problema?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Seleziona l'analizzatore:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Hai selezionato un numero fuori dalla gamma"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Input non valido, il programma sta uscendo..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Quali informazioni aggiuntive desideri acquisire?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Seleziona agenti di raccolta:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(nessuna descrizione)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Si sono verificati %d errori durante la raccolta dei dati aggiuntivi\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Notifica in corso..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Come desideri notificare il problema?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Seleziona il reporter(s):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problema riportato tramite %d eventi di notifica (%d errori)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Estrazione cpio da {0} in corso"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Impossibile scrivere su '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Impossibile estrarre il pacchetto '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Memorizzazione in cache dei file da {0} creati da {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Impossibile estrarre file da '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Processo di download ({0} di {1}) {2} in corso: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -258,28 +211,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Inizializzazione yum in corso"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Errore nella inizializzazione di yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
+-msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
++msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
++msgstr "Non posso disabilitare il repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Impostazione repositori yum in corso"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Impossibile impostare {0}: {1}, disabilitazione in corso"
+@@ -287,56 +244,56 @@ msgstr "Impossibile impostare {0}: {1}, disabilitazione in corso"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Ricerca nei repositorio dei pacchetti necessari"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Errore durante il ripristino dei metadati: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Errore durante il ripristino degli elenchi dei file: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Impossibile trovare i pacchetti per {0} file debuginfo "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti da scaricare: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Processo di download {0:.2f}Mb in corso, dimensione installata: {1:.2f}Mb. Continuare?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Processo di download cancellato dall'utente"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Processo di download del pacchetto {0} fallito"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Decompressione fallita, download saltato"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Rimozione {0} in corso"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere %s, probabilmente pesenta un log d'errore"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Non chiedermelo ancora"
+@@ -383,59 +340,58 @@ msgstr "Non archiviare le password"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:257
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Il Servizio Secret non è disponibile, le tue impostazioni non saranno salvate!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Non posso chiamare il metodo '%s' su DBus sul path '%s' interfaccia '%s': %s"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') metodo fallito: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "File GUI alternato"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Rimuovi DIR dopo la notifica"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -443,7 +399,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -451,168 +407,193 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figura %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "È necessaria una directory modificabile; '%s' non può essere modificata. Spostarla su '%s' ed operare sui dati appena spostati?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Visualizza/modifica un file di testo"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gli obiettivi di segnalazione non  sono definiti per questo problema. Controlla la configurazione in /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(richiede: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(non necessario, data già esistono: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(clicca qui per visualizzare/modificare)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(file binario, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(nessuna descrizione)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u file"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Elaborazione fallita."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Non è stata definita alcuna processazione per l'evento %s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Elaborazione interrotta: non posso continuare senza una directory scrivibile."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Elaborazione..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non posso controllare il rating del backtrace a causa di un nome di evento non valido"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Rilevati possibili dati sensibili, ricontrollare con attenzione le schede evidenziate."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr ""
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Processo finito."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Elaborazione terminata, si prega di procedere con il prossimo passo."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "L'evento '%s' richidere il permesso di inviare eventuali dati sensibili.⏎ Si vuole procedere?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' non è un file normale"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Stai cercando di copiare un file su se stesso"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Impossibile copiare '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "L'oggetto '%s' è già esistente e non è modificabile"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Includi"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nome"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valore"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Descrizione problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Fornire informazioni aggiuntive"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Revisiona i dati"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Conferma dati da riportare"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Elaborazione"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
++msgstr "Elaborazione eseguita."
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+@@ -649,7 +630,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -666,7 +647,7 @@ msgstr "Usa questo pulsante per generare un backtrace più dettagliato dopo aver
+ msgid ""
+ "Please review the data before it gets reported. Depending on reporter "
+ "chosen, it may end up publicly visible."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Prego revisionare i dati prima che vengano riportati. In base al reporter scelto, possono diventare pubblicamente visibili."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:11
+ msgid "Size:"
+@@ -689,7 +670,7 @@ msgstr "Se esegui i riporti ad un server remoto assicurati di rimuovere tutti i
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:15
+ msgid "Processing did not start yet"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "L'elaboarazione non è ancora partita"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:16
+ msgid "Show log"
+@@ -706,43 +687,62 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Se desideri riportare il problema ad una destinazione diversa acquisisci informazioni aggiuntive, o fornisci una migliore descrizione del problema e ripeti il processo di riporto, e premi 'Avanti'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Si verboso"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Directory del problema"
+ #: ../src/lib/abrt_sock.c:150
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non posso cancellare : '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "s"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "f"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:39
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing required item: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Manca l'elemento richiesto: '%s'"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:54
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "uid valore non valido: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Caricati: %llu di %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Invio di %s a %s in corso"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Invio di %s a %s completato"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Valori obbligatori mancanti"
+@@ -768,11 +768,11 @@ msgstr "Tipo di opzione non supportata"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:420
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the rating does not contain a number."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Rapporto disabilitato perchè il rating non continene un numero."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:421
+ msgid "Please report this problem to ABRT project developers."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Prego segnalare questo problema agli sviluppatori del progetto ABRT."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:427
+ msgid ""
+@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Il backtrace è incompleto, assicurarsi di fornire i passaggi necessari per riprodurre il crash."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -797,36 +797,89 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:440
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
++msgstr "Un corretto debuginfo è probabilmente mancante o il coredump è corrotto."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Utilizzo:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "L'elemento essenziale '%s' è mancante, impossibile continuare"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "errore nella creazione del caso: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "errore nella creazione del caso, codice HTTP: %d, il server indica: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "errore nella creazione del caso, codice HTTP: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "errore nella creazione del caso: nessun URL della posizione, codice HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -880,12 +933,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Controlla la validità della chiave SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "stringa versione OS"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Specificalo solo se hai modificato il tuo file /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -908,44 +1009,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' o 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID caso/ticket"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non posso parsificare il backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non posso trovare il thread di crash"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Registrazione con Bugzilla su %s in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -981,121 +1082,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "File di configurazione (può essere dato numerose volte)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Allega FILE [su bug con questo ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Durante la creazione del bug allegare anche i file binari"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forza il riporto anche se questo problema è già stato notificato."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Uscita in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Controllo presenza duplicati in corso"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Creazione di un nuovo bug in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta allegati al bug %i in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Il bug è già stato riportato: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta nuovo commento al bug %d in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Trovato lo stesso commento nella cronologia del bug, non aggiungere nuovo commento"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Associazione migliore backtrace in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Trovato lo stesso commento nella cronologia del bug, non aggiungere nuovo commento"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Stato: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1141,7 +1254,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nInvia i contenuti di una directory problematica DIR tramite email\n\nSe non specificato, CONFFILE esegue il default su "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "File di configurazione"
+@@ -1168,26 +1281,26 @@ msgstr "Aggiungi a, o sovrascrivi FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Crea "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Cancellato dall'utente."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Impossibile aprire '%s' per un processo di scrittura. Seleziona un altro file:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Il riporto è stato aggiunto su %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Il riporto è stato archiviato su %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1199,53 +1312,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\no:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nNotifica un problema a RHTSupport.\n\nSe non specificato, CONFFILE esegue il default su "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Carica i FILE [sul caso con questo ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Login o passoword RHTS vuoti"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Associazione di '%s' al caso '%s' in corso"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Compressione dati in corso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Impossibile creare una directory temporanea in /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Impossibile creare un file temporaneo in /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Desideri ancora creare un ticket per RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Creazione di un nuovo caso in corso..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1255,23 +1380,13 @@ msgstr "Documentazione che potrebbe essere rilevante:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Aaggiornmenti che possono essere utili:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Invio di %s a %s in corso"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Invio di %s a %s completato"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archicio creato: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1292,7 +1407,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nCarica il tarball compresso della directory DIR problematica su URL.\nSe l'URL non è stato specificato, crea il tarball in /tmp ed esce.\n\nURL dovrebbe avere un formato 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\ndove il protocollo può essere http, ftp, scp, o file.\nIl protocollo per file non può avere user e host: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nSe l'URL termina con uno slash, il nome dell'archivio verrà generato ed aggiunto all'URL; in caso contrario, l'URL verrà usato come nome del file completo.\n\nI file con i nomi elencati in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT non vengono inclusi nel tarball.\n\nLe righe di CONFFILE devono avere un formato 'PARAM = VALUE'. \nParametro della stringa riconosciuto: URL.\nIl parametro può essere sovrascritto tramite $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL di base sul quale eseguire il caricamento"
+@@ -1413,6 +1528,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Carica come file tar.gz (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1427,146 +1543,213 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Sends ureports to FAF server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Invia gli ureport al server FAF"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "uReport Server URL"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL del Server uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
++msgstr "Indirizzo del servizio web uReport"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Sembra una risposta xml corrotta perchè il membro '%s' non è presente."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Il bug %i è CLOSED, ma non presenta alcuna "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Il bug %i è CLOSED come DUPLICATE, ma non presenta alcun DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nuovo id del bug: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla non è stato in grado di trovare il genitore del bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permetti connessione insicura al server ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Come desideri notificare il problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1599,11 +1782,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "& [-d] DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nstrumento newt per segnalare problemi salvati in specificata DIR"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Rimuovi DIR dopo la notifica"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1620,3 +1806,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
+index bd21fb7..3a60c16 100644
+--- a/po/ja.po
++++ b/po/ja.po
+@@ -3,17 +3,18 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Kiyoto Hashida <khashida at redhat.com>, 2011.
+-#   <noriko at fedoraproject.org>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Tomoyuki KATO <tomo at dream.daynight.jp>, 2012-2013.
+-#   <www.carrotsoft at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Hajime Taira <htaira at redhat.com>, 2013
++# Kiyoto Hashida <khashida at redhat.com>, 2011
++# noriko <noriko at fedoraproject.org>, 2011, 2012
++# Tomoyuki KATO <tomo at dream.daynight.jp>, 2012-2013
++# 高一人参 @欠陥遺伝子 <www.carrotsoft at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-20 09:38+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Tomoyuki KATO <tomo at dream.daynight.jp>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Japanese <trans-ja at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -24,50 +25,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "可能性のある [PREFIX で始まる] イベントを一覧にする"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "これらのイベントのみを実行します"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR においてイベント分析を実行する"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "報告後に PROBLEM_DIR を削除する"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR においてイベント収集を実行する"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "エキスパート・モード"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR において問題データを分析、収集および報告する"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "バージョンを表示して終了する"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "報告後に PROBLEM_DIR を削除する"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "非対話型: 質問なしで、「はい」を想定"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog へのログ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "ログへプログラム名を追加する"
+@@ -118,136 +110,98 @@ msgstr "# パッケージ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# クラッシュの理由"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# オペレーティングシステムのリリース文字列"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi を実行できません: $TERM, $VISUAL, 及び $EDITOR が定義されていません"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nバグレポートを更新しました"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\n報告の中に変更は検出されませんでした。"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "以下の理由でユーザーの入力は無効です: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' の不正な値: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "問題をどのように分析したですか?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "イベント '%s' はおそらく機微な情報を送信する権限が必要です。続行したいですか?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "アナライザの選択: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "実行するイベントの選択: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "範囲外の数字を選択しました"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "無効な入力です、プログラムを終了しています..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "収集したい追加情報は何ですか?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "無効な入力です、終了しています..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "コレクターを選択: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(説明なし)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "追加データの収集中に %d エラーが発生しました\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "報告中..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "どのように問題を報告したいですか?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "レポーターの選択:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d 回の報告イベントを通じて報告された問題(%d 個のエラー) \n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr "イベント '%s' はおそらく機微な情報を送信する権限が必要です。続行したいですか?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "cpio を {0} から抽出中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "「{0}」 に書き込みできません: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "パッケージ「{0}」を抽出できません"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0} にある {1} から作成されたファイルをキャッシュ中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "「{0}」からファイルを抽出できません"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "「{0}」を削除できません: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "ダウンロード中 ({0} / {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -256,28 +210,32 @@ msgstr "ミラーからダウンロード中に問題 '{0!s}' が発生しまし
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum を初期化中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum の初期化でエラー発生 (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+-msgstr "リポジトリー '{0!s}': {1!s} を無効化できません"
++msgstr "リポジトリー '{0!s}' を無効化できません: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum リポジトリの設定中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr "非同期ダウンロードを無効化できません、出力に加工されたものが含まれています。"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} を設定できません: {1}、 無効にしています"
+@@ -285,56 +243,56 @@ msgstr "{0} を設定できません: {1}、 無効にしています"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "必要なパッケージをリポジトリで検索中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "メタデータの取得中にエラーが発生: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ファイル一覧の取得中にエラーが発生: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ファイルのパッケージが見つかりません"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ダウンロードするパッケージ: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "ダウンロード中 {0:.2f}Mb、 インストールサイズ: {1:.2f}Mb、 続行しますか?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ユーザーによってダウンロードが取り消されました"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "パッケージ {0} のダウンロードに失敗しました "
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "解凍に失敗しました、 ダウンロードを中止しています…"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} を削除中"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s を削除できません、 おそらくエラーログが含まれています"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "次回からそのまま実行する"
+@@ -381,59 +339,58 @@ msgstr "パスワードを保存しないでください"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:257
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+-msgstr "シークレットサービスが利用できません、設定は保存されません !"
++msgstr "シークレットサービスが利用できません、設定は保存されません。"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "DBus 経由で名前 '%s' パス '%s' インターフェース '%s' に接続できません: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "メソッド '%s'  をパス '%s' インターフェース '%s' において DBus 経由で呼び出せません: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "DBus シークレットサービスからのプロンプト結果を待機中にタイムアウトになりました。"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "以前に読み込まれた設定を使用せず、報告において待機を解除し、継続したいですか?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') メソッドに失敗しました: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "イベント '%s' のシークレット項目を作成できません: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' のシークレット値を取得できません: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\n指定された DIR に保存された問題を分析および報告する GUI ツール"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\n指定された PROBLEM_DIR に保存された問題を分析および報告する GUI ツール"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "代替の GUI ファイル"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "報告後に DIR を削除する"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "このイベントのみを実行します"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr "エキスパートモードにおいてウィザードの実行 - 高度なオプションの表示"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -441,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "誤った設定が %s に対して検出されました、現在の設定のまま続行すると、報告が失敗する可能性があります。\n\n設定に関する詳細は次のページを参照してください: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -449,170 +406,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "誤った設定が <b>%s</b> に対して検出されました、現在の設定のまま続行すると、報告が失敗する可能性があります。\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">設定に関する詳細はこちらを確認してください。</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s を設定する (_F)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "書き込み可能なディレクトリが必要ですが、「%s」は書き込みできません。 「%s」に移動してから移動したデータで操作してみてください。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "テキストファイルの表示/編集"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "この問題に対する報告ターゲットが定義されていません。 /etc/libreport/* にある設定を確認してください。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(必須: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(必要ありません、データがすでに存在しません: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(ここをクリックして 表示/編集)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(バイナリファイル、 %llu バイト)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(説明なし)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu バイト、 %u ファイル"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "処理が完了しました。"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "問題の処理に失敗しました。多くの理由が考えられますが、一般的に以下の二つがあります:\n\t▫ <b>ネットワーク接続の問題</b>\n\t▫ <b>問題データの破損</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "私たちの支援をしたければ、アップロードボタンをクリックし、深い分析のためにすべての問題データを提供してください。\n<i>そうする前に、セキュリティリスクを考慮してください。問題データはパスワードのような機微な情報を含む可能性があります。\nアップロードされたデータは、保護されたストレージに保存され、限定された人のみが参照できます。</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "処理に失敗しました。"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "イベント '%s' のプロセッシングは定義されていません。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "処理を中断しました: 書き込み可能なディレクトリなしで続行できません。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "処理しています..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "無効なイベント名のためバックトレースのレーティングを確認できません"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "機密データの可能性があるものを検出しました、 ハイライトされているタブを慎重に確認してください。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "処理しています..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "処理に失敗しました。他の操作が利用可能ならば、試してください。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "処理に失敗しました。"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "処理が完了しました。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "処理が完了しました。次のステップに進んでください。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "イベント '%s' はおそらく機微な情報を送信する権限が必要です\n続行したいですか?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "処理が取り消されました"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr "この問題は報告されるべきではありません (おそらく既知の問題と思われます)。 %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "「%s」は普通のファイルではありません"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "ファイルをそのファイル自体にコピーしようとしています"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "「%s」をコピーできません: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "アイテム「%s」はすでに存在しているため変更できません"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "含む"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "名前"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "値"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "問題の説明"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr "この問題を報告する方法を選択してください"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "その他の情報の提供"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "データのレビュー"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "報告するデータの確認"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "処理しています"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "処理が完了しました"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "分析のためにアップロードする"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "組み込みのスクリーン録画機能を有効にするには、recordmydesktop パッケージをインストールする必要があります。インストールしたければ、以下のコマンドを実行してください。\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -647,7 +629,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr "それを説明する方法がわからなければ、次のことができます。"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr "スクリーンキャストの追加"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -704,16 +686,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "異なる送信先に問題を報告したい場合は、追加情報を収集するか、又はより良い問題説明を提供して報告プロセスを繰り返した上で、「進む」を押します。"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "冗長な出力"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "問題ディレクトリ"
+@@ -722,6 +704,14 @@ msgstr "問題ディレクトリ"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "削除できません: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -736,11 +726,22 @@ msgstr "必要な項目がありません: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "UID 値が無効です: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "アップロード済み: 合計 %llu キロバイトの内 %llu キロバイト"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s を %s に送信しています"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s を %s に正常に送信しました"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "必須の値がありません"
+@@ -779,8 +780,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "バックトレースが不完全です。再現手順が書かれているかどうか確認してください。"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "おそらくバックトレースがバグを検索するときに開発者の役に立ちません。"
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "おそらくこのバックトレースはバグを診断するときに開発者の役に立ちません。"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -797,34 +798,87 @@ msgstr "次のコマンドを使用して手動で debuginfo をインストー
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "適切な debuginfo がおそらく見つかりません、またはコアダンプが破損しています。"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "問題の要素 '%s' がありません"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "サポートされない値 '%s' が問題の要素 '%s' にあります"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "'type' を持たない uReport を作成できません"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "空の uReport をアップロードしません"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "使用法: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "必須エレメントの「%s」がありません、 続行できません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "'%s' においてケースの作成でエラー: %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "'%s' においてケースの作成でエラー, HTTP コード: %d, サーバーの応答: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "'%s' においてケースの作成でエラー, HTTP コード: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "'%s' においてケースの作成でエラー: 位置 URL なし, HTTP コード: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "作成時にエラー発生: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "'%s' においてコメントの作成でエラー: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "作成時にエラー発生、 HTTP コード: %d、 サーバー側: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "'%s' においてコメントの作成でエラー, HTTP コード: %d, サーバーの応答: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "作成時にエラー発生、 HTTP コード: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "'%s' においてコメントの作成で, HTTP コード: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "作成時にエラー発生: URL がありません、 HTTP コード: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "'%s' においてコメントの作成でエラー: 位置 URL なし, HTTP コード: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -878,12 +932,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL キーの妥当性をチェックする"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS リリース文字列"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "/etc/system-release ファイルに変更を加えた場合にのみ指定します"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTP プロキシ"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "HTTP のために使用するプロキシサーバーを設定する"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTPS プロキシ"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "HTTPS のために使用するプロキシサーバーを設定する"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -906,44 +1008,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' 又は 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "チケット/ケース ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "バックトレースを解析できません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "クラッシュ・スレッドを見つけられません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr "ログインせずに続行できません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr "パスワードなしで続行できません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s にある Bugzilla にログインしています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr "無効なパスワードまたはログイン名です。あなたの BZ ログイン名を入力してください:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr "無効なパスワードまたはログイン名です。'%s' のパスワードを入力してください:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) の返り値がメンバー 'bugs' を含みません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,123 +1079,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\n問題を Bugzilla に報告します。\n\nこのツールは DIR で指定したディレクトリを読み込みます。\nそして、 Bugzilla にログインし、'Whiteboard' において同じ \nABRT ハッシュ値 (16進の文字列) を持つバグを検索します。\n\nそのようなバグが見つからない場合、新しいバグが作成されます。\nDIR の内容は、その形式と容量に応じて、バグの説明または添付として、\nバグに保存されます。\n\n一方、そのようなバグが見つかり、CLOSED DUPLICATE となっている場合、\nこのツールは DUPLICATE 以外のバグを見つけるまで、重複先を追跡します。\nこのツールは見つけたバグに新しいã
 ‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’追加します。\n\n新しいまたは変更されたバグの URL が標準出力に出力され、\n'reported_to' 要素内に記録されます。\n\nオプション -t により Bugzilla サイトにすでに作成されたバグに FILE をアップロードします。\nバグ ID が -d DIR で指定されたディレクトリから取得されます。\nDIR にある問題データがまだ Bugzilla に報告されていなければ、アップロードが失敗します。\n\nオプション -tID により Bugzilla サイトにおいて指定された ID を持つバグに\nFILE をアップロードします。 -d DIR は無視されます。\n\nオプション -w により Bugzilla ユーザーをバグの CC 一覧に追加します。\n\n指定されなければ、CONFFILE が初期値になります。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "設定ファイル (何回でも供給可能)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr "ファイルを整形しています"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "初期コメントのためにファイルを整形しています"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "重複のためにファイルを整形しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs を添付する [この ID を持つバグに] "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "バグを作成する時には、バイナリファイルも添付して下さい"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "この問題がすでに報告されている場合でも強制的に報告します"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "bugzilla ユーザーを [この ID を持つバグの] CC 一覧に追加する"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "指定された DUPHASH を持つ BUG_ID を表示します"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "アクセスをこのグループのみに制限する"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr "デバッグ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Bugzilla において同様の問題を検索中"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr "ログイン情報が設定により指定されていません。BZ ログイン情報を入力してください:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr "パスワードが設定されていません。'%s' 向けのパスワードを入力してください:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "この問題がまだ Bugzilla に報告されていないので Bugzilla ID を取得できません。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr "この問題が Bugzilla '%s' に報告されました。設定された Bugzilla '%s' から変更されました。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr "Bugzilla '%s' の不正な形式の URL。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla ID '%s' を使用しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "ログアウトしています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "重複をチェックしています"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "新しいバグを作成しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "バグ %i に添付ファイルを追加しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "バグは既に報告済みです: %i "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr "%s を CC 一覧に追加しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "新しいコメントをバグ %d に追加しています"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "バグ履歴に同じコメントが見つかりました、 新しいコメントは追加しません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "より適したバックトレースを添付中"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "バグ履歴に同じコメントが見つかりました、 新しいコメントは追加しません"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "状態: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1139,7 +1253,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\n電子メールで問題の DIR ディレクトリのコンテンツを送信します\n\n指定しない場合、 CONFFILE により次のようにデフォルト設定されます。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "設定ファイル"
+@@ -1166,26 +1280,26 @@ msgstr "追加する、 または FILE を上書きします"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR 内に reported_to を作成します"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ユーザーによって取り消されました。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "書き込みに「%s」を開くことができません。 別のファイルを選択してください:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "報告は %s に追記されました"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "報告は %s に保存されました"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1197,53 +1311,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\n問題を RHTSupport に報告します。\n\n指定しない場合、 CONFFILE により次のようにデフォルト設定されます。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs をアップロードします [この ID を持つケースへ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS ログイン、又はパスワードが空です"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' をケース '%s' に添付しています"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "データの圧縮"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp に一時ディレクトリを作成できません"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp に一時ファイルを作成できません\n\t"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "ヒントを確認中"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "RHTSupport チケットを本当に作成しますか?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "新しいケースを作成しています... "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "新規ケースの作成中"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "ケース '%s' にコメントを追加中"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "問題データをケース '%s' に添付中"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1253,23 +1379,13 @@ msgstr "関連する可能性があるドキュメント:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "役に立つ可能性のある更新:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s を %s に送信しています"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s を %s に正常に送信しました"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "アーカイブが作成されました: '%s' "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1290,7 +1406,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\n問題の DIR ディレクトリの圧縮 tarball を URL にアップロードします。\nURL を指定しない場合、 tarball を /tmp に作成して終了します。\n\nURL は「protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]」の形式にしてください。\nprotocol の部分は http(s)、 ftp、 scp、 file のいずれかになります。\nFile プロトコルの場合、 user と host の部分は含ませないでください\n(file:///dir/[file.tar.gz])。 URL の末尾がスラッシュの場合、 アーカイブ\n名が生成され URL; に追加されます。 これ以外の場合、 URL は完全ファイル名とひて使用されます。\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT に表示されている名前のファイルは \ntarball に含まれません。\n\nCONFFILE 行には「PARAM = VALUE」の形式を含ませなければなり\nません。 認識される文字列パラメータは URL です。\nパ
 ラメータは $Upload_URL で上書きできます。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "アップロード先のベース URL"
+@@ -1411,6 +1527,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz でアップロード (FTP/SCP/... 経由)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1425,6 +1542,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "例:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "FTP プロキシ"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "FTP のために使用するプロキシサーバーを設定する"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1441,27 +1568,35 @@ msgstr "uReport Server URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport ウェブサービスのアドレス"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "緊急分析"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "さらなる分析のために問題データをアップロードする"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "'%s' メンバーがない為、xml 反応が破損したと思われます。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "バグ %i は閉じていますが、RESOLUTION がありません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "DUPLICATE としてバグ %i は閉じていますが、DUP_ID がありません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "新しいバグ id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla はバグ %d の親を見つけることが出来ません"
+@@ -1469,102 +1604,151 @@ msgstr "Bugzilla はバグ %d の親を見つけることが出来ません"
+ #: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr "エンコーディング: {0!s}% c 完了"
++msgstr "エンコーディング: {0!s}% c完了"
+ #: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウを選択する"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr "使用法: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "無効な URL のためサーバーの応答を取得できません"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "uReport サーバからの応答を構文解析できません"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "サーバー '%s' に curl を用いた uReport のアップロードに失敗しました: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "サーバの応答データが無効な形式です"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "URL '%s' が存在しません (サーバーからエラー 404 の応答)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "サーバー応答形式が一致しません"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "'%s' のサーバーが内部エラーになりました (エラー 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "'%s' のサーバーが現在リクエストを処理できません (エラー 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "予期しない HTTP ステータスコード: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "'%s' から予期しない HTTP 応答: %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "サーバーサイドエラー: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "'%s' の uReport サーバーからの応答を構文解析できません:\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "'%s' からの応答が無効な形式です"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "型の不一致が '%s' からの応答に検出されました"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "'%s' のサーバーがエラーを応答しました: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "サーバーの URL を指定します"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "uReport サーバーに非セキュアな接続を許可する"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "添付する uReport の bthash"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "RHBZ バグの添付 (-a 必須)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "reported_to の内容の添付"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nマイクロレポートをアップロードする、または添付資料をマイクロレポートに追加する"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "添付するバグ ID を指定する必要があります。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "添付する uReport の bthash を指定する必要があります。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "この問題は uReport が添付されていません。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "この問題は Bugzilla に報告されていません。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr "bugzilla URL '%s' にバグ ID を見つけられません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr "bugzilla URL '%s' からバグ ID を構文解析できません"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "問題の提出に失敗しました"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "この問題はすでに報告されています。"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "サーバーがエラーを応答しました: '%s'"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "どのように問題を報告したいですか?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1599,10 +1783,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\n指定した DIR に保存した問題を報告する newt ツール"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "報告後に DIR を削除する"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr "Fedora に報告"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Fedora メンテナーにバグを報告する"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1618,3 +1805,35 @@ msgstr "問題データをサーバーにアップロードする"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr "問題をローカルに分析し、SCP または FTP 経由でデータをアップロードする"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Fedora に報告"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Red Hat に報告する"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Red Hat インフラストラクチャーを使用して C/C++ クラッシュを処理する"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Red Hat インフラストラクチャーを使用して kerneloops を処理する"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Red Hat インフラストラクチャーを使用して Python 例外を処理する"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Red Hat インフラストラクチャーを使用して kernel クラッシュを処理する"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Red Hat インフラストラクチャーを使用して X サーバーの問題を処理する"
+diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po
+index 6ba1b2e..fe6c18e 100644
+--- a/po/kn.po
++++ b/po/kn.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Shankar Prasad <svenkate at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# shankar <svenkate at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Kannada (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/kn/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ [ಇದು PREFIX ಇಂದ ಆರಂಭಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "ಸಂವಾದಾತ್ಮಕವಲ್ಲದ: ಯಾವುದೆ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕೇಳಬೇಡ, 'ಹೌದು' ಎಂದು ಊಹಿಸು"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog ಗೆ ದಾಖಲಿಸು"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್‌ನ ಹೆಸರುಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲೆಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸು"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜ್"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# ಕುಸಿತದ ಕಾರಣ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ಕಾರ್ಯ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯ ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ ವಾಕ್ಯಾಂಶ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi ಅನ್ನು ಚಲಾಯಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: $TERM, $VISUAL ಹಾಗು $EDITOR ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nವರದಿಯನ್ನು ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nವರದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೆ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯು ಕಂಡು ಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್ ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ಗಾಗಿನ ತಪ್ಪು ಮೌಲ್ಯ: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "ನೀವು ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಕವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "ನೀವು ವ್ಯಾಪ್ತಿಯ ಹೊರಗಿನ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್, ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "ಯಾವು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವಿರಿ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹಕವನ್ನು(ಗಳನ್ನು) ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ಯಾವುದೆ ವಿವರಣೆ ಇಲ್ಲ)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ದತ್ತಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸುವಾಗ %d ದೋಷಗಳು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿವೆ\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "ನೀವು ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "ವರದಿಗಾರನನ್ನು(ಗಳನ್ನು) ಆರಿಸಿ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು %d ವರದಿ ಘಟನೆಗಳ ಮೂಲ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ (%d ದೋಷಗಳು)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} ಇಂದ cpio ಅನ್ನು ಹೊರತೆಗೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ಗೆ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ಎಂಬ ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜನ್ನು ಹೊರತೆಗೆಯಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1} ಇಂದ ಮಾಡಲಾದ {0} ಇಂದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಶೇಖರಿಸಿಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ಇಂದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊರತೆಗೆಯಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({1} ರಲ್ಲಿ {0}) {2} ಅನ್ನು ಇಳಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum ಅನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum ಅನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum ರೆಪೊಸಿಟರಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} ಅನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: {1}, ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "{0} ಅನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯ
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "ರೆಪೊಸಿಟರಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜುಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ಮೆಟಾಡೇಟವನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಪಡೆಯುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ಕಡತಪಟ್ಟಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಪಡೆಯುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ಕಡತಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜುಗಳನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ಡೌನ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜುಗಳು: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ಅನ್ನು ಇಳಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ, ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾದ ಗಾತ್ರ: {1:.2f}Mb. ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಬೇಕೆ?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ಇಳಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಂದ ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "{0} ಎಂಬ ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜಿನ ಇಳಿಕೆಯು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "ಡೌನ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜುಗಳು: {}"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ, ಬಹುಷಃ ದಿನಚರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷವಿರಬೇಕು"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "ಪುನಃ ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಕೇಳಬೇಡ"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕ
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "ಪರ್ಯಾಯ GUI ಕಡತ"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ DIR ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕು"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ಸಂರಚಿಸು (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "ಬರೆಯಬಹುದಾದ ಕೋಶದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ '%s' ಎಂಬುದಕ್ಕೆ ಬರೆಯಲು ಅಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ಅದನ್ನು '%s' ಗೆ ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರಿಸಲಾದ ದತ್ತಾಂಶದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸುವಿರಾ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "ಒಂದು ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ/ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(ನೋಡಲು/ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(ಬೈನರಿ ಕಡತ, %llu ಬೈಟ್‌ಗಳು)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ಯಾವುದೆ ವಿವರಣೆ ಇಲ್ಲ)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu ಬೈಟ್‌ಗಳು, %u ಕಡತಗಳು"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "'%s' ಘಟನೆಗಾಗಿ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂಸ್ಕರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "ಸಂವೇದನಾತ್ಮಕ ದತ್ತಾಂಶವು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿದೆ, ಎತ್ತಿ ತೋರಿಸಲಾದ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆಯಿಂದ ಅವಲೋಕಿಸಿ."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' ಎನ್ನುವುದು ಒಂದು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಕಡತವಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ಅಂಟಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಿ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ನ ಪ್ರತಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' ಎಂಬ ಅಂಶವು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅದನ್ನು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "ಒಳಗೊಳ್ಳಿಸು"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "ಹೆಸರು"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "ಮೌಲ್ಯ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "ತೊಂದರೆಯ ವಿವರಣೆ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "ದತ್ತಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಅವಲೋಕಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲು ದತ್ತಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "ನೀವು ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಸ್ಥಳಕ್ಕೆ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಿ, ಅಥವ ತೊಂದರೆಯ ಇನ್ನೂ ಉತ್ತಮ ವಿವರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ವರದಿಯ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ಪುನರಾವರ್ತಿಸಿ, 'ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ' ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದ್ದು: %llu, %llu kbytes ನಲ್ಲಿ"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಾದ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ಬ್ಯಾಕ್‌ಟ್ರೇಸ್ ಅಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ, ಇದನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸಲು ವಿವರಣೆಯುಕ್ತ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ ಎಂದು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ಬಳಕೆ: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "ಅಗತ್ಯ ಘಟಕವಾದಂತಹ '%s' ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ, ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "ರಚಿಸುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "ರಚಿಸುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ, HTTP ಸಂಕೇತ: %d, ಪರಿಚಾರಕವು ಹೀಗೆ ಹೇಳುತ್ತದೆ: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ರಚಿಸುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ, HTTP ಸಂಕೇತ: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ರಚಿಸುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ, ಸ್ಥಳದ URL ಇಲ್ಲ, HTTP ಸಂಕೇತ: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL ಕೀಲಿಯ ಮಾನ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ ವಾಕ್ಯಾಂಶ"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ /etc/system-release ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ಇದನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಿ"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' ಅಥವ 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ಟಿಕೆಟ್/ಕೇಸ್ ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s ಎಂಬಲ್ಲಿ ಬಗ್‌ಝಿಲ್ಲಾಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "ಸಂರಚನಾ ಕಡತ (ಹಲವು ಬಾರಿ ಒದಗಿಸಬಹುದು)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEಗಳನ್ನು ಲಗತ್ತಿಸು [ಈ ID ಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ದೋಷಕ್ಕೆ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ದೋಷವರದಿಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸುವಾಗ ಬೈನರಿ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "ಈ ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ವರದಿಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೂ ಸಹ ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡುವಂತೆ ಒತ್ತಾಯಪಡಿಸು"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "ನಕಲು ಪ್ರತಿಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "%i ಎಂಬ ದೋಷಕ್ಕೆ ಲಗತ್ತನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "%d ದೋಷಕ್ಕೆ ಹೊಸ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "ದೋಷದ ಇತಿಹಾಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವು ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಯು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿದೆ, ಹೊಸತ್ಯಾವುದನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "ಉತ್ತಮವಾದ ಬ್ಯಾಕ್‌ಟ್ರೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "ದೋಷದ ಇತಿಹಾಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವು ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಯು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿದೆ, ಹೊಸತ್ಯಾವುದನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿ: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nSends contents of a problem directory DIR via email\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "ಸಂರಚನಾ ಕಡತ"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "FILE ಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ ಅಥವ ಅದನ್ನು ತಿದ್
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR ಯಲ್ಲಿ reported_to ಅನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಂದ ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "ಬರೆಯುವ ಸಲುವಾಗಿ '%s' ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "ವರದಿಯನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "ವರದಿಯನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಶೇಖರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReports a problem to RHTSupport.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEಗಳನ್ನು ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು [ಈ ID ಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಕೇಸ್‌ಗೆ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರು ಅಥವ ಗುಪ್ತಪದ ಖಾಲಿ ಇದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' ಅನ್ನು '%s' ಎಂಬ ಕೇಸ್‌ಗೆ ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "ದತ್ತಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಸಂಕುಚನಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ನಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ತಾತ್ಕಾಲಿಕ ಕೋಶವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ನಲ್ಲಿ ತಾತ್ಕಾಲಿಕ ಕೋಶವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "ಆದರೂ ಸಹ ನೀವು RHTSupport ಟಿಕೆಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವಿರಾ?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಕೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "ಸೂಕ್ತವಾಗಿರಬಹುದಾದ ದಸ್ತಾವೇ
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "ನೆರವಾಗಬಹುದಾದ ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್‌ಗಳು: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ಆರ್ಕೈವ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nUploads compressed tarball of problem directory DIR to URL.\nIf URL is not specified, creates tarball in /tmp and exits.\n\nURL should have form 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nwhere protocol can be http(s), ftp, scp, or file.\nFile protocol can't have user and host parts: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nIf URL ends with a slash, the archive name will be generated and appended\nto URL; otherwise, URL will be used as full file name.\n\nFiles with names listed in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT are not included\ninto the tarball.\n\nCONFFILE lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format.\nRecognized string parameter: URL.\nParameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಬೇಕಿರುವ ಮೂಲ URL"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ಕಡತವಾಗಿ ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು (FTP/SCP/... ಮೂಲಕ)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "ತಪ್ಪಾದ xml ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಎಂದು ತೋರುತ್ತಿದೆ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ '%s' ಸದಸ್ಯ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "%i ದೋಷವು CLOSED ಆಗಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಇದು RESOLUTION ಅಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "%i ದೋಷವನ್ನು DUPLICATE ಎಂದು CLOSED ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಇದು DUP_ID ಹೊಂದಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ದೋಷ id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "%d ನ ಮೂಲ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಬಗ್‌ಝಿಲ್ಲಾದಿಂದ ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "ನೀವು ತೊಂದರೆಯನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ DIR ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕು"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
+index 52780d1..c947a69 100644
+--- a/po/ko.po
++++ b/po/ko.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Eun-Ju Kim  <eukim at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-#   <raypoatssium at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# eukim <eukim at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Frances Lovelock <raypotassium at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/ko/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "사용 가능한 이벤트를 나열 [이는 PREFIX로 시작됨] "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "버전 표시 및 종료 "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "비대화식: 질문을 하지 않고 '예'로 간주  "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog에 기록 "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "로그에 프로그램 이름 추가 "
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# 패키지"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# 크래시 원인"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# 운영 체제 릴리즈 문자열"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi를 실행할 수 없습니다: $TERM, $VISUAL, $EDITOR등이 설정되지 않았습니다"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\n보고서가 변경되었습니다"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\n보고서에서 변경 사항을 감지하지 못했습니다"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "다음과 같은 이유로 입력이 유효하지 않습니다: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s'에 대해 잘못된 값: %s "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "어떻게 문제를 분석하시겠습니까?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "분석 프로그램 선택: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "범위를 벗어난 번호를 선택하셨습니다 "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "잘못된 입력, 프로그램 종료 중..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "수집하고자 하는 추가 정보는 무엇입니까?  "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "수집기 선택: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(설명 없음) "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "추가 데이터를 수집하는 도중 %d 오류가 발생했습니다\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "보고 중..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "어떻게 문제를 보고하시겠습니까? "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "보고서 선택: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d 보고 이벤트를 통해 문제가 보고되었습니다 (%d 오류)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0}에서 cpio 추출 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}'에 작성할 수 없음: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "패키지 '{0}'을(를) 추출할 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1}에서 만들어진 {0}에서 파일을 캐시 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}'에서 파일을 추출할 수 없음 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}'을(를) 제거할 수 없음: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "{2} 다운로드 중 ({1}중 {0}): {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum 초기화 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum 초기화 오류 (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum 리포지터리 설정 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0}을 설정할 수 없습니다: {1}, 비활성화 중 "
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr "{0}을 설정할 수 없습니다: {1}, 비활성화 중 "
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "리포지터리에서 필요한 패키지를 검색 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "메타데이터를 검색하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다:  '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "파일 목록을 가져오는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} 디버그 정보 파일에 해당하는 패키지를 찾을 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "다운로드할 패키지: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb 다운로드 중, 설치 크기: {1:.2f}Mb. 계속 진행하시겠습니까? "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "사용자에 의해 다운로드가 취소되있습니다 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "패키지 {0} 다운로드에 실패했습니다 "
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "압축 풀기에 실패했습니다, 다운로드를 취소합니다..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} 제거 중 "
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s을(를) 제거할 수 없음, 오류 로그가 포함되어 있을 수 있음 "
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "다시 묻지 않습니다 "
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "암호를 저장하지 마십시오 "
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "대체 GUI 파일 "
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "보고 후 DIR 삭제 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s 설정(_F) "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "쓰기 가능한 디렉토리가 필요하지만 '%s'는 쓰기 불가능합니다. '%s'로 이동하여 이동한 데이터에서 작동해 보십시오. "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "텍스트 파일 보기/편집 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(보기/편집하려면 여기를 클릭) "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(바이너리 파일, %llu 바이트) "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(설명 없음) "
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu 바이트, %u 파일 "
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "이벤트 '%s'에 대한 처리가 정의되지 않음 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "기밀 데이터일 수 있는 자료가 감지되었습니다. 강조 표시된 탭을 주의해서 살펴보십시오. "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 정상적인 파일이 아님 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "파일을 파일 자체에 복사하려고 합니다 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s'을(를) 복사할 수 없습니다: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "항목 '%s'이 이미 존재하고 있기 때문에 변경할 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "포함 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "이름"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "값 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "문제 설명 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "추가 정보 제공 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "데이터 검토 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "보고할 데이터 확인 "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "다른 장소에 문제를 보고하고자 할 경우 추가 정보를 수집하거나 보다 상세하게 문제를 설명하여 보고 절차를 반복 실행한 후 '앞으로'를 누릅니다.  "
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "업로드됨: %llu 중 %llu 킬로바이트  "
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s을(를) %s에 전송 중 "
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s을(를) %s에 성공적으로 전송 "
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "필요한 값 누락 "
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "백트레이스가 불완전합니다. 재현을 위해 올바른 단계를 제공했는지 확인하십시오.  "
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "사용법: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "필수 요소 '%s'가 누락되어 있습니다, 계속 진행할 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "생성 시 오류 발생: %s "
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "생성 시 오류 발생, HTTP 코드: %d, 서버: '%s' "
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "생성 시 오류 발생, HTTP 코드: %d "
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "생성 시 오류 발생: URL이 없음, HTTP 코드: %d "
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL 키 유효성 확인 "
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS 릴리즈 문자열 "
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "/etc/system-release 파일을 수정하는 경우에만 이를 지정합니다 "
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' 또는 'bugzilla' "
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "티켓/사례 ID "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s에 있는 Bugzilla에 로그인 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "설정 파일 (여러번 주어질 수 있음) "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE 추가 [이 ID를 갖는 버그에] "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "버그 생성 시 바이너리 파일도 첨부합니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "이 문제가 이미 보고되어 있는 경우에도 강제로 보고합니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "로그 아웃 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "중복 확인 중 "
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "새 버그 생성 중 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "버그 %i에 첨부 파일을 추가합니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "이미 버그가 보고되었음: %i "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "버그 %d에 새로운 코멘트 추가 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "버그 기록에 동일한 주석이 발견된 경우 새 주석을 추가하지 않습니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "더 적당한 백트레이스를 첨부 중  "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "버그 기록에 동일한 주석이 발견된 경우 새 주석을 추가하지 않습니다 "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "상태: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\n이메일을 통해 문제 디렉토리 DIR의 내용을 전송합니다 \n\n지정하지 않을 경우, CONFFILE에 따라 다음과 같이 기본 설정됩니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "설정 파일 "
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "추가 또는 FILE 덮어쓰기 "
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR에 reported_to 생성 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "사용자가 취소했습니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "쓰기를 위한 '%s'을(를) 열 수 없습니다. 다른 파일을 선택하십시오:  "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "보고서는 %s에 첨부되어 있음 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "보고서는 %s에 저장되어 있음 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n또는:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\n문제를 RHTSupport에 보고합니다. \n\n지정하지 않을 경우 CONFFILE에 따라 다음과 같이 기본 설정됩니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE 업로드 [이 ID를 갖는 사례에] "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "빈 RHTS 로그인 또는 암호 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s'을(를) 사례 '%s'에 추가 중 "
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "데이터 압축 중 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp에 임시 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없음 "
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp에 임시 파일을 생성할 수 없음 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "RHTSupport 티켓을 정말로 생성하시겠습니까? "
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "새 사례 생성 중..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "관련 가능성이 있는 문서: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "도움이 될 수 있는 업데이트: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s을(를) %s에 전송 중 "
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s을(를) %s에 성공적으로 전송 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "아카이브가 생성됨: '%s' "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\n문제 디렉토리 DIR의 압축 tarball을 URL로 업로드합니다. \nURL을 지정하지 않으면 tarball을 /tmp에 생성하고 종료합니다. \n\nURL은 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' 형식이어야 합니다\n여기서 프로토콜은 http(s), ftp, scp, file이 될 수 있습니다. \nFile 프로토콜에는 사용자와 호스트 부분을 포함시킬 수 없습니다: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nURL이 슬래시로 끝나는 경우 아카이브 이름이 생성되어 URL에 추가됩니다. \n그렇지 않으면 URL은 전체 파일 이름으로 사용됩니다. \n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT에 나열된 이름을 같는 파일은 tarball에 포함되지 \n않습니다. \n\nCONFFILE 행에는 'PARAM = VALUE' 형식이 들어 있어야 합니다. \n인식되는 문자열 매개 변수는 URL입니다. \n매개 변수는 $Upload_URL을 통해 덮어쓰기될 수 있습니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "업로드할 기본 URL "
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz 파일로 업로드 (FTP/SCP/...를 통해) "
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL "
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "xml 응답이 손상된 것 같습니다. '%s' 멤버가 누락되어 있기 때문입니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "버그 %i이(가) 종료 (CLOSED)되었지만 해결 방법 (RESOLUTION)이 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Bug %i이(가) 중복 (DUPLICATE)으로 종료 (CLOSED)되었지만 DUP_ID가 없습니다. "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "새 버그 id: %i "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla는 버그 %d의 부모 버그를 찾을 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "어떻게 문제를 보고하시겠습니까? "
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "보고 후 DIR 삭제 "
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po
+index b9af6cf..c932b30 100644
+--- a/po/lv.po
++++ b/po/lv.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Kristaps  <krkadikis at inbox.lv>, 2012.
++# Kristaps <krkadikis at inbox.lv>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/lv/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nZiņojums ir ticis atjaunināts"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(nav apraksta)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pakotnes, kuras lejuplādēt: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "Nesaglabāt paroles"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(nav apraksta)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Apstrādāšana pabeigta."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Apstrādāšana neizdevusies."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Apstrādā..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Apstrādā..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Apstrādāšana neizdevusies."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Apstrādāšana pabeigta."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Apstrādāšana tika atcelta."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Iekļaut"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nosaukums"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Vērtība"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Problēmas apraksts"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Apstrādāšana pabeigta"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Lietotāja atcelts."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,79 +1307,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,27 +1564,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,96 +1606,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/mai.po b/po/mai.po
+index f9dbd49..fd8948a 100644
+--- a/po/mai.po
++++ b/po/mai.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Maithili (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/mai/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ml.po b/po/ml.po
+index b904014..70f52a1 100644
+--- a/po/ml.po
++++ b/po/ml.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Ani Peter <apeter at redhat.com>, 2012.
+-# Rajeesh Nair <rajeeshrnair at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Ani Peter <apeter at redhat.com>, 2012
++# Rajeesh Nair <rajeeshrnair at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Malayalam <discuss at lists.smc.org.in>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "സാധ്യമായ ഇവന്റുകള്‍ നിരത്തുക [PREFIX-ല്‍ ആരംഭിയ്ക്കുന്നവ]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "ഈ ഈവന്റുകള്‍ മാത്രം ഓടിയ്ക്കാം"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "പതിപ്പു് കാണിച്ചു് പുറത്തു് കടക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "നോണ്‍ ഇന്ററാക്ടീവ്: ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ പാടില്ല, എല്ലാം സമ്മതം ('yes') എന്നു് കരുതുക"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog-ലേക്കു് പ്രവേശിയ്ക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "ലോഗ് ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള പ്രോഗ്രമിന്റെ പേരുകള്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കുക"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# പാക്കേജ്"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# തകരാറിനുള്ള കാരണം"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ഓപ്പറേറ്റിങ് സിസ്റ്റത്തിനുള്ള റിലീസ് സ്ട്രിങ്"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi പ്രവര്‍ത്തിപ്പിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല: $TERM, $VISUAL, $EDITOR എന്നിവ സജ്ജമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nറിപോര്‍ട്ട് പുതുക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nഒരു മാറ്റങ്ങളും റിപോര്‍ട്ടില്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇന്‍പുട്ട് തെറ്റാണു്, കാരണം:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s'-നുള്ള തെറ്റായ മൂല്ല്യം: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "പ്രശ്നം എങ്ങനെ നിരീക്ഷിയ്ക്കണം?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "നിരീക്ഷകന്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "പരിധിയ്ക്കു് പുറത്തുള്ള നംബര്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "തെറ്റായ ഇന്‍പുട്ട്, പ്രോഗ്രാമില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തു് കടക്കുന്നു..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "ഇതില്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ എന്തു് വിവരങ്ങളാണു് ശേഖരിയ്ക്കുവാനുള്ളതു്?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "കലക്ടര്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(വിവരണം ലഭ്യമല്ല)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "കൂടുതല്‍ ഡേറ്റാ ശേഖരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ %d പിശകുകള്‍ ഉണ്ടായിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "പ്രശ്നം എങ്ങനെ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തണം?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന വ്യക്തി തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് ഇവന്റുകള്‍ മുഖേന രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്ന പ്രശ്നങ്ങള്‍ (%d പിശകുകള്‍)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0}-ല്‍ നിന്നും cpio ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}'-ലേക്കു് സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "പാക്കേജ് '{0}' ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0}-ല്‍ നിന്നുള്ള ഫയലുകള്‍ കാഷ് ചെയ്യുന്നു, {1}-ല്‍ നിന്നും ലഭ്യമായിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}'-ല്‍ നിന്നും ഫയലുകള്‍ ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' നീക്കം ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({0} / {1}) ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum ആരംഭിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup) ആരംഭിയ്ക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "'{0!s}': {1!s} റിപ്പോസിറ്ററി നിര്‍വീര്യമാക്കാന്‍ കഴിയില്ല"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum റിപ്പോസിറ്ററികള്‍ സജ്ജീകരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0}: {1} സജ്ജീകരിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല, പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാക്കുന്നു"
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr "{0}: {1} സജ്ജീകരിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സ
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "റിപ്പോസിറ്ററികളില്‍ ആവശ്യമുള്ള പാക്കേജുകള്‍ക്കായി തെരയുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "മെറ്റാഡേറ്റാ ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ഫയല്‍ലിസ്റ്റുകള്‍ ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ഫയലുകള്‍ക്കുള്ള പാക്കേജുകള്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള പാക്കേജുകള്‍: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു, ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്ത വ്യാപ്തി: {1:.2f}Mb. തുടരണമോ?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ഉപയോക്താവു് ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതു് റദ്ദാക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "പാക്കേജ് {0} ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതില്‍ പരാജയം"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "അണ്‍പാക്കിങ് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു, ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് നിര്‍ത്തുന്നു..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s നീക്കം ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല, ഒരു പക്ഷേ ഒരു പിശക് ലോഗ് ഉണ്ടാവാം"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "ഇനി ചോദിയ്ക്കരുതു്"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്കുകള്‍ സൂക്ഷിയ്
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "രഹസ്യസേവനങ്ങളൊന്നും ലഭ്യമല്ല, നിങ്ങളുടെ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളൊന്നും ശേഖരിച്ചുവെയ്ക്കാന്‍ കഴിയില്ല!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "മറ്റൊരു ജിയുഐ ഫയല്‍"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയ ശേഷം DIR നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "ഈ ഈവന്റു മാത്രം ഓടിയ്ക്കാം"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s ക്രമീ_കരിയ്ക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമാകുന്ന ഡയറക്ടറി ആവശ്യമുണ്ടു്, പക്ഷേ '%s' റൈറ്റബിള്‍ ആകുന്നു. '%s'-ലേക്കു് നീക്കി, നീക്കം ചെയ്ത ഡേറ്റയില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിയ്ക്കണമോ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "ഒരു ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ഫയല്‍ കാണുക/ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr " (%s ആവശ്യമാണ്)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(വേണ്ടതില്ല, വിവരം നേരത്തേ തന്നെ നിലവിലുണ്ട്: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(കാണുന്നതിനു്/ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനായി ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(ബൈനറി ഫയല്‍, %llu ബൈറ്റുകള്‍)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(വിവരണം ലഭ്യമല്ല)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu ബൈറ്റുകള്‍, %u ഫയലുകള്‍"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയായി."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "ഇവന്റ് '%s'-നു് ഒരു പ്രവര്‍ത്തനവും നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ല"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "സംസ്കരണം തടസ്സപ്പെട്ടു: ഫയലുകള്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കാവുന്ന -എഴുതാവുന്ന- ഡയറക്‍ടറി ഇല്ലാതെ തുടരാനാവില്ല."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "സംസ്കരിക്കുന്നു..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "സാധ്യമായ സെന്‍സിറ്റീവ് ഡേറ്റാ കണ്ടുപിടിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു, എടുത്തുകാണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്ന റ്റാബുകള്‍ ദയവായി ശരിയായി നിരീക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "സംസ്കരിക്കുന്നു..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു. മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും പ്രക്രിയ ലഭ്യമാണെങ്കില്‍ ശ്രമിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയായി."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "സംസ്കരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയായി, അടുത്ത ഘട്ടത്തിലേക്ക് കടക്കാം."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "സംസ്കരണം റദ്ദു ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' ഒരു സാധാരണ ഫയലല്ല"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "ഒരു ഫയലിനെ അതിലേക്കു് തന്നെ പകര്‍ത്തുവാനാണു് നിങ്ങള്‍ ശ്രമിയ്ക്കുന്നതു്"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' പകര്‍ത്തുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' നിലവിലുണ്ടു്, മാറ്റം വരുത്തുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമാകുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തേണ്ടതു്"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "പേരു്"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "മൂല്ല്യം"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "പ്രശ്ന വിവരണം"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ നല്‍കുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "ഡേറ്റാ നിരീക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനു് ഡേറ്റാ ഉറപ്പാക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "സംസ്കരണം"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "സംസ്കരണം കഴിഞ്ഞു"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "മറ്റൊരിടത്തേക്കു് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് പ്രശ്നം സമര്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കണമെങ്കില്‍, കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ ശേഖരിയ്ക്കുക അല്ലെങ്കില്‍, കുറച്ചു് കൂടി മെച്ചപ്പെട്ട വിവരണം നല്‍കി വീണ്ടും രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക, എന്നിട്ടു് 'മുമ്പോട്ട്' അമര്‍ത്തുക."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "മായ്‌ക്കാനാവുന്നില്ല: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr "നിര്‍ബന്ധമായും വേണ്ട '%s' കാ
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്തതു്: %llu/%llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s, %s-ലേക്കു് അയയ്ക്കുന്നു"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s വിജയകരമായി %s-ലേക്കു് അയച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "ലഭ്യമല്ലാത്ത നിര്‍ബന്ധമായ മൂല്ല്യം"
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ബാക്ക്ട്രെയിസ് പൂര്‍ണ്ണമല്ല, തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഉത്തമ രീതികള്‍ ദയവായി നല്‍കുക."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ഉപയോഗ്: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "അത്യാവശ്യമായ '%s' ലഭ്യമല്ല, തുടരുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "കേസ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "കേസ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: എച്‌ടിടിപി കോഡ്: %d, സര്‍വറിന്റെ സന്ദേശം: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "കേസ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്, എച്‌ടിടിപി കോഡ്: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "കേസ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്: യുആര്‍എല്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല, എച്‌ടിടിപി കോഡ്: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "എസ്എസ്എല്‍ കീയുടെ സാധുത പരിശോധിയ്ക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "ഒഎസ് റിലീസ് സ്ട്രിങ്"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ /etc/system-release ഫയലില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തിയാല്‍ മാത്രം ഇതു് നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ടിക്കറ്റ്/കേസ് ഐഡി"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s-ല്‍ ബഗ്സിലയിലേക്കു് പ്രവേശിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "ക്രമീകരണ ഫയല്‍ (പല തവണ വേണമെങ്കില്‍ നല്‍കാം)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "ഫയലുകള്‍ കൂട്ടി ചേര്‍ക്കുക [ഈ ഐഡിയുള്ള ബഗിലേക്കു്]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് തയ്യാറാക്കുമ്പോള്‍, ബൈനറി ഫയലുകളും കൂട്ടിചേര്‍ക്കൂ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "ഈ പ്രശ്നം മുമ്പു് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും നിര്‍ബന്ധമായി വീണ്ടും രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "പുറത്തു് കടക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "ആവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ക്കായി തെരയുന്നു"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ ബഗ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് %i-ലേക്കു് അറ്റാച്ച്മെന്റുകള്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ടു്: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് %d-ലേക്കു് പുതിയ അഭിപ്രായം ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "ബഗ് നാള്‍വഴിയില്‍ അതേ അഭിപ്രായം കണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു, പുതിയൊരെണ്ണം ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "മെച്ചപ്പെട്ട ബാക്ക്ട്രെയിസ് കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "ബഗ് നാള്‍വഴിയില്‍ അതേ അഭിപ്രായം കണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു, പുതിയൊരെണ്ണം ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നില്ല"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "അവസ്ഥ: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nപ്രശ്നമുള്ള ഡയറക്ടറി DIR-യുടെ ഉള്ളടക്കം ഈമെയില്‍ മുഖേന അയയ്ക്കുക\n\nനിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍, CONFFILE-നു് സ്വതവേയുള്ള മൂല്ല്യം"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "ക്രമീകരണ ഫയല്‍"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്‍ക്കുക, അല്ലെ
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR-ല്‍ reported_to തയ്യാറാക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ഉപയോക്താവു് റദ്ദാക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s'-ലേക്കു് എഴുതുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല. ദയവായി മറ്റൊരു ഫയല്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് %s-ലേക്കു് കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്‍ത്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് %s-ലേക്കു് സൂക്ഷിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nഅല്ലെങ്കില്‍:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRHTSupport-ലേക്കു് ഒരു പ്രശ്നം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക.\n\nനിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍, CONFFILE-നു് സ്വതവേയുള്ള മൂല്ല്യം"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "ഫയലുകള്‍ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക [ID എന്ന കേസിലേക്കു്]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS ലോഗിന്‍ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ രഹസ്യവാക്ക് കാലിയാക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s', '%s' എന്ന കേസിലേക്കു് കൂട്ടിചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "ഡേറ്റാ കംപ്രസ്സ് ചെയ്യുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp-ല്‍ താല്‍ക്കാലിക ഡയറക്ടറി തയ്യാറാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp-ല്‍ താല്‍ക്കാലിക ഫയല്‍ തയ്യാറാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "ഇനിയും നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഒരു RHTSupport ടിക്കറ്റ് തയ്യാറാക്കണമോ?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ കേസ് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നു..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "ഉപയോഗപ്രദമായ വിവരണക്കുറി
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "സഹായകമാകുന്ന പരിഷ്കരണങ്ങള്‍: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s, %s-ലേക്കു് അയയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s വിജയകരമായി %s-ലേക്കു് അയച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ആര്‍ക്കൈവ് തയ്യാറാക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nപ്രശ്നമുള്ള DIR-യുടെ കംപ്രസ്സ് ചെയ്ത ടാര്‍ബോള്‍ യുആര്‍എല്ലിലേക്കു് അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നു.\nയുആര്‍എല്‍ നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍, /tmp-ല്‍ ടാര്‍ബോള്‍ തയ്യാറാക്കി പുറത്തു് കടക്കുന്നു.\n\nയൂആര്‍എല്ഡ‍ 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz] ' ശൈലിയിലാരിയ്ക്കണം, \nഅതില്‍ protocol = http(s), ftp, scp, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ file.\nഫയല്‍ പ്രോട്ടോക്കോളിനു് ഉപയോക്താവും ഹോസ്റ്റ് ഭാഗവും പാടില്ല: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nഒരു
  സ്ലാഷില്‍ ആണു് യുആര്‍എല്‍ അവസാനിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് എങ്കില്‍, ആര്‍ക്കൈവിന്റെ പേരു് ലഭ്യമാക്കി യുആര്‍എലിലേക്കു് മാറ്റുവാന്‍ സാധിയ്ക്കുന്നു; അല്ലെങ്കില്‍, പൂര്‍ണ്ണ ഫയല്‍നാമമായി യുആര്‍എല്‍ ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കാം.\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT-ല്‍ പേരുള്ള ഫയലുകള്‍ ടാര്‍ബോളില്‍\nഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടില്ല.\n\nCONFFILE വരികള്‍ 'PARAM = VALUE' ശൈലിയിലായിരിയ്ക്കണം.\nതിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞ സ്ട്രിങ് പരാമീറ്റര്‍: SubmitURL.\n$Upload_URL ഉപയോഗിച്à
 ´šàµàµ പരാമീറ്റര്‍ തിരുത്തുവാന്‍ സാധിയ്ക്കുന്നു."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള ബെയിസ് യുആര്‍എല്‍"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ഫയലായി അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക (FTP/SCP/... വഴി)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "യുആര്‍എല്‍"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "തകരാറുള്ള xml മറുപടിയാകുന്നു, കാരണം '%s' member ലഭ്യമല്ല."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് %i CLOSED ആയി, പക്ഷേ RESOLUTION ഇല്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "DUPLICATE ആയി ബഗ് %i CLOSED ആക്കി. പക്ഷേ, ഇതിനു് DUP_ID ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "പുതിയ ബഗ് ഐഡി: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "ബഗ് %d-ന്റെ പേരന്റ് ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ ബഗ്സിലയ്ക്കു് സാധ്യമായില്ല"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "പ്രശ്നം എങ്ങനെ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തണം?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയ ശേഷം DIR നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/mr.po b/po/mr.po
+index a5ce9f5..1e9ef51 100644
+--- a/po/mr.po
++++ b/po/mr.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Sandeep Shedmake <sshedmak at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# sandeeps <sshedmak at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Marathi (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/mr/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "संभाव्य घटनाची सूची दाखवा [PREFIX पासून सुरू होणारे]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "आवृत्ती दाखवा व बाहेर पडा"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "विनापरस्पर: प्रश्न विचारू नका, 'होय' गृहीत धरा"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog करीता लॉग"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "लॉगमध्ये कार्यक्रम नावे समाविष्ट करा"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# संकुल"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# क्रॅशचे कारण"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# कार्यप्रणालीचे प्रकाशीत अक्षरमाळा"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi चालवणे अशक्य: $TERM, $VISUAL व $EDITOR सेट नाही"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nअहवाल सुधारीत केले"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nअहवालात कुठलेही बदल आढळले नाही"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "इंपुट वैध नाही, खालील कारणास्तव:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' करीता अयोग्य मूल्य: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "अडचणीचे विश्लेषण कशा प्रकारे करायला आवडेल?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "ॲनलाइजर नीवडा: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "तुम्ही व्याप्तिपैकी संख्या नीवडले आहे"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "अवैध इंपुट, प्रोग्रामपासून बाहेर पडत आहे..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "तुम्हाला अगाऊ माहिती गोळा करायला आवडेल?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "कलेक्टर्स् पसंत करा: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(वर्णन उपलब्ध नाही)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "अगाऊ डाटा गोळा करतेवेळी %d त्रुटी आढळले\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "कळवत आहे..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "अडचण कशा प्रकारे कळवायला आवडेल?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "रिपोर्टर्स् नीवडा: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d रिपोर्ट इव्हेंट्स् (%d त्रुटी) तर्फे कळवलेली अडचण\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} पासून cpio प्राप्त करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}': {1} करीता लिहणे अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "संकुल '{0}' प्राप्त करणे अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1} पासून निर्मीत {0} पासून फाइल्स् कॅश करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' पासून फाइल्स्ची प्राप्ति अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}': {1} काढून टाकणे अशक्य"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "डाउनलोड करत आहे ({0}, {1} पैकी) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum सुरू करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}' सुरू करतेवेळी त्रुटी आढळली"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "यम रेपॉजिटरीज् ठरवत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0}: {1} निश्चित करणे अशक्य, बंद करत आहे"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "{0}: {1} निश्चित करणे अशक्य, बंद 
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "रेपॉजिटरिमध्ये आवश्यक संकुलांची तपासणी करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "मेटाडाटा पुनःप्राप्तिवेळी त्रुटी: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "फाइलसूची पुनःप्राप्तिवेळी त्रुटी: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo फाइल्स् करीता संकुल आढळले नाही"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "डाउनोडकरण्याजोगी संकुले: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb प्रतिष्ठापीत करत आहे, प्रतिष्ठापीत आकार: {1:.2f}Mb. पुढे जायचे?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "वापरकर्तातर्फे डाऊनलोड रद्द केले"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "संकुल {0} डाउनलोड करणे अपयशी"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "अनपॅकिंग अपयशी, डाऊनलोड रद्द करत आहे..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} काढून टाकत आहे"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s काढून टाकणे अशक्य, संभाव्यतया एरर लॉग समाविष्टीत आहे"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "मला पुन्हा विचारू नका"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "पासवर्डस् साठवू नका"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "वैकल्पिक GUI फाइल"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "कळवल्यानंतर DIR काढून टाका"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s संरचीत करा (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "लेखनजोगी डिरेक्ट्रि पाहिजे, परंतु '%s' लेखनजोगी नाही. '%s' कडे हलवा व स्थानांतरीत डाटावर कार्य करा?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "मजकूर फाइलचे दृष्य/संपादन"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(दृष्य/संपादित कराकरीता येथे क्लिक करा)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(बाइनरी फाइल, %llu बाईट्स्)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(वर्णन उपलब्ध नाही)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu बाईट्स्, %u फाइल्स्"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "घटना '%s' करीता विश्लेषण ठरवले नाही"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "संभाव्य संवेदनशील डाटा आढळले, कृपया ठळक केलेले टॅब्स्चे सावधानपूर्वक पुर्वावलोकन करा."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' सामान्य फाइल नाही"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "तुम्ही फाइलचे प्रत स्वतःमध्ये बनवत आहात"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s': %s चे प्रत बनवणे अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "घटक '%s' आधिपासून अस्तित्वात आहे व संपादनजोगी नाही"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "समाविष्ट करा"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "नाव"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "मूल्य"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "अडचणीचे वर्णन"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "अगाऊ माहिती द्या"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "डाटाचे पुर्वावलोकन करा"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "कळवण्यासाठी डाटाची खात्री करा"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "अडचण वेगळ्या स्थानकडे कळवायचे असल्यास, अगाऊ माहिती गोळा करा, किंवा उत्तम अडचणीचे वर्णन व पद्धतीचा अहवाल द्या, 'पुढे' दाबा."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "अपलोड केले: %llu पैकी %llu किलाबाईटस्"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ला %s करीता पाठवत आहे"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "यशस्वीरित्या %s यास %s करीता पाठवत आहे"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "अनिवार्य मूल्य आढळले नाही"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "बॅकट्रेस् अपूर्ण आहे, पुनःनिर्माण करण्यासाठी कृपया योग्य पद्धत पुरवण्याची खात्री करा."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "वापर: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "आवश्यक घटक '%s' आढळले नाही, पुढे जाणे अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माणवेळी त्रुटी: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माणवेळी त्रुटी, HTTP कोड: %d, सर्व्हर म्हणतो: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माणवेळी त्रुटी, HTTP कोड: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "केस निर्माणवेळी त्रुटी: ठिकाणाचे URL आढळले नाही, HTTP कोड: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL कि वैधता तपासा"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS प्रकाशन स्ट्रिंग"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "/etc/system-release फाइल संपादित केल्यावरच यास संपादित करा"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' किंवा 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "टिकिट/केस ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s येथे बगजिलामध्ये प्रवेश करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "संरचना फाइल (एकापेक्षा जास्तवेळी देणे शक्य आहे)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE समाविष्ट करा [या IDसह बग संलग्न करा]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "बग निर्माण करतेवेळी, बाइनरी फाइल्स् समाविष्ट करा"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "हि अडचण आधिपासूनच कळवली असल्यास रिपोर्टिंग जबरनपणे लागू करा"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "बाहेर पडत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "ड्युप्लिकेट्स् करीता तपासणी करत आहे"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "नवीन बग निर्माण करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "बग %i करीता जोडणी समाविष्ट करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "बग आधिपासूनच कळवले आहे: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "बग %d मध्ये नवीन टिपण्णी समाविष्ट करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "बग इतिहासात समान टिपण्णी आढळली, नवीन समाविष्ट केले नाही"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "उत्तम बॅकट्रेस जोडत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "बग इतिहासात समान टिपण्णी आढळली, नवीन समाविष्ट केले नाही"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "स्थिती: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nअडचण डिरेक्ट्री DIR ची अंतर्भुत माहिती इमेल तर्फे पाठवतो\n\nनिर्देशीत नसल्यास, CONFFILE याकरीता पूर्वनिर्धारित असते "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "काँफिग फाइल"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "FILE मध्ये समाविष्ट करा, किंवा
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR मध्ये reported_to निर्माण करा"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "वापरकर्तातर्फे रद्द केले."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "लेखनकरीता '%s' उघडणे अशक्य. कृपया इतर फाइल पसंत करा:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "%s करीता रिपोर्ट समाविष्ट केले गेले"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "रिपोर्ट %s करीता साठवले गेले"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nकिंवा:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRHTSupport करीता अडचण कळवली.\n\nनिर्देशीत नसल्यास, CONFFILE याकरीता पूर्वनिर्धारित असते "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs अपलोड करीता [या ID सह घटना संलग्न करा]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "रिकामे RHTS प्रवेश किंवा पासवर्ड"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "घटना '%2$s' करीता '%1$s' समाविष्ट करत आहे"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "डाटा संकुचीत करत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp मध्ये तात्पुर्ती डिरेक्ट्री निर्माण करणे अशक्य"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp मध्ये तात्पुर्ती फाइल निर्माण करणे अशक्य"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "तुम्हाला तरिहि RHTSupport टिकिट निर्माण करायचे?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "नवीन घटना निर्माण करणे शक्य..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "संबंधित असणारे दस्तऐवजीकर
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "कदाचित फायदेशीर ठरणारी सुधारणा: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ला %s करीता पाठवत आहे"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "यशस्वीरित्या %s यास %s करीता पाठवत आहे"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "आर्काइव्ह निर्माण केली: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nप्रॉब्लेम डिरेक्ट्रि DIR चे कम्प्रेस्ड् टारबॉल URL करिता अपलोड करतो.\nURL निर्देशीत नसल्यास, /tmp मध्ये टारबॉल निर्माण करतो व बाहेर पडतो.\n\nURL चे फॉर्म 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' असे पाहिजे\nजेथे प्रोटोकॉल http(s), ftp, scp, किंवा file पाहिजे.\nफाइल प्रोटोकॉलमध्ये वापरकर्ता व यजमान भाग असणे अशक्य: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nURL स्प्लॅशसह समाप्त होत असल्यास, आर्काइव्ह नाव निर्मीत केले जाईल व\nURL करीता जोडले जà¤
 ¾à¤ˆà¤²; नाहीतर, URL चा वापर संपूर्ण फाइलचे नाव म्हणूनच वापरले जाईल.\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT मध्ये समाविष्टीत फाइल नावे टारबॉलमध्ये\nसमाविष्ट केले जात नाही.\n\nCONFFILE ओळींचे रूपण 'PARAM = VALUE' पाहिजे.\nओळखलेले स्ट्रिंग घटक: URL.\nघटकाला $Upload_URL तर्फे खोडून पुनः लिहणे शक्य आहे."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "अपलोड करण्याजोगी बेस URL"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz फाइल (FTP/SCP/... तर्फे) म्हणून अपलोड करा"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "सदोषीत xml प्रतिसाद असे आढळले, कारण '%s' सदस्य आढळले नाही."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "बग %i CLOSED आहे, परंतु RESOLUTION आढळले नाही"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "बग %i DUPLICATE म्हणून CLOSED आहे, परंतु DUP_ID आढळले नाही"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "नवीन बग id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "बगजिला यास बग %d याचे पॅरेंट आढळले नाही"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "अडचण कशा प्रकारे कळवायला आवडेल?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "कळवल्यानंतर DIR काढून टाका"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po
+index 661fb7f..fe87ae5 100644
+--- a/po/nb.po
++++ b/po/nb.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>, 2011.
++# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <i18n-nb at lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Vis versjon og avslutt"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Logg til syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Pakke"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Årsak for krasjet"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nRapporten har blitt oppdatert"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Inndata er ikke gyldig på grunn av:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Ugyldig verdi for «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Velg analyseverktøy: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Du har valgt et tall utenfor gyldig område"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ingen beskrivelse)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Rapporterer..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Hvordan vil du rapportere problemet?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternativ brukergrensesnittfil"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Fjern KATALOG etter rapportering"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Kon_figurer %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Vis/rediger en tekstfil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(klikk her for å vise/redigere)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binær fil, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ingen beskrivelse)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u filer"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "«%s» er ikke en vanlig fil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Du prøver å kopiere en fil til seg selv"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke kopiere «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Oppføring «%s» eksisterer allerede og kan ikke endres"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Ta med"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Navn"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Verdi"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Beskrivelse av problemet"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Gi ekstra informasjon"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Bekreft data i rapporten"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Bruk: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,79 +1307,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Hvordan vil du rapportere problemet?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Fjern KATALOG etter rapportering"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/nds.po b/po/nds.po
+index ab33648..c732ffb 100644
+--- a/po/nds.po
++++ b/po/nds.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Low German <nds-lowgerman at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# Paket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Naam"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
+index 41ef351..5e665fe 100644
+--- a/po/nl.po
++++ b/po/nl.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Geert Warrink <geert.warrink at onsnet.nu>, 2011-2012.
+-# Richard E. van der Luit <nippur at fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
++# Geert Warrink <geert.warrink at onsnet.nu>, 2011-2013
++# Richard E. van der Luit <nippur at fedoraproject.org>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/nl/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEEM_MAP]\n   of: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEEM_MAP\n   of: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEEM_MAP\n   of: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEEM_MAP\n   of: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEEM_MAP"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEEM_MAP]\n   of: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEEM_MAP\n   of: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEEM_MAP\n   of: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEEM_MAP"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Toon mogelijke gebeurtenissen [die beginnen met PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Voer alleen deze voorvallen uit"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Voer voorval(len) analyse uit in PROBLEEM_MAP"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Voer voorval(len) verzamelen uit in PROBLEEM_MAP"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Verwijder PROBLEEM_MAP na de rapportage"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Analyseer, verzamel en rapporteer probleem data in PROBLEEM_MAP"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Expert modus"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Toon versie en sluit af"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Verwijder PROBLEEM_MAP na de rapportage"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Niet-interactief: stel geen vragen, veronderstel 'ja'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Loggen naar syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Voeg programmanamen toe aan de log"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Pakket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Reden van de crash"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Vrijgave boodschap van het besturingssysteem"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Kan vi niet draaien: $TERM, $VISUAL en $EDITOR zijn niet ingesteld"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nHet rapport is vernieuwd"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nEr zijn geen veranderingen in het rapport ontdekt"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Jouw input is niet geldig, omdat:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Slechte waarde voor  '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Hoe wil je het probleem analyseren?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Gebeurtenis '%s' vereist toestemming om mogelijk gevoelige data te versturen. Wil je verder gaan?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Selecteer analysator: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Selecteer een uit te voeren gebeurtenis:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Je hebt een getal buiten het bereik gekozen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Ongeldige input, het programma gaat afsluiten..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Welke extra informatie wil je verzamelen?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecteer verzamelaar(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(geen beschrijving)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Er waren %d fouten tijdens het verzamelen van extra data\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Rapporteren..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Hoe wil je het probleem rapporteren?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecteer rapportage programma('s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Probleem gerapporteerd via %d rapport gebeurtenissen (%d fouten)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Ongeldige input, ga afsluiten. "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extraheren cpio van {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Kan niet schrijven naar '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Kan pakket '{0}' niet extraheren"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Caching bestanden van {0} gemaakt van {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Kan geen bestanden extraheren van '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Kan '{0}': {1} niet verwijderen"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Downloaden ({0} van {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr "Probleem '{0!s}' trad op tijdens het downloaden van spiegel: '{1!s}'. Pr
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Yum initialiseren"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fout bij het initialiseren van yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Kan repository '{0!s}' niet uitzetten: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Instellen yum repositories"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan asynchrone download niet uitzetten, de output kan artefacten bevatten!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Kan {0}: {1} niet instellen, wordt uitgeschakeld"
+@@ -283,67 +240,67 @@ msgstr "Kan {0}: {1} niet instellen, wordt uitgeschakeld"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Speuren naar noodzakelijke pakketten in repositories"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fout bij ophalen metadata: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Fout bij ophalen bestandenlijst: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Kan geen pakketten vinden voor {0} debuginfo bestanden"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pakketten te downloaden: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Downloaden {0:.2f}Mb, installeergrootte: {1:.2f}Mb. Doorgaan?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Download door gebruiker afgebroken"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Downloaden pakkat {0} is mislukt"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Uitpakken mislukt, download wordt afgebroken..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Verwijderen {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Kan %s niet verwijderen, bevat waarschijnlijk een foutenlog"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Vraag me niet opnieuw"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Er is geen beschrijving beschikbaar"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configuratie"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -353,17 +310,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Werkstromen"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gebeurtenissen"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "C_onfigureer"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "Sla geen wachtwoorden op"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Secret Service is niet beschikbaar, je instellingen worden niet opgeslagen!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan via DBus net verbinden met naam '%s' pad '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Kan methode '%s' over DBus niet aanroepen op pad '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Er werd een time-out bereikt tijdens het wachten op een prompt resultaat van de DBus secret service. "
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Wil je stoppen met wachten en verdergaan met rapporteren zonder een correct geladen configuratie?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secret Service ReadAlias('%s') methode is mislukt: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan geen geheim item aanmaken voor gebeurtenis '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "kan geheime waarde van '%s' niet verkrijgen: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_BESTAND] MAP\n\nGUI gereedschap voor het analyseren en rapporteren van probleem opgeslagen in gespecificeerde MAP"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEEM_MAP\n\nGUI gereedschap voor het analyseren en rapporteren van een probleem opgeslagen in PROBLEEM_MAP"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternatief GUI bestand"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Verwijder MAP na het rapporteren"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Voer alleen dit voorval uit"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Verkeerde instellingen voor %s ontdekt, de rapportage zal waarschijnlijk mislukken als je verdergaat met de huidige configuratie.\n\nLees meer over de configuratie op: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Verkeerde instellingen voor <b>%s</b> ontdekt, de rapportage zal waarschijnlijk mislukken als je verdergaat met de huidige configuratie.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Lees meer over de configuratie</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figureer %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Er is een beschrijfbare map nodig, maar '%s' is niet beschrijfbaar. Naar '%s' verplaatsen en bewerking op de verplaatste data uitvoeren?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Bekijk/bewerk een tekstbestand"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Er zijn geen rapportagedoelen gedefinieerd voor dit probleem. Controleer configuratie in /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(vereist: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(niet nodig, data bestaat al: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(Klik hier voor bekijken/bewerken)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binair bestand, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(geen beschrijving)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u bestanden"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Verwerking beëindigd "
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Het verwerken van het probleem mislukte. Dit kan meerdere redenen hebben maar hier volgen de twee meest voorkomende:\n\t▫ <b>netwerkverbinding problemen</b>\n\t▫ <b>corrupte probleem data</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Als je ons wilt helpen, klik dan op de upload knop en bied alle probleem data aan voor een grondige analyse.\n<i>Voordat je dat dit, moet je de veiligheidsrisico's overwegen. Probleem data kan gevoelige informatie bevatten zoals wachtwoorden.\nDe upload data wordt opgeslagen in een beschermde opslag en slechts een beperkt aantal personen kan dit lezen.</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Verwerking is mislukt."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Er is geen verwerking gedefinieerd voor de gebeurtenis '%s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Verwerking onderbroken: kan niet verdergaan zonder beschrijfbare map."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Bezig met verwerken..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Kan backtrace rang niet controleren wegens ongeldige voorval naam"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Mogelijk gevoelige data ontdekt, bekijk de geaccentueerde tabs zorgvuldig."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Bezig met verwerken..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Verwerking is mislukt. Je kunt, indien beschikbaar, een andere bewerking proberen."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Verwerking is mislukt."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Verwerking beëindigd "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Verwerking is beëindigd, ga verder met de volgende stap."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Voorval '%s' vereist toestemming om mogelijk gevoelige data te versturen.\nWil je verder gaan?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Verwerking werd afgebroken"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dit probleem moet niet gerapporteerd worden (het is waarschijnlijk een bekend probleem). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' is geen gewoon bestand"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Je probeert een bestand naar zichzelf te kopieren"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Kan '%s' niet kopieren: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Item '%s' bestaat al en kan niet gewijzigd worden"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Bijsluiten"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Naam"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Waarde"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Probleem beschrijving"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecteer de rapporteermethode voor dit probleem"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Bied extra informatie"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Bekijk de data"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Bevestig de te rapporteren data"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Bezig met verwerken"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Verwerken is beëindigd"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Upload voor analyse"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Om de ingebouwde screencast functionaliteit  mogelijk te maken moet het recordmydesktop pakket geïnstalleerd zijn. Voer het volgende commando als je dit wilt installeren.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -642,11 +623,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Jouw opmerkingen zijn niet privé.</b> Ze kunnen opgenomen worden in
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Als je niet weet hoe het te beschrijven, kun je"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "voeg een screencast toe"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Als je het probleem naar een andere bestemming wilt rapporteren, extra informatie wilt verzamelen, of een betere probleembeschrijving  wilt aanbieden en het rapportage proces opnieuw wilt uitvoeren, duw dan op 'Vooruit'"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Beschrijf uitgebreid"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Probleem map"
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr "Probleem map"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Kan '%s' niet verwijderen"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr "Vereist item '%s' ontbreekt"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "uid waarde is ongeldig: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Upload: %llu van %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Verstuur %s naar %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s succesvol verzonden naar %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Ontbrekende verplichte waarde"
+@@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "De backtrace is niet compleet, zorg ervoor om voor het reproduceren de juiste stappen op te volgen."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "De backtrace kan een ontwikkelaar waarschijnlijk niet helpen bij het zoeken naar bugs."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "De backtrace kan de ontwikkelaar waarschijnlijk niet helpen om een diagnose van de bug te maken."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr "Probeer debuginfo handmatig te installeren met het commando: \"debuginfo
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Waarschijnlijk ontbreekt juiste debuginfo of is de coredump corrupt."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Probleemelement '%s' ontbreekt"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Een niet ondersteunde waarde '%s' in probleemelement '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Kan geen uReport aanmaken zonder 'type'"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Kan geen leeg uReport uploaden"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Gebruik: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Essentieel element '%s' ontbreekt, kan niet verder gaan"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Fout bij het aanmaken van geval bij '%s': %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van geval bij '%s', HTTP code: %d, server zegt: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fout bij het aanmaken van geval bij '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "fout bij aanmaken van zaak: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van geval bij '%s': geen Locatie URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "fout bij aanmaken van zaak, HTTP code: %d, server zegt: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van commentaar bij '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "fout bij aanmaken van zaak, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van commentaar bij '%s', HTTP code: %d, server zegt: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "fout bij aanmaken van zaak: geen locatie URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van commentaar bij '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken van commentaar bij '%s': geen Locatie URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Controleer geldigheid van SSL sleutel"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS vrijgave string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Specificeer dit alleen als je jouw /etc/system-release bestand veranderd hebt"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTP proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Stelt de proxyserver in om te gebruiken voor HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTPS proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Stelt de proxyserver in om te gebruiken voor HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' of 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ticket/kwestie ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Kan backtrace niet ontleden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Kan geen crash thread vinden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan niet verdergaan zonder in te loggen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan niet verdergaan zonder wachtwoord"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Inloggen op Bugzilla op %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ongeldig wachtwoord of inlog. Vul je BZ inlogwaarden in:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ongeldig wachtwoord of inlogwaarden. Vul het wachtwoord in voor '%s':"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) return waarde bevatte geen lid 'bugs'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,123 +1076,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROEP-NAAM]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2]  -d MAP\nof:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d MAP] -t[ID] BESTAND...\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d MAP] -t[ID] -w\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nRapporteer problemen aan Bugzilla.\n\nHet gereedschap leest MAP. Logt daarna in op Bugzilla en probeert een bug\nte vinden met dezelfde abrt_hash:HEXSTRING in 'Whiteboard'.\n\nAls zo'n bug niet gevonden wordt, dan wordt een nieuwe bug aangemaakt. Elementen\nuit MAP worden in de bug opgeslagen als onderdeel van de probleembeschrijving of als\nbijlages; afhankelijk van hun type en grootte.\n\nAls zo'n bug wel gevonden wordt en het is gemarkeerd met CLOSED DUPLICATE,\nvolgt het gereedschap de ken van duplicaten totdat het een niet-DUPLICATE bug\nvind. Het gereedschap voegt een nieuw commentaar toe aan de gevonden bug.\n\nDe URL naar de nieuwe of veranderde wordt naar stdout geprint en opgenomen\nin het 'reported_to' element.\n\nOptie -t uplo
 adt BESTANDen naar de reeds aangemaakte bug op de Bugzilla site.\nDe bug ID wordt verkregen van de map gespecificeerd door -d MAP. Als de\nprobleem data in MAP nog nooit aan Bugzilla gerapporteerd werd, zal upload mislukken.\n\nOptie -tID uploadt BESTANDen naar de bug met gespecificeerde ID op Bugzilla site.\n-d MAP wordt genegeerd.\n\nOptie -w voegt bugzilla gebruiker toe aan CC lijst van de bug.\n\nIndien niet gespecificeerd, wordt de waarde van CONFFILE"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Configuratiebestand (mag meerde keren opgegeven worden)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Bestand formatteren voor initieel commentaar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Bestand formatteren voor duplicaten"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Voeg BESTANDen toe [aan bug met deze ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Voeg bij het aanmaken van een big ook binaire bestanden toe "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forceer rapporteren zelfs als dit probleem al gerapporteerd is"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Voeg bugzilla gebruiker toe aan CC lijst [van bug met deze ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Print BUG_ID die de gegeven DUPHASH heeft"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Beperk toegang alleen tot deze groep"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Debug"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Zoeken naar vergelijkbare problemen in bugzilla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Inloggen wordt door de configuratie niet aangeboden. Vul je BZ inlogwaarden in:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wachtwoord wordt door de configuratie niet geleverd. Vul het wachtwoord in voor '%s':"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan Bugzilla ID niet krijgen omdat dit probleem nog niet aan Bugzilla gerapporteerd werd."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dit probleem is gerapporteerd aan Bugzilla '%s' welke verschilt van de geconfigureerde Bugzilla '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ongeldige url voor Bugzilla '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bugzilla ID '%s' wordt gebruikt"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Uitloggen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Check voor duplicaten"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Een nieuw bug aanmaken"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Toevoegsels toevoegen aan bug %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "De bug is al gerapporteerd: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s wordt toegevoegd aan CC lijst"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Voeg nieuw commentaar toe aan bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Hetzelfde commentaar werd in de bug geschiedenis gevonden, niet opnieuw toegevoegd"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Een betere backtrace toevoegen "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Hetzelfde commentaar werd in de bug geschiedenis gevonden, niet opnieuw toegevoegd"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d MAP [-c CONFBESTAND]\n\nVerstuurt de inhoud van een probleem map via email\n\nIndien niet gespecificeerd is de standaard voor CONFBESTAND "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Config bestand"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Toevoegen aan, of overschrijf BESTAND"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "reported_to aanmaken in MAP"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Afgebroken door gebruiker"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Kan '%s' niet openen voor schrijven. Selecteer een ander bestand:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Het rapport is toegevoegd aan %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Het rapport is opgeslagen in %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFBESTAND] -d MAP\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFBESTAND] [-d MAP] -t[ID] BESTAND...\n\nRapporteer een probleem naar RHTSupport.\n\nIndien niet opgegeven in de standaard waarde voor CONFBESTAND "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Upload BESTANDen [naar kwestie met deze ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Leeg RHTS gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' toevoegen aan kwestie '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Data comprimeren"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Kan geen tijdelijke map aanmaken in /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Kan geen tijdelijk bestand aanmaken in /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Controleren op hints"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Wil je nog steeds een RHTSupport ticket aanmaken?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Een nieuw kwestie aanmaken... "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Een nieuw geval aanmaken"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Commentaar toevoegen aan geval '%s'"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Probleem data toevoegen aan geval '%s'"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "Documentatie die relevant kan zijn: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Vernieuwingen die misschien helpen: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Verstuur %s naar %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s succesvol verzonden naar %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archief is aangemaaktg: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d MAP [-c CONFBESTAND] [-u URL]\n\nUpload gecomprimeerde tarball van probleem map MAP naar URL.\nAls URL niet opgegeven is, wordt tarball aangemaakt in /tmp en wordt afgesloten.\n\nURL moet de vorm 'protocol://[gebruiker[:wachtwoord]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' hebben\nwaarin protocol http(s), ftp, scp of file kan zijn.\nFile protocol heeft geen gebruiker en host onderdelen: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nAls URL op een slash eindigt, wordt de archiefnaam aangemaakt en toegevoegd\naan URL; anders wordt URL gebruikt als volledige bestandsnaam.\n\nBestanden met namen vermeldt in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT worden niet\ntoegevoegd aan de tarball.\n\nCONFBESTAND regels moeten het 'PARAM = VALUE' formaat hebben.\nHerkende parameter: URL.\nParameter kan overschreven worden via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Basis URL om naar te uploaden"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Upload als tar.gz bestand (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Voorbeelden:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "FTP proxy"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Stelt de proxyserver in om te gebruiken voor FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr "uReport server URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Adres van uReport web service"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Noodgeval analyse"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Upload de probleem data voor verdere analyse"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Lijkt op een corrupt xml antwoord, omdat het '%s' lid ontbreekt."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Bug %i is CLOSED, maar heeft geen RESOLUTION"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Bug %i is CLOSED als DUPLICATE, maar heeft geen DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nieuwe bug id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla kon ouder van bug %d niet vinden"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Codering: {0!s}% compleet"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecteer venster"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Gebruik: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_BESTAND"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Kan geen server antwoord krijgen wegens ongeldige url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Kan antwoord van ureport server niet ontleden"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "uReport met curl uploaden naar de server '%s' mislukte: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Server antwoord data heeft ongeldig formaat"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "De URL '%s' bestaat niet (kreeg error 404 van de server)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Server antwoord type komt niet overeen"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "De server bij '%s' kwam een interne fout tegen (kreeg error 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "De server bij '%s' kan op dit moment het verzoek niet afhandelen (kreeg error 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Onverwachte HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Onverwacht HTTP antwoord van '%s': %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Server zijde fout: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Kan antwoord van ureport server bij '%s' niet ontleden:\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "Het antwoord van '%s' heeft een ongeldig formaat"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Een type mismatch is ontdekt in het antwoord van '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "De server bij '%s' antwoorde met een fout: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Specificeer server URL"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Sta onbeveiligde verbinden met ureport server toe"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "bthash van uReport om toe te voegen"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Voeg RHBZ bug toe (vereist -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Toegevoegde inhoud van reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d MAP]\n\nUpload micro rapport of voeg een aanhangsel toe aan een micro rapport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Je moet een big ID specificeren om toe te kunnen voegen."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Je moet bthash van uReport specificeren om toe te kunnen voegen."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "Aan dit probleem is nog geen uReport toegekend."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Dit probleem is nog niet gerapporteerd aan Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan bug ID niet vinden in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kan bug ID niet ontleden uit bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Het probleem indienen is mislukt"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Dit probleem is al gerapporteerd."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Server antwoordde met een fout: '%s'"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Hoe wil je het probleem rapporteren?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,22 +1780,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] MAP\n\nnewt gereedschap voor het rapporteren van een probleem opgeslagen in gespecificeerde MAP"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Verwijder MAP na het rapporteren"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Rapporteert een bug aan Fedora beheerders"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Verwerk het rapport met gebruik van de Fedora infrastructuur"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Upload de probleemdata naar een server"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Analyseer het probleem lokaal en upload de data met scp of ftp "
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Rapporteer aan Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Rapporteert aan Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Verwerk de C/C++ crash met gebruik van de Red Hat infrastructuur"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Verwerk de kerneloops met gebruik van de Red Hat infrastructuur"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Verwerk de python uitzondering met behulp van de Red Hat infrastructuur"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Verwerk de kernel crash met gebruik van de Red Hat infrastructuur"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Verwerk het X Server probleem met gebruik van de Red Hat infrastructuur"
+diff --git a/po/nn.po b/po/nn.po
+index 9e2f618..9b688ac 100644
+--- a/po/nn.po
++++ b/po/nn.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk <i18n-nn at lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po
+index 0618996..59b81a8 100644
+--- a/po/or.po
++++ b/po/or.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri at redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
++# Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri at redhat.com>, 2011-2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Oriya (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/or/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "ସମ୍ଭାବ୍ୟ ଘଟଣାଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ତାଲିକାଭୁକ୍ତ କରନ୍ତୁ [ଯାହାକି PREFIX ସହିତ ଆରମ୍ଭ ହୋଇଥାଏ]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "କେବଳ ଏହି ଘଟଣାଗୁଡିକୁ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR ରେ ବିଶ୍ଳେଷଣ ଘଟଣା(ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ) ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR ରେ ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଘଟଣା(ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ) ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "ଖବର କରିସାରିବା ପରେ PROBLEM_DIR କୁ ବାହାର କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "PROBLEM_DIR ରେ ସମସ୍ୟା ବହୁଳ ତଥ୍ୟକୁ ବିଶ୍ଳେଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ, ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ଖବର କରନ୍ତୁ"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "ସଂସ୍କରଣକୁ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରସ୍ଥାନ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "ଖବର କରିସାରିବା ପରେ PROBLEM_DIR କୁ ବାହାର କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "କ୍ରିୟାହୀନ: ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ପଚାରନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ, 'yes' ବୋଲି ଗ୍ରହଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog ପାଇଁ ଲଗ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "ଲଗରେ ପ୍ରଗ୍ରାମ ନାମଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଯୋଗ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# ପ୍ୟାକେଜ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# ବିନାଶର କାରଣ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ପ୍ରଚାଳନ ତନ୍ତ୍ରର ବାକ୍ୟଖଣ୍ଡକୁ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi କୁ ଚଲାଇପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: $TERM, $VISUAL ଏବଂ $EDITOR କୁ ସେଟକରାଯାଇନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nବିବରଣୀକୁ ଅଦ୍ୟତନ କରାଯାଇଛି"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nବିବରଣୀରେ କୌଣସି ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଚିହ୍ନାପଡ଼ି ନାହିଁ"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ନିବେଶଟି ବୈଧ ନୁହଁ, କାରଣ:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ପାଇଁ ଖରାପ ମୂଲ୍ୟ: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଆପଣ କିପରି ବିଶ୍ଳେଷଣ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "ବିଶ୍ଳେଷକ ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "ଏକ ସଂଖ୍ୟା ସୀମା ମଧ୍ଯରୁ ଆପଣ ଗୋଟିଏ ସଂଖ୍ୟାକୁ ବାଛିଛନ୍ତି"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "ଅବୈଧ ନିବେଶ, ପ୍ରଗ୍ରାମଟି ପ୍ରସ୍ଥାନ କରୁଅଛି..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "ଆପଣ କେଉଁ ପ୍ରକାରର ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସୂଚନା ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହକାରୀ(ମାନଙ୍କୁ) ବାଛନ୍ତୁ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(କୌଣସି ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା ନାହିଁ)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ତଥ୍ୟ ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ସେଠାରେ %d ଟି ତ୍ରୁଟି ଥିଲା\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "ଖବର କରୁଅଛି..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଆପଣ କିପରି ଖବର କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "ଖବରକାରୀ(ମାନଙ୍କୁ) ବାଛନ୍ତୁ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d ଖବର ଘଟଣାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ଖବର କରାଯାଇଥିବା ସମସ୍ୟ (%d ତ୍ରୁଟିଗୁଡ଼ିକ)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0}ରୁ cpio କୁ ବାହାର କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ରେ ଲେଖି ପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "ପ୍ୟାକେଜ '{0}' କୁ ବାହାର କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{ 1} ରୁ ନିର୍ମିତ  '{0}' ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ କ୍ୟାଶରେ ରଖୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ରୁ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବାହାର କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' କୁ ବାହାର କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "ଆହରଣ କରୁଅଛି ({1} ର {0}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr "ପ୍ରତିବିମ୍ବରୁ ଆହରଣ କରିବା ସମ
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum କୁ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum କୁ ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭ କରିବାରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "ରେପୋଜିଟୋରୀ '{0!s}' କୁ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum ରେପୋଜିଟୋରୀକୁ ସେଟ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr " {0}: {1} କୁ  ସେଟ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ,  ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରୁଅଛି"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr " {0}: {1} କୁ  ସେଟ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ,
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହାଳୟରେ ଆବଶ୍ୟକୀୟ ପ୍ୟାକେଜଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଦେଖୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ଅଧିତଥ୍ୟ ପାଇବାରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ତାଲିକା ପାଇବାରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି:  '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} ତ୍ରୁଟିନିବାରଣ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପାଇଁ ପ୍ୟାକେଜଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଖୋଜିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ଆହରଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଥିବା ପ୍ୟାକେଜଗୁଡ଼ିକ: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "ଆହରଣ କରୁଅଛି {0:.2f}Mb, ସ୍ଥାପନ ଆକାର: {1:.2f}Mb. ଅଗ୍ରସର କରିବେ କି?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ଚାଳକ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଆହରଣ ବାତିଲ ହୋଇଛି"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "{0} ପ୍ୟାକେଜକୁ ଆହରଣ କରିବା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "ପ୍ୟାକ କରିବା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି, ଆହରଣକୁ ବନ୍ଦ କରୁଅଛି..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "ଅପସାରଣ କରୁଅଛି {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s କୁ କାଢ଼ୁଅଛି, ସମ୍ଭବତଃ ଗୋଟିଏ ତ୍ରୁଟି ଲଗ ଧାରଣ କରିଥାଇପାରେ"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "ମୋତେ ପୁଣିଥରେ ପଚାର ନାହିଁ"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "ପ୍ରବେଶ ସଂକେତକୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "ଗୁପ୍ତ ସେବା ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ନାହିଁ, ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସଂରଚନାକୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରିହେବ ନାହିଁ!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "ପଦ୍ଧତି '%s' କୁ  DBus ଉପରେ ପଥ '%s' ଅନ୍ତରାପୃଷ୍ଠ '%s' ରେ ଡାକି ପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus ଗୁପ୍ତ ସେବା ReadAlias('%s') ପଦ୍ଧତି ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\nନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଟ DIR ରେ ସଂରକ୍ଷିତ ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ବିଶ୍ଳେଷଣ ଏବଂ ଖବର କରିବା ପାଇଁ GUI ଉପକରଣ"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "ବୈକଳ୍ପିକ GUI ଫାଇଲ"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "ଖବର କରିସାରିବା ପରେ DIR କୁ ବାହାର କରିଦିଅନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "କେବଳ ଏହି ଘଟଣାକୁ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "%s ପାଇଁ ଭୁଲ ସଂରଚନା ହୋଇଛି, ଯଦି ଆପଣ ଏହି ସଂରଚନା ସହିତ ଖରବ କରନ୍ତି ତେବେ ହୁଏତଃ ତାହା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇପାରେ।\n\nଏହି ସଂରଚନା ବିଷୟରେ: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration ଠାରେ ଅଧିକ ତଥ୍ୟ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "<b>%s</b>ପାଇଁ ଭୁଲ ସଂରଚନା ହୋଇଛି, ଯଦି ଆପଣ ଏହି ସଂରଚନା ସହିତ ଖରବ କରନ୍ତି ତେବେ ହୁଏତଃ ତାହା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇପାରେ।\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">ଏହି ସଂରଚନା ବିଷୟରେ ଅଧିକ ତଥ୍ୟ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରନ୍ତୁ</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s କୁ ବିନ୍ୟାସ କରନ୍ତୁ (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "ଲିଖନଯୋଗ୍ୟ ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ, କିନ୍ତୁ '%s' ଲିଖନଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୁହଁ। ଏହାକୁ '%s' କୁ ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରିତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରିତ ତଥ୍ୟ ଉପରେ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "ପାଠ୍ୟ ଫାଇଲକୁ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ/ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟା ପାଇଁ କୌଣସି ଖବର ଲକ୍ଷ୍ଯସ୍ଥଳ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରାଯାଇ ନାହିଁ। /etc/libreport/* ରେ ସଂରଚନାକୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(ଆବଶ୍ୟକ: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ନାହିଁ, ତଥ୍ୟ ପୂର୍ବରୁ ଅବସ୍ଥିତ: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(ଦେଖିବା/ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଏଠାରେ କ୍ଲିକ କରନ୍ତୁ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(ଦ୍ୱମିକ ଫାଇଲ, %llu ବାଇଟ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(କୌଣସି ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା ନାହିଁ)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu ବାଇଟ, %u ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକ"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି।"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି।"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "ନାଁ '%s' ପାଇଁ ସଞ୍ଚାଳନକୁ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରାଯାଇଛି"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ବାଧାପ୍ରାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି: ଲିଖନଯୋଗ୍ୟ ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ ବିନା ଆଗକୁ ବଢ଼ିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକାରୀ କରୁଅଛି..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "ଅବୈଧ ଘଟଣା ନାମ ହେତୁ ବ୍ୟାକଟ୍ରେସ ମାନ୍ୟତାକୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "ସମ୍ଭାବ୍ୟ ସ୍ପର୍ଶକାତର ତଥ୍ୟ ଚିହ୍ନା ହୋଇଛି, ଦୟାକରି ଦର୍ଶାଯାଇଥିବା ଟ୍ଯାବଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଯତ୍ନ ସହକାରେ ସମୀକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତୁ।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକାରୀ କରୁଅଛି..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି। ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେଲେ ଆପଣ ଅନ୍ୟ ଏକ ପ୍ରୟୋଗକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିପାରିବେ।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି।"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି, ଦୟାକରି ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ସହିତ ଆଗକୁ ବଢ଼ନ୍ତୁ।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "ଘଟଣା '%s' ସମ୍ଭାବ୍ୟ ଜରୁରୀ ତଥ୍ୟ ପଠାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଅନୁମତି ଆବଶ୍ୟକ କରିଥାଏ।\nଆପଣ ଆଗକୁ ବଢ଼ିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି କି?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ବାତିଲ ହୋଇଛି"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' ଟି ଗୋଟିଏ ସାଧାରଣ ଫାଇଲ ନୁହଁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "ଆପଣ କୌଣସି ଏକ ଫାଇଲକୁ ସେଥିରେ ନକଲ କରିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରୁଛନ୍ତି"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' କୁ ନକଲ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' ବସ୍ତୁ ପୂର୍ବରୁ ଅଛି ଏବଂ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୁହଁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "ନାମ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "ମୂଲ୍ୟ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "ସମସ୍ୟା ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସୂଚନା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "ତଥ୍ୟକୁ ସମୀକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "ବିବରଣୀରେ ତଥ୍ୟକୁ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକାରୀ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "ଯଦି ଆପଣଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଭିନ୍ନ ଏକ ଲକ୍ଷ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥଳରେ ଖବର କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି, ତେବେ ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସୂଚନା ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରନ୍ତୁ, ଅଥବା ଗୋଟିଏ ଉନ୍ନତ ସମସ୍ୟା ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ଖବର କରିବାର ପଦ୍ଧତିକୁ ପୁଣିଥରେ କରନ୍ତୁ, ଏବଂ 'ଅଗ୍ରସର କରନ୍ତୁ' କୁ ଦବାନ୍ତୁ।"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "ଶବ୍ଦାଡ଼ମ୍ବରପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହୁଅନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "ସମସ୍ୟା ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ"
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr "ସମସ୍ୟା ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ଅପସାରଣ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr "ଆବଶ୍ୟକୀୟ ବସ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "uid ମୂଲ୍ୟଟି ବୈଧ ନୁହଁ: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "ଧାରଣ ହୋଇଛି: %llu ର %llu କିଲୋବାଇଟ"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s କୁ %s ପାଖକୁ ପଠାଉଛି"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s କୁ %s ପାଖକୁ ସଫଳତାର ସହିତ ପଠାସରିଛି"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "ଅନୁପସ୍ଥିତ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ମୂଲ୍ୟ"
+@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ବ୍ୟାକଟ୍ରେସଟି ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହୋଇନାହିଁ, ଦୟାକରି ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯେ ଆପଣ ପୁନଃ ଉତ୍ପାଦନ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଉତ୍ତମ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିଛନ୍ତି।"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "ବ୍ୟାକଟ୍ରେସ ସମ୍ଭବତଃ ଏକ ବିକାଶକାରୀଙ୍କୁ ତ୍ରୁଟି ସନ୍ଧାନରେ ସହାୟତା କରିନଥାଏ।"
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr "ଦୟାକରି ଏହି ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶକୁ ବ୍ୟ
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "ଏକ ସଠିକ ତ୍ରୁଟିନିବାରଣ ସୂଚନା ସମ୍ଭବତଃ ନାହିଁ ଅଥବା coredump ଟି ଖରାପ ହୋଇଯାଇଛି।"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ଉପଯୋଗିତା: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "ଆବଶ୍ୟକୀୟ ଉପାଦାନ '%s' ଅନୁପସ୍ଥିତ ଅଛି, ଆଗେଇ ପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "ନିର୍ମାଣ ସମୟରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "ନିର୍ମାଣ ସମୟରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି, HTTP ସଂକେତ: %d, ସର୍ଭର ଉତ୍ତର: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ନିର୍ମାଣ ସମୟରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି, HTTP ସଂକେତ: %d"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ନିର୍ମାଣ ସମୟରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି: URL, HTTP ସଂକେତର ଅବସ୍ଥାନ ନାହିଁ: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL କି ବୈଧତାକୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS ପ୍ରକାଶନ ବାକ୍ୟଖଣ୍ଡ"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "ଯଦି ଆପଣ ନିଜର /etc/system-release ଫାଇଲକୁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିଛନ୍ତି ତେବେ ତାହା ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରନ୍ତୁ"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' କିମ୍ବା 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ଟିକଟ/ପଦ୍ଧତି ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "ବ୍ୟାକଟ୍ରେସକୁ ବିଶ୍ଳେଷଣ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "ନଷ୍ଟ ସୂତ୍ର ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s ରେ Bugzilla ମଧ୍ଯରେ ଲଗଇନ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "ବିନ୍ଯାସ ଫାଇଲ (ହୁଏତଃ ଅନେକ ଥର ଦିଆଯାଇଛି)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସଂଲଗ୍ନ କରନ୍ତୁ [ଏହି ID ସହିତ ତ୍ରୁଟିକୁ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି ଖବର କରିବା ସମୟରେ ଦ୍ୱିମୀକ ଫାଇଲକୁ ମଧ୍ଯ ସେଥିରେ ଲଗାନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଖବର କରାଯାଇଥିଲେ ମଧ୍ଯ ପୁଣି ଖବର କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "BUG_ID ମୁଦ୍ରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯିଏକି DUPHASH ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "କେବଳ ଏହି ଶ୍ରେଣୀ ପାଇଁ ପ୍ରବେଶାନୁମତିକୁ ସିମୀତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "ଲଗଆଉଟ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "ନକଲିଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପାଇଁ ଯାଞ୍ଚକରୁଅଛି"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "ଗୋଟିଏ ନୂତନ ତ୍ରୁଟି ବିବରଣୀ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି %i ସହିତ ସଂଲଗ୍ନକକୁ ଯୋଗ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟିକୁ ପୂର୍ବରୁ ଖବର କରାସରିଛି: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି %d ରେ ନୂତନ ଟିପ୍ପଣୀ ଯୋଗକରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି ପୁରୁଣା ତଥ୍ୟରେ ସମାନ ଟିପ୍ପଣୀ ମିଳିଲା, ନୂଆ କିଛି ଯୋଗ କରୁନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "ଉତ୍ତମ ବ୍ୟାକଟ୍ରେସ ସଂଲଗ୍ନ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି ପୁରୁଣା ତଥ୍ୟରେ ସମାନ ଟିପ୍ପଣୀ ମିଳିଲା, ନୂଆ କିଛି ଯୋଗ କରୁନାହିଁ"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "ସ୍ଥିତି: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nଇମେଲ ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ସମସ୍ୟା ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ DIR ର ବିଷୟବସ୍ତୁକୁ ପଠାଇଥାଏ\n\nଯଦି ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରାଯାଇନଥାଏ, ତେବେ CONFFILE କୁ ପୂର୍ବନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "ବିନ୍ୟାସ ଫାଇଲ"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "FILE କୁ ଯୋଡ଼ନ୍ତୁ, କିମ୍ବା ନବଲିଖ
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR ରେ reported_to କୁ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ଚାଳକ ଦ୍ୱାରା ବାତିଲ ହୋଇଛି।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "ଲେଖିବା ପାଇଁ '%s' କୁ ଖୋଲିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ। ଦୟାକରି ଅନ୍ୟ ଏକ ଫାଇଲ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "ବିବରଣୀକୁ %s ରେ ଯୋଡ଼ାଯାଇଥାଏ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "ବିବରଣୀକୁ %s ରେ ସଜଡ଼ା ଯାଇଥାଏ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nRHTସହାୟତାରେ ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଖବର କରିଥାଏ।\n\nଯଦି ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ ହୋଇନଥାଏ, ତେବେ CONFFILE ପୂର୍ବନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ ହୋଇଥାଏ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILE ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଧାରଣ କରିଥାଏ [ଏହି ID ସହିତ ସଂଲଗ୍ନ ହେବା ପାଇଁ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "ଖାଲି RHTS ଲଗଇନ କିମ୍ବା ପ୍ରବେଶ ସଂକେତ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' ରେ ପରିସ୍ଥିତି '%s' କୁ ସଂଲଗ୍ନ କରୁଅଛି"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "ତଥ୍ଯକୁ ସଙ୍କୋଚନ କରାଯାଉଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ରେ ଅସ୍ଥାୟୀ ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ରେ ଅସ୍ଥାୟୀ ଫାଇଲ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "ଆପଣ ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ RHTSupport ଟିକଟକୁ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛ କି?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "ଗୋଟିଏ ନୂତନ ପରିସ୍ଥିତି ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରୁଅଛି..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "ସମ୍ପୃକ୍ତ ଦଲିଲିକରଣ: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "ଅଦ୍ୟତନଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଯାହାକି ସମ୍ଭବତଃ ସହାୟତା କରିପାରେ: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s କୁ %s ପାଖକୁ ପଠାଉଛି"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s କୁ %s ପାଖକୁ ସଫଳତାର ସହିତ ପଠାସରିଛି"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ଅଭିଲେଖ ନିର୍ମିତ ହୋଇଛି: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nସମସ୍ୟା ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀ DIR ର ସଙ୍କୋଚିତ ଟାରବଲକୁ URL ରେ ଧାରଣ କରିଥାଏ।\nଯଦି URL ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ ହୋଇନଥାଏ, ତେବେ ତାହା /tmp ରେ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରିଥାଏଏବଂ ରହିଥାଏ।\n\nURL ରେ 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' ଥାଏ\nଯେଉଁଠି ପ୍ରଟୋକଲ http(s), ftp, scp, କିମ୍ବା ଫାଇଲ ହୋଇଥାଇପାରେ।\nଫାଇଲ ପ୍ରଟୋକଲରେ ଚାଳକ ଏବଂ ହୋଷ୍ଟ ବିଭାଗ ଥାଇପାରେ: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nଯଦି URL ଏକ ସ୍ଲାଶ ସହିତ ସମାପ୍ତ ହୋଇଥାଏ, ତେବେ ଆଲେଖୀ ନାମ ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇଥାଏ ଏବଂ \nURL ରେ ଯୋଡା ଯାଇଥାଏ; ଅନ୍ୟଥା, URL କୁ ସମ୍ପୂର
 ୍ଣ୍ଣ ଫାଇଲନାମ ଭାବରେ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇଥାଏ।\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT ରେ ତାଲିକାଭୁକ୍ତ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ\nଟାରବଲରେ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ କରାଯାଇନଥାଏ।\n\nCONFFILE ଧାଡ଼ିଗୁଡ଼ିକ 'PARAM = VALUE' ଶୈଳୀରେ ଥାଏ।\nଚିହ୍ନିତ ବାକ୍ୟଖଣ୍ଡ ପ୍ରାଚଳ ହେଉଛି: URL.\nପ୍ରାଚଳକୁ  $Upload_URL ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ଧାରଣ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "ଆଧାର URL କୁ ଏଥିରେ ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ଫାଇଲ ଭାବରେ ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ (FTP/SCP/... ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "ଉଦାହରଣ:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr "uReport ସର୍ଭର URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport ୱେବ ସର୍ଭିସର ଠିକଣା"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟିଯୁକ୍ତ xml ଉତ୍ତର ପରି ଲାଗୁଛି, କାରଣ '%s' ସଦସ୍ୟଟି ଅନୁପସ୍ଥିତ ଅଛି।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି %i ଟି CLOSED, କିନ୍ତୁ ଏଥିରେ RESOLUTION ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟି %i ଟି ନକଲି ଭାବରେ ବନ୍ଦ ହୋଇଛି, କିନ୍ତୁ ଏହାର କୌଣସି DUP_ID ନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ନୂତନ ତ୍ରୁଟି id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla ତ୍ରୁଟି %d ର ମୂଳକୁ ଖୋଜି ପାଉନାହିଁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "ଅବୈଧ url ହେତୁ ସର୍ଭର ଉତ୍ତର ପାଇବେ ନାହିଁ"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "ureport ସର୍ଭରରୁ ଉତ୍ତର ପାଇବାରେ ଅସମର୍ଥ"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "ସର୍ଭର ଉତ୍ତର ତଥ୍ୟଟି ଅବୈଧ ଶୈଳୀ ବିଶିଷ୍ଟ ଅଟେ"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "ସର୍ଭର ଉତ୍ତର ପ୍ରକାର ମେଳ ଖାଉ ନାହିଁ"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "ଅପ୍ରତ୍ୟାଶିତ HTTP ସ୍ଥିତି ସଂକେତ: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "ସର୍ଭର ପାଖ ତ୍ରୁଟି: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "ସର୍ଭର URL ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "ureport ସର୍ଭରରେ ଅସୁରକ୍ଷିତ ସଂଯୋଗକୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "ଲଗାଇବାକୁ ଥିବା uReport ର bthash"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "RHBZ ତ୍ରୁଟି ଲଗାନ୍ତୁ (-a ଆବଶ୍ୟକ କରିଥାଏ)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "reported_to ର ବିଷୟବସ୍ତୁକୁ ଲଗାନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nଛୋଟ ବିବରଣୀ ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ କିମ୍ବା ଛୋଟ ବିବରଣୀରେ ଏକ ସଂଲଗ୍ନ ଯୋଡନ୍ତୁ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଯୋଡ଼ିବା ପାଇଁ ତ୍ରୁଟି ID ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରିବା ଉଚିତ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ  ଯୋଡ଼ିବାକୁ ଥିବା uReport ର bthash କୁ ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରିବାକୁ ହେବ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାରେ ନ୍ୟସ୍ତ ଥିବା uReport ନାହିଁ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ Bugzilla ରେ ଖବର କରାଯାଇ ନାହିଁ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାଟି ପୂର୍ବରୁ ଖବର କରାସରିଛି।"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "ଏହି ସମସ୍ୟାକୁ ଆପଣ କିପରି ଖବର କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nଉଲ୍ଲିଖିତ DIR ରେ ସମସ୍ୟା ଖବର କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସଂରକ୍ଷିତ ନୂତନ ସାଧନ"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "ଖବର କରିସାରିବା ପରେ DIR କୁ ବାହାର କରିଦିଅନ୍ତୁ"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
+index 5cdd46f..99dd55e 100644
+--- a/po/pa.po
++++ b/po/pa.po
+@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Jaswinder Singh <j.phulewala at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Jaswinder Singh <jsingh at redhat.com>, 2012.
+-# Jaswinder Singh Phulewala <j.phulewala at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Jaswinder Singh <j.phulewala at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Jaswinder Singh <jsingh at redhat.com>, 2012
++# Jaswinder Singh <j.phulewala at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Panjabi (Punjabi) <punjabi-users at lists.sf.net>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -23,50 +23,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਭਵ ਈਵੈਂਟ ਵੇਖਾਓ [ਜੋ PREFIX ਨਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "ਵਰਜਨ ਵੇਖਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "ਨਾ-ਦਿਲਖਿੱਚਵਾਂ: ਸਵਾਲ ਨਾ ਪੁੱਛੋ, 'yes' ਮੰਨੋ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "syslog ਵਿੱਚ ਲਾਗ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨਾਂ ਲਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜੋ"
+@@ -117,136 +108,98 @@ msgstr "# ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# ਕਰੈਸ਼ ਹੋਣ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਨ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ਓਪਰੇਟਿੰਗ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੀ ਰੀਲਜ਼ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi ਨਹੀਂ ਚਲਾ ਸਕਿਆ: $TERM, $VISUAL ਅਤੇ $EDITOR ਸੈੱਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਵਿੰਚ ਕੋਈ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਆਈ ਹੈ"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਇੰਪੁੱਟ ਸਹੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਕਾਰਨ ਇਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਹੈ:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ਲਈ ਗਲਤ ਮੁੱਲ: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਜਾਂਚਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "ਜਾਂਚਕਾਰ ਚੁਣੋ: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੇਂਜ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਹਰ ਨੰਬਰ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "ਗਲਤ ਇੰਪੁੱਟ, ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਬੰਦ ਹੋ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਹੜੀ ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲੈਣੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "ਕੁਲੈਕਟਰ ਚੁਣੋ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ਕੋਈ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਨਹੀਂ)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "ਵਾਧੂ ਡਾਟਾ ਇਕੱਠਾ ਕਰਨ ਵੇਲੇ %d ਗਲਤੀਆਂ ਸਨ\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਚੁਣੋ: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨੂੰ %d ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਈਵੈਂਟ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ (%d ਗਲਤੀਆਂ)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "cpio ਨੂੰ {0} ਤੋਂ ਖੋਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ਵਿੱਚ ਲਿਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ '{0}' ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0} ਤੋਂ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਕੈਸ਼ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ {1} ਤੋਂ ਬਣੀਆਂ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ਤੋਂ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੈ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({0} ਨੂੰ {1} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ) {2} ਨੂੰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -255,28 +208,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਹੋ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਨ ਵੇਲੇ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਨਾ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} ਨੂੰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ: {1}, ਅਯੋਗ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+@@ -284,56 +241,56 @@ msgstr "{0} ਨੂੰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ: {1
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "ਲੋੜੀਂਦੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਈ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ਮੈਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਲੈਣ ਵੇਲੇ ਗਲਤੀ '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲਲਿਸਟ ਲੈਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਲਤੀ: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} debuginfo ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਅਕਾਰ: {1:.2f}Mb। ਜਾਰੀ ਕਰਨਾ?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ {0} ਦਾ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਫੇਲ ਹੋਇਆ"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "ਅਨ-ਪੈਕੇਜਿੰਗ ਫੇਲ ਹੋਈ, ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਅਧੂਰਾ ਛੱਡ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ 0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ, ਸੰਭਵ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇੱਕ ਗਲਤੀ ਲਾਗ ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "ਮੈਨੂੰ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਨਾ ਪੁੱਛੋ।"
+@@ -382,57 +339,56 @@ msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਾ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "ਬਦਲਵੀਂ GUI ਫਾਇਲ"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ DIR ਹਟਾਓ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -440,7 +396,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -448,170 +404,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਸੰਰਚਨਾ(_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "ਲਿਖਣਯੋਗ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ, ਪਰ '%s' ਲਿਖਣਯੋਗ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਇਸਨੂੰ '%s' ਤੇ ਲਿਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਤਬਦੀਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਡਾਟੇ ਤੇ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰੋ?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "ਪਾਠ ਫਾਇਲ ਵੇਖੋ/ਸੋਧੋ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "ਵੇਖੋ/ਸੋਧ ਲਈ ਏਥੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "ਬਾਇਨਰੀ ਫਾਇਲ, %llu ਬਾਈਟਾਂ)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ਕੋਈ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਨਹੀਂ)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu ਬਾਈਟਾਂ, %u ਫਾਇਲਾਂ"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "ਈਵੈਂਟ '%s' ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪਰੋਸੈੱਸਿੰਗ ਪਰਿਭਾਸ਼ਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "ਸੰਭਵ ਜਰੂਰੀ ਡਾਟਾ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹੈ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਹਾਈਲਾਈਟ ਟੈਬਾਂ ਧਿਆਨ ਨਾਲ ਵੇਖੋ।"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' ਇੱਕ ਸਧਾਰਨ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਨੂੰ ਉਸੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੀ ਨਕਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ਦੀ ਨਕਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "ਇਕਾਈ '%s' ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਸੋਧੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "ਨਾਂ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੱਲ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਵੇਰਵਾ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "ਵਾਧੂ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਓ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਟਾ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਡਾਟੇ ਦੀ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -646,7 +627,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -703,16 +684,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਵੱਖਰੇ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਤੇ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਵਾਧੂ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਇਕੱਠੀ ਕਰੋ, ਜਾਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਦਿਓ ਅਤੇ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਿੰਗ ਦੁਹਰਾਓ, 'ਅੱਗੇ' ਦਬਾਓ।"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -721,6 +702,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -735,11 +724,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਹੋਇਆ: %llu ਬਾਈਟ %llu ਦਾ"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ %s ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ %s ਤੇ ਸਫਲਤਾਪੂਰਕ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "ਗੌਰਮੌਜੂਦ ਜਰੂਰੀ ਮੁੱਲ"
+@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "ਬੈਕਟਰੇਸ ਅਧੂਰਾ ਹੈ, ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਉ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਠੀਕ ਕਦਮ ਚੁੱਕੇ ਹਨ।"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -796,34 +796,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "ਉਪਯੋਗਤਾ: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "ਜਰੂਰੀ ਐਲੀਮੈਂਟ '%s' ਗੈਰਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ, ਜਾਰੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "ਕੇਸ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵੇਲੇ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "ਕੇਸ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵੇਲੇ ਗਲਤੀ, HTTP ਕੋਡ: %d, ਸਰਵਰ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ਕੇਸ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵੇਲੇ ਗਲਤੀ, HTTP ਕੋਡ: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "ਕੇਸ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਲਤੀ: ਕੋਈ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ URL ਨਹੀਂ, HTTP ਕੋਡ: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -877,12 +930,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL ਕੁੰਜੀ ਯੋਗਤਾ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS ਰੀਲੀਜ਼ ਸਟਰਿੰਗ"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "ਇਹ ਸਿਰਫ ਤਾਂ ਹੀ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਤ ਕਰੋ ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੀ /etc/system-release ਫਾਇਲ ਸੋਧੀ ਹੈ"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -905,44 +1006,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' ਜਾਂ 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ਟਿਕਟ/ਕੇਸ ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗਜ਼ੀਲਾ ਵਿੱਚ %s ਤੇ ਵੇਖ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -978,121 +1079,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ (ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰੋ [ਇਸ ID ਵਾਲੇ ਬੱਗ ਨਾਲ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗ ਭੇਜਣ ਵੇਲੇ, ਬਾਇਨਰੀ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਵੀ ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟਿੰਗ ਕਰੋ ਭਾਵੇਂ ਇਹ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਵੀ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "ਵੇਖ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "ਡੁਪਲੀਕੇਟ ਲਈ ਜਾਂਚ ਜਾਰੀ"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਬੱਗ ਬਣਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗ %i ਨਾਲ ਨੱਥੀ ਜੋੜ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "bug(%d) ਵਿੱਚ ਨਵੀਂ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਜੋੜੋ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "ਬੱਗ ਅਤੀਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਹੀ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਮਿਲੀ ਹੈ, ਨਵੀਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਜੋੜ ਰਿਹਾ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "ਵਧੀਆ ਬੈਕਟਰੇਸ ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "ਬੱਗ ਅਤੀਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਹੀ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਮਿਲੀ ਹੈ, ਨਵੀਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਜੋੜ ਰਿਹਾ"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1138,7 +1251,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ DIR ਦੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਈਮੇਲ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਭੇਜਦਾ ਹੈ\n\nਜੇ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਤ ਨਹੀਂ, CONFFILE ਮੂਲ ਇਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ"
+@@ -1165,26 +1278,26 @@ msgstr "ਆਖਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜੋ, ਜਾਂ FILE ਨੂੰ ਫਿਰ
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR ਵਿੱਚ reported_to ਬਣਾਓ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "ਲਿਖਣ ਲਈ '%s' ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਿਆ। ਹੋਰ ਫਾਇਲ ਚੁਣੋ ਜੀ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ %s ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਸੀ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ %s ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਗਈ ਸੀ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1196,53 +1309,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReports a problem to RHTSupport.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILEs ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ [ਇਸ ID ਵਾਲੇ ਕੇਸ ਨਾਲ]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS ਲਾਗਇਨ ਜਾਂ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨੂੰ ਖਾਲੀ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' ਨੂੰ ਕੇਸ '%s' ਨਾਲ ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਟਾ ਸੰਕੁਚਿਤ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ਵਿੱਚ ਆਰਜੀ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਬਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ਵਿੱਚ ਆਰਜੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਣਾ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹਾਲੇ ਵੀ ਇੱਕ RHTSupport ਟਿਕਟ ਬਣਾਉਣੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਮੁੱਦਾ ਬਣਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1252,23 +1377,13 @@ msgstr "ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ੀ ਜੋ ਲੋੜੀਂਦੀ ਹੋ ਸਕਦ
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਜੋ ਮੱਦਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ %s ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ %s ਤੇ ਸਫਲਤਾਪੂਰਕ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ਆਰਚੀਵ ਬਣਾਈ ਗਈ ਹੈ: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1404,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nUploads compressed tarball of problem directory DIR to URL.\nIf URL is not specified, creates tarball in /tmp and exits.\n\nURL should have form 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nwhere protocol can be http(s), ftp, scp, or file.\nFile protocol can't have user and host parts: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nIf URL ends with a slash, the archive name will be generated and appended\nto URL; otherwise, URL will be used as full file name.\n\nFiles with names listed in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT are not included\ninto the tarball.\n\nCONFFILE lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format.\nRecognized string parameter: URL.\nParameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਬੇਸ URL"
+@@ -1410,6 +1525,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ਫਾਇਲ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ (FTP/SCP/... ਰਾਹੀਂ)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1424,6 +1540,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1440,130 +1566,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "ਖਰਾਬ xml ਜਵਾਬ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਹੈ, ਕਿਉਂਕਿ '%s' ਮੈਂਬਰ ਗੈਰ-ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗ %i CLOSED ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ RESOLUTION ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗ %i CLOSED ਹੈ DUPLICATE ਤੌਰ ਤੇ, ਪਰ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ DUP_ID ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਬੱਗ id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "ਬੱਗਜ਼ੀਲਾ ਨੂੰ bug %d ਦਾ ਅਧਾਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1598,9 +1781,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਰਟ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ DIR ਹਟਾਓ"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1617,3 +1803,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
+index 29e2319..c81b70c 100644
+--- a/po/pl.po
++++ b/po/pl.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>, 2011.
+-# Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag at gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
++# Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>, 2011
++# Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag at gmail.com>, 2011-2013
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Polish <trans-pl at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PRZEDROSTEK] [KATALOG_PROBLEMU]\n   lub: & [-vsp] -e ZDARZENIE KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n   lub: & [-vsp] -a[y] KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n   lub: & [-vsp] -c[y] KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n   lub: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] KATALOG_PROBLEMU"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PRZEDROSTEK] [KATALOG_PROBLEMU]\n   lub: & [-vspy] -e ZDARZENIE KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n   lub: & [-vspy] -d KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n   lub: & [-vspy] -x KATALOG_PROBLEMU"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla możliwe zdarzenia [zaczynające się od PRZEDROSTKA]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Uruchamia tylko te zdarzenia"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Uruchamia analizę zdarzeń w KATALOGU_PROBLEMU"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Uruchamia zdarzenia zbierania w KATALOGU_PROBLEMU"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Usuwa KATALOG_PROBLEMU po zgłoszeniu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Analizuje, zbiera i zgłasza dane problemu w KATALOGU_PROBLEMU"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Tryb ekspercki"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla wersję i kończy działanie"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Usuwa KATALOG_PROBLEMU po zgłoszeniu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Nieinteraktywnie: bez zadawania pytań, przyjmuje \"tak\""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Przekazuje komunikaty do dziennika systemowego"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Dodaje nazwy programów do dziennika"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Pakiet"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Przyczyna awarii (w języku angielskim)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Ciąg wydania systemu operacyjnego"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Nie można uruchomić programu vi: nie ustawiono zmiennych $TERM, $VISUAL ani $EDITOR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nZgłoszenie zostało zaktualizowane"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNie wykryto zmian w zgłoszeniu"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "t"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Wprowadzone dane są nieprawidłowe z powodu:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Błędna wartość dla \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Proszę wybrać, jak przeanalizować problem:\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Zdarzenie \"%s\" wymaga pozwolenia, aby wysłać możliwie prywatne dane. Kontynuować?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Wybór sposobu analizy: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Proszę wybrać zdarzenie do uruchomienia:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Wybrano numer spoza zakresu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Podano nieprawidłowe dane, kończenie działania programu..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Jakie dodatkowe informacje zebrać?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Wybór sposobu zbierania: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(brak opisu)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Wystąpiło %d błędów podczas zbierania dodatkowych danych\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Zgłaszanie..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Proszę wybrać, jak zgłosić problem:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Wybór zgłaszających: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Zgłoszono problem przez zdarzenie zgłoszenia %d (%d błędów)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowe wejście, kończenie działania."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Wydobywanie cpio z {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nie można zapisać do \"{0}\": {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nie można wydobyć pakietu \"{0}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Umieszczanie plików z {0} utworzonych z {1} w pamięci podręcznej"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nie można wydobyć plików z \"{0}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nie można usunąć \"{0}\": {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie ({0} z {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr "Wystąpił problem \"{0!s}\" podczas pobierania z serwera lustrzanego: \
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Inicjowanie programu yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas inicjowania programu yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): \"{0!s}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Nie można wyświetlić repozytorium \"{0!s}\": {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie repozytoriów programu yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można wyłączyć asynchronicznego pobierania, wyjście może zawierać błędy."
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Nie można ustawić {0}: {1}, wyłączanie"
+@@ -283,67 +240,67 @@ msgstr "Nie można ustawić {0}: {1}, wyłączanie"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie wymaganych pakietów w repozytoriach"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas pobierania metadanych: \"{0!s}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas pobierania list plików: \"{0!s}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć pakietów dla plików debuginfo {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pakiety do pobrania: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie {0:.2f} MB, rozmiar po instalacji: {1:.2f} MB. Kontynuować?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie zostało anulowane przez użytkownika"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Pobranie pakietu {0} się nie powiodło"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Rozpakowanie nie powiodło się, przerywanie pobierania..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Nie można usunąć %s, prawdopodobnie zawiera dziennik błędów"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Bez pytania ponownie"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Brak dostępnego opisu"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Konfiguracja"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -353,17 +310,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sposoby działania"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zdarzenia"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sk_onfiguruj"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "Bez przechowywania haseł"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Usługa Secret Service jest niedostępna. Ustawienia nie zostaną zapisane."
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można połączyć przez magistralę D-Bus z nazwą \"%s\" ścieżką \"%s\" interfejsem \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można wywołać metody \"%s\" przez magistralę D-Bus na ścieżce \"%s\" interfejsie \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Przekroczono czas oczekiwania podczas czekania na wynik znaku zachęty z Secret Service usługi D-Bus."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Zatrzymać oczekiwania i kontynuować zgłaszanie bez poprawnie wczytanej konfiguracji?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Metoda ReadAlias(\"%s\") usługi Secret Service magistrali D-Bus się nie powiodła: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można utworzyć tajnego elementu dla zdarzenia \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "nie można uzyskać tajnej wartości \"%s\": %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g PLIK_GUI] KATALOG\n\nGraficzne narzędzie do analizy i zgłaszania problemów zapisanych w podanym KATALOGU"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e ZDARZENIE]... [-g PLIK_GUI] KATALOG_PROBLEMU\n\nGraficzne narzędzie do analizy i zgłaszania problemów zapisanych w podanym KATALOGU_PROBLEMU"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternatywny plik GUI"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Usuwa KATALOG po zgłoszeniu"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Uruchamia tylko to zdarzenie"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Wykryto błędne ustawienia dla %s, zgłaszanie prawdopodobnie się nie powiedzie, jeśli obecna konfiguracja będzie dalej używana.\n\nWięcej informacji o konfiguracji można znaleźć pod adresem: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Wykryto błędne ustawienia dla <b>%s</b>, zgłaszanie prawdopodobnie się nie powiedzie, jeśli obecna konfiguracja będzie dalej używana.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Więcej informacji o konfiguracji</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "S_konfiguruj %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Wymagany jest zapisywalny katalog, ale \"%s\" nie jest zapisywalny. Przenieść go do \"%s\" i działać na przeniesionych danych?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla/modyfikuje plik tekstowy"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Nie określono celów zgłaszania dla tego problemu. Proszę sprawdzić konfigurację w /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(wymaga: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(nie jest wymagane, dane już istnieją: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(naciśnięcie tutaj wyświetla/modyfikuje)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(plik binarny, %llu bajtów)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(brak opisu)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bajtów, %u plików"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Ukończono przetwarzanie."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Przetworzenie problemu się nie powiodło. Może mieć to wiele przyczyn, ale najczęstszymi są:\n\t▫ <b>problemy z połączeniem sieciowym</b>\n\t▫ <b>uszkodzone dane problemu</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Aby nam pomóc, prosimy nacisnąć przycisk Wyślij i dostarczyć wszystkie dane problemu w celu ich analizy.\n<i>Przed zrobieniem tego prosimy rozważyć ryzyko bezpieczeństwa. Dane problemu mogą zawierać informacje osobiste, takie jak hasła.\nWysłane dane są przechowywane na chronionych serwerach i tylko ograniczona liczba osób może je odczytać.</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Przetwarzanie się nie powiodło."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Nie podano przetwarzania dla zdarzenia \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Przerwano przetwarzanie: nie można kontynuować bez zapisywalnego katalogu."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Przetwarzanie..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Nie można sprawdzić oceny wyjątku z powodu nieprawidłowej nazwy zdarzenia"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Wykryto możliwe prywatne dane, proszę przejrzeć wyróżnione karty."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Przetwarzanie..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Przetwarzanie się nie powiodło. Można spróbować innego działania, jeśli jest dostępne."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Przetwarzanie się nie powiodło."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Ukończono przetwarzanie."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Ukończono przetwarzanie. Proszę przejść do następnego kroku."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Zdarzenie \"%s\" wymaga pozwolenia, aby wysłać możliwie prywatne dane.\nKontynuować?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Anulowano przetwarzanie"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ten problem nie powinien zostać zgłoszony (prawdopodobnie jest już znany). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" nie jest zwykłym plikiem"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Próba skopiowania pliku do niego samego"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można skopiować \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Element \"%s\" już istnieje i nie jest modyfikowalny"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Dołącz"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nazwa"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Wartość"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Opis problemu"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Proszę wybrać, jak zgłosić ten problem"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Proszę podać dodatkowe informacje"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Przejrzenie danych"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Proszę potwierdzić dane do zgłoszenia"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Przetwarzanie"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Ukończono przetwarzanie"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Wyślij do analizy"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Należy zainstalować pakiet recordmydesktop, aby włączyć wbudowaną funkcję nagrywania pulpitu. Proszę wykonać poniższe polecenie, aby go zainstalować.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -642,11 +623,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Komentarze nie są prywatne.</b> Mogą one zostać dołączone do pub
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jeśli nie wiadomo, jak go opisać, można"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "dodaj nagranie pulpitu"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Aby zgłosić problem w innym miejscu, zebrać dodatkowe informacje lub podać lepszy opis błędu i powtórzyć proces zgłaszania, należy nacisnąć przycisk \"Dalej\"."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Więcej informacji"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Katalog problemu"
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr "Katalog problemu"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nie można usunąć: \"%s\""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "t"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "z"
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr "Brak wymaganego elementu: \"%s\""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "wartość UID nie jest prawidłowa: \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Wysłano: %llu z %llu kilobajtów"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Wysyłanie %s do %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Pomyślnie wysłano %s do %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Brak obowiązkowej wartości"
+@@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Wyjątek jest niepełny. Proszę upewnić się, że podano właściwe kroki ponownego wywołania awarii."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "Wyjątek prawdopodobnie nie może pomóc programiście znaleźć błąd."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "Wyjątek prawdopodobnie nie może pomóc programistom w diagnozowaniu błędu."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr "Proszę spróbować zainstalować pakiet debuginfo ręcznie, używając
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Prawdopodobnie brak poprawnego pakietu debuginfo lub zrzut core jest uszkodzony."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Brak elementu problemu \"%s\""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Nieobsługiwana wartość \"%s\" w elemencie problemu \"%s\""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Nie można utworzyć uReport bez \"type\""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Pusty uReport nie zostanie wysłany"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Użycie: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Brak niezbędnego pliku \"%s\", nie można kontynuować"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku w \"%s\": %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku w \"%s\", kod HTTP: %d, komunikat serwera: \"%s\""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku w \"%s\", kod HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku w \"%s\": brak adresu URL położenia, kod HTTP: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku, kod HTTP: %d, odpowiedź serwera: \"%s\""
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia komentarza w \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku, kod HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia komentarza w \"%s\", kod HTTP: %d, komunikat serwera: \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "błąd podczas tworzenia przypadku, brak adresu URL położenia, kod HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia komentarza w \"%s\", kod HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia komentarza w \"%s\": brak adresu URL położenia, kod HTTP: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Sprawdzanie poprawności klucza SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Ciąg wydania systemu operacyjnego"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Proszę podać to tylko, jeśli zmodyfikowano plik /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Pośrednik HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Ustawia serwer pośrednika do użycia dla HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "Pośrednik HTTPS"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Ustawia serwer pośrednika do użycia dla HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "\"strata\" lub \"bugzilla\""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Identyfikator zgłoszenia/zdarzenia"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Nie można przetworzyć wyjątku"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć wątku awarii"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można kontynuować bez loginu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można kontynuować bez hasła"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Logowanie do Bugzilli pod adresem %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło lub login. Proszę podać login Bugzilli:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło lub login. Proszę podać hasło dla \"%s\":"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wartość zwrotna Bug.search(quicksearch) nie zawiera elementu \"bugs\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,123 +1076,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g NAZWA-GRUPY]... [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI] [-F PLIK_FMT] [-A PLIK_FMT2] -d KATALOG\nlub:\n& [-v] [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI] [-d KATALOG] -t[IDENTYFIKATOR] PLIK...\nlub:\n& [-v] [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI]... [-d KATALOG] -t[IDENTYFIKATOR] -w\nlub:\n& [-v] [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI]... -h SUMA_DUPLIKATU\n\nZgłasza problemy w serwisie Bugzilla.\n\nNarzędzie odczytuje KATALOG. Następnie loguje się w serwisie Bugzilla\ni próbuje odnaleźć błąd o tym samym abrt_hash:CIĄG_SZESNASTKOWY\nw polu \"Whiteboard\".\n\nJeśli taki błąd nie zostanie odnaleziony, to zostanie utworzony nowy.\nElementy KATALOGU są przechowywane w bugu jako część opisu błędu lub jako\nzałączniki, w zależności od ich typu i rozmiaru.\n\nW przeciwnym przypadku, jeśli taki błąd zostanie odnaleziono i jest\noznaczony jako ZAMKNIĘTY DUPLIKAT, to narzędzie podąża za ciągiem\nduplikatów, aż odnajdzie błąd nie będący DUPLIKATEM. Następnie dodaje\nnowy komentarz do odnalezione
 go błędu.\n\nAdres URL do nowego lub zmodyfikowanego błędu jest wyświetlana w\nstandardowym wyjściu i nagrywana w elemencie \"reported_to\".\n\nOpcja -t wysyła PLIKI do już utworzonego błędu w serwisie Bugzilla\nIdentyfikator błędu jest pobierany z katalogu podanego przez opcję\n-d KATALOG. Jeśli dane problemu w KATALOGU nigdy nie zostały zgłoszone\nw serwisie Bugzilla, to wysłanie się nie powiedzie.\n\nOpcja -tID wysyła PLIKI do błędu o podanym identyfikatorze w\nserwisie Bugzilla. Opcja -d KATALOG jest ignorowana.\n\nOpcja -w dodaje użytkownika Bugzilli do listy CC błędu.\n\nJeśli nie podano, domyślnym PLIKIEM_KONFIGURACJI jest "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Plik konfiguracji (może być podawany wiele razy)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Formatowanie pliku dla początkowego komentarza"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Formatowanie pliku dla duplikatów"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Dołącza PLIKI [do błędu o tym identyfikatorze]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Dołącza także pliki binarne podczas tworzenia błędów"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Wymusza zgłoszenie nawet, jeśli ten problem został już zgłoszony"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dodaje użytkownika Bugzilli do listy CC [błędu o tym identyfikatorze]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla IDENTYFIKATOR_BŁĘDU o podanej SUMIE_DUPLIKATU"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Ogranicza dostęp tylko do tej grupy"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Debuguj"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Wyszukiwanie podobnych problemów w Bugzilli"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Login nie jest dostarczany przez konfigurację. Proszę podać login Bugzilli:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hasło nie jest dostarczane przez konfigurację. Proszę podać hasło dla \"%s\":"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można uzyskać identyfikatora Bugzilli, ponieważ ten problem nie został jeszcze w niej zgłoszony."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ten problem został zgłoszony w Bugzilli \"%s\", która różni się od skonfigurowanej Bugzilli \"%s\"."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Błędnie sformatowany adres URL do Bugzilli \"%s\"."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Używanie identyfikatora Bugzilli \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Wylogowywanie"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Sprawdzanie duplikatów"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Tworzenie nowego błędu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie załączników do błędu %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Błąd został już zgłoszony: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dodawanie %s do listy CC"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie nowego komentarza do błędu %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Odnaleziono taki sam komentarz z historii błędu, nowy nie zostanie dodany"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Dołączanie lepszego wyjątku"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Odnaleziono taki sam komentarz z historii błędu, nowy nie zostanie dodany"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Stan: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d KATALOG [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI]\n\nWysyła zawartość KATALOGU problemu przez e-mail\n\nJeśli nie podano, domyślnym PLIKIEM_KONFIGURACJI jest "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Plik konfiguracji"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Dołącza do PLIKU lub zastępuje go"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Tworzy reported_to w KATALOGU"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Anulowane przez użytkownika."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć \"%s\" do zapisania. Proszę wybrać inny plik:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Zgłoszenie zostało dodane do %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Zgłoszenie zostało przechowane w %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI] -d KATALOG\nlub:\n& [-v] [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI] [-d KATALOG] -t[IDENTYFIKATOR] PLIK...\n\nZgłasza problem do RHTSupport.\n\nJeśli nie podano, domyślnym PLIKIEM_KONFIGURACJI jest "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Wysyła PLIKI [do zdarzenia o tym identyfikatorze]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Pusty login lub hasło RHTS"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dołączanie \"%s\" do zdarzenia \"%s\""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Kompresowanie danych"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu tymczasowego w /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć tymczasowego pliku w /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Sprawdzanie podpowiedzi"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Nadal utworzyć zgłoszenie RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Dodawanie nowego przypadku..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Tworzenie nowego przypadku"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Dodawanie komentarza do przypadku \"%s\""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Dołączanie danych problemu do przypadku \"%s\""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "Dokumentacja, która może być istotna: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Aktualizacje, które mogą pomóc: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Wysyłanie %s do %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Pomyślnie wysłano %s do %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Utworzono archiwum: \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d KATALOG [-c PLIK_KONFIGURACJI] [-u URL]\n\nWysyła skompresowane archiwum tar KATALOGU problemu na adres URL.\nJeśli nie podano adresu URL, to tworzy archiwum tar w katalogu /tmp\ni kończy działanie.\n\nAdres URL powinien być w formacie \"protokół://[użytkownik[:hasło]@]komputer/katalog/[plik.tar.gz]\"\n, gdzie protokół może wynosić http(s), ftp, scp lub file.\nProtokół file nie może posiadać części \"użytkownik\" i \"komputer\":\n\"file:///katalog/[plik.tar.gz]\".\nJeśli adres URL kończy się ukośnikiem, to nazwa archiwum zostanie utworzona\ni dołączona do adresu URL; w przeciwnym przypadku adres URL zostanie użyty\njako pełna nazwa pliku.\n\nPliki o nazwach wymienionych w zmiennej $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT nie są\ndołączane do archiwum tar.\n\nWiersze PLIKU_KONFIGURACJI powinny być w formacie \"PARAMETR = WARTOŚĆ\".\nRozpoznawany parametr ciągu: URL.\nParametry mogą być nadpisywane przez $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Podstawowy adres URL, do którego wysłać"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Wysyła jako plik tar.gz (przez FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "Adres URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Przykłady:&#xA;ftp://[użytkownik[:hasło]@]komputer/katalog/[plik.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[użytkownik[:hasło]@]komputer/katalog/[plik.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///katalog/[plik.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Pośrednik FTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Ustawia serwer pośrednika do użycia dla FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr "Adres URL serwera uReport"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Adres usługi WWW uReport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Analiza awaryjna"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Wysyła dane problemu do dalszej analizy"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Wygląda na uszkodzoną odpowiedź XML, ponieważ brak elementu \"%s\"."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Błąd %i jest ZAMKNIĘTY, ale nie posiada ROZWIĄZANIA"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Błąd %i jest ZAMKNIĘTY jako DUPLIKAT, ale nie posiada IDENTYFIKATORA_DUPLIKATU"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Identyfikator nowego błędu: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla nie może odnaleźć nadrzędnego błędu %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kodowanie: {0!s}% c ukończono"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wybór okna"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Użycie: abrt-screencast -o PLIK_WYJŚCIOWY"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Nie można otrzymać odpowiedzi serwera z powodu nieprawidłowego adresu URL"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Nie można przetworzyć odpowiedzi od serwera ureport"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Wysłanie uReport do serwera \"%s\" za pomocą programu curl się nie powiodło: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Dane odpowiedzi serwera mają nieprawidłowy format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "Adres URL \"%s\" nie istnieje (otrzymano błąd 404 z serwera)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Typ odpowiedzi serwera się nie zgadza"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "Wystąpił wewnętrzny błąd serwera w \"%s\" (otrzymano błąd 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "Serwer w \"%s\" obecnie nie może obsłużyć żądania (otrzymano błąd 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany kod stanu HTTP: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Nieoczekiwana odpowiedź HTTP z \"%s\": %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Błąd po stronie serwera: \"%s\""
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Nie można przetworzyć odpowiedzi od serwera ureport w \"%s\":\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "Odpowiedź z \"%s\" ma nieprawidłowy format"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Wykryto niepasujący typ w odpowiedzi z \"%s\""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Serwer w \"%s\" odpowiedział błędem: \"%s\""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Podaje adres URL serwera"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Zezwala na niezabezpieczone połączenie do serwera uReport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "suma-bt uReportu do dołączenia"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Dołącza błąd RHBZ (wymaga opcji -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Dołącza treść \"reported_to\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a suma-bt -b id-błędu] [-r] [-d KATALOG]\n\nWysyła mikrozgłoszenie lub dodaje załącznik do mikrozgłoszenia"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Należy podać identyfikator błędu do dołączenia."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Należy podać sumę-bt uReportu do dołączenia."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "Ten problem nie posiada przypisanego uReportu."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Ten problem nie został zgłoszony w serwisie Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć identyfikatora błędu w adresie URL Bugzilli \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nie można przetworzyć identyfikatora błędu z adresu URL Bugzilli \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Wysłanie problemu się nie powiodło"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Ten problem został już zgłoszony."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Serwer odpowiedział błędem: \"%s\""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Proszę wybrać, jak zgłosić problem:"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,22 +1780,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] KATALOG\n\nNarzędzie newt do zgłaszania problemów zapisanych w podanym KATALOGU"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Usuwa KATALOG po zgłoszeniu"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Zgłasza błąd opiekunom Fedory"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Przetwarza zgłoszenie używając infrastruktury Projektu Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wysyła dane problemu na serwer"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Analizuje problem lokalnie i wysyła dane przez SCP lub FTP"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Zgłasza Projektowi Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Zgłasza firmie Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Przetwarza awarię C/C++ używając infrastruktury firmy Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Przetwarza awarię oops jądra używając infrastruktury firmy Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Przetwarza wyjątek języka Python używając infrastruktury firmy Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Przetwarza awarię jądra używając infrastruktury firmy Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Przetwarza problem serwera X używając infrastruktury firmy Red Hat"
+diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po
+index a8d47a8..dc6e0e2 100644
+--- a/po/pt.po
++++ b/po/pt.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Miguel Sousa <migueljorgesousa at sapo.pt>, 2011.
+-# Rui Gouveia <rui.gouveia at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Miguel Sousa <migueljorgesousa at sapo.pt>, 2011
++# Rui Gouveia <rui.gouveia at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Portuguese <trans-pt at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Lista possíveis eventos [que começam com PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Apresentar a versão e terminar"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Não interactivo: não perguntar, assumir 'sim'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Registar no syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Adicionar nomes de programa aos registos"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Pacote"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Motivo da falha"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# String de lançamento do sistema operativo"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de executar o vi: $TERM, $VISUAL e $EDITOR não estão definidas"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nO relatório foi actualizado"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNão foram detectadas alterações no relatório"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "A entrada não é válida, porque:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valor inválido para '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Como gostaria de analisar o problema?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Selecione analisador:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Escolheu um número fora do alcançe"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Entrada inválida, programa a sair..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Que informações adicionais gostaria de recolher?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Seleccione colectore(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(sem descrição)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Houve %d erros durante a recolha de dados adicionais\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "A reportar..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Como gostaria de reportar o problema?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecione reporter(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problema reportado via %d eventos reportados (%d erros)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "A extrair cpio de {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de escrever para '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de extrair pacote '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "A criar cache de ficheiros de {0} criados de {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de extrair ficheiros de '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de remover '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "A transferir ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "A inicializar yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao inicializar yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "A preparar repositórios yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de preparar {0}: {1}, a desactivar"
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr "Incapaz de preparar {0}: {1}, a desactivar"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "A procurar por pacotes necessários nos repositórios"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao obter metados: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao obter lista de ficheiros: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de encontrar pacotes para {0} ficheiros debuginfo"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pacotes a transferir: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "A transferir {0:.2f}Mb, tamanho instalado: {1:.2f}Mb. Continuar?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Transferência cancelada pelo utilizador"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "A transferência do pacote {0} falhou"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Desempacotagem falhou. A abortar a transferência..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "A remover {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de remover %s, provavelmente contém registo de erros"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Não perguntar novamente"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "Não guardar senhas"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Ficheiro GUI alternativo"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Remover DIR depois de reportar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figurar %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "É necessário um directório gravável, mas '%s' não é gravável. Movê-lo para '%s' e operar nos dados movidos?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Ver/editar um ficheiro de texto"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(Clique aqui para ver/editar)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(ficheiro binário, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(sem descrição)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u ficheiros"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Não está definido processamento para o evento '%s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Detectados possíveis dados sensíveis. Reveja os separadores em destaque cuidadosamente."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' não é um ficheiro comum"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Esta a tentar copiar um ficheiro para si próprio"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de copiar '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Item '%s' já existe e não é modificável"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Incluir"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nome"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Descrição do problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Forneça informação adicional"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Rever os dados"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirme os dados a reportar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Se deseja reportar o problema para um destino diferente, recolha informação adicional, ou forneça uma melhor descrição do problema e repita o processo, carregando em 'Seguinte'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "s"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Enviado: %llu de %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "A enviar %s para %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s enviado com sucesso para %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Valor obrigatório em falta"
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "A traçagem está incompleta. Por favor, tenha a certeza que fornece os passos para reproduzir."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Utilização: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Elemento essencial '%s' em falta. Não é possível continuar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "erro na criação do caso: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "erro na criação do caso. HTTP code: %d, o servidor diz: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erro na criação do caso. HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erro na criação do caso: sem endereço URL. HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Verificar validade da chave SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "versão do SO"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Especifique isto apenas se modificou o ficheiro /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' ou 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID do Ticket/caso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "A iniciar sessão no Bugzilla em %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Ficheiro de configuração (pode ser inserido várias vezes)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Anexar FICHEIROs [ao erro com este ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Ao criar um erro, anexe também ficheiros binários"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forçar o relatório mesmo que este problema já tenha sido reportado"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "A terminar sessão"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "A verificar por duplicados"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "A criar um novo erro"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "A adicionar anexo ao erro %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Erro já foi reportado: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Adicionar novo comentário ao erro %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Foi encontrado o mesmo comentário no histórico do erro. Não será adicionado novamente"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "A anexar uma traçagem melhor"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Foi encontrado o mesmo comentário no histórico do erro. Não será adicionado novamente"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Estado: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFIC]\n\nEnvia o conteúdo dum directório DIR com um problema via email\n\nSe não especificado, o valor por omissão de CONFFIC é "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Ficheiro de configuração"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Adicionar, ou sobrescrever FICHEIRO"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Criar reported_to em DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Cancelado pelo utilizador."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Incapaz de abrir '%s' para escrita. Seleccione outro ficheiro:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "O relatório foi anexado a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "O relatório foi armazenado em %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFIC] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFIC] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FICHEIRO...\n\nReporta um problema para RHTSupport.\n\nSe não especificado, o valor por omissão de CONFFILE é "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Enviar FICHEIROs [ao erro com este ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Nome de utilizador ou senha RHTS vazios"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "A anexar '%s' ao caso '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "A comprimir dados"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível criar a directoria temporária em /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível criar ficheiro temporário em /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Ainda deseja criar um ticket RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "A criar um novo caso..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "Documentação que poderá ser relevante: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Actualizações que poderão ajudar: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "A enviar %s para %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s enviado com sucesso para %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Foi criado o arquivo: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFIC] [-u URL]\n\nSubmete tarball comprimida do directório problema DIR para URL.\nSe o URL não for especificado, cria o tarball em /tmp e termina.\n\nO URL deve ter o formato:\n'protocolo://[utilizador[:senha]@]servidor/dir/[ficheiro.tar.gz]'\nonde o protocolo pode ser http(s), ftp, scp, ou file.\nO protocolo file não pode ter as partes do utilizador e servidor: 'file:///dir/[ficheiro.tar.gz].'\nSe o URL termina com uma barra, o nome do arquivo será gerado \ne adicionado ao URL; caso contrário, o URL será utilizado como\nnome completo do ficheiro.\n\nOs ficheiros com nomes incluídos em $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT \nnão são incluídos no tarball.\n\nAs linhas do CONFFIC devem ter o formato 'PARAM = VALUE'.\nParâmetro reconhecido: URL\nO parâmetro pode ser sobrescrito via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL base para enviar para"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Submeter como ficheiro tar.gz (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Parece uma resposta xml corrompida, porque o membro '%s' está em falta."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "O erro %i está FECHADO, mas não tem RESOLUÇÃO"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "O erro %i está FECHADO como DUPLICADO, mas não tem DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Novo ID de erro: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla não encontra o pai do erro %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Como gostaria de reportar o problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Remover DIR depois de reportar"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
+index 7c0d3b0..1d68cbc 100644
+--- a/po/pt_BR.po
++++ b/po/pt_BR.po
+@@ -3,17 +3,19 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Cleiton cleitonlima <cleitonlima at lavabit.com>, 2011.
+-#   <gcintra at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# Marina Vieira <djparanoiaprod at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Ricardo Gyorfy <rgyorfy at redhat.com>, 2011.
++# Cleiton cleitonlima <cleitoncfl at yahoo.com.br>, 2011
++# Cleiton cleitonlima <cleitoncfl at yahoo.com.br>, 2013
++# Cleiton cleitonlima <cleitoncfl at yahoo.com.br>, 2013
++# Glaucia Freitas <gcintra at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Marina Vieira <djparanoiaprod at gmail.com>, 2012-2013
++# Ricardo Gyorfy <rgyorfy at redhat.com>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) <trans-pt_br at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -24,50 +26,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   ou: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   ou: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   ou: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Lista eventos possíveis [que iniciam com o PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Execute apenas esses eventos"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Excluir PROBLEM_DIR após relatar"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Modo Especialista"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Exibe a versão e sai"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Sem interação: não fazer perguntas, pressuponha 'yes'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Log para o syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Adicionar os nomes dos programas ao log"
+@@ -118,166 +111,132 @@ msgstr "#Pacote"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "#Razão do travamento"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "#String de liberação do sistema operacional"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível executar vi: $TERM, $VISUAL e $EDITOR não estão configurados "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nO relatório foi atualizado"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNão foi detectada nenhuma mudança no relatório"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Sua entrada não é válida devido a:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Valor inválido para '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Como você gostaria de analisar o problema?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Evento '%s' necessita de permissão para enviar dados possivelmente confidenciais. Você deseja continuar?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Selecione o analisador: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Selecione um evento para executar:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Você escolheu um número fora da faixa"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Entrada inválida, programa fechando..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Quais informações adicionais você gostaria de coletar?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecionar coletor(es):"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(sem descrição)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Haviam erros %d ao coletar dados adicionais\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Relatando..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Entrada inválida, saindo."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Como gostaria de relatar o problema?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Selecione o(s) relatório(s): "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problema relatado pelo relatório de eventos %d (erros %d)\n\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extraindo cpio de {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível gravar em '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível extrair pacote '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Obtendo arquivos de {0} feitos a partir de {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível extrair arquivos de '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível remover '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Baixando o ({0} de {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problema '{0!s}' ocorreu durante a transferência a partir do espelho: '{1!s}'. Tentando o próximo"
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Inicializando o yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao inicializar o yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Impossível desabilitar o repositório '{0 s!}': {1 s!}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Configurando os repositórios yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível desabilitar o download assíncrono, a saída pode conter artefatos!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível configurar {0}: {1}, desabilitando"
+@@ -285,67 +244,67 @@ msgstr "Não foi possível configurar {0}: {1}, desabilitando"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Procurando por pacotes necessários nos repositórios"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao recuperar metadados: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Erro ao recuperar listas de arquivo: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Não é possível encontrar pacotes para os arquivos {0} debuginfo"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Pacotes para baixar: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Baixando {0:.2f}Mb, tamanho instalado: {1:.2f}Mb. Continuar?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Baixar cancelado pelo usuário"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Download de pacote {0} falhou"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Desempacotamento falhou, abortando download..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Removendo {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Não é possível remover %s, provavelmente contém um erro de log"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Não perguntar novamente"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sem descrição disponível"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configuração"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -355,17 +314,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fluxos de Trabalho"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Eventos"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -383,235 +342,259 @@ msgstr "Não armazenar senhas"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Secret Service não está disponível, suas configurações não serão salvas!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível conectar através do DBus ao nome '%s' caminho '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não é possível chamar o método '%s' através do DBus no caminho '%s' interface '%s': %s"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Tempo esgotado enquanto esperava pelo envio de resultado do DBus Secret Service."
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Você deseja deixar de esperar e continuar o relatório sem carregar as configurações de forma correta?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') método falhou: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível criar um item secreto para o evento '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível obter o valor secreto de '%s': %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\nFerramenta gráfica para analisar e relatar problemas salvos no PROBLEM_DIR especificado"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Arquivo GUI alternativo"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Remover o DIR após o relatório"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configurações erradas detectadas para %s, relatório provavelmente falhará se você continuar com a atual configuração.\n\nLeia mais sobre a configuração em: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Configurações erradas detectadas para <b>%s</b>, relatório provavelmente falhará se você continuar com a atual configuração.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Leia mais sobre a configuração</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Con_figurar %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "É necessário o diretório gravável, mas '%s' não é gravável. Mova-o para '%s' e opere em dados modificados?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Visualizar/editar um arquivo de texto"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nenhum destino está definido para relatar esse problema. Cheque a configuração em /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(depende de: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(não é necessário, dados já existem: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(clique aqui para ver/editar)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(arquivo binário, %llu bytes)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(sem descrição)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu bytes, %u arquivos"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Processamento finalizado"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "O processamento do problema falhou. Isso pode ter muitas razões mas existem duas mais comuns:\n\t▫ <b>problemas de conexão de rede</b>\n\t▫ <b>Dados do problema corrompidos</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Se você deseja nos ajudar, por favor clique no botão enviar e forneça todos os dados do problema para uma análise profunda.\n<i>Antes de fazer isso, por favor considere os riscos de segurança. Os dados do problema podem conter informações importantes como senhas.\nOs dados enviados são guardados em uma hospedagem protegida e apenas um número limitado de pessoas podem lê-los.</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "O processamento falhou"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Nenhum processamento para o evento '%s' está definido"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Processamento interrompido: não é possível continuar sem uma pasta com permissão de escrita."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Processando..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não é possível checar a avaliação do backtrace devido a um nome de evento inválido"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Foram detectados possíveis dados sensíveis, por favor reveja as abas marcadas cuidadosamente."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Processando..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "O processamento falhou"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Processamento finalizado"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Processamento finalizado, por favor proceda à próxima etapa."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O evento '%s' necessita de permissão para enviar dados possivelmente confidenciais.\nVocê deseja continuar?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "O processamento foi cancelado"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Esse problema não deveria ser relatado (parece ser um problema conhecido). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' não é um arquivo comum"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Você está tentando copiar um arquivo nele mesmo."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Não é possível copiar '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "O item '%s' já existe e não é modificável"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Incluir"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Nome: "
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Valor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Descrição do Problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecione como relatar esse problema"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Fornecer informações adicionais"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Revisar os dados"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Confirmar dados para reportar"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Processando"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Processamento feito"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Enviar para análise"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "Para habilitar a função embutida de screencasting o pacote recordmydesktop precisa ser instalado. Por favor execute o seguinte comando se você deseja instalá-lo.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+@@ -644,11 +627,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Seus comentários não são privados.<\\b> Eles podem ser incluídos
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Se você não sabe como descrevê-lo, você pode"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "Adicionar um screencast"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -664,7 +647,7 @@ msgstr "Use esse botão para gerar um backtrace com mais informações depois de
+ msgid ""
+ "Please review the data before it gets reported. Depending on reporter "
+ "chosen, it may end up publicly visible."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Por favor analise os dados antes deles serem reportados. Dependendo do destino escolhido, eles podem acabar visíveis publicamente."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:11
+ msgid "Size:"
+@@ -687,7 +670,7 @@ msgstr "Se você está reportando para um servidor remoto, certifique-se de que
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:15
+ msgid "Processing did not start yet"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O processamento ainda não foi iniciado"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:16
+ msgid "Show log"
+@@ -704,24 +687,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Se você quiser relatar o problema a um destino diferente, colete informações adicionais ou forneça uma descrição melhor do problema e repita o processo de relatório, pressione 'Encaminhar'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Detalhado"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Diretório do problema"
+ #: ../src/lib/abrt_sock.c:150
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Impossível apagar: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -729,18 +720,29 @@ msgstr "f"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:39
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing required item: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Faltando item necessário: '%s'"
+ #: ../src/lib/create_dump_dir.c:54
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O valor uid não é válido: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Enviado: %llu de %llu kbytes"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Enviando %s ao %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Enviado com sucesso %s ao %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Faltando valor obrigatório"
+@@ -766,11 +768,11 @@ msgstr "Tipo de opção não suportada"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:420
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the rating does not contain a number."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Relatório desativado porque a classificação não contém um número."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:421
+ msgid "Please report this problem to ABRT project developers."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Por favor relate esse problema para os desenvolvedores do projeto ABRT."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:427
+ msgid ""
+@@ -779,8 +781,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "O backtrace está incompleto. Por favor, certifique-se de fornecer bons passos para a reprodução. "
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "O backtrace provavelmente não pode ajudar o desenvolvedor a diagnosticar o bug."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -791,40 +793,93 @@ msgstr "Relatório desabilitado, porque o backtrace está inutilizado."
+ msgid ""
+ "Please try to install debuginfo manually using the command: \"debuginfo-"
+ "install %s\" and try again."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Por favor tente instalar o debuginfo manualmente utilizando o comando:  \"debuginfo-install %s\" e tente novamente."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:440
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O debuginfo adequado provavelmente está faltando ou o arquivo do travamento está corrompido."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Faltando item do problema '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Um valor não suportado '%s' no elemento do problema '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Não é possível criar um uReport sem um 'tipo'"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Não enviando um uReport vazio"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Uso: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Elementos essenciais '%s' estão faltando, não é possível continuar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Erro na criação de um caso em '%s': %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "erro em caso de criação: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Erro na criação do caso em '%s', código HTTP: %d, servidor diz: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "erro em caso de criação, código HTTP: %d, servidor diz: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Erro na criação do caso em '%s', código HTTP: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erro em caso de criação, código HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Erro na criação do caso em '%s': sem localização da URL, código HTTP: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "erro em caso de criação: sem Local de URL, código HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Erro na criação de comentário em '%s': %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Erro na criação de comentário em '%s', código HTTP: %d, servidor diz: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Erro na criação de comentário em '%s', código HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Erro na criação de comentário em '%s': sem localização da URL, código HTTP: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -878,12 +933,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Verifique a validade da chave SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Faixa de lançamento do SO"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Especificar este somente se você modificou seu arquivo /etc/system-release "
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Configura o servidor proxy para usar HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy HTTPS"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Configura o servidor proxy para usar HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -906,44 +1009,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' ou 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID do Tíquete/caso"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível analisar o backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar o tópico da falha"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não é possível continuar sem realizar login"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não é possível continuar sem senha"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Autenticando-se no Bugzilla no %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Usuário ou senha inválidos. Por favor digite seu login BZ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Usuário ou senha inválidos. Por favor digite a sua senha para '%s':"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) retornou um valor que não contém o membro 'bugs'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,123 +1080,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\nRelata problemas ao Bugzilla.\n\nA ferramenta lê DIR. Então faz login no Bugzilla e tenta encontrar um bug\ncom o mesmo abrt_hash:HEXSTRING no 'Quadro Branco'.\n\nSe esse bug não é encontrado, então um novo bug é criado. Elementos do DIR\nsão armazenados no bug como parte da descrição do erro ou como anexos,\ndependendo do seu tipo e tamanho.\n\nPorém  se esse bug é encontrado e está marcado como CLOSED DUPLICATE,\na ferramenta segue a corrente de duplicatas até encontrar um bug não duplicata.\nA ferramenta adiciona um novo comentário ao bug encontrado.\n\nA URL do novo ou modificado bug é impressa no stdout e salva no\nelemento 'reported_to'.\n\nOpção -t envia ARQUIVOs para um bug já criado no site do Bugzilla.\nO ID do bu
 g é retornado da pasta especificada por -d DIR.\nSe os dados do problema no DIR nunca foram relatados, o envio falhará.\n\nOpção -tlD envia ARQUIVOs para o bug com o ID especificado no site do bugzilla.\n-d DIR é ignorado.\n\nOpção -w adiciona o usuário do Bugzilla para a lista CC do bug. \n\nCaso não seja especificado, padrão CONFFILE"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Arquivo de configuração (pode ser mencionado várias vezes)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Formatando arquivo para comentário inicial"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Formatando arquivos para duplicatas"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Anexar FILEs [ao bug com esta ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Ao criar o bug, anexe também os arquivos binários."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Forçar reportar até mesmo se este problema já for reportado."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Adicionar usuário do bugzilla para a lista CC [do bug com esse ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gravar BUG_ID que deu DUPHASH"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Acesso restrito a este grupo apenas"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Depurar"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Procurando por problemas similares no bugzilla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O login não é fornecido pela configuração. Por favor digite seu login do BZ:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " A senha não foi fornecida pela configuração. Por favor entre com a senha para '%s':"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível obter o ID do Bugzilla por que o problema ainda não foi relado ao Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Esse problema foi relatado para o Bugzilla '%s' que é diferente do Bugzilla '%s' configurado."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Url disforme para o Bugzilla '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Utilizando o ID do Bugzilla '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Saindo"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Verificando por duplicados"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Criando um novo bug"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Adicionar anexos no bug %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "O bug já foi relatado: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Adicionando %s para a lista CC"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Adicionar novo comentário ao bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Encontrar o mesmo comentário no histórico do erro, sem adicionar um novo"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Anexar um backtrace melhor"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Encontrar o mesmo comentário no histórico do erro, sem adicionar um novo"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1139,13 +1254,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nEnvia conteúdo de um DIR de diretório de problema via email\n\nSe não for especificado, o CONFFILE padroniza para"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Arquivo config"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:175
+ msgid "Notify only (Do not mark the report as sent)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Notifique apenas (Não marque o relatório como enviado)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:42
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1166,26 +1281,26 @@ msgstr "Anexar à, ou sobrescrever o FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Criar relatado_a no DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Cancelado pelo usuário."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Não é possível abrir '%s' para gravar. Por favor selecione outro arquivo:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "O relatório foi anexado a %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "O relatório foi armazenado ao %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1197,53 +1312,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nou:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReporta o problema para RHTSupport.\n\nSe não for especificado,  CONFFILE padroniza para"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Faz Upload FILEs [à pasta com esta ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Login ou senha do RHTS vazio(s)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Anexar '%s' à pasta '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Compactando dados"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível criar um diretório no /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível criar um arquivo temporário no /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Verificando dicas"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Você ainda quer criar um tiquete RHTSupport"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Criando uma nova pasta..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Criando um novo caso"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Adicionando comentário ao caso '%s'"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Anexando dados do problema para o caso '%s'"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1253,23 +1380,13 @@ msgstr "Documentação que pode ser relevante:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Atualizações que podem ajudar:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Enviando %s ao %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Enviado com sucesso %s ao %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Arquivo está criado: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1290,7 +1407,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nCarrega o tarball comprimido de um DIR de diretório de problema para a URL.\nSe a URL não for especificada, cria um tarball em /tmp e sai.\n\nA URL deveria ter um formulário 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nonde o protocolo pode ser http(s), ftp, scp, ou arquivo.\nO protocolo do arquivo não pode ter o usuário e partes do host: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nSe a URL terminar em barra, o nome do arquivo será gerado e adicionado à URL; caso contrário a URL será usada como nome de arquivo completo.\n\nOs arquivos com nomes listados em $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT não estão inclusos\nno tarball.\n\nAs linhas do CONFFILE deveriam ter o formato 'PARAM = VALUE'.\nO parâmetro da faixa reconhecida: URL.\nO parâmetro pode ser sobrescrito via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL base para fazer upload à"
+@@ -1411,6 +1528,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Carregar como arquivo tar.gz (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1425,146 +1543,213 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Exemplos:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "Proxy FTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Configura o servidor proxy para utilizar FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Sends ureports to FAF server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Enviando ureports para o servidor FAF"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "uReport Server URL"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL do servidor uReport"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Endereço do serviço web do uReport"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Análise de emergência"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Enviar os dados do problema para análise adicional"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Parece uma resposta xml corrompida, porque o '%s' membro está faltando."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "O bug %i está FECHADO, mas não possui RESOLUÇÃO"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "O bug %i está FECHADO como DUPLICADO, mas não possui DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nova id de bug:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "O bugzilla não pôde encontrar a categoria pai do bug %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Codificando: {0!s}% completo"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selecione a janela"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Uso: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Falha ao enviar uReport para o servidor '%s' com curl: %s"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "A URL '%s' não existe (recebido erro 404 do servidor)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "O servidor em '%s' encontrou um erro interno (recebido erro 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "O servidor em '%s' atualmente não pode lidar com o pedido (recebido erro 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Resposta HTTP inesperada de '%s': %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Incapaz de analisar a resposta do servidor ureport em '%s':\n%s"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "A resposta de '%s' tem um formato inválido"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "Incompatibilidade de tipo foi detectada na reposta de '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "O servidor em '%s' respondeu com um erro: '%s'"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Especifique URL do servidor"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permitir conexão insegura ao servidor ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "bthash do uReport para anexar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anexar erro RHBZ (necessita de -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anexar conteúdos de reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\nEnviar relatório ou adicionar um anexo ao relatório"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Você precisar especificar o ID do bug para anexar"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Você precisar especificar o bthash do uReport para analisar."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Esse problema não tem um uReport assinalado."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "Este problema não foi relatado ao Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar o ID do bug na url do Bugzilla '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível analisar o ID do bug da url do Bugzilla '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Falha ao enviar o problema"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Este problema já foi reportado."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "O servidor respondeu com um erro: '%s'"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Como gostaria de relatar o problema?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,24 +1782,59 @@ msgid ""
+ "& [-d] DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\nnova ferramenta para reportar problema salvo no DIR especificado"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Remover o DIR após o relatório"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Relatar um bug para os mantenedores do Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Processar o relatório utilizando a infraestrutura do Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Enviar os dados do problema para um servidor"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Analisar o problema localmente e enviar os dados via scp ou ftp"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Relatar para o Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Relatar para a Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Processar a quebra do C/C++ utilizando a infraestrutura da Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Processar o kerneloops utilizando a infraestrutura da Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Processar a exceção do python utilizando a infraestrutura da Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Processar a quebra do Kernel utilizando a infraestrutura da Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Processar o problema do Servidor X utilizando a infraestrutura da Red Hat"
+diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
+index b9109f7..fc5fdc5 100644
+--- a/po/ru.po
++++ b/po/ru.po
+@@ -3,26 +3,26 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Aleksandr Brezhnev <abrezhnev at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Alexander Ivanov <hrafn at hrafn.me>, 2012.
+-# Alex Nik <rage.iz.me at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-#   <artkun at guitarplayer.ru>, 2012.
+-# Artyom Kunyov <artkun at guitarplayer.ru>, 2012.
+-# George  <kir_george at mail.ru>, 2012.
+-#   <george.vardo at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-#   <iya777 at yandex.ru>, 2012.
+-# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet at fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2012.
+-# Yulia <ypoyarko at redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
+-# Yulia  <yulia.poyarkova at redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
+-# Игорь Горбунов <igor.gorbounov at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Леонид Кузин <dg.inc.lcf at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Aleksandr Brezhnev <abrezhnev at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Alexander Ivanov <hrafn at hrafn.me>, 2012
++# Alex Nik <rage.iz.me at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Artyom Kunyov <artkun at guitarplayer.ru>, 2012
++# Artyom Kunyov <artkun at guitarplayer.ru>, 2012
++# George <kir_george at mail.ru>, 2012
++# georgev <george.vardo at gmail.com>, 2012
++# triplepointfive <iya777 at yandex.ru>, 2012
++# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet at fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2012
++# Yulia <ypoyarko at redhat.com>, 2011-2012
++# Yulia <yulia.poyarkova at redhat.com>, 2011-2012
++# Игорь Горбунов <igor.gorbounov at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Леонид Кузин <dg.inc.lcf at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Russian <trans-ru at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -33,50 +33,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Показать возможные события [начинающиеся с PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Запустить только эти события"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Показать версию и выйти"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Автоматически «Да» на все вопросы"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Запись в журнал"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Добавить имена программ в журнал"
+@@ -127,136 +118,98 @@ msgstr "# Пакет"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Причина сбоя"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Строка выпуска операционной системы"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Не удалось запустить vi: $TERM, $VISUAL и $EDITOR не заданы"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nОтчёт обновлён"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nОтчёт не изменялся"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "д"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "н"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Ввод недействителен. Причина:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Неверное значение для «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Выберите метод анализа⏎\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Выберите анализатор:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Число выходит за пределы допустимого диапазона"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Ошибка ввода, завершение работы программы..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Какие сведения вы хотели бы собрать дополнительно?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Выберите модули сбора информации:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(нет описания)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Обнаружены ошибки при сборе дополнительной информации (всего: %d)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Отправляется отчёт…"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Выберите метод сообщения об ошибке"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Выберите способы:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Эта проблема зарегистрирована в %d событиях (всего ошибок: %d)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Извлечение cpio из {0}..."
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Ошибка записи в \"{0}\": {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не удалось извлечь пакет \"{0}\"."
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Кэширование файлов из {0}, созданного из {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не удалось извлечь файлы из  \"{0}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Не удалось удалить  \"{0}\": {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Загружается ({0} из {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -265,28 +218,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Инициализация yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Ошибка инициализации yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Невозможно отключить репозиторий '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Настройка репозиториев yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Не удалось настроить {0}: {1}, отключается"
+@@ -294,56 +251,56 @@ msgstr "Не удалось настроить {0}: {1}, отключается"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Поиск обязательных пакетов в репозитории..."
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Ошибка получения метаданных: \"{0!s}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Ошибка получения списка файлов: \"{0!s}\""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Не найдены пакеты для файлов debuginfo (всего файлов: {0})"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Пакеты для загрузки: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Будет загружено {0:.2f} МБ, установленный размер: {1:.2f} МБ. Продолжить?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Загрузка отменена пользователем"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Не удалось загрузить пакет {0}"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Ошибка распаковки. Загрузка отменяется..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Удаление {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Не удалось удалить %s (возможно, содержит журнал ошибок)"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Больше не спрашивать"
+@@ -392,57 +349,56 @@ msgstr "Не хранить пароли"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Secret Service не доступен, Ваши настройки не будут сохранены!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно вызвать метод '%s' через DBus по пути '%s' интерфейсу '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') метод не сработал: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Файл GUI"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Удалить DIR после отправки отчёта"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Запустить только это событие"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -450,7 +406,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -458,170 +414,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "_Настроить %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Запись в \"%s\" не разрешена. Переместить его в \"%s\" и работать с созданным каталогом?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Просмотр/правка файла"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Для данной проблемы не определены отчётные задания. Проверьте конфигурацию в /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(требуется: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(нет необходимости, данные уже существуют: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(нажмите для просмотра и изменения)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(двоичный файл, %llu байт)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(нет описания)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu Б, файлов: %u"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Обработка завершена."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Обработка невозможна."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Не задан метод обработки события «%s»"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Обработка прервана: продолжение невозможно без записи каталога."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Обработка..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Невозможно проверить рейтинг трассировки, так как неверно указано имя события"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Возможно наличие конфиденциальных данных. Проверьте выделенный текст."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Обработка..."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Обработка невозможна. Если доступны другие действия, вы можете попробовать их."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Обработка невозможна."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Обработка завершена."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Обработка завершена, пожалуйста, перейдите к следующему шагу."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Событию '%s' требуется разрешение на отправку вероятно конфиденциальных данных. Вы хотите продолжить?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Обработка была отменена"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" не является текстовым файлом"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Вы пытаетесь скопировать файл в тот же файл"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Копирование \"%s\" невозможно: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" уже существует и не может быть изменён"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Включить"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Имя"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Значение"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Описание проблемы"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Дополнительные сведения"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Просмотр информации"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Подтвердите отправку данных"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Обработка"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Обработка завершена"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -656,7 +637,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -713,16 +694,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Чтобы изменить получателя отчёта, подробно опишите проблему и создайте отчёт заново, нажав «Вперёд»."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Опишите подробно"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Проблемный каталог"
+@@ -731,6 +712,14 @@ msgstr "Проблемный каталог"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Невозможно удалить: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "д"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "н"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -745,11 +734,22 @@ msgstr "Пропущен требуемый предмет: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Отправлено: %llu из %llu КБ"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s отправляется в %s..."
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s успешно отправлен в %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Заполните обязательные поля"
+@@ -788,8 +788,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Неполный протокол сбоя.  Опишите действия, которые привели к ошибке."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "Возможно трассировка не поможет разработчику в поисках ошибки."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -806,34 +806,87 @@ msgstr "Пожалуйста установите debuginfo вручную, ис
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Возможно правильный debuginfo отсутствует или поврежден дамп памяти."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Формат: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Отсутствует обязательный элемент \"%s\". Продолжение невозможно..."
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "Ошибка создания запроса: %s"
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Ошибка создания запроса. Код HTTP: %d, ответ сервера:  \"%s\""
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "Ошибка создания запроса. Код HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "Ошибка создания запроса: не задан URL. Код HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -887,12 +940,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Проверить ключ SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Версия ОС"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Необходимо указать, если файл /etc/system-release был изменён."
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -915,44 +1016,44 @@ msgstr "«strata» или «bugzilla»"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "ID запроса"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Невозможно анализировать трассировку"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Невозможно обнаружить причину поломки"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Вход в Bugzilla: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -988,121 +1089,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Файл конфигурации (можно указать несколько)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Вложить файлы [в запрос с этим ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Включать двоичные файлы в отчёт"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Создать отчёт, даже если об этой проблеме уже сообщалось"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Выход"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Поиск дубликатов"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Создаётся новый запрос"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Присоединяются файлы к %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Запрос уже существует: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Добавление комментария в %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Этот комментарий уже есть в запросе. Добавление отменено."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Добавление более подходящего протокола..."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Этот комментарий уже есть в запросе. Добавление отменено."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Статус: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1148,7 +1261,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nОтправляет содержимое каталога DIR по электронной почте.\n\nЕсли CONFILE не задан, по умолчанию используется "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Файл конфигурации"
+@@ -1175,26 +1288,26 @@ msgstr "Добавить или перезаписать"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Создать reported_to в DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Отменено пользователем."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Не удалось открыть \"%s\" для записи. Выберите другой файл:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Отчёт добавлен в %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Отчёт сохранён в %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1206,53 +1319,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nОтправляет отчёт службе поддержки Red Hat.\n\nЕсли CONFILE не задан, используется "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Отправить файлы в запрос с этим ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Пустое имя или пароль RHTS"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Добавление «%s» в запрос «%s»"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Сжатие данных..."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не удалось создать временный каталог в /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не удалось создать временный файл в /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Вы все еще хотите создать запрос RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Создание запроса..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1262,23 +1387,13 @@ msgstr "Дополнительная документация:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Подходящие обновления:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s отправляется в %s..."
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s успешно отправлен в %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Создан архив «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1299,7 +1414,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nСоздает архив tar каталога DIR и сохраняет его на сервере с заданным URL.\nЕсли URL не задан, архив будет сохранен в локальный каталог /tmp.\n\nФормат URL: protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz],\nгде \"protocol\" может принимать значения http, https, ftp, scp, file.\nЕсли используется протокол \"file\", имя пользователя, пароль и узел\nопускаются: file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].\nЕсли в конце адреса присутствует \"/\", имя архива будет добавлено в конец адреса,\nв противном случае в качестве имени файла будет использоваться весь адрес.\n\nФайлы, перечисленные в $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT, не будÑ
 ƒÑ‚ включены в архив.\n\nФайл CONFFILE должен содержать строки в формате \"ПАРАМЕТР = ЗНАЧЕНИЕ\".\nДопустимый ПАРАМЕТР: URL.\nЕго можно переопределить с помощью $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "URL получателя"
+@@ -1420,6 +1535,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Отправить в виде tar.gz (через FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1434,6 +1550,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1450,130 +1576,187 @@ msgstr "URL uReport Сервера"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Адрес web-сервиса uReport "
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Ответ XML может быть повреждён, так как отсутствует «%s»."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Запрос %i закрыт без решения"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Запрос %i закрыт как ДУБЛИКАТ, но DUP_ID отсутствует"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "ID нового запроса: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Родительский запрос для %d не найден."
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Разрешить небезопасное соединение с сервером ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Выберите метод сообщения об ошибке"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1608,9 +1791,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& -o [-d] DIR\n\nПрограмма newt для создания отчёта на основе статистики в каталоге DIR."
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Удалить DIR после отправки отчёта"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1627,3 +1813,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
+index 1a214d5..a8e09be 100644
+--- a/po/sk.po
++++ b/po/sk.po
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Dominik  <dominikla at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Richard Marko <rissko at gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Dominik <dominikla at gmail.com>, 2012
++# Richard Marko <rissko at gmail.com>, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/sk/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -22,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Zobraziť dostupné udalosti [začínajúce na PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Zobraziť verziu a ukončiť"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Neinteraktívne: nepýtať sa žiadne otázky, predpokladať 'áno'"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Zalogovať do syslog-u"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Pridať názvy programu do log-u"
+@@ -116,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Balíček"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Dôvody pádu"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Vydanie operačného systému"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Nemožno spustiť vi: $TERM, $VISUAL a $EDITOR nie sú nastavené"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nSpráva bola aktualizovaná"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nV správe neboli zistené žiadne zmeny"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "a"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Váš vstup nie je platný, kvôli:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Zlá hodnota pre '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Ako by ste chceli analyzovať problém?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Zvoľte analyzér: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Vybrali ste číslo mimo rozsah"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Neplatný vstup, program sa ukončuje..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Aké ďaľšie informácie by ste chceli pridať?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Vybrať nástroj:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(žiadny popis)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Vyskytlo sa %d chýb pri zbere dát\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Nahlasujem..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Ako by ste chceli nahlásiť problém?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Zvoľte metódu nahlásenia problému: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problém nahlásený pomocou %d udalostí (%d chýb)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Extrahujem cpio z {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné zapisovať do '{0}': {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné rozbaliť balíček '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Uchovávam súbory z {0} vytvorené z {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné rozbaliť súbory z '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné zmazať '{0}': {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Sťahujem ({0} z {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -254,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Spúšťam yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba pri spúšťaní yum-u (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Nastavujem repozitáre yum-u"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné nastaviť {0}: {1}, vypínam"
+@@ -283,56 +240,56 @@ msgstr "Nie je možné nastaviť {0}: {1}, vypínam"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Hľadám potrebné balíky v repozitároch"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba pri získavaní metadát: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Chyba pri získavaní zoznamu súborov: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť balíčky pre {0} debuginfo súbory"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Balíčky na stiahnutie: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Sťahujem {0:.2f}Mb, inštalovaná veľkosť: {1:.2f}Mb. Pokračovať?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Sťahovanie prerušené používateľom"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Sťahovanie balíčku {0} zlyhalo"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Rozbaľovanie zlyhalo, prerušujem sťahovanie"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Mažem {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné zmazať %s, pravdepodobne obsahuje chybový výstup"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Nepýtať sa znovu"
+@@ -381,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "Neukladať heslá"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternatívny súbor pre GUI"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Zmazať DIR po ohlásení problému"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -439,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -447,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Na_staviť %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Je potrebný zapisovateľný adresár, adresár '%s' však zapisovateľný nie je. Presunúť tento adresár do '%s' a pracovať s presunutými dátami?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Zobraziť/editovať textový súbor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(kliknúť sem pre náhľad/úpravy)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binárny súbor, %llu byte-ov)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(žiadny popis)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte-ov, %u súborov"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Nie je definované žiadne spracovanie pre udalosť '%s'"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Detekované citilivé dáta, prosím skontrolujte zvýraznené záložky."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' nie je bežný súbor"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Pokúšate sa skopírovať súbor sám na seba"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné skopírovať '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Položka '%s' už existuje a nie je možné ju meniť"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Zahrnúť"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Názov"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Hodnota"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Popis problému"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Poskytnúť dodatočné informácie"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Skontrolovať dáta"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Skontrolovať dáta k ohláseniu"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -645,7 +626,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -702,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Ak si želáte nahlásiť problém na iné miesto, zozbierať ďalšie informácie či poskytnuť lepší popis problému a zopakovať proces hlásenia problému, stlačte 'Vpred'."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -720,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "a"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -734,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Odoslané: %llu z %llu kbytov"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Odosielam %s na %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Úspešne odoslané %s do %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Chýbajú povinné hodnoty"
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "backtrace je nekompletný, prosím uistite sa, že ste poskytli kroky ako je možné to zopakovať."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -795,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Použitie: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Základná položka '%s' chýba, nie je možné pokračovať"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní prípadu: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní prípadu, HTTP kód: %d, server odpovedal: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní prípadu, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní prípadu: chýba URL, HTTP kód: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -876,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Kontrolovať validnosť SSL kľúča"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Reťazec s vydaním operačného systému"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Špecifikujte len v prípade modifikácie /etc/system-release súboru"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -904,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' alebo 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Tiket/ID prípadu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Prihlasovanie do Bugzilly na %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -977,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Konfiguračný súbor (môže byť daný viac krát)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Pripojiť SUBORy [k problému s týmto ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Pripojiť binárne súbory pri vytváraní chyby"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Vynútiť hlásenie problému aj pokiaľ už bol tento problém ohlásený"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Odhlasujem"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Hľadám duplikáty"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Vytváram novú chybu"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Pridávam prílohy k chybe %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Chyba už bola nahlásená: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Pridávam nový komentár k chybe %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "Nájdený rovnaký komentár v histórií chyby, nepridávam nový"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Pridávam lepší backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "Nájdený rovnaký komentár v histórií chyby, nepridávam nový"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Stav: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1137,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nOdoslať obsah pracovného adresára DIR emailom\n\nAk nie je špecifikované inak, CONFFILE je nastavený na "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Konfiguračný súbor"
+@@ -1164,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Pridať do, alebo prepísať SUBOR"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Vytvoriť reported_to v adresári DIR"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Zrušené používateľom."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť '%s' pre zápis. Prosím vyberte iný súbor:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Správa bola pridaná do %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Správa bola uložená do %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1195,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nNahlásiť problém na RHTSupport.\n\nAk nie je špecifikované inak, CONFFILE smeruje na "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Nahrať SUBORy [k problému s týmto ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Prázdny RHTS login alebo heslo"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Pripájam '%s' k problému '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Prebieha kompresia dát"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť dočasný adresár v adresári /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť dočasný súbor v adresári /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Želáte si stále vytvoriť RHTSupport tiket?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Vytváram nový problém..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1251,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "Dokumentácia, ktorá by mohla byť relevantná: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Aktualizácie, ktoré by mohli problém riešiť: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Odosielam %s na %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Úspešne odoslané %s do %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Archív je vytvorený: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1288,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nNahrá archív pracovné adresára DIR na URL.\nAk URL nie je určená, vytvorí archív v /tmp a skončí.\n\nURL musí byť v tvare 'protokol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nkde protokol môže byť http(s), ftp, scp, alebo file.\nProtokol file nemože obsahovať časti user a host: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nAk URL končí lomítkom, názov archívu bude generovaný a pridaný k\nURL; inak bude URL použité ako názov súboru.\n\nNázvy súborov určené v $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT nie sú pridané do archívu.\n\nRiadok súboru CONFFILE musí mať formát 'PARAM = VALUE'\nMožné parametre: URL.\nParameter je možné zmeniť pomocou $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Základ URL (cieľ upload-u)"
+@@ -1409,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Odoslať ako tar.gz súbor (pomocou FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1423,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1439,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Pravdepodobne poškodená XML odpoveď - chýba položka '%s'."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Chyba %i je označená ako CLOSED (uzavretá) ale chýba riešenie"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Chyba %i je ozačená ako CLOSED (uzavretá) a DUPLICATE (duplikát), avšak chýba DUP_ID (id duplikátu)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nová chyba, ID: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla nenašla rodičovskú chybu k chybe %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Ako by ste chceli nahlásiť problém?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1597,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Zmazať DIR po ohlásení problému"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1616,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
+index 3b3baee..7001838 100644
+--- a/po/sr.po
++++ b/po/sr.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Serbian <trans-sr at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# Пакет"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Повод пада"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Издавачки низ оперативног система"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Немогу покренути vi: $TERM, $VISUAL и $EDITOR нису подешени"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nПријава је ажурирана"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nНиједна промена није пронађена у овој пријави"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "Д"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "Н"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Пријављивање..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Име"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "Д"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "Н"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Backtrace је недовршен, постарајте се да дате кораке потребне за репродукцију"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/sr at latin.po b/po/sr at latin.po
+index b4d3d73..3a7d33e 100644
+--- a/po/sr at latin.po
++++ b/po/sr at latin.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr "# Pakеt"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Povod pada"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Izdavački niz opеrativnog sistеma"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Nеmogu pokrеnuti vi: $TERM, $VISUAL i $EDITOR nisu podеšеni"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nPrijava jе ažurirana"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nNijеdna promеna nijе pronađеna u ovoj prijavi"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "D"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Prijavljivanjе..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Imе"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Backtrace jе nеdovršеn, postarajtе sе da datе korakе potrеbnе za rеprodukciju"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,130 +1563,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
+index 8be8fea..0fc6192 100644
+--- a/po/sv.po
++++ b/po/sv.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Göran Uddeborg <goeran at uddeborg.se>, 2011.
++# Göran Uddeborg <goeran at uddeborg.se>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/sv/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Lista möjliga händelser [som börjar med PREFIX]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Visa version och avsluta"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Icke interaktiv: fråga inte frågor, anta ”ja”"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Logga till syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Lägg till programnamn till loggen"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# Paket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Anledning till kraschen"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Operativsystemets utgåvesträng"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Kan inte köra vi: $TERM, $VISUAL och $EDITOR är inte satta"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nRapporten har uppdaterats"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nInga ändringar upptäcktes i rapporten"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "j"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Din indata är inte giltig på grund av:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Felaktigt värde för ”%s”: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Hur du vill att analysera problemet?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Välj analysator: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Du har valt ett tal utanför intervallet"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Ogiltig inmatning, programmet avslutar …"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Vilken ytterligare information skulle du vilja samla in?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Välj insamlare: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(ingen beskrivning)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Det blev %d fel när ytterligare data samlades in\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Rapporterar …"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Hur vill du rapportera problemet?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Välj rapporterare: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Problem rapporterade via %d rapporthändelser (%d fel)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Alternativ fil för grafiskt gränssnitt"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Ta bort KAT efter rapportering"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Kon_figurera %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Visa/redigera en textfil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(klicka här för att se/redigera)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(binär fil, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(ingen beskrivning)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u filer"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Ingen bearbetning för händelsen ”%s” är definierad"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "”%s” är inte en vanlig fil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Du försöker kopiera en fil på sig själv"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Det går inte att kopiera ”%s”: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Post ”%s” finns redan och går inte att ändra"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Inkludera"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Namn"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Värde"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Problembeskrivning"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Ge ytterligare information"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Bekräfta data att rapportera"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Om du vill rapportera problemet till en annan destination, samla in ytterligare information eller ge en bättre problembeskrivning och upprepa rapporteringen, tryck på ”Framåt”."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "j"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Skickade: %llu av %llu kbyte"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Skickar %s till %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Skickade %s till %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Saknat obligatoriskt värde"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Stackspåret är ofullständigt, se till att du ger steg för att återskapa."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +794,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Användning: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +928,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Kontrollera SSL-nyckelns giltighet"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "”strata” eller ”bugzilla”"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ärende/fall-ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Loggar in på  Bugzilla på %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfil (kan anges flera gånger)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Bifoga FILer [till felrapport med detta ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "När ett fel skapas, bifoga då även binära filer"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Loggar ut"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Söker efter dubbletter"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Skapar en ny felrapport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Felet är redan rapporterat: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Lägg till ny kommentar till fel(%d)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfil"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "Lägg till, eller skriv över FIL"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Skapa reported_to i KAT"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Rapporten lades till till %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Rapporten lagrades i %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Skicka FILer [till fall med detta ID]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Tom RHTS-inloggning eller -lösenord"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Bifogar ”%s” till ärende ”%s”"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Komprimerar data"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Det går inte att skapa en temporärkatalog i /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Det går inte att skapa en temporärfil i /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Skapa ett nytt ärende …"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Skickar %s till %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Skickade %s till %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Arkivet är skapat: ”%s”"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Bas-URL att skicka till"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Ser ut som ett skadat xml-svar, eftersom ”%s”-medlem saknas."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Fel %i är STÄNGD, men den har LÖSNING"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Fel %i är STÄNGD som DUPLIKAT, men det har ingen DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Nytt fel-id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla kunde inte hitta föräldern till felet %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Hur vill du rapportera problemet?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Ta bort KAT efter rapportering"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po
+index f8398b1..61e40c7 100644
+--- a/po/ta.po
++++ b/po/ta.po
+@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# A <B>, 2012.
+-# Felix I <ifelix25 at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-# I Felix <ifelix at redhat.com>, 2011.
++# A <B>, 2012
++# Felix I <ifelix25 at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
++# I Felix <ifelix at redhat.com>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Tamil <tamil-users at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -23,50 +23,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "சாத்தியமான நிகழ்வுகளின் பட்டியல் [PREFIX உடன் துவங்கும்]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "பதிப்பை காட்டி வெளியேறு"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Noninteractive: கேள்விகளை கேட்க வேண்டாம், 'ஆம்' என தொடரவும்"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr " syslogக்கு பதியவும்"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "பதிவிற்கு நிரல் பெயர்களை சேர்க்கவும்"
+@@ -117,136 +108,98 @@ msgstr "# தொகுப்பு"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# க்ராஷிற்கான காரணம்"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# வெளியீடு சரத்திற்கான இயங்க தளம்"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi: $TERM, $VISUAL மற்றும் $EDITOR அமைக்கப்படவில்லை மற்றும் இயக்க முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nஅறிக்கை புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nஅறிக்கையில் எந்த மாற்றங்களும் இல்லை"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s'-க்கான தவறான மதிப்பு: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "சிக்கலை எவ்வாறு நீங்கள் பரிசோதிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "ஆராய்வாளரை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "வரம்பிற்கு வெளியே தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட எண்ணை கொண்டுள்ளீர்கள்"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "தவறான உள்ளீடு, நிரல் வெளியேறுகிறது..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "எந்த கூடுதல் தகவலை சேமிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "சேகரிப்பாளர்களை தேர்ந்தெடு:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(விளக்கம் இல்லை)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "கூடுதல் தரவை சேகரிக்கும்போது %d பிழைகள் உள்ளன\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "அறிக்கையிடுகிறது..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "சிக்கலை எவ்வாறு நீங்கள் அறிக்கையிட விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "அறிவிப்பாளர்களை தேர்ந்தெடு:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "%d அறிக்கை நிகழ்வுகளின் வழியாக சிக்கல் அறிக்கையிடப்பட்டது (%d பிழைகள்)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "cpio ஐ {0} இலிருந்து இழுக்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' க்கு எழுத முடியாது: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "தொகுப்பு '{0}' ஐ இழுக்க முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{0} இலிருந்து செய்யப்பட்ட {1} கோப்புகளை விரைவகப்படுத்துகிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' இலிருந்து கோப்புகளை இழுக்க முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}'ஐ நீக்க முடியாது: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "({0} இல் {1}) {2} பதிவிறக்குகிறது: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -255,28 +208,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum ஐ துவக்குகிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "பிழை துவக்கும் yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum தொகுப்பதிவகங்களை அமைக்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "{0} ஐ அமைக்க முடியவில்லை: {1}, செயல்நீக்குகிறது"
+@@ -284,56 +241,56 @@ msgstr "{0} ஐ அமைக்க முடியவில்லை: {1}, ச
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "தொகுப்பதிவகங்களில் தேவைப்படும் தொகுப்புகளை பார்க்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "பிழை மீட்டெடுக்கும் மெட்டாதரவு: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "பிழை மீட்டெடுக்கும் கோப்புபட்டியல்கள்: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} பிழைதிருத்த கோப்புகளுக்கான தொகுப்புகளை தேட முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "பதிவிறக்குவதற்கான தொகுப்புகள்: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb ஐ பதிவிறக்குகிறது, நிறுவப்பட்ட அளவு: {1:.2f}Mb. தொடரவா?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "பயனரால் பதிவிறக்கம் ரத்துசெய்யப்பட்டது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "பதிவிறக்க தொகுப்பு {0} தோல்வியுற்றது"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "தொகுப்புநீக்கல் தோல்வியுற்றது, பதிவிறக்கத்தை ஒதுக்குகிறது..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} நீக்குகிறது"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s ஐ நீக்க முடியாது, அநேகமாய் ஒரு பிழை பதிவை கொண்டுள்ளது"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "மீண்டும் கேட்க வேண்டாம்"
+@@ -382,57 +339,56 @@ msgstr "கடவுச்சொற்களை சேமிக்க வேண
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "மாற்று GUI கோப்பு"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "DIR ஐ அறிவித்தலுக்கு பின் நீக்கவும்"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -440,7 +396,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -448,170 +404,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "கட்டமை (_f) %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "எழுக்கூடிய தரவைவ தேவைப்படுகிறது, ஆனால் '%s' எழுத முடியாது. '%s' க்கு நகர்த்தி நகர்த்தப்பட்ட தரவில் செயல்படுத்தவா?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "ஒரு உரை கோப்பினை பார்/திருத்து"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(பார்க்க/திருத்த இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும்)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(பைனரி கோப்பு, %llu பைட்டுகள்)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(விளக்கம் இல்லை)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu பைட்டுகள், %u கோப்புகள்"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "நிகழ்வு '%s'-க்கு எந்த செயலும் வரையறுக்கப்படவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "சாத்தியமான உணர்வுள்ள தரவு கண்டறியப்பட்டது, முன்னிலைப்படுத்தும் தத்தல்கள் பாதுகாப்பாக மறுபார்வையிடு."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' ஒரு வழக்கமான கோப்பு இல்லை"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "இதனுள் ஒரு கோப்பை நகலெடுக்க முயற்சிக்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ஐ நகலெடுக்க முடியாது: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "உருப்படி '%s' ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது மற்றும் மாற்றியமைக்க முடியாதுஓ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "சேர்த்து"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "பெயர்"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "மதிப்பு"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "சிக்கல் விவரம்"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "கூடுதல் விவரங்களை கொடுக்கவும்"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "தரவை மறுபார்வையிடு"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "அறிக்கையிட தரவை உறுதிசெய்"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -646,7 +627,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -703,16 +684,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "நீங்கள் பல்வேறு இடங்களில் சிக்கலை அறிக்கையிட எண்ணினால், கூடுதல் தகவலை சேகரித்து அல்லது சிக்கல் விளக்கத்தை கொடுத்து முன்னோக்கு என அழுத்தவும்."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -721,6 +702,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -735,11 +724,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "பதிவேற்றப்பட்டது: %llu of %llu kபைட்டுகள்"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s க்கு %s ஐ அனுப்புகிறது"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s க்கு %s ஐ வெற்றிகரமாக அனுப்பியது"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "அவசியமான மதிப்பு விடுப்பட்டுள்ளது"
+@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "bactrace முடிக்கப்படாமல் உள்ளது, மறுஉற்பத்திக்கு நீங்கள் சரியான படிகளை செய்திருக்கிறீர்கள் என உறுதிசெய்யவும்."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -796,34 +796,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "பயன்பாடு"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "இன்றியமையாத '%s' விடுப்பட்டது, தொடர முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "கேஸ் உருவாக்குதலில் பிழை: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "கேஸ் உருவாக்குதலில் பிழை, HTTP குறியீடு: %d, சேவையகம் சொல்வது: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "கேஸ் உருவாக்குதலில் பிழை, HTTP குறியீடு: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "கேஸ் உருவாக்குதலில் பிழை: இட URL இல்லை, HTTP குறியீடு: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -877,12 +930,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL விசை சரிபார்த்தலுக்கு சரிபார்க்கிறது"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS வெளியீட்டு சரம்"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "உங்கள் /etc/system-வெளியீடு கோப்பை மாற்றியமைத்தால் மட்டுமே இதை குறிப்பிடவும்"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -905,44 +1006,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' அல்லது 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "டிக்கெட்/கேஸ் குறியீடு"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla ஆனது %s இல் பதிகிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -978,121 +1079,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "கட்டமைப்பு கோப்பு (அதிக முறைகள் வழங்கப்பட்டன)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "கோப்புகளை சேர் [இந்த குறியீட்டுன் பிழைக்கு]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "ஒரு பிழையை உருவாக்கும் போது, இருநிலை கோப்புகளையும் இணைக்கவும்"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "சிக்கல் ஏற்கனவே அறிக்கையிடப்பட்டால் வலிமை அறிவிக்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "வெளியேறுகிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "பிரதிகளுக்காக சரிபார்க்கிறது"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "ஒரு புதிய பிழையை உருவாக்குகிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "பிழை %i இணைப்புகளை சேர்க்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "பிழை ஏற்கனவே அறிக்கையிடப்பட்டது: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "பிழை %d-க்கு புதிய கருத்தை சேர்க்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "பிழை வரலாறில் அதே கருத்து காணப்பட்டது, ஒரு புதிய ஒன்றை சேர்க்கவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "நல்ல பேக்ட்ரேஸை இணைக்கிறது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "பிழை வரலாறில் அதே கருத்து காணப்பட்டது, ஒரு புதிய ஒன்றை சேர்க்கவில்லை"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "நிலை: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1138,7 +1251,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nSends contents of a problem directory DIR via email\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "கட்டமை கோப்பு "
+@@ -1165,26 +1278,26 @@ msgstr "இதற்கு சேர்த்தல், அல்லது க
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "reported_to ஐ DIR இல் உருவாக்கவும்"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "பயனரால் ரத்துசெய்யப்பட்டது."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s' க்காக எழுதுவதற்கு திறக்க முடியாது. மற்றொரு கோப்பை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "%sக்கு அறிக்கை சேர்க்கப்பட்டது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "அறிக்கை %sஇல் சேமிக்கப்பட்டன"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1196,53 +1309,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nReports a problem to RHTSupport.\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "கோப்புகளை பதிவேற்றவும் [இந்த குறியீட்டு வழக்குடன்]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "காலியான RHTS உட்புகு அல்லது கடவுச்சொல்"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' ஐ வழக்கு '%s' க்கு சேர்க்கிறது"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "குறுக்கப்பட்ட தரவு"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp ஒரு தற்காலிக அடைவை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp  தற்காலிக கோப்பினை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "ஒரு RHTSupport டிக்கெட் உருவாக்க வேண்டுமா?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "ஒரு புதிய வழக்கை உருவாக்குகிறது..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1252,23 +1377,13 @@ msgstr "ஆவணமாக்கம் தொடர்புடையதாக 
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "உதவிபுரியும் புதுப்பித்தல்கள்:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s க்கு %s ஐ அனுப்புகிறது"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s க்கு %s ஐ வெற்றிகரமாக அனுப்பியது"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ஆர்ச்வ் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1404,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nUploads compressed tarball of problem directory DIR to URL.\nIf URL is not specified, creates tarball in /tmp and exits.\n\nURL should have form 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\nwhere protocol can be http(s), ftp, scp, or file.\nFile protocol can't have user and host parts: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nIf URL ends with a slash, the archive name will be generated and appended\nto URL; otherwise, URL will be used as full file name.\n\nFiles with names listed in $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT are not included\ninto the tarball.\n\nCONFFILE lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format.\nRecognized string parameter: URL.\nParameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "இதற்கு பதிவேற்ற தள URL"
+@@ -1410,6 +1525,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz கோப்பாக பதிவேற்று (FTP/SCP/ வழியாக...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1424,6 +1540,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1440,130 +1566,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "அழிக்கப்பட்ட xml பதிலாக உள்ளது, ஏனெனில் '%s' உறுப்பினர் விடுப்பட்டுள்ளார்."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "பிழை %i CLOSED, ஆனால் இது RESOLUTION-ஐ கொண்டிருக்கவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "பிழை %i DUPLICATE-ஆக CLOSED, ஆனால் இது DUP_ID-ஐ கொண்டிருக்கவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "புதிய பிழை குறியீடு: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "பிழை %d-ஐ பக்ஸில்லா காணவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "சிக்கலை எவ்வாறு நீங்கள் அறிக்கையிட விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1598,9 +1781,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "DIR ஐ அறிவித்தலுக்கு பின் நீக்கவும்"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1617,3 +1803,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po
+index 005c4dc..e96bc8f 100644
+--- a/po/te.po
++++ b/po/te.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "సాధ్యమగు ఘటనలను జాబితాచేయి [PREFIX తో ప్రారంభమగునది]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "వర్షన్ ప్రదర్శించు మరియు నిష్క్రమించు"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "నాన్‌యింటరాక్టివ్: ప్రశ్నలు అడుగదు, 'yes' అనుకొనును"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "సిస్‌లాగ్‌కు లాగ్"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "లాగ్‌నకు ప్రోగ్రామ్ పేరులను జతచేయి"
+@@ -115,136 +106,98 @@ msgstr "# ప్యాకేజి"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# క్రాష్ యొక్క కారణం"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్ యొక్క స్ట్రింగ్‌ను విడుదలచేయుము"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "vi నడుపలేము: $TERM, $VISUAL మరియు $EDITOR సిద్దపరచబడలేదు"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nనివేదిక నవీకరించబడింది"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nనివేదికనందు యే మార్పులు గుర్తించబడలేదు"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "మీ యిన్పుట్ చెల్లనిది, యెంచేతంటే:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' కొరకు చెడ్డ విలువ: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "మీరు సమస్యను యెలా విశ్లేషించుటకు యిష్టపడతారు?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "విశ్లేషకి యెంపికచేయి: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "మీరు పరిమితి దాటిన సంఖ్యను యెంచుకొన్నారు"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "చెల్లని యిన్పుట్, ప్రోగ్రామ్ నిష్క్రమిస్తోంది..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "మీరు యే అదనపు సమాచారం సేకరించాలని అనుకొనుచున్నారు?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "సేకరణి(ల)ను యెంపికచేయి:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(వివరణ లేదు)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "అదనపు డాటాను సేకరించునప్పుడు %d దోషములు వున్నాయి\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "నివేదించుచున్నది..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "మీరు సమస్యను యెలా నివేదించాలని అనుకొనుచున్నారు?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "నివేదిక(ల)ను యెంపికచేయి:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "సమస్య %d ద్వారా నివేదించబడెను నివేదన ఘటనలు  (%d దోషాలు)\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "{0} నుండి cpio వెలికితీయుచున్నది"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' కు వ్రాయలేదు: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "ప్యాకేజీ '{0}' వెలికితీయలేదు"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "{1} నుండి చేయబడిన {0} నుండి ఫైళ్ళను క్యాచింగ్ చేస్తున్నది"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "'{0}' నుండి ఫైళ్ళను వెలికితీయలేదు"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "'{0}' తీసివేయలేదు: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "డౌనులోడు చేస్తున్నది (మొత్తం {1} లో {0}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +206,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "yum సిద్ధపరస్తోంది"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup) సిద్దపరచుటలో దోషం: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "yum  రిపోజిటరీలను అమర్చుట"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "అమర్చలేదు {0}: {1}, అచేతనపరచుచున్నది"
+@@ -282,56 +239,56 @@ msgstr "అమర్చలేదు {0}: {1}, అచేతనపరచుచు
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "రిపోజిటరీలనందు అవసరమైన ప్యాకేజీల కొరకు చూస్తోంది"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "మెటాడాటా వెలికితీయుటలో దోషం: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "ఫైల్‌జాబితాలను వెలికితీయుటలో దోషం: '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "{0} డీబగ్‌యిన్ఫో ఫైళ్ళ కొరకు ప్యాకేజీలను కనుగొనలేక పోయింది"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేయుటకు ప్యాకేజీలు: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "{0:.2f}Mb డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేస్తున్నది, సంస్థాపిత పరిమాణం: {1:.2f}Mb. కొనసాగించాలా?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "వాడుకరిచే డౌన్‌లోడ్ రద్దుచేయబడెను"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "ప్యాకేజీ {0} డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేయుటకు విఫలమైంది"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "అన్‌పాకింగ్ విఫలమైంది, డౌన్‌లోడ్ విరమింపచేయడమైంది..."
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "తీసివేయుచున్నది {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "%s ను తీసివేయలేదు, బహుశా దోషపు లాగ్‌ను కలిగివుంది"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "నన్ను మరలా అడుగవద్దు"
+@@ -380,57 +337,56 @@ msgstr "సంకేతపదములను నిల్వవుంచవద
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "ప్రత్యామ్నాయ GUI ఫైల్"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "నివేదీకరణ తరువాత DIR తీసివేయి"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +394,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +402,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "%s ఆకృతీకరించు (_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "వ్రాయుటకు వీలగు సంచయం అవసరం, అయితే '%s' వ్రాయుటకు వీలగునది కాదు, దానిని '%s' కు కదల్చి మరియు కదల్చిన డాటాపై ఆపరేట్ చేయవలెనా?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "పాఠపు ఫైలును దర్శించు/సరికూర్చు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(దర్శించు/సరిచేయి కు యిచట నొక్కు)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(బైనరీ ఫైలు, %llu బెట్లు)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(వివరణ లేదు)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu బెట్లు, %u ఫైళ్ళు"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "ఘటన '%s' కొరకు యే క్రమణం నిర్వచించబడలేదు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "సున్నితమగు డాటా గుర్తించబడింది, వద్దీపనం చేయబడిన టాబ్‌లను జాగ్రత్తగా పునఃపరిశీలించుము."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' అనునది సాధారణ ఫైలు కాదు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "మీరు వొక ఫైలును దానిపైనే నకలుతీయుటకు ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నారు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' ను నకలుతీయలేక పోయింది: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "అంశం '%s' యిప్పటికే వుంది మరియు దానిని సవరించలేము"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "కలుపుకొని"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "పేరు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "విలువ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "సమస్య యొక్క వివరణ"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "అదనపు సమాచారాన్ని అందించుము"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "డాటాను పునఃపరిశీలించు"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "నివేదించుటకు దత్తాంశమును నిర్థారించుము"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -644,7 +625,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -701,16 +682,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "మీరు సమస్యను వేరే గమ్యమునకు నివేదించాలని అనుకొంటే, అదనపు సమాచారం ను సేకరించు, లేదా మంచి ప్రోబ్లమ్ వివరణను అందించు మరియు నివేదీకరణ ప్రోసెస్‌ను పునరావృతం చేయి, 'ముందుకు' వత్తుము."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +700,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "అప్‌లోడైంది: %llu బైట్లు మొత్తం %llu బైట్లలో"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ను %s కు పంపుచున్నది"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s ను %s కు విజయవంతంగా పంపెను"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "తప్పనిసరి విలువ తప్పిపోయింది"
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "బాక్‌ట్రేస్ అసంపూర్తిగా వుంది, దానిని తిరిగివుత్పన్నం చేయుటకు దయచేసి మీరు స్టెప్సును యిచ్చునట్లు చూచుకోండి."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,34 +794,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "వాడుక: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "తప్పనిసరి మూలకం '%s' తప్పిపోయింది, కొనసాగించలేము"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "కేస్ సృష్టీకరణలో దోషం: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "కేస్ సృష్టీకరణలో దోషం, HTTP కోడ్: %d, సేవిక చెప్పుచున్నది: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "కేస్ సృష్టీకరణలో దోషం, HTTP కోడ్:  %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "కేస్ సృష్టీకరణలో దోషం:  స్థానము URL లేదు, HTTP కోడ్:%d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +928,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL కీ నిర్థారణ పరిశీలించు"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS విడుదల స్ట్రింగ్"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "మీరు మీ  /etc/system-release ఫైలును సవరించితే మాత్రమే దీనిని తెలుపండి"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1004,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' లేదా 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "టికెట్/కేస్ ఐడి"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "%s వద్ద బగ్‌జిల్లాకు లాగిన్ అయింది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1077,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "ఆకృతీకరణ ఫైలు (చాలా సార్లు యివ్వబడెను)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "ఫైళ్ళను అనుబందించు [ఈ ఐడితో బగ్‌నకు]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "బగ్ సృష్టించునప్పుడు, బైనరీ ఫైళ్ళను కూడా అనుభందించుము"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "ఈ సమస్య యిప్పటికే నివేదించబడినప్పటికీ నివేదించుటకు వత్తిడిచేయి"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "లాగింగ్ అవుట్"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "నకిలీల కొరకు పరిశీలించుచున్నది"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "కొత్త బగ్ సృష్టించుచున్నది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "అనుబంధాలను బగ్ %i కు జతచేస్తున్నది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "బగ్ యిప్పటికే నివేదించబడెను: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "బగ్ %d నకు కొత్త వ్యాఖ్యానము జతచేయుచున్నది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "బగ్ చరిత్రనందు యిటువంటి వ్యాఖ్యానమే కనుగొనబడింది, కొత్త దానిని జతచేయుటలేదు"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "ఉత్తమమైన బ్యాక్‌ట్రేస్ అనుబందించుచున్నది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "బగ్ చరిత్రనందు యిటువంటి వ్యాఖ్యానమే కనుగొనబడింది, కొత్త దానిని జతచేయుటలేదు"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "స్థితి: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1249,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\nసమస్యాత్మక డైరెక్టరీ DIR యొక్క సారములు ఈమెయిల్ ద్వారా పంపబడును\n\nతెలుపకపోతే, CONFFILE దీనికి అప్రమేయమగును"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "కాన్ఫిగ్ ఫైల్"
+@@ -1163,26 +1276,26 @@ msgstr "ఫైలుకు చేర్చబడును, లేదా వో
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "reported_to ను DIR నందు సృష్టించు"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "వాడుకరిచే రద్దుచేయబడెను."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "'%s'ను వ్రాయుట కొరకు తెరువలేదు. దయచేసి వేరొక ఫైలును యెంపికచేయి:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "నివేదిక %s నకు చేర్చబడినది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "నివేదిక %sనకు నిల్వవుంచబడింది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1307,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\nసమస్యను RHTSupport కు నివేదించును.\n\nతెలుపకపోతే, CONFFILE దీనికి అప్రమేయం అగును"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "ఫైళ్ళను అప్‌లోడ్ చేయును [కేస్‌నకు యీ ఐడితో]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "ఖాళీ RHTS లాగిన్ లేదా సంకేతపదం"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' ను కేస్  '%s' కు అనుబందించుచున్నది."
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "కంప్రెస్సింగ్ డాటా"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp నందు టెంపరెరీ డైరెక్టరీను సృష్టించలేము"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp నందు టెంపరరీ ఫైలును సృష్టించలేము"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "మీరు యింకా RHT తోడ్పాటు టికెట్‌ను సృష్టించాలని అనుకొనుచున్నారా?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "కొత్త కేస్‌ను సృష్టించుచున్నది..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1375,13 @@ msgstr "సారూప్యంగా వుండగల పత్రకీక
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "బహుశా సహాయకంగా వుండగల నవీకరణలు: "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ను %s కు పంపుచున్నది"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s ను %s కు విజయవంతంగా పంపెను"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ఆర్కైవ్ సృష్టించబడెను: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\nసమస్యాత్మక డైరెక్టరీ DIR యొక్క కుదించిన టార్‌బాల్ URL కు అప్‌లోడ్ అగును.\nఒకవేళ URL తెలుపకపోతే, టార్‌బాల్‌ను /tmp నందు సృష్టించును మరియు నిష్క్రమించును.\n\nURL యీ రూపం 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]' కలిగివుండాలి\nప్రొటోకాల్ http(s), ftp, scp, లేదా file అయివుండాలి.\nఫైల్ ప్రొటోకాల్ వాడుకరి మరియు హోస్ట్ పార్టులను కలిగివుండలేదు: 'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\nఒకవేళ URL స్లాష్‌తో ముగిస్తే, ఆర్కైవ్ పేరు జనియింపచేà
 °¯à°¬à°¡à±à°¨à± మరియు URLకు చేర్చబడును\nలేకపోతే, URL అనునది పూర్తి ఫైలు పేరువలె వుపయోగించబడును.\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT నందు జాబితా చేయబడిన పేర్లతో వున్న ఫైళ్ళు టార్బాల్‌నందు\nచేర్చబడలేదు.\n\nCONFFILE పంక్తులు 'PARAM = VALUE' రూపం కలిగివుండాలి.\nస్ట్రింగ్ పారామితి గుర్తించబడింది: URL.\n$Upload_URL ద్వారా పారామితి వోవర్‌రైడ్ చేయగలము."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "అప్‌లోడ్ చేయుటకు బేస్ URL"
+@@ -1408,6 +1523,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "tar.gz ఫైలు వలె అప్‌లోడ్ చేయండి (FTP/SCP/... ద్వారా)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1538,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1564,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "పాడైన xml ప్రతిస్పందన వలె వున్నది, యెంచేతంటే '%s' మెంబర్ తప్పిపోయింది."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "బగ్ %i మూయబడింది, అయితే యెటువంటి పరిష్కారంలేదు"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "బగ్ %i మూయబడింది నకీలీది అని చెప్పి, అయితే DUP_ID లేదు"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "కొత్త బగ్ ఐడి: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "బగ్ %d యొక్క పేరెంట్‌ను బగ్‌జిల్లా కనుగొనలేకపోయింది"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "మీరు సమస్యను యెలా నివేదించాలని అనుకొనుచున్నారు?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1779,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "నివేదీకరణ తరువాత DIR తీసివేయి"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1801,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
+index ac68b89..669a501 100644
+--- a/po/tr.po
++++ b/po/tr.po
+@@ -3,68 +3,60 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Onur Baysan <onurbaysan at gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Onur Baysan <onurbaysan at gmail.com>, 2011
++# drstrangelove <sosyalhizmetler at gmail.com>, 2013
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:47+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/tr/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: tr\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Olası olayları listele [PREFIX ile başlayan]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Sürümü göster ve çık"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Syslog a günlüğü yaz"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Program isimlerini günlüğe ekle"
+@@ -115,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "#Paket"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "#Çökmenin nedeni"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Vi çalıştırılamıyor: $TERM, $VISUAL ve $EDITOR ayarlanmamış"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nRapor güncellendi"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nRaporda herhangi bir değişiklik tespit edilmedi"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Girdin geçersiz, çünkü:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' için kötü değer: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "Problemi nasıl çözümlemek istersiniz?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Çözümleyici seç:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Aralık dışında bir değer seçtin"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Geçersiz girdi, program kapatılıyor..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Hangi ek bilgileri toplanması istiyorsunuz?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Toplayıcı(lar) seç:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(tanım yok"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Ek bilgi toplanırken %d hata oluştu\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Raporlanıyor..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "Problemi nasıl raporlamak istersiniz?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Raporlayıcı(lar)ı seç:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -282,58 +240,58 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bir daha sorma"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+@@ -370,67 +328,66 @@ msgstr "Şifreyi göster"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:216
+ msgid "Advanced"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gelişmiş"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:234
+ msgid "Don't store passwords"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Şifreleri depolama"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:257
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Öteki GUI dosyası"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Raporlamadan sonra DIR ı kaldır"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,177 +403,202 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "Yap_ılandırma %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Bir metin dosyasını görüntüle/düzenle"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(görüntüleme/düzenleme için buraya tıklayın)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(ikili dosya, %llu byte)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(tanım yok"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu byte, %u dosya"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "'%s' olayı için hiçbir işlem tanımlanmamış"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' alışılmış bir dosya değil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Bir dosyayı kendisinin üzerine kopyalamaya çalışıyorsunuz"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Kopyalanamıyor '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "'%s' öğesi mevcut ve değiştirilebilir değil"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "İçermek"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Ad"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Değer"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Problem tanımı"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Ek bilgi sağla"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Verileri gözden geçir"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Raporlama için veriyi doğrulayın"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+ "occurred, to choose how to analyze the problem (if needed), to review "
+ "collected data, and to choose where the problem should be reported. Click "
+ "'Forward' to proceed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sıradaki ekranlarda, sorunun nasıl ortaya çıktığını anlatmanız, nasıl incelenmesi gerektiğini seçmeniz (gerekliyse), toplanan bilgiyi gözden geçirmeniz ve sorunun nereye raporlanması gerektiğini seçmeniz istenecektir. Devam etmek için 'İleri'yi tıklayınız."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:2
+ msgid "Details"
+@@ -627,7 +609,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "How did this problem happen (step-by-step)? How can it be reproduced? Any "
+ "additional comments useful for diagnosing the problem? Please use English if"
+ " possible."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bu sorun nasıl oldu (adım adım)? Nasıl yeniden oluşturulabilir? Sorunun teşhisi için ek yorumlarınız? Mümkünse, lütfen İngilizce kullanınız. "
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:4
+ msgid "You need to fill the how to before you can proceed..."
+@@ -637,19 +619,19 @@ msgstr "İlerlemeden önce nasıl alanını doldurmanız gerekli..."
+ msgid ""
+ "<b>Your comments are not private.</b> They may be included into publicly "
+ "visible problem reports."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<b>Yorumlarınız gizli değil.</b> Kamuya açık problem raporlarına eklenebilirler."
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bu soruna ne sebep oldu bilmiyorum"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:9
+ msgid ""
+@@ -699,18 +681,18 @@ msgid ""
+ "If you want to report the problem to a different destination, collect "
+ "additional information, or provide a better problem description and repeat "
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Başka bir hedefe raporlamak isterseniz, daha fazla bilgilendirme toplayın ya da sorun açıklamasını zenginleştirerek raporlama sürecini tekrar edin, 'ileri'ye tıklayın."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -719,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -733,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Yüklenen: %llu / %llu kbyte"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s %s e gönderiliyor"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "%s %s e başarılı bir şekilde gönderildi"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Eksik zorunlu değer"
+@@ -776,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Geri izleme tamamlanamamış , lütfen tekrar üretmek için gerekli adımları sağladığınızdan emin olun."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -794,33 +795,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Kullanım:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -875,11 +929,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "SSL anahtarının geçerliliğini kontrol et"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -903,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' veya 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Bilet/durum ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla oturumu açılıyor %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,121 +1078,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyası(birçok kez verilebilir)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "DOSYA ekle[ID si ile hata]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Daha önce bildirilmiş olsa bile raporlamaya zorla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Oturum kapatılıyor"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Benzerleri kontrol ediliyor"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Yeni hata yaratma"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Hata raporlandı: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "%d hatasına yeni yorum ekleme"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1136,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyası"
+@@ -1163,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Ekle yada üzerine yaz FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "DIR de rapor oluştur"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Rapor %s e eklendi"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Rapor %s te saklandı"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,79 +1308,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "FILES yükle[IDsiyle birlikte]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' '%s' durumuna bağlanıyor"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Sıkıştırılmış veri"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp nin altında geçici dizin yaratılamaz"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "/tmp nin altında geçici dosya yaratılamaz"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Yeni durum yaratılıyor..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s %s e gönderiliyor"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "%s %s e başarılı bir şekilde gönderildi"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++msgstr "Yardımcı olabilecek güncellemeler:"
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Arşiv yaratıldı: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1313,7 +1429,7 @@ msgstr "Günlük tutucu"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Logger.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Save as text file"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Metin dosyası olarak kaydet"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Logger.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Log File"
+@@ -1405,9 +1521,10 @@ msgstr "Rapor yükleyici"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tar.gz dosyası olarak yükle (FTP/SCP/... yoluyla)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1422,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1438,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "xml yanıtının çökmesine benziyor, çünkü '%s' eksik."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "%i hatası aynısı olduğu kapatıldı, fakat o DUP_ID ye sahip değil"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Yeni hata id: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla %d hatasının üst hatasını bulamadı"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "Problemi nasıl raporlamak istersiniz?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,9 +1780,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Raporlamadan sonra DIR ı kaldır"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1615,3 +1802,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
+index db846ce..af30e12 100644
+--- a/po/uk.po
++++ b/po/uk.po
+@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>, 2011-2012.
++# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>, 2011-2012
++# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>, 2013
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Ukrainian <trans-uk at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -21,50 +22,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[ПРЕФІКС] [КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ]\n   або & [-vsp] -e ПОДІЯ КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n   або & [-vsp] -a[y] КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n   або & [-vsp] -c[y] КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n   або & [-vsp] -r[y|d] КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[ПРЕФІКС] [КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ]\n   або & [-vspy] -e ПОДІЯ КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n   або & [-vspy] -d КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n   або & [-vspy] -x КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "Список записів можливих подій [що починаються з ПРЕФІКС]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "Запустити лише ці події"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Виконати аналіз подій на основі даних каталогу КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Виконати збирання даних подій до КАТАЛОГУ_ПРОБЛЕМИ"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Вилучити КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ після створення звіту"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "Проаналізувати дані щодо проблеми з КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ, зібрати додаткові дані і надіслати звіт"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "Режим експерта"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "Показати номер версії і вийти"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Вилучити КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ після створення звіту"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "Неінтерактивний режим: не задавати питань, на всі питання відповідати «так»"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "Записувати до журналу syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "Додати назви програм до журналу"
+@@ -115,136 +107,98 @@ msgstr "# Пакунок"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# Причина збою"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# Рядок з даними щодо випуску операційної системи"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося запустити vi: не встановлено значень змінних $TERM, $VISUAL і $EDITOR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\nЗвіт було оновлено"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\nНе виявлено жодних змін у звіті"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "Вказані вами дані є некоректними. Причини:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Помилкове значення «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "У який спосіб ви бажаєте проаналізувати проблему?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "Події «%s» потрібні права доступу для надсилання можливо конфіденційних даних. Продовжити процедуру надсилання?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "Виберіть засіб аналізу: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "Виберіть подію для запуску: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "Вибрано номер поза діапазоном можливих"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "Некоректні вхідні дані, програма завершує роботу…"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "Які додаткові дані ви хотіли б зібрати?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "Виберіть засоби збирання:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(без опису)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "Під час збирання додаткових даних сталося %d помилок\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "Звітування…"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "У який спосіб ви бажаєте створити звіт щодо проблеми?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "Виберіть засоби звітування: "
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "Повідомлення щодо проблеми створено на основі %d подій (%d помилок)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "Некоректні вхідні дані, програма завершує роботу."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "Видобування cpio з {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося виконати запис до «{0}»: {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося видобути пакунок «{0}»"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "Кешування файлів з {0}, створених на основі {1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося видобути файли з «{0}»"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити «{0}»: {1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "Звантаження ({0} з {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -253,28 +207,32 @@ msgstr "Під час отримання даних з дзеркала «{1!s}
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "Ініціалізація yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час спроби ініціалізації yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вимкнути сховище «{0!s}»: {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "Налаштовування сховищ yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Неможливо вимкнути асинхронне отримання даних, виведені дані може бути пошкоджено!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося налаштувати {0}: {1}, вимикаємо"
+@@ -282,67 +240,67 @@ msgstr "Не вдалося налаштувати {0}: {1}, вимикаємо"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "Пошук потрібних пакунків у сховищах"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час спроби отримання метаданих: «{0!s}»"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час спроби отримання списків файлів: «{0!s}»"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти пакунки з файлами діагностичних даних для {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "Пакунки, які слід звантажити: {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "Звантаження {0:.2f} МБ, об’єм встановлених пакунків: {1:.2f} МБ. Продовжувати?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "Звантаження скасовано користувачем"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час спроби звантаження пакунка {0}"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "Помилка розпакування, звантаження перервано…"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "Вилучення {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити %s, ймовірно містить журнал обробки помилки"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "Більше не питати"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Немає опису"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Налаштовування"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -352,17 +310,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Способи роботи"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Події"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "На_лаштувати"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -380,57 +338,56 @@ msgstr "Не зберігати паролів"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "Служба реєстраційних даних недоступна, ваші параметри не буде збережено!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося встановити з’єднання за допомогою DBus з назвою «%s», шлях «%s», інтерфейс «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося викликати метод «%s» за допомогою D-Bus для шляху «%s», інтерфейс «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "Під час очікування на дані щодо запиту від служби реєстраційних даних DBus перевищено граничний час очікування."
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "Бажаєте припинити очікування і продовжити звітування без завантажених належних налаштувань?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка методу ReadAlias(«%s») D-Bus служби зберігання реєстраційних даних: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося створити запис реєстраційних даних для події «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "не вдалося отримати значення ключа «%s»: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g ФАЙЛ_ІНТЕРФЕЙСУ] КАТАЛОГ\n\nІнструмент з графічним інтерфейсом для аналізу та звітування щодо даних, які зберігаються у каталозі КАТАЛОГ."
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e ПОДІЯ]... [-g ФАЙЛ_ІНТЕРФЕЙСУ] КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ\n\nГрафічний інструмент для аналізу і звітування щодо проблеми у вказаному каталозі КАТАЛОГ_ПРОБЛЕМИ"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "Альтернативний файл графічного інтерфейсу"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "Вилучити КАТАЛОГ після звітування"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "Запустити лише цю подію"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -438,7 +395,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "Виявлено помилкові параметри %s Якщо ви продовжите створення звіту за поточних налаштувань, можливо, звіт створити не вдасться.\n\nДокладніше про налаштовування: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,170 +403,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "Виявлено помилкові параметри <b>%s</b>. Якщо ви продовжите створення звіту за поточних налаштувань, можливо, звіт створити не вдасться.\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Докладніше про налаштовування</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "_Налаштувати %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "Потрібен придатний до запису каталог. Каталог «%s» непридатний до запису. Пересунути файли до «%s» ви працювати з пересунутими даними?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "Перегляд/Редагування текстового файла"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "Для цієї проблеми не визначено призначень для звітів. Перевірити це можна за допомогою налаштувань у /etc/libreport/*"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(потребує %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(непотрібне, дані вже існують: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(натисніть для перегляду або редагування)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(бінарний файл, %llu байтів)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(без опису)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu байтів, %u файлів"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "Обробку завершено."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "Спроба обробки проблеми зазнала невдачі. Причин у проблеми може бути декілька, але найпоширенішими є ці дві:\n\t▫ <b>проблеми зі з’єднанням з мережею</b>\n\t▫ <b>пошкоджені дані щодо проблеми</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "Якщо ви хочете нам допомогти, будь ласка, натисніть кнопку вивантаження і надайте всі дані щодо проблеми для поглибленого аналізу.\n<i>Перш ніж ви це зробите, будь ласка, зважте на ризик розкриття конфіденційних даних. У даних можуть міститися конфіденційні дані, зокрема паролі.\nВивантажені дані зберігаються у захищеному сховищі, доступ до їхнього читання матиме лише обмежене коло розробників.</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "Спроба обробки завершилася невдало."
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "Обробки для події «%s» не визначено"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "Обробку перервано, продовження неможливе без придатного для запису каталогу."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "Обробка…"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося визначити оцінку зворотного трасування, оскільки назва події є некоректною"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "Виявлено ймовірно конфіденційні дані, будь ласка, уважно перегляньте підсвічені вкладки."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "Обробка…"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "Спроба обробки зазнала невдачі. Ви можете спробувати виконати іншу дію, якщо таку передбачено."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "Спроба обробки завершилася невдало."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "Обробку завершено."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "Обробку завершено, будь ласка, перейдіть до наступного кроку."
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "Події «%s» потрібні права доступу для надсилання можливо конфіденційних даних.\nПродовжити процедуру надсилання?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "Обробку було скасовано"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Про цю проблему не варто повідомляти (ймовірно, про цю проблему вже відомо). %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "«%s» не є звичайним файлом"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "Ви намагаєтеся скопіювати файл до цього ж файла"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося скопіювати «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "Пункт «%s» вже існує, його не можна змінювати"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "Включення"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "Назва"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "Значення"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "Опис проблеми"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Виберіть спосіб звітування про цю проблему"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "Надання додаткових даних"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "Переглянути дані"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "Підтвердження даних звіту"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "Обробка"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "Обробку завершено"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "Вивантажити для аналізу"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "З метою вмикання вбудованих можливостей зі створення відеодемонстрацій слід встановити пакунок recordmydesktop. Будь ласка, віддайте вказану нижче команду, щоб встановити цей пакунок.\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -641,11 +623,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Ваші коментарі не будуть конфіденцій
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Якщо ви не знаєте, як описати проблему, ви можете:"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "додати відеодемонстрацію"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -701,16 +683,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "Якщо ви бажаєте створити звіт щодо проблеми за іншою адресою, зібрати додаткові дані або надати кращий опис проблеми і повторити процедуру звітування, натисніть кнопку «Далі»."
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "Докладні повідомлення"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "Каталог проблеми"
+@@ -719,6 +701,14 @@ msgstr "Каталог проблеми"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити «%s»"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -733,11 +723,22 @@ msgstr "Не вистачає обов’язкового елемента: «%s
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "значення uid є некоректним: «%s»"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "Вивантажено: %llu з %llu кілобайтів"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "Надсилання %s до %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "Успішно надіслано %s до %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "Не вистачає обов’язкового значення"
+@@ -776,8 +777,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "Неповні відомості трасування. Вам доведеться вказати чіткі кроки з відтворення помилки."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "Ймовірно, ці дані зворотного трасування не допоможуть розробникові виявити ваду."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "Ймовірно, дані зворотного трасування не будуть корисними для діагностування вади."
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -794,34 +795,87 @@ msgstr "Спробуйте встановити debuginfo вручну: «debugi
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "Ймовірно, не вистачає належних даних debuginfo або пошкоджено дані дампу core."
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Не вистачає елемента проблеми «%s»"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "Непідтримуване значення «%s» у елементі проблеми «%s»"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "Неможливо створити uReport без «type»"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "Порожній uReport не вивантажуємо"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "Використання: "
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "Не вистачає важливого елемента «%s», продовження обробки неможливе…"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення запису випадку у «%s»: %s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення запису випадку у «%s», код HTTP: %d, повідомлення сервера: «%s»"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення запису випадку у «%s», код HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "помилка під час створення випадку: %s"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення запису випадку у «%s»: не вказано адреси, код HTTP: %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "помилка під час створення запису випадку, код HTTP: %d, повідомлення сервера: «%s»"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення коментаря у «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "помилка під час створення запису випадку, код HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення коментаря у «%s», код HTTP: %d, повідомлення сервера: «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "помилка під час створення запису випадку: не вказано адреси, код HTTP: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення коментаря у «%s», код HTTP: %d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "Помилка під час створення коментаря у «%s»: не вказано адреси, код HTTP: %d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -875,12 +929,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "Перевірити чинність ключа SSL"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "Рядок випуску ОС"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "Вказуйте, лише якщо вами було внесено зміни до файла /etc/system-release"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTP-проксі"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "Встановити проксі-сервер, який слід використовувати для HTTP"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTPS-проксі"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "Встановити проксі-сервер, який слід використовувати для HTTPS"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -903,44 +1005,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' або 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ідентифікатор квитка/випадку"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося обробити дані зворотного трасування"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти аварійний потік виконання"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Продовження неможливе без зазначення облікового запису"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Продовження неможливе без зазначення пароля"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "Вхід до Bugzilla від імені %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Некоректний пароль або ім’я користувача. Будь ласка, вкажіть назву вашого облікового запису у системі стеження за вадами:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Некоректний пароль або помилкова назва облікового запису. Будь ласка, вкажіть пароль для «%s»:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) повернуто значення, у якому не містилося елемента «bugs»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -974,123 +1076,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g НАЗВА-ГРУПИ]... [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ]... [-F ФАЙЛ_ФОРМАТУВАННЯ] [-A ФАЙЛ_ФОРМАТУВАННЯ2] -d КАТАЛОГ\nабо\n& [-v] [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ]... [-d КАТАЛОГ] -t[ІД] ФАЙЛ...\nабо\n& [-v] [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ]... [-d КАТАЛОГ] -t[ІД] -w\nабо\n& [-v] [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ]... -h DUPHASH\n\nСповістити про проблему за допомогою Bugzilla.\n\nПрограма виконує читання даних з каталогу КАТАЛОГ. Після цього входить\nдо Bugzilla і намагається знайти ваду з тим самим значенням\nabrt_hash:ШІСТНАДЦЯТКОВИЙ_РЯДОК у полі «Whiteboard».\n\nЯкщо такої вади виявлено не буде, буде створено нове повідомлення щодо вади.\nДан
 і з каталогу КАТАЛОГ буде збережено у повідомленні як частину опису або\nдолучення, залежно від типу і розміру даних.\n\nЯкщо ж ваду буде знайдено, а повідомлення щодо неї буде позначено\nміткою CLOSED DUPLICATE, програма спробує пройти ланцюжком дублікатів, аж\nдоки не знайде ваду без позначки DUPLICATE.\nПісля цього до знайденого повідомлення буде додано новий коментар.\n\nАдресну нового або зміненого повідомлення про ваду буде виведено до stdout\nі записано у елементі «reported_to».\n\nУ разі використання параметра -t ФАЙЛИ буде вивантажено до вже створеного\
 nповідомлення про ваду на сайті Bugzilla.\nІдентифікатор (ІД) вади буде отримано з каталогу, вказаного за допомогою\n-d КАТАЛОГ.\nЯкщо дані щодо проблеми у каталозі КАТАЛОГ ще ніколи не повідомлялися за\nдопомогою Bugzilla, вивантаження зазнає невдачі.\n\nВикористання параметра -tІД надає змогу вивантажити ФАЙЛИ до повідомлення\nпро ваду з вказаним ідентифікатором Bugzilla ІД.\n-d КАТАЛОГ у цьому випадку буде проігноровано.\n\nЗа допомогою параметра -w можна додати користувача до списку обміну\nповідомленнями щодо вади.\n\nЯкщо не вказано явно, типовим знаÑ
 ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½ÑÐ¼ параметра ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ Ñ” "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "Файл налаштувань (можна вказувати декілька файлів)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "Файл форматування для початкового коментаря"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "Файл форматування для дублікатів"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Долучити ФАЙЛи [до вади з вказаним ідентифікатором]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "Долучити до звіту щодо вади бінарні файли"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "Створити звіт, навіть якщо про цю проблему вже було повідомлено"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Додати користувача до списку обміну повідомленнями щодо вади [з цим ідентифікатором]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "Вивести BUG_ID за вказаним DUPHASH"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "Обмежити доступ лише учасниками цієї групи"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Діагностика"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "Шукаємо схожі проблеми у системі стеження за вадами"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "У налаштуваннях не вказано облікового запису користувача. Будь ласка, вкажіть ім’я вашого користувача Bugzilla:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "У налаштуваннях не вказано пароля. Будь ласка, вкажіть пароль для «%s»:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося отримати ідентифікатор Bugzilla, оскільки про цю проблему ще не було повідомлено у Bugzilla."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Про цю проблему було складено звіт у Bugzilla «%s», тобто до Bugzilla, відмінної від налаштованої «%s»."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилкове форматування адреси Bugzilla «%s»."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Використовуємо ідентифікатор Bugzilla «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "Завершення сеансу"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "Пошук дублікатів"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "Створення нового повідомлення про ваду"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "Додавання долучень до повідомлення про ваду %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Запит вже існує: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Додавання %s до списку CC"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "Додавання коментаря до запиту (%d)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "У журналі вади виявлено тотожний коментар, новий не буде додано"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "Долучення кращого зворотного трасування"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "У журналі вади виявлено тотожний коментар, новий не буде додано"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "Стан: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1136,7 +1250,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d КАТАЛОГ [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ]\n\nНадіслати дані з каталогу проблеми КАТАЛОГ електронною поштою.\n\nЯкщо значення ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ не вказано, типовим файлом буде "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "Файл налаштувань"
+@@ -1163,26 +1277,26 @@ msgstr "Дописати або перезаписати ФАЙЛ"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "Створити reported_to у КАТАЛОЗІ"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "Скасовано користувачем."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити «%s» для виконання запису. Будь ласка, виберіть інший файл:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "Звіт було долучено до %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "Звіт було збережено до %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1194,53 +1308,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ] -d КАТАЛОГ\nабо:\n& [-v] [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ] [-d КАТАЛОГ] -t[ІД] ФАЙЛ...\n\nНадсилає звіт щодо вади до RHTSupport.\n\nЯкщо не вказано ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ, типові значення буде взято з "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "Вивантажити ФАЙЛи [до запису випадку з вказаним ідентифікатором]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "Порожнє значення імені користувача або пароля RHTS"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "Долучення «%s» до випадку «%s»"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "Стискання даних"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося створити каталог тимчасових даних у /tmp"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося створити тимчасовий файл у /tmp"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "Шукаємо підказки"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "Хочете створити повідомлення для RHTSupport?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "Створення нового випадку…"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "Створення нового випадку"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Додаємо коментар до запису випадку «%s»"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "Долучаємо дані проблеми до запису випадку «%s»"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1250,23 +1376,13 @@ msgstr "Документація, яка може допомогти: "
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "Оновлення, які можуть допомогти:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Надсилання %s до %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "Успішно надіслано %s до %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Створено архів: «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1287,7 +1403,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d КАТАЛОГ [-c ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ] [-u АДРЕСА]\n\nВивантажує стиснений архів каталогу даних щодо проблеми, КАТАЛОГ, за вказаною адресою АДРЕСА.\nЯкщо адресу не вказано, створює архів у /tmp і завершує роботу.\n\nПараметр АДРЕСА слід вказувати у формі\n«протокол://[користувач[:пароль]@]вузол/каталог/[файл.tar.gz]»,\nде протокол може мати значення http(s), ftp, scp або file.\nЗапис протоколу «file» не повинен містити визначень користувача\nі вузла: «file:///каталог/[файл.tar.gz]».\nIf URL ends with a slash, the archive name will be generated and appended\nto URL; otherwise, URL will be used as full file name.\n\nФайли, назви якÐ
 ¸Ñ… відповідають списку з $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT,\nне буде включено до архіву.\n\nРядки файла ФАЙЛ_НАЛАШТУВАНЬ має бути записано у\nформаті «Параметр = Значення».\nРядковий параметр команди: АДРЕСА.\nПараметр можне бути перевизначено за допомогою змінної $Upload_URL."
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "Базова адреса для вивантаження даних"
+@@ -1408,6 +1524,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "Вивантажити як файл tar.gz (за допомогою FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "Адреса"
+@@ -1422,6 +1539,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Приклади:&#xA;ftp://[користувач[:пароль]@]вузол/каталог/[файл.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[користувач[:пароль]@]вузол/каталог/[файл.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///каталог/[файл.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "FTP-проксі"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "Встановити проксі-сервер, який слід використовувати для FTP"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1438,130 +1565,187 @@ msgstr "Адреса сервера uReport"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "Адреса вебслужби uReport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "Критичний аналіз"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "Вивантажити дані проблеми для подальшого аналізу"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "Відповідь у форматі XML пошкоджено, оскільки у ній не вистачає елемента «%s»."
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Обробку вади %i завершено (CLOSED), але не вказано способу її усування (RESOLUTION)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Обробку вади %i завершено (CLOSED), оскільки її визнано дублікатом (DUPLICATE), але не вказано номера повідомлення-дубліката (DUP_ID)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "Новий ідентифікатор запиту: %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla не вдалося знайти батьківський запит для %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Кодування: виконано на {0!s}% c"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вибір вікна"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "Користування: abrt-screencast -o ФАЙЛ_РЕЗУЛЬТАТУ"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "Не вдалося отримати відповідь від сервера через некоректну адресу"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "Не вдалося обробити відповідь від сервера ureport"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося вивантажити uReport на сервер «%s» за допомогою curl: %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "Дані відповіді сервера мають некоректне форматування"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "Сторінки з адресою «%s» не існує (отримано повідомлення про помилку 404 від сервера)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "Невідповідність типу відповіді сервера"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "На сервері за адресою «%s» сталася внутрішня помилка (отримано повідомлення про помилку 500)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "Сервер за адресою «%s» зараз не здатен обробити запит (отримано повідомлення про помилку 503)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "Неочікуваний код стану HTTP: %d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "Неочікувана відповідь HTTP від «%s»: %d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Помилка на боці сервера: «%s»"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "Не вдалося обробити відповідь від сервера ureport за адресою «%s»:\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "Відповідь від «%s» створено у некоректному форматі"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "У відповіді від «%s» виявлено невідповідність типів"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Сервер за адресою «%s» повідомив про помилку: «%s»"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "Вказати адресу сервера"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "Дозволити незахищені з’єднання з сервером ureport"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "хеш_bugzilla uReport для долучення"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "Долучити ваду RHBZ (потребує -a)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "Долучити дані reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a хеш_bugzilla -b ід-вади] [-r] [-d КАТАЛОГ]\n\nВивантажити мікрозвіт або додати долучення до мікрозвіту"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "Вам слід вказати ідентифікатор повідомлення щодо вади для долучення."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "Вам слід вказати хеш_bugzilla uReport для долучення."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "До цього сповіщення про проблему не долучено даних uReport."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "У Bugzilla немає повідомлень щодо цієї вади."
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося знайти ідентифікатор вади у адресі на bugzilla, «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося визначити ідентифікатор вади за адресою у bugzilla «%s»"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "Не вдалося надіслати дані проблеми"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "Про цю проблему вже було повідомлено."
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "Сервер повідомив про помилку: «%s»"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "У який спосіб ви бажаєте створити звіт щодо проблеми?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1596,22 +1780,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] КАТАЛОГ\n\nЗасіб newt для створення звітів на сонові даних, що зберігаються у вказаному КАТАЛОЗІ"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "Вилучити КАТАЛОГ після звітування"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "Повідомити про помилку супровідникам Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Обробити звіт за допомогою інфраструктури Fedora"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вивантажити дані щодо проблеми на сервер"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Проаналізувати проблему локально і вивантажити дані за допомогою scp або ftp"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "Повідомити до Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "Повідомити Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Обробити дані C/C++ щодо аварії за допомогою інфраструктури Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Обробити дані щодо помилки ядра за допомогою інфраструктури Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Обробити дані щодо виключення Python за допомогою інфраструктури Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Обробити дані щодо аварії ядра за допомогою інфраструктури Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "Обробити дані щодо проблеми з графічним сервером за допомогою інфраструктури Red Hat"
+diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
+index 4ed65a2..0dd6ecd 100644
+--- a/po/vi.po
++++ b/po/vi.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Vietnamese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/vi/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
+index 18dc62d..d46fcdd 100644
+--- a/po/zh_CN.po
++++ b/po/zh_CN.po
+@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Alick Zhao <alick9188 at gmail.com>, 2012.
+-#   <crl0x7c2 at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-#   <excalc at live.cn>, 2012.
+-# Leah Liu <lliu at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-#   <lovenemesis at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
+-#   <lrlanswer at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-#   <simonyan at fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
+-# Tommy He <lovenemesis at gmail.com>, 2012-2013.
+-# Wei Liu <LLIU at REDHAT.COM>, 2011, 2012.
++# Alick Zhao <alick9188 at gmail.com>, 2012
++# crl0x7c2 <crl0x7c2 at gmail.com>, 2011
++# excalc <excalc at live.cn>, 2012
++# Leah Liu <lliu at redhat.com>, 2011, 2012
++# Tommy He <lovenemesis at gmail.com>, 2011, 2012
++# lrl <lrlanswer at gmail.com>, 2011
++# simonyanix <simonyan at fedoraproject.org>, 2012
++# Tommy He <lovenemesis at gmail.com>, 2012-2013
++# Wei Liu <LLIU at REDHAT.COM>, 2011, 2012
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-17 06:01+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Tommy He <lovenemesis at gmail.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (China) <trans-zh_cn at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -29,50 +29,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[前缀] [问题目录]\n   or: & [-vsp] -e 事件 问题目录\n   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] 问题目录\n   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] 问题目录\n   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] 问题目录"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "列出可能的事件【使用 PREFIX 开始】"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "仅运行这些事件"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "在指定问题目录运行事件分析"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "在指定问题目录运行事件信息收集"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "在报告后移除问题目录"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "在指定问题目录分析、收集并报告问题数据"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "显示版本并退出"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "在报告后移除问题目录"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "无互动:不要提问,假设为“是”"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "记录到 syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "在日志中添加程序名"
+@@ -123,136 +114,98 @@ msgstr "# 软件包"
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr "# 崩溃原因"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# 操作系统的发行版本字符串"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "无法运行 vi:还没有设置 $TERM、$VISUAL 和 $EDITOR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\n该报告已更新"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\n未查出报告有更改"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "y"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "N"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "您的输入无效,因为:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' 值错误: %s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "您希望如何分析该问题?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "事件 '%s' 请求允许发送可能包含敏感数据的文件。您想要继续么?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "选择分析程序:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "您选择的数字超出了范围"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "无效输入,程序正在退出..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "您要收集哪种额外信息?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "选择收集程序:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(没有说明)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "收集额外数据出现 %d 错误\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "报告中……"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "您希望如何报告该问题?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "选择报告程序:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "使用 %d report events (%d errors) 报告的问题\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr "事件 '%s' 请求允许发送可能包含敏感数据的文件。您想要继续么?"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "从 {0} 中提取 cpio"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "无法写入 '{0}':{1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "无法提取软件包 '{0}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "从 {0} 缓存来自 {1} 的文件"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "无法从 '{0}' 中提取文件"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "无法删除 '{0}':{1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "下载({1} 中的 {0}){2}:{3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -261,28 +214,32 @@ msgstr "从镜像: '{1!s}' 下载时发生问题 '{0!s}'。尝试下一个"
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "启动 yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "启动 yum 出错(YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "无法禁用仓库 '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "设置 yum 库"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr "无法禁用异步下载,输出可能存在假象!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "无法设置 {0}:{1},禁用"
+@@ -290,56 +247,56 @@ msgstr "无法设置 {0}:{1},禁用"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "在库中查找所需软件包"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "检索元数据出错:'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "检索文件列表出错:'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "无法为 {0} debuginfo 文件找到软件包"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "要下载的软件包:{0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "正在下载 {0:.2f}Mb,已安装:{1:.2f}Mb。继续吗?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "用户取消下载"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "下载软件包 {0} 失败"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "提取失败,中断下载......"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "正在删除 {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "无法删除 %s,可能包含出错记录"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "不再询问"
+@@ -388,57 +345,56 @@ msgstr "不要保存密码"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "保密服务不可用,您的设置将不会被保存!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "无法通过 DBus 连接至名称 '%s' 路径 '%s' 的接口 '%s' : %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "无法通过 DBus 调用方法 '%s' 在路径 '%s' 接口 '%s': %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "DBus 保密服务 ReadAlias('%s') 方法失败: %s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "无法为事件 '%s' 创建保密项: %s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "无法获得 '%s' 的保密值: %s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\n分析及报告保存在指定目录下问题的图形化工具"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "备用 GUI 文件"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "报告后删除 DIR"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "仅运行此事件"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr "以专家模式运行向导 - 显示高级选项"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -446,7 +402,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "在 %s 中检测到错误设定,如果您使用当前配置继续的话报告可能失败。\n\n阅读更多关于配置的信息: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -454,170 +410,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "在 <b>%s</b> 中检测到错误设定,如果您使用当前配置继续的话报告可能失败。\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">阅读更多关于配置的信息</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "配置 %s(_f)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "需要可写入的目录,但 '%s' 不是可写入目录。将其移动到 '%s',并在移动后的数据中进行操作。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "查看/编辑文本文件"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "尚未给此类问题指定报告目的地。检查位于 /etc/libreport/* 中的配置文件"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(需要: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(不必要,数据已经存在: %s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(点击这里查看/编辑)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(二进制文件,%llu字节)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(没有说明)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu字节,%u个文件"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "处理结束。"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "处理失败。"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "没有定义针对事件 `%s' 的处理"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "处理被中断: 目录不可写入,无法继续。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "处理中……"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "由于无效的事件名,无法检查回溯评级"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr "探测到可能的敏感数据,请仔细检查突出的标签。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "处理中……"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "处理失败。您可以尝试其他可用操作。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "处理失败。"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "处理结束。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "处理结束,请前往下一步骤。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "事件 '%s' 请求允许发布可能包含敏感数据的文件。\n您想要继续吗?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "处理被取消"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr "该问题可能不应该汇报 (很有可能为已知问题)。%s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是普通文件"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "您正在将文件复制到它本身"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "无法复制 '%s':%s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "项目 '%s' 已存在且不可修改"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "包括"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "名称"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "值"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "问题描述"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr "选择如何汇报此问题"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "提供附加信息"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "审核数据"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "确认要报告的数据"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "处理中"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "处理完成"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -652,8 +633,8 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr "如果您不知道如何描述,您可以"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr "添加屏幕录像"
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -709,16 +690,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "如果您要向不同的地点报告这个问题、收集附加信息或者更好地描述这个问题并重复报告过程,请按“前进”。"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "详细输出"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "问题目录"
+@@ -727,6 +708,14 @@ msgstr "问题目录"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "无法删除: '%s'"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "N"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "f"
+@@ -741,11 +730,22 @@ msgstr "缺少必要项: '%s'"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "UID 值无效: '%s'"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "上传的:%llu kb 中的 %llu"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "向 %s 发送 %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "成功向 %s 发送 %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "缺少必需值"
+@@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "回溯是不完整的,请确定您提供了重复该错误的完整步骤。"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "该回溯可能无法帮助开发者找寻 Bug。"
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -802,34 +802,87 @@ msgstr "请尝试使用命令: \"debuginfo-install %s\" 手动安装除错信息
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "可能丢失了正确的出错信息或者内核转储被污染。"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "用法:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr "缺少重要元素 '%s',无法继续。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "生成案例时的出错信息:%s"
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "生成案例时的出错信息,HTTP code:代码:%d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "生成案例时的出错信息,HTTP 代码:%d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "生成案例时的出错信息:no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -883,12 +936,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "查看 SSL 密钥是否可用"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS 发行本字符串"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "如果您修改 /etc/system-release 文件请指定它。"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -911,44 +1012,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' 或者 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "Ticket/案例 ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "无法传递回溯"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr "无法找到崩溃线程"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr "需要登录名才可继续"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr "需要密码才可继续"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "在 %s 登录到 Bugzilla"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr "无效的密码或登录名。请输入您的 BZ 登录名:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr "无效的密码或登录名。请输入 '%s' 的密码:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) 返回值未包含成员 'bugs'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -982,123 +1083,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g 组名]... [-c 配置文件]...  [-F FMT文件] -d 目录\n或:\n& [-v] [-c 配置文件]... [-d 目录] -t[ID] 文件...\n或:\n& [-v] [-c 配置文件]... [-d 目录] -t[ID] -w\n或:\n& [-v] [-c 配置文件]... -h DUPHASH\n\n报告问题至 Bugzilla。\n\n该工具读取目录,之后登录至 Bugzilla 去尝试寻找‘白板(Whiteboard)’中包含相同 ABRT 哈希值 HEXSTRING 的错误。\n\n如果这样的错误没有找到,那么将创建一个新的。目录中的元素将依据它们的类型和大小,分别做为错误描述或附件保存。\n\n否则,如果找到相同的错误并且被标识为 CLOSED DUPLICATE。\n该工具会查询重复记录链条直到找到一个非重复的错误为止。\n然后将发现的错误做为评论添加上去。\n\n指向新创建或者修改的错误的 URL 将会打印至标准输出并保存到\n'reported_to' 元素中。\n\n选项 -t 上传指定文件到在 Bugzilla 站点上已经存在ç
 š„ Bug 上。\nBug ID 通过选项 -d 指定的目录提取。\n如果包含在指定目录中的问题数据从未报告至 Bugzilla,上传会失败。\n\n选项 -tID 上传指定文件到 Bugzilla 上的指定 ID 上。\n选项 -d 指定目录会被忽略。\n\n选项 -w 添加 Bugzilla 用户到错误抄送列表上。\n\n如果未指定,配置文件默认为"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "配置文件(可在任意时间给出)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr "格式化文件"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "附加 FILE【添加到使用这个 ID 的 bug 中】"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "生成 bug 时也请附加二进制文件"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "即使已经报告过该问题依然强行报告"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "添加 Bugzilla 用户到[具有此 ID 错误的]抄送列表上"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "打印具备 DUPHASH 的 BUG_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "仅限此组访问"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr "除错"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr "配置中未提供登录信息。请输入您的 BZ 登录名:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr "配置中未提供密码。请输入用于 '%s' 的密码:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "无法取得 Bugzilla ID 因为该问题尚未汇报至 Bugzilla。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr "该问题已经汇报至 Bugzilla '%s' ,与预配置 Bugzilla '%s' 不同。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr "连接至 Bugzilla '%s' 的 URL 不规范。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr "使用 Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "退出"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "检查是否有重复"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "生成新 bug"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "在 bug %i 中添加附件"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "Bug 已经被报告:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr "正在添加 %s 至抄送列表"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "在 bug %d 中添加新注释"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "如果在 bug 历史记录中找到相同的注释则不要再添加"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "附加更好的 backtrace"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "如果在 bug 历史记录中找到相同的注释则不要再添加"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "状态:%s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1144,7 +1257,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\n使用电子邮件发送问题目录 DIR 中的内容\n\n如未指定,则 CONFFILE 默认为"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "配置文件"
+@@ -1171,26 +1284,26 @@ msgstr "附加到,或者覆盖 FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "在 DIR 中创建 reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "用户取消。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行编写。请选择另一个文件:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "将该报告附加到 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "将该报告保存到 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1202,53 +1315,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\nor:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\n向 RHTSupport 报告问题。\n\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "将 FILE 上传【到使用这个 ID 的案例】"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "空白 RHTS 登录或者密码"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "在案例 '%s' 中附加 '%s'"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "压缩数据"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "无法在 /tmp 中创建临时目录"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "无法在 /tmp 中创建临时文件"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "您还想生成 RHT 支持 ticket 吗?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "生成新案例......"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr ""
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1258,23 +1383,13 @@ msgstr "可能的相关文档:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "可能有帮助的更新:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "向 %s 发送 %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "成功向 %s 发送 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "生成归档:'%s'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1295,7 +1410,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\n向 URL 上传问题目录 DIR 的压缩 tarball。\n如果没有指定 URL,请在 /tmp 中生成 tarball 并退出。\n\nURL 的格式应为 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]',\n其中 protocol 可以是 http(s), ftp, scp, 或者 file。\n文件 protocol 不能包含 user 和 host 部分:'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\n如果 URL 以斜线结束,则会生成归档名称,并附加到\nURL 中;否则会将 URL 作为完整文件名使用。\n\n在 tarball 中不包含 $EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT 中所列\n名称的文件。\n\nCONFFILE 行应为 'PARAM = VALUE' 格式。\n可识别字符串参数为:URL。\n可使用 $Upload_URL 覆盖参数。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "要上传的基本 URL"
+@@ -1416,6 +1531,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "作为 tar.gz 文件上传(使用 FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1430,6 +1546,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1446,27 +1572,35 @@ msgstr "uReport 服务器 URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport 网络服务器地址"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "看起来象是崩溃的 xml 响应,因为缺少 '%s' 成员。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Bug %i 已关闭,但还没有解决方案"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "因为重复关闭 Bug %i,但它没有 DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "新 bug id:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla 无法找到 bug %d 的上级 bug"
+@@ -1480,96 +1614,145 @@ msgstr "正在编码: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr "选择窗口"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr "用法: abrt-screencast -o 输出文件"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "由于 URL 无效无法获得服务器响应"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "无法传递来自 uReport 服务器的响应"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "服务器响应数据包含无效格式"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "服务器响应类型不匹配"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "意外 HTTP 状态代码: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "服务器端错误: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "指定服务器 URL"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "允许使用非加密链接到 uReport 服务器"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "要添加的 uReport 的 bthash"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "添加 RHBZ Bug (需要 -a 选项)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "添加 reported_to 的内容"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b Bug ID] [-r] [-d 目录]\n\n上传微型报告或者为微型报告添加附件"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "您需要指定要添加的 Bug ID。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "您需要指定要添加的 uReport 的 bthash。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "该问题没有指派一个 uReport。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "该问题尚未汇报至 Bugzilla。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr "无法在 Bugzilla URL '%s' 中找到错误 ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr "无法处理来自 Bugzilla URL '%s' 中的错误 ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "该问题已经被汇报过了。"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "您希望如何报告该问题?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1604,10 +1787,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\n用来报告保存在指定目录下问题的新工具"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "报告后删除 DIR"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr "汇报至 Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1623,3 +1809,35 @@ msgstr "提交问题数据至服务器"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr "本地分析问题并通过 scp 或 ftp 上传数据"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "汇报至 Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/zh_HK.po b/po/zh_HK.po
+index 7a8cc53..a9388df 100644
+--- a/po/zh_HK.po
++++ b/po/zh_HK.po
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-20 08:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-20 07:42+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) <chinese at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -20,50 +20,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -114,136 +105,98 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -252,28 +205,32 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -281,56 +238,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -379,57 +336,56 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -437,7 +393,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -445,170 +401,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr ""
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,7 +624,7 @@ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
++msgid "add a screencast"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+@@ -700,16 +681,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -718,6 +699,14 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -732,11 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+@@ -793,33 +793,86 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+@@ -874,11 +927,59 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+@@ -902,44 +1003,44 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -975,121 +1076,133 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
++msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
+-msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1135,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1162,26 +1275,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1193,79 +1306,81 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+-msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
++msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+-msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
+-msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
++msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:210
++msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1286,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1407,6 +1522,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1421,6 +1537,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1437,27 +1563,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1471,96 +1605,145 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Select window"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:244
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr ""
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1595,9 +1778,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+@@ -1614,3 +1800,35 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
+index 0cdebc2..ebaa586 100644
+--- a/po/zh_TW.po
++++ b/po/zh_TW.po
+@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+ # Translators:
+-# Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680 at gmail.com>, 2011.
+-# Chester Cheng <ccheng at redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
+-# Terry Chuang <tchuang at redhat.com>, 2011.
++# Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680 at gmail.com>, 2011
++# Chester Cheng <ccheng at redhat.com>, 2011-2012
++# Terry Chuang <tchuang at redhat.com>, 2011
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: libreport\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/report\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-19 15:44+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-19 14:46+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiří Moskovčák <jmoskovc at redhat.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-02 09:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-02 07:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) <trans-zh_TW at lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+@@ -23,50 +23,41 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/cli/cli.c:63
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+-"   or: & [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   或:& [-vsp] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   或:& [-vsp] -a[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   或:& [-vsp] -c[y] PROBLEM_DIR\n   或:& [-vsp] -r[y|d] PROBLEM_DIR"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n"
++"   or: & [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vsp] -L[PREFIX] [PROBLEM_DIR]\n   或:& [-vspy] -e EVENT PROBLEM_DIR\n   或:& [-vspy] -d PROBLEM_DIR\n   或:& [-vspy] -x PROBLEM_DIR"
+ #. short_name long_name  value    parameter_name  help
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:84
+ msgid "List possible events [which start with PREFIX]"
+ msgstr "列出可能的事件 [以 PREFIX 作為開頭]"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:85 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123
+ msgid "Run only these events"
+ msgstr "僅執行這些事件"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+-msgid "Run analyze event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "於 PROBLEM_DIR 執行分析事件"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:90
+-msgid "Run collect event(s) on PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "於 PROBLEM_DIR 執行蒐集事件"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:86 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:122
++msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "在回報後移除 PROBLEM_DIR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+-msgid "Analyze, collect and report problem data in PROBLEM_DIR"
+-msgstr "分析、蒐集、回報 PROBLEM_DIR 中的資料"
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:87 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
++msgid "Expert mode"
++msgstr "專家模式"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:88 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:393
+ msgid "Display version and exit"
+ msgstr "顯示版本並離開"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:93
+-msgid "Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "在回報後移除 PROBLEM_DIR"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:94
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:89
+ msgid "Noninteractive: don't ask questions, assume 'yes'"
+ msgstr "非互動式:不詢問問題,假設答案為「是」"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:96
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:91
+ msgid "Log to syslog"
+ msgstr "紀錄至 syslog"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli.c:97 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
++#: ../src/cli/cli.c:92 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:121
+ msgid "Add program names to log"
+ msgstr "加入程式名稱至記錄中"
+@@ -77,7 +68,7 @@ msgstr "# 此欄位為唯讀\n"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:152
+ msgid "# Describe the circumstances of this crash below"
+-msgstr "# 在下方描述此當機的情況"
++msgstr "# 在下方描述此程式崩潰的情況"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:154
+ msgid ""
+@@ -115,138 +106,100 @@ msgstr "# 套件"
+ #: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:163
+ msgid "# Reason of crash"
+-msgstr "# 當機的原因"
++msgstr "# 程式崩潰的原因"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:170
++msgid "# os-release configuration file from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:175
++msgid "# Release string of the operating system from root dir"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:183
++msgid "# os-release configuration file"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:164
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:188
+ msgid "# Release string of the operating system"
+ msgstr "# 作業系統的發行字串"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:277
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:319
+ msgid "Cannot run vi: $TERM, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are not set"
+ msgstr "無法執行 vi:$TERM、$VISUAL 以及 $EDITOR 尚未設置"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:362
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:403
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "The report has been updated"
+ msgstr "\n報告已更新"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:364
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:405
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "No changes were detected in the report"
+ msgstr "\n報告中未偵測到更動"
+-#. The response might take more than 1 char in non-latin scripts.
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:396 ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
+-msgid "y"
+-msgstr "是(y)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:397 ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
+-msgid "N"
+-msgstr "否(N)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:501
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:491
+ msgid "Your input is not valid, because of:"
+ msgstr "您的輸入無效,因為:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:504
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:495
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bad value for '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "「%s」的值錯誤:%s"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:612
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:693
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "How you would like to analyze the problem?\n"
+-msgstr "您希望如何分析問題?\n"
++msgid ""
++"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
++"to continue?"
++msgstr "事件「%s」要求傳送可能具有敏感資訊資料的許可。您是否要繼續?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:630
+-msgid "Select analyzer: "
+-msgstr "選擇分析器:"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:752
++msgid "Select an event to run: "
++msgstr "選取要執行的事件:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:637
+-#, c-format
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:760
+ msgid "You have chosen number out of range"
+ msgstr "您選擇的數目超出範圍"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:646
+-msgid "Invalid input, program exiting..."
+-msgstr "無效的輸入,程式正在離開..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:710
+-msgid "What additional information would you like to collect?"
+-msgstr "您要蒐集哪些額外資訊?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:723
+-msgid "Select collector(s): "
+-msgstr "選擇蒐集器:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:816 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1254
+-#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
+-msgid "(no description)"
+-msgstr "(無描述)"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:847
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "There were %d errors while collecting additional data\n"
+-msgstr "當蒐集額外資料時遭遇 %d 項錯誤\n"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:887
+-msgid "Reporting..."
+-msgstr "正在回報..."
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:897 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
+-msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
+-msgstr "您希望如何回報問題?"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:907
+-msgid "Select reporter(s): "
+-msgstr "選擇回報器:"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:944
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Problem reported via %d report events (%d errors)\n"
+-msgstr "問題已透過 %d 回報事件回報 (%d 項錯誤)\n"
++#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:764
++msgid "Invalid input, exiting."
++msgstr "無效的輸入,正離開程式。"
+-#: ../src/cli/cli-report.c:1008
+-#, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data. Do you want "
+-"to continue?"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:32
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:56
+ msgid "Extracting cpio from {0}"
+ msgstr "從 {0} 抽取 cpio"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:37
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:61
+ msgid "Can't write to '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "無法寫入「{0}」:{1}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:51
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:76
+ msgid "Can't extract package '{0}'"
+ msgstr "無法抽出套件「{0}」"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:59
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:84
+ msgid "Caching files from {0} made from {1}"
+ msgstr "將來自 {0} 的檔案放入快取,這是由 {1} 所產生"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:78
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:103
+ msgid "Can't extract files from '{0}'"
+ msgstr "無法從「{0}」抽出檔案"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:87
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:112
+ msgid "Can't remove '{0}': {1}"
+ msgstr "無法移除「{0}」:{1}"
+ #. print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%")
+ #. % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct)
+ #. )
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:113 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:124
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:138 ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:149
+ msgid "Downloading ({0} of {1}) {2}: {3:3}%"
+ msgstr "正在下載 ({0} / {1}) {2}:{3:3}%"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:135
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:160
+ msgid ""
+ "Problem '{0!s}' occured while downloading from mirror: '{1!s}'. Trying next "
+ "one"
+@@ -255,28 +208,32 @@ msgstr "當從鏡像站下載資料時遭遇問題「{0!s}」:'{1!s}'。改嘗
+ #. self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
+ #. Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack)
+ #. doConfigSetup() takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:154
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:179
+ msgid "Initializing yum"
+ msgstr "正在初始化 yum"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:162
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:187
+ msgid "Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "初始化 yum 時發生錯誤 (YumBase.doConfigSetup):'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:193
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++msgid "Error: can't make cachedir, exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:235
+ msgid "Can't disable repository '{0!s}': {1!s}"
+ msgstr "無法停用軟體庫「{0!s}」:{1!s}"
+ #. This takes some time, let user know what we are doing
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:196
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:238
+ msgid "Setting up yum repositories"
+ msgstr "正在設置 yum 軟體庫"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:213
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:255
+ msgid "Can't disable async download, the output might contain artifacts!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法停用 async 下載,輸出可能包含人為瑕疵!"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:215
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:257
+ msgid "Can't setup {0}: {1}, disabling"
+ msgstr "無法設置 {0}: {1},改停用"
+@@ -284,67 +241,67 @@ msgstr "無法設置 {0}: {1},改停用"
+ #. Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers,
+ #. which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why
+ #. we have "paused":
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:222
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:264
+ msgid "Looking for needed packages in repositories"
+ msgstr "從軟體庫中尋找所需套件"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:226
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:268
+ msgid "Error retrieving metadata: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "擷取 metadata 時發生錯誤:'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:239
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:281
+ msgid "Error retrieving filelists: '{0!s}'"
+ msgstr "擷取檔案清單時發生錯誤:'{0!s}'"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:275
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
+ msgid "Can't find packages for {0} debuginfo files"
+ msgstr "找不到 {0} 個 debuginfo 檔案的套件"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:277
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:319
+ msgid "Packages to download: {0}"
+ msgstr "要下載的套件:{0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:278
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:320
+ msgid "Downloading {0:.2f}Mb, installed size: {1:.2f}Mb. Continue?"
+ msgstr "下載 {0:.2f}Mb,已安裝大小:{1:.2f}Mb。是否繼續?"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:283
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:325
+ msgid "Download cancelled by user"
+ msgstr "下載程序已被使用者中斷"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:317
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:352
+ msgid "Downloading package {0} failed"
+ msgstr "下載套件 {0} 失敗"
+ #. recursively delete the temp dir on failure
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:323
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:358
+ msgid "Unpacking failed, aborting download..."
+ msgstr "解壓縮失敗,放棄下載……"
+ #. Was: "All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing..."
+ #. but it was appearing even if no packages were in fact extracted
+ #. (say, when there was one package, and it has download error).
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:333
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:368
+ msgid "Removing {0}"
+ msgstr "正在移除 {0}"
+-#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:337
++#: ../src/client-python/debuginfo.py:372
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log"
+ msgstr "無法移除 %s,可能包含錯誤記錄"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:82
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/ask_dialogs.c:86
+ msgid "Don't ask me again"
+ msgstr "不要再問我"
+ #. if event has no xml description
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:153
+ msgid "No description available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "沒有可用的描述"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:274
+ msgid "Configuration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "組態"
+ #. we can't use this, because we want the workflows first and hashtable
+ #. * doesn't return the items in the order they were added
+@@ -354,17 +311,17 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:299
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:350
+ msgid "Workflows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "工作流程"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:301
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:303
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:353
+ msgid "Events"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "事件"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/config_dialog.c:307
+ msgid "C_onfigure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "設定(_O)"
+ #: ../src/gtk-helpers/event_config_dialog.c:136
+ msgid "Show password"
+@@ -382,57 +339,56 @@ msgstr "不要儲存密碼"
+ msgid "Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!"
+ msgstr "無法使用祕密服務,不會儲存您的設定!"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:168
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't connect over DBus to name '%s' path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無透過 DBus 連接至名稱「%s」路徑「%s」介面「%s」:%s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:188
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:191
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't call method '%s' over DBus on path '%s' interface '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "無法透過 DBus 於路徑「%2$s」介面「%3$s」呼叫方法「%1$s」:%4$s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:736
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:549
++msgid ""
++"A timeout was reached while waiting for a prompt result from the DBus Secret"
++" Service."
++msgstr "等候來自 DBus Secret Service 的提示結果已達時限。"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:552
++msgid ""
++"Do you want to stop waiting and continue in reporting without properly "
++"loaded configuration?"
++msgstr "您想要停止等候並繼續回報,但卻未適當載入組態?"
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') method failed: %s"
+ msgstr "D-Bus Secrets Service ReadAlias('%s') 方法失敗:%s"
+ #. if the error wasn't about invalid properties we have an another problem
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:977
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1104
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't create a secret item for event '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法為事件「%s」建立祕密項目:%s"
+-#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1159
++#: ../src/gtk-helpers/secrets.c:1286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "can't get secret value of '%s': %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法取得「%s」的祕密值:%s"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:105
+ msgid ""
+-"& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n"
++"& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
+ "\n"
+-"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified DIR"
+-msgstr "& [-vpd] [-g GUI_FILE] DIR\n\n分析並回報儲存於指定 DIR 中問題的 GUI 工具"
++"GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
++msgstr "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n\n分析並回報儲存於指定 PROBLEM_DIR 中問題的圖形介面工具"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:120
+ msgid "Alternate GUI file"
+ msgstr "其他 GUI 檔案"
+-#. for use from 3rd party apps to show just a reporter selector
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:123 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
+-msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
+-msgstr "回報後移除 DIR"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:124
+-msgid "Run only this event"
+-msgstr "僅執行此事件"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/main.c:125
+-msgid "Run wizard in expert mode - shows advanced options"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:273
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:299
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for %s, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -440,7 +396,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Read more about the configuration at: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+ msgstr "偵測到 %s 有錯誤設定,若您以目前的組態繼續下去,很可能回報失敗。\n\n請閱讀更多有關組態的資料:https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:278
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:304
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Wrong settings detected for <b>%s</b>, reporting will probably fail if you continue with the current configuration.\n"
+@@ -448,170 +404,195 @@ msgid ""
+ "<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">Read more about the configuration</a>"
+ msgstr "偵測到 <b>%s</b> 有錯誤設定,若您以目前的組態繼續下去,很可能回報失敗。\n\n<a href=\"https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtConfiguration\">請閱讀更多有關組態的資料</a>"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:296
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Con_figure %s"
+ msgstr "設定 %s(_F)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:323
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:349
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Need writable directory, but '%s' is not writable. Move it to '%s' and "
+ "operate on the moved data?"
+ msgstr "需要可寫入的目錄,但「%s」並不是可寫入的目錄。將它移到「%s」並在移動後的資料中操作。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:718
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:744
+ msgid "View/edit a text file"
+ msgstr "檢視或編輯文字檔案"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:937
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:971
+ msgid ""
+ "No reporting targets are defined for this problem. Check configuration in "
+ "/etc/libreport/*"
+ msgstr "此問題未定義回報目標。請確認 /etc/libreport/* 中的組態"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1008
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(requires: %s)"
+ msgstr "(需要:%s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:988
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1022
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(not needed, data already exist: %s)"
+ msgstr "(不需要,資料已經存在:%s)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1138
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1175
+ msgid "(click here to view/edit)"
+ msgstr "(請點擊此處以檢視或編輯)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1148
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "(binary file, %llu bytes)"
+ msgstr "(二元檔,%llu 位元組)"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1262
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1293 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:334
++msgid "(no description)"
++msgstr "(無描述)"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1301
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%llu bytes, %u files"
+ msgstr "%llu 位元組,%u 個檔案"
+-#. this event is the last event from the chain
+-#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1518 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2195
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2440
+-msgid "Processing finished."
+-msgstr "處理完成。"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1531
++msgid "Processing was canceled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1695
++msgid ""
++"Processing of the problem failed. This can have many reasons but there are two most common:\n"
++"\t▫ <b>network connection problems</b>\n"
++"\t▫ <b>corrupted problem data</b>\n"
++msgstr "問題處理失敗。這可能有許多原因,而以下列兩者最常見:\n\t▫ <b>網路連線問題</b>\n\t▫ <b>問題資料損毀</b>\n"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1700
++msgid ""
++"If you want to help us, please click on the upload button and provide all problem data for a deep analysis.\n"
++"<i>Before you do that, please consider the security risks. Problem data may contain sensitive information like passwords.\n"
++"The uploaded data are stored in a protected storage and only a limited number of persons can read them.</i>"
++msgstr "若您想幫助我們,請按下上傳按鈕並提供所有的問題資料以供我們深入分析。\n<i>在您動作之前,請先考慮安全性風險。問題資料可能包含敏感資訊,例如密碼。\n您所上傳的資料會儲存在受保護的儲存空間中,僅有限的人可以讀取。</i>"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1832 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1897
++msgid "Processing failed."
++msgstr "處理失敗。"
+ #. TODO: better msg?
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1802
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1894
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No processing for event '%s' is defined"
+ msgstr "未定義「%s」事件的處理動作"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1822
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1908
+ msgid "Processing interrupted: can't continue without writable directory."
+ msgstr "處理中斷:若無可寫入的目錄便無法繼續"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1925
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:1946
++msgid "Processing..."
++msgstr "處理中..."
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2005
+ msgid "Cannot check backtrace rating because of invalid event name"
+ msgstr "因為事件名稱無效而無法檢查追蹤資訊評等"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2178
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2258
+ msgid ""
+ "Possible sensitive data detected, please review the highlighted tabs "
+ "carefully."
+-msgstr "偵測到疑似敏感資料,請仔細檢視被突顯標示的資料。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2191
+-msgid "Processing..."
+-msgstr "處理中..."
++msgstr "偵測到疑似敏感資料,請仔細檢視標明處的資料。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2192
+-msgid "Processing failed. You can try another operation if available."
+-msgstr "處理失敗。如果可行的話,您可以嘗試其他項操作。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2193
+-msgid "Processing failed."
+-msgstr "處理失敗。"
++#. this event is the last event from the chain
++#. No next event, go to progress page and finish
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2269 ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2532
++msgid "Processing finished."
++msgstr "處理完成。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2196
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2270
+ msgid "Processing finished, please proceed to the next step."
+ msgstr "處理完成,請繼續下個步驟。"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2460
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Event '%s' requires permission to send possibly sensitive data.\n"
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ msgstr "事件「%s」要求傳送可能具敏感資訊資料的許可。\n您是否要繼續?"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2499
+-msgid "Processing was cancelled"
+-msgstr "已取消處理"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2509
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "This problem should not be reported (it is likely a known problem). %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "此問題不應回報 (這很類似已知問題)。%s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2757
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2847
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not an ordinary file"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是一般檔案"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2771
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2861
+ msgid "You are trying to copy a file onto itself"
+ msgstr "您正試著將檔案複製到檔案自身之上"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2778
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't copy '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "無法複製「%s」:%s"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2793
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2883
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Item '%s' already exists and is not modifiable"
+ msgstr "項目「%s」已存在,無法修改"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2974
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3065
+ msgid "Include"
+ msgstr "包含"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2984
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3076
+ msgid "Name"
+ msgstr "名稱"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:2992
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3086
+ msgid "Value"
+ msgstr "值"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3026
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3120
+ msgid "Problem description"
+ msgstr "問題描述"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3027
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3121
+ msgid "Select how to report this problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "請選取回報此問題的方式"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3028
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3122
+ msgid "Provide additional information"
+ msgstr "提供額外資訊"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3029
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3123
+ msgid "Review the data"
+ msgstr "檢視資料"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3030
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3124
+ msgid "Confirm data to report"
+ msgstr "確認欲回報的資料"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3031
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3125
+ msgid "Processing"
+ msgstr "處理中"
+-#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3032
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3126
+ msgid "Processing done"
+ msgstr "處理完成"
++#. else gtk_widget_hide won't work
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3218
++msgid "Upload for analysis"
++msgstr "上傳以供分析"
++#: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.c:3310
++msgid ""
++"In order to enable the built-in screencasting functionality the package recordmydesktop has to be installed. Please run the following command if you want to install it.\n"
++"<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
++msgstr "為了啟用內建的螢幕執演功能,必須安裝 recordmydestkop 軟體包。若您想安裝,則請執行下列指令。\n\n<b>su -c \"yum install recordmydesktop\"</b>"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:1
+ msgid ""
+ "On the following screens, you will be asked to describe how the problem "
+@@ -643,11 +624,11 @@ msgstr "<b>您的評註並非隱私資訊。</b> 它們可能納入能被公開
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:6
+ msgid "If you don't know how to describe it, you can"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "若您不知道如何描述,您可以"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:7
+-msgid "add screencast"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "add a screencast"
++msgstr "加入螢幕執演"
+ #: ../src/gui-wizard-gtk/wizard.glade.h:8
+ msgid "I don't know what caused this problem"
+@@ -703,16 +684,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "reporting process, press 'Forward'."
+ msgstr "若您希望將問題回報至不同的目的地,請蒐集額外資訊,或提供較詳盡的問題描述、重複回報程序,並按下「下一步」。"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:834
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:906
+ msgid "Be verbose"
+ msgstr "詳盡"
+-#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:835
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:861
++#: ../src/include/internal_libreport.h:907
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:921
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-kerneloops.c:166
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:173 ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:56
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:83
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:300
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:223
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:211
+ msgid "Problem directory"
+ msgstr "問題目錄"
+@@ -721,6 +702,14 @@ msgstr "問題目錄"
+ msgid "Can't delete: '%s'"
+ msgstr "無法刪除:「%s」"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:51 ../src/lib/client.c:77
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "是(y)"
++#: ../src/lib/client.c:52 ../src/lib/client.c:78
++msgid "N"
++msgstr "否(N)"
+ #: ../src/lib/client.c:79
+ msgid "f"
+ msgstr "永遠皆是(f)"
+@@ -735,11 +724,22 @@ msgstr "遺失需要的項目:「%s」"
+ msgid "uid value is not valid: '%s'"
+ msgstr "UID 值無效:「%s」"
+-#: ../src/lib/curl.c:208 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:41
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:226
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Uploaded: %llu of %llu kbytes"
+ msgstr "已上傳:%llu / %llu 位元組"
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:591
++#, c-format
++msgid "Sending %s to %s"
++msgstr "正將 %s 傳送至 %s"
++#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
++#: ../src/lib/curl.c:623
++#, c-format
++msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
++msgstr "已成功將 %s 傳送至 %s"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:309
+ msgid "Missing mandatory value"
+ msgstr "遺失必要的值"
+@@ -778,8 +778,8 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr "追蹤資訊不完整,請確認您已提供能夠重現問題的步驟。"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:428
+-msgid "The backtrace probably can't help to a developer in searching for bug."
+-msgstr "追蹤資訊可能無法幫助開發者搜尋臭蟲回報。"
++msgid "The backtrace probably can't help developer to diagnose the bug."
++msgstr "追蹤資訊可能無法幫助開發者診斷臭蟲所在。"
+ #: ../src/lib/event_config.c:434
+ msgid "Reporting disabled because the backtrace is unusable."
+@@ -796,34 +796,87 @@ msgstr "請試著使用指令:\"debuginfo-install %s\" 來手動安裝 debugif
+ msgid "A proper debuginfo is probably missing or the coredump is corrupted."
+ msgstr "可能遺失適當的 debuginfo,或是核心傾印資料已損毀。"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:134
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "遺失問題元素「%s」"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:146
++#, c-format
++msgid "An unsupported value '%s' in problem element '%s'"
++msgstr "未支援的值「%s」包含在問題元素「%s」中"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:291
++msgid "Can't create an uReport without 'type'"
++msgstr "無法建立無「類型」的 uReport"
++#: ../src/lib/json.c:328 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:429
++msgid "Not uploading an empty uReport"
++msgstr "不上傳空白 uReport"
+ #: ../src/lib/parse_options.c:58
+ msgid "Usage: "
+ msgstr "用法:"
+-#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:189
++#: ../src/lib/problem_data.c:209
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Essential element '%s' is missing, can't continue"
+-msgstr "找不到基本元素 '%s',無法繼續"
++msgstr "找不到必要元素「%s」,無法繼續"
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:761
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' was killed by signal %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:763
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' completed successfully)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/lib/run_event.c:765
++#, c-format
++msgid "('%s' exited with %u)\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:356
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立案例時發生錯誤:%s"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:365
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立案例時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d,伺服器回道:「%s」"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:369
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立案例時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d"
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:420
++#, c-format
++msgid "Error in case creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立案例時發生錯誤:無位置 URL,HTTP 碼:%d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:394
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:524
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: %s"
+-msgstr "建立案例時發生錯誤:%s"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': %s"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立評註時發生錯誤:%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:400
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:533
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
+-msgstr "建立事件時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d,伺服器回報:'%s'"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d, server says: '%s'"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立評註時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d,伺服器回道:「%s」"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:403
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:537
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "建立事件時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s', HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立評註時發生錯誤,HTTP 碼:%d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:550
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt_rh_support.c:583
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "error in case creation: no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
+-msgstr "建立事件時發生錯誤:沒有位置的 URL,HTTP 碼:%d"
++msgid "Error in comment creation at '%s': no Location URL, HTTP code: %d"
++msgstr "於「%s」建立評註時發生錯誤:無位置 URL,HTTP 碼:%d"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Bugzilla"
+@@ -877,12 +930,60 @@ msgid "Check SSL key validity"
+ msgstr "檢查 SSL 金鑰是否有效"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "OS release string"
+-msgstr "OS 發行版字串"
++msgid "Bugzilla product"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Specify this only if you modified your /etc/system-release file"
+-msgstr "只有在您修改過 /etc/system-release 檔案之後才指定此參數"
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product than specified in /etc/os-"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Bugzilla product version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:15
++msgid ""
++"Specify this only if you needed different product version than specified in "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:16
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:5
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "HTTP Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTP 代理"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:6
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP"
++msgstr "設定 HTTP 所要使用的代理伺服器"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:18
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:7
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:13
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy"
++msgstr "HTTPS 代理"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Bugzilla.xml.in.h:19
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Kerneloops.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/plugins/report_RHTSupport.xml.in.h:14
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS"
++msgstr "設定 HTTPS 所要使用的代理伺服器"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report.c:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -905,44 +1006,44 @@ msgstr "'strata' 或 'bugzilla'"
+ msgid "Ticket/case ID"
+ msgstr "申請單/專案 ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:349
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:377
+ msgid "Can't parse backtrace"
+ msgstr "無法解析追蹤資訊"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:360
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:388
+ msgid "Can't find crash thread"
+-msgstr "找不到當機條目"
++msgstr "找不到程式崩潰條目"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:719
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:773
+ msgid "Can't continue without login"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法沒有登入資訊就繼續"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:729
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:786
+ msgid "Can't continue without password"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法沒有密碼就繼續"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:737
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:795
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Logging into Bugzilla at %s"
+ msgstr "登入 Bugzilla 於 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:741
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:799
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無效的密碼或登入名稱。請輸入您的 Bugzilla 登入資訊:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:744
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid password or login. Please enter the password for '%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無效的密碼或登入名稱。請輸入「%s」的密碼:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:779
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:837
+ msgid "Bug.search(quicksearch) return value did not contain member 'bugs'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bug.search(quicksearch) 回傳值未包含成員 'bugs'"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:797
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:855
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+-"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] -d DIR\n"
++"& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n"
+ "or:\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n"
+ "or:\n"
+@@ -976,123 +1077,135 @@ msgid ""
+ "Option -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR\n或:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n或:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w\n或:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH\n\n將問題回報至 Bugzilla。\n\n本工具會讀取 DIR。接著它會登入 Bugzilla 並試著尋找\n'Whiteboard' 中 abrt_hash:HEXSTRING 相同的臭蟲報告。\n\n若找不到這樣的臭蟲報告,接著會建立新的臭蟲報告。DIR\n的元素以臭蟲描述的一部份或附件的一部份之形式儲存於臭蟲\n報告中,是取決於其類型與大小而處理方式有所不同。\n\n此外,若有找到這樣的臭蟲,但卻標為 CLOSED DUPLICATE,\n本工具會跟隨複本鏈直至找到 non-DUPLICATE 的臭蟲報告為止。\n本工具會對找到的臭蟲報告加入新的評註。\n\n前往新的或修改的臭蟲回報 URL 會列印於 stdout 且記錄於\n'reported_to' 元素中。\n\n選項-t 會上傳 
 FILEs 至 Bugzilla 網站上已建立的臭蟲回報中。\n臭蟲 ID 由 -d DIR 指定的目錄中擷取。\n若 DIR 中的問題資料從未回報至 Bugzilla,上傳會失敗。\n\n選項 -tID 會上傳 FILEs 至 Bugzilla 網站上指定 ID 的臭蟲回報中。\n-d DIR 會被忽略。\n\n選項 -w 會將 bugzilla 使用者加入臭蟲回報的寄件副本清單中。\n\n若無指定,CONFFILE 預設為 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:862
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:84
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:922
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:224
+ msgid "Configuration file (may be given many times)"
+ msgstr "組態檔 (可能會提供多次)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:863
+-msgid "Formatting file"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:923
++msgid "Formatting file for initial comment"
++msgstr "正為初次評註格式化檔案"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:924
++msgid "Formatting file for duplicates"
++msgstr "正為重複項目格式化檔案"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:864
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:925
+ msgid "Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]"
+ msgstr "附加 FILE [至含有此 ID 的臭蟲報告]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:865
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:926
+ msgid "When creating bug, attach binary files too"
+ msgstr "當建立臭蟲回報時,亦請附加二元檔案"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:866
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:86
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:927
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:226
+ msgid "Force reporting even if this problem is already reported"
+ msgstr "即使此問題已經回報過,仍然回報此問題"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:867
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:928
+ msgid "Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "加入 bugzilla 使用者至 [有此 ID 的臭蟲報告] 寄件副本清單"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:868
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:929
+ msgid "Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH"
+ msgstr "列印具給定 DUPHASH 的 BUG_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:869
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:930
+ msgid "Restrict access to this group only"
+ msgstr "限制僅有群組可存取"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:870
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:931
+ msgid "Debug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "除錯"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:938
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:973
++msgid "Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"
++msgstr "查詢 bugzilla 中是否有類似問題"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1000
+ msgid "Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "登入資訊未由組態提供。請輸入您的 Bugzilla 登入資訊:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:944
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the pasword for "
++"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for "
+ "'%s':"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "密碼未由組態提供。請輸入「%s」的密碼:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:963
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1025
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to "
+ "Bugzilla."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法取得 Bugzilla ID,因為此問題尚未回報至 Bugzilla。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:970
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1032
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the "
+ "configured Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "此問題尚未回報至 Bugzilla「%s」,而不是設定中的 Bugzilla「%s」。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:974
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "格式不良的 Bugzilla「%s」URL"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:978
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1040
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "正使用 Bugzilla ID「%s」"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1012
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1281
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1074
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1324
+ msgid "Logging out"
+ msgstr "登出"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1111
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1125
++msgid "Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1176
+ msgid "Checking for duplicates"
+ msgstr "檢查是否有重複"
+ #. Create new bug
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1157
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1222
+ msgid "Creating a new bug"
+ msgstr "建立新的臭蟲回報"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1174
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding attachments to bug %i"
+ msgstr "正加入附件至臭蟲 %i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1193
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug is already reported: %i"
+ msgstr "臭蟲已回報過:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1214
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding %s to CC list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "正將 %s 加入寄件副本 (CC) 清單"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1253
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1296
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding new comment to bug %d"
+ msgstr "正新增評註至臭蟲 %d"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1258
+-msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
+-msgstr "在臭蟲歷史中尋找同樣的評註,而不是新增評註"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1310
+ msgid "Attaching better backtrace"
+ msgstr "正附上更好的追蹤資料"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1284
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1318
++msgid "Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"
++msgstr "在臭蟲歷史中尋找同樣的評註,而不是新增評註"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-bugzilla.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+ msgstr "狀態:%s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"
+@@ -1138,7 +1251,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE]\n\n透過電子郵件發送問題目錄 DIR 的內容\n\n如果不指定的話,CONFFILE 預設為 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:301
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-mailx.c:174 ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:212
+ msgid "Config file"
+ msgstr "組態檔"
+@@ -1165,26 +1278,26 @@ msgstr "附加至或覆寫 FILE"
+ msgid "Create reported_to in DIR"
+ msgstr "在 DIR 中建立 reported_to"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:96
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:98
+ msgid "Cancelled by user."
+ msgstr "被使用者取消。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:105
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:108
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can't open '%s' for writing. Please select another file:"
+ msgstr "無法開啟「%s」以寫入。請選擇其他檔案:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was appended to %s"
+ msgstr "報告已附加至 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:140
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-print.c:143
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The report was stored to %s"
+ msgstr "報告已儲存至 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:53
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:192
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n"
+@@ -1196,53 +1309,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "
+ msgstr "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] -d DIR\n或:\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE] [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...\n\n回報問題至 RHTSupport。\n\n如果未指定,CONFFILE 預設為"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:85
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:225
+ msgid "Upload FILEs [to case with this ID]"
+ msgstr "上傳 FILEs [至含有此 ID 的案例]"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:120
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:251
+ msgid "Empty RHTS login or password"
+ msgstr "RHTS 登錄名稱或密碼空白"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:155
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:297
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attaching '%s' to case '%s'"
+ msgstr "正在附加「%s」至案例「%s」"
+-#. create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let user know what we are
+ #. doing
+ #. error msg is already logged by dd_opendir
+ #. Gzipping e.g. 0.5gig coredump takes a while. Let client know what we are
+ #. doing
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:196
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:133
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:334
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:39
+ msgid "Compressing data"
+ msgstr "正在壓縮資料"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:235
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:369
+ msgid "Can't create a temporary directory in /tmp"
+ msgstr "無法在 /tmp 中建立暫時目錄"
+-#. Hopefully, by this time child emitted more meaningful
+-#. * error message. But just in case it didn't:
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:261
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:292
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:326
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:342
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
+ msgid "Can't create temporary file in /tmp"
+ msgstr "無法在 /tmp 中建立暫存檔"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:378
++#. Check for hints and show them if we have something
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:387
++msgid "Checking for hints"
++msgstr "檢查是否有提示"
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:429
+ msgid "Do you still want to create a RHTSupport ticket?"
+ msgstr "您仍然想建立 RHTSupport 的申請單嗎?"
+-#. result = NULL; - redundant, result is assigned just below
+-#. Send tempfile
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:390
+-msgid "Creating a new case..."
+-msgstr "正在建立新案例..."
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:443
++msgid "Creating a new case"
++msgstr "正在建立新案例"
++#. How can we help user sorting out this problem?
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:454
++msgid "Can't determine RH Support Product from problem data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:529
++#, c-format
++msgid "Adding comment to case '%s'"
++msgstr "正添加評註至案例「%s」"
++#. Attach the tarball of -d DIR
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport.c:549
++#, c-format
++msgid "Attaching problem data to case '%s'"
++msgstr "正附加問題資料至案例「%s」"
+ #: ../src/plugins/reporter-rhtsupport-parse.c:202
+ msgid "Documentation which might be relevant: "
+@@ -1252,23 +1377,13 @@ msgstr "可能有所相關的文件:"
+ msgid "Updates which possibly help: "
+ msgstr "可能有所幫助的更新:"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:71
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Sending %s to %s"
+-msgstr "正將 %s 傳送至 %s"
+-#. This ends up a "reporting status message" in abrtd
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:110
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "Successfully sent %s to %s"
+-msgstr "已成功將 %s 傳送至 %s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:233
++#. success
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:144
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Archive is created: '%s'"
+ msgstr "封存檔案已建立:「%s」"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:273
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:184
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1404,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Parameter can be overridden via $Upload_URL."
+ msgstr "& [-v] -d DIR [-c CONFFILE] [-u URL]\n\n上傳問題目錄 DIR 的壓縮 tarball 至 URL。\n如果未指定 URL,會在 /tmp 中建立 tarball 並退出。\n\nURL 的格式應為 'protocol://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]'\n其中 protocol 可以是 http(s), ftp, scp, 或 file。\nFile protocol 不能擁有使用者與主機部分:'file:///dir/[file.tar.gz].'\n如果 URL 以斜線結束,壓縮檔名稱會被產生,並連至 URL 後面;\n否則的話,URL 會作為完整的檔案名稱。\n\n$EXCLUDE_FROM_REPORT 中的檔案不會納入 tarball 中。\n\nCONFFILE 行的格式應為 'PARAM = VALUE'。\n可辨識的字串參數:URL。\n參數可以透過 $Upload_URL 覆寫。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:302
++#: ../src/plugins/reporter-upload.c:213
+ msgid "Base URL to upload to"
+ msgstr "欲上傳至的基礎 URL"
+@@ -1410,6 +1525,7 @@ msgid "Upload as tar.gz file (via FTP/SCP/...)"
+ msgstr "以 tar.gz 檔案上傳 (透過 FTP/SCP/...)"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "URL"
+ msgstr "URL"
+@@ -1424,6 +1540,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
+ msgstr "範例:&#xA;ftp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;scp://[user[:pass]@]host/dir/[file.tar.gz]&#xA;file:///dir/[file.tar.gz]"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "FTP Proxy"
++msgstr "FTP 代理"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_Uploader.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Sets the proxy server to use for FTP"
++msgstr "設定 FTP 所要使用的代理伺服器"
+ #: ../src/plugins/report_uReport.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "uReport"
+ msgstr "uReport"
+@@ -1440,130 +1566,187 @@ msgstr "uReport 伺服器 URL"
+ msgid "Address of uReport webservice"
+ msgstr "uReport 網路服務的位址"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:356
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Emergency analysis"
++msgstr "緊急分析"
++#: ../src/plugins/report_EmergencyAnalysis.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Upload the problem data for further analysis"
++msgstr "上傳問題資料以供進一步分析"
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Looks like corrupted xml response, because '%s' member is missing."
+ msgstr "看似損毀的 xml 回應,因為「%s」成員遺失。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:430
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED, but it has no RESOLUTION"
+ msgstr "Bug %i 已 CLOSED (關閉),不過沒有 RESOLUTION (解決方案)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:438
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:505
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bug %i is CLOSED as DUPLICATE, but it has no DUP_ID"
+ msgstr "Bug %i 已 CLOSED (關閉) 為 DUPLICATE (重複項目),不過它沒有 DUP_ID"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:592
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:649
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "New bug id: %i"
+ msgstr "新的臭蟲 ID:%i"
+-#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:687
++#: ../src/plugins/rhbz.c:757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Bugzilla couldn't find parent of bug %d"
+ msgstr "Bugzilla 找不到臭蟲 %d 的親代"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:86
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Encoding: {0!s}% complete"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:123
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:124
+ msgid "Select window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "選取視窗"
+-#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:243
++#: ../src/plugins/abrt-screencast:256
+ msgid "Usage: abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++msgstr "用法:abrt-screencast -o OUTPUT_FILE"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:78
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"Your problem seems to be caused by %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:181
+-msgid "Can't get server response because of invalid url"
+-msgstr "因為 URL 無效而無法取得伺服器回應"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:81
++msgid "Your problem seems to be caused by one of the following:\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:189
+-msgid "Unable to parse response from ureport server"
+-msgstr "無法解析來自 ureport 伺服器的回應"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:247
++#, c-format
++msgid "Failed to upload uReport to the server '%s' with curl: %s"
++msgstr "無法以 curl 上傳 uReport 至伺服器「%s」:%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:200
+-msgid "Server response data has invalid format"
+-msgstr "伺服器回應資料具無效格式"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:253
++#, c-format
++msgid "The URL '%s' does not exist (got error 404 from server)"
++msgstr "URL「%s」不存在 (伺服器給予 404 錯誤)"
+-#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
+-#. has an error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:205
+-msgid "Server response type mismatch"
+-msgstr "伺服器回應類型不相符"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:259
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' encountered an internal error (got error 500)"
++msgstr "於「%s」的伺服器遭遇內部錯誤 (得到 500 錯誤)"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:265
++#, c-format
++msgid ""
++"The server at '%s' is currently can't handle the request (got error 503)"
++msgstr "於「%s」的伺服器目前無法處理請求 (得到 503 錯誤)"
+ #. can't print better error message
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:213
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Unexpected HTTP status code: %d"
+-msgstr "未預期的 HTTP 狀態碼:%d"
++msgid ""
++"Unexpected HTTP response from '%s': %d\n"
++msgstr "「%s」給予未預期的 HTTP 回應:%d\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:237 ../src/plugins/ureport.c:389
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:282
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Server side error: '%s'"
+-msgstr "伺服器端錯誤:「%s」"
++msgid ""
++"Unable to parse response from ureport server at '%s':\n"
++msgstr "於「%s」的 ureport 伺服器所給予的回應無法解析:\n%s"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:268
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:291
++#, c-format
++msgid "The response from '%s' has invalid format"
++msgstr "「%s」給予的回應為無效格式"
++#. HTTP CODE 202 means that call was successful but the response
++#. has an error message
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:297
++#, c-format
++msgid "Type mismatch has been detected in the response from '%s'"
++msgstr "偵測到「%s」的回應中其類型並不相符"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:319
++#, c-format
++msgid "The server at '%s' responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "於「%s」的伺服器以錯誤回應:「%s」"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:351
+ msgid "Specify server URL"
+ msgstr "指定伺服器 URL"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:270
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:353
+ msgid "Allow insecure connection to ureport server"
+ msgstr "允許對 ureport 伺服器的不安全連線"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:272
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:355
+ msgid "bthash of uReport to attach"
+ msgstr "要加入附件的 uReport 的 bthash"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:274
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:357
+ msgid "Attach RHBZ bug (requires -a)"
+ msgstr "加入附件至 RHBZ 臭蟲回報中 (需要 -a 參數)"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:276
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:359
+ msgid "Attach contents of reported_to"
+ msgstr "附上 reprted_to 的內容"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:281
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:364
+ msgid ""
+ "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Upload micro report or add an attachment to a micro report"
+ msgstr "& [-v] [-u URL] [-k] [-a bthash -b bug-id] [-r] [-d DIR]\n\n上傳微回報或將附件加入微回報中"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:296
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:379
+ msgid "You need to specify bug ID to attach."
+ msgstr "您需要指定要加入附件的臭蟲 ID。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:298
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
+ msgid "You need to specify bthash of the uReport to attach."
+ msgstr "您需要指定要加入附件的 uReport 其 bthash。 "
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:313
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:396
+ msgid "This problem does not have an uReport assigned."
+ msgstr "此問題沒有指派 uReport。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:316
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:399
+ msgid "This problem has not been reported to Bugzilla."
+ msgstr "此問題尚未回報至 Bugzilla。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:323
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:406
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to find bug ID in bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法於 bugzilla URL「%s」中找到臭蟲 ID。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:328
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unable to parse bug ID from bugzilla URL '%s'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "無法從 bugzilla URL「%s」解析臭蟲 ID。"
+-#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:381
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:438
++msgid "Failed on submitting the problem"
++msgstr "提交問題時失敗"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:477
+ msgid "This problem has already been reported."
+ msgstr "此問題已被回報過。"
++#: ../src/plugins/ureport.c:486
++#, c-format
++msgid "Server responded with an error: '%s'"
++msgstr "伺服器端以錯誤回應:「%s」"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:55
++msgid "How would you like to report the problem?"
++msgstr "您希望如何回報問題?"
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:68 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:146
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:169 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:259
+ #: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:337 ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:352
+@@ -1598,22 +1781,57 @@ msgid ""
+ "newt tool to report problem saved in specified DIR"
+ msgstr "& [-d] DIR\n\n回報儲存於指定 DIR 目錄中問題的新工具"
++#: ../src/report-newt/report-newt.c:392
++msgid "Remove DIR after reporting"
++msgstr "回報後移除 DIR"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:1
+-#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Report to Fedora"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Report a bug to Fedora maintainers"
++msgstr "回報臭蟲給 Fedora 維護者"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaFedora.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Process the report using the Fedora infrastructure"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "使用 Fedora 基礎架構處理回報"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:1
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Upload the problem data to a server"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "將問題資料上傳至伺服器"
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_AnacondaUpload.xml.in.h:2
+ #: ../src/workflows/workflow_Upload.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Analyze the problem locally and upload the data via scp or ftp"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "於本機分析問題並透過 SCP 或 FTP 上傳資料"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_Fedora.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Fedora"
++msgstr "回報至 Fedora"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:1
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Report to Red Hat"
++msgstr "回報至 Red Hat"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELCCpp.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the C/C++ crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "使用 Red Hat 基礎架構處理 C/C++ 崩潰問題"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELKerneloops.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kerneloops using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "使用 Red Hat 基礎架構處理 kerneloops 回報"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELPython.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the python exception using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "使用 Red Hat 基礎架構處理 python 例外"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELvmcore.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the kernel crash using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "使用 Red Hat 基礎架構處理內核崩潰問題"
++#: ../src/workflows/workflow_RHELxorg.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Process the X Server problem using the Red Hat infrastructure"
++msgstr "使用 Red Hat 基礎架構處理 X Server 問題"
diff --git a/libreport.spec b/libreport.spec
index cd11d67..8719c97 100644
--- a/libreport.spec
+++ b/libreport.spec
@@ -5,13 +5,20 @@
 Summary: Generic library for reporting various problems
 Name: libreport
 Version: 2.1.4
-Release: 1%{?dist}
+Release: 2%{?dist}
 License: GPLv2+
 Group: System Environment/Libraries
 URL: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/
 Source: https://fedorahosted.org/released/abrt/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source1: autogen.sh
+# Remove with 2.1.5
+Patch1:  0001-reporter-bugzilla-support-new-format-keyword-reporte.patch
+Patch2:  0002-reporter-bugzilla-remove-recently-added-aux.-files-f.patch
+Patch3:  0003-do-not-build-or-install-any-piece-of-BZ-when-without.patch
+Patch4:  0004-do-not-build-or-install-BZ-dependencies-when-without.patch
+Patch6:  0006-updated-translation.patch
 BuildRequires: dbus-devel
 BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
 BuildRequires: curl-devel
@@ -269,6 +276,11 @@ infrastructure or uploading the gathered data over ftp/scp...
 %setup -q
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
 # koji in f19 has new autotools, so we need to regenerate everything
 cp %SOURCE1 %_builddir/%{name}-%{version}
@@ -481,6 +493,10 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+* Fri May 03 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.4-2
+- update translation
+- reporter-bugzilla: provide version of libreport
 * Mon Apr 29 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.4-1
 - support /etc/os-release
 - added flag to not retry locking the incomplete problem dir

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