SELinux for RHEL3

Bill McCarty bmccarty at
Mon Apr 5 22:48:37 UTC 2004

Hi all,

My question is somewhat off topic, but I hope that it can nevertheless be 
indulged. Some time ago, SELinux packages for RHEL 3 had been available on I successfully installed SELinux on several RHEL 3 
systems using these packages. However, the packages that currently reside 
there don't work under RHEL 3. I've tried various cheats, such as using FC 
2 packages, compiling source RPMs, etc. But, so far, everything I've tried 
is no-go for at least some of the necessary packages.

Do RHEL 3 packages for SELinux currently exist? If so, where can they be 
obtained? If not, must we wait for RHEL 4 to obtain compatible SELinux 
packages? Or, is there a chance of another experimental release for RHEL 3?

I myself don't mind hacking the SRPMs or whatever a bit. But, the available 
packages seem to be bound to a variety of versions of automake and 
autoconf. Hence, it's very troublesome to coax all of them into compiling 
on the same host <g>. The coreutils package is especially troublesome; if 
SELinux packages aren't available I suspect that I'll have to patch the 
RHEL 3 coreutils sources. But I can't see when I'll have time to do so <g>. 
So, any pointers are most welcome!


Bill McCarty, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Technology
Azusa Pacific University

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