APOL and Fake Attributes

Christopher J. PeBenito cpebenito at tresys.com
Thu Nov 9 13:20:43 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-08 at 13:47 -0700, Leffler, Sean wrote:
> Running FC5 and SeTools 3.0.
> When I load any policy in apol, they always show up w/ fake attributes
> because "names are not stored in binary format."
> So how do i get these to show up like they do in the book &
> screenshots. 

Currently you can only get the real names if you have the source policy,
which isn't installed on FC systems.  So you'd need to get the policy
sources and generate a policy.conf to get the real names right now.  The
next major SETools release will support loading the modules, which have
the real attributes, but that won't be available until the end of Q1 or
early Q2 next year.

Chris PeBenito
Tresys Technology, LLC
(410) 290-1411 x150

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