x86_64 question

Steve G linux_4ever at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 23:42:02 UTC 2006

>There are many instances of both the i386 and the x86_64 versions there.
>I guess that is OK - the 64 bit version will override or it is always
>installed last?

I think that if you have i386, there are i386 some files installed.

>Is there a easy way to scrub the duplicate .386 names out of the db so
>that they will not show up if not actually in use (like the "--justdb"
>option in the rpm -freshen command)?

I don't think its a db issue. I think there are actually some files installed.
This question might be better answered on the fedora-devel mail list
(installer/yum/rpm developers hang out there).


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