A few questions

Salvo Giuffrida giuffsalvo at hotmail.it
Thu Sep 21 15:27:02 UTC 2006

>From: "Christopher J. PeBenito" <cpebenito at tresys.com>
>To: Salvo Giuffrida <giuffsalvo at hotmail.it>
>CC: fedora-selinux-list at redhat.com
>Subject: Re: A few questions
>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:15:06 -0400
> > - Why in the Fedora there isn't the "staff_r" role?
>There is staff_r in the strict policy.
And why there isn't it in the targeted policy? I knew that only staff_r 
users are allowed to enter sysadm_r, but in the targeted it seems that the 
system_r is used as the "jump on" role for sysadm_r...

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