Selinux and tomcat

Harley Race flyingboxcutter at
Wed Jul 14 20:09:26 UTC 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am contacting this list because I have questions about how selinux has been implemented in Fedora/RHEL/CentOS.  I am trying to write a startup script for Tomcat 5.5.  I created a tomcat user and group.  Made sure that file permissions were set correctly.  Tomcat will start, but when you do a 

ps -efZ

instead of tomcat running in system_u, it is running in root.  If I check pid and lock file, though permissions are set correctly,  a "ls -laZ" reveals that tomcat writes the pid and lock files with root user context instead of system_u.  Same thing with log files, they are written with  root:object_r:var_log_t instead of  system_u:object_r:var_log_t.  Any ideas in what could be going wrong?   Selinux is running with targeted policy.

I tried using both runuser and daemon(), with still the same results.

Startup script is attached.

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