[sandbox] modifying the Xephyr window title (patch)

Christoph A. casmls at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 12:01:46 UTC 2011


If most of your windows are sandboxed applications, your bar looks like:

[Sandbox sandbo..] [Sandbox sandbo..] [Sandbox sandbo..]

and it is hard to find a specific application.

example of a current Xephyr title:
Sandbox sandbox_web_t:s0:c112,c991 -- /usr/bin/firefox

with the modification in the attached patch titles will look like:

/usr/bin/firefox (sandbox_web_t)

and it should be easier to find a specific application.
In addition to the type I would find it handy to also include the
DISPLAY in the title (needed when using xsel for copy'n paste).

The second patch only adds '-nolisten tcp' to Xephyr, but if there are
use cases where one needs Xephyr to open a listener this patch will
break thinks.

Christoph A.
btw: secon's manpage doesn't contain the '-l' option.

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