High weirdness and questionable utility of restorecond

Jonathan Abbey jonabbey at arlut.utexas.edu
Fri Sep 5 19:05:57 UTC 2014

On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:46:14 -0500, Jonathan Abbey wrote:
| [..]
| I then restart restorecond, and 
| ** I no longer see the error about the missing user home directory. **

Sorry about that; I did what I should have done before mailing before
and just set the max_watches back to 8192 and stopped and restarted
restorecond, and no more missing user home directory message.

I don't know if the utmp record that had the non-existent
'/home/falazar' entry in it timed out or what, but it seems that the
missing home directory message is still missing.

Given that this is happening with max_watches set far too low to
handle recursive directory watches under /home, I'm going to assume
that the restorecond code at selinuxproject actually does closely
reflect what RHEL 6 is shipping, and recursion just isn't supported
with restorecond.


Jonathan Abbey 				              jonabbey at arlut.utexas.edu
Applied Research Laboratories                 The University of Texas at Austin
GPG Key: 71767586 at keyserver pgp.mit.edu, http://www.ganymeta.org/workkey.gpg
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