[Fedora-sparc] Serial console terminal type.

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Sat May 15 18:20:05 UTC 2010

On Friday 14 May 2010 12:23:53 pm Lamar Owen wrote:
> Or if it's a minicom setting, or simply using a different terminal
> emulator, to get reasonable display.....

Following up to my own post:

The 'cu' non-emulator serial connection, found in the uucp package (this on 
F12 on the Intel laptop) produces a much better display when used with a 
serial console.  I use minicom at first, to send BREAK and to get through the 
bootup (cu gets disconnected during the kernel's console switching during 
boot), then use the following command line:
cu --line /dev/ttyS0 --parity none --speed 9600 --nostop dir
and the UI is more usable; no line drawing characters (konsole doesn't do 
linux console emulation, methinks), but at least I can see everything, even if 
the color scheme in the text-mode firstboot is hard to read through that.

I could probably use screen or similar; too bad seyon is so old; I remember 
using it a long time ago, and it was pretty good for the day.  Licensing, 
IIRC, was the big problem.  Getting ready to try CuteCom or gtkterm or qterm 
or.... :-)

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