[Fedora-suds-list] A couple of questions...

Erik Cederstrand erik at cederstrand.dk
Tue Jul 13 08:27:00 UTC 2010


I'm developing an interface for Microsoft Exchange using the SOAP-based EWS webservice. It's been a pretty rough journey until now. I've encountered four problems I'd like an opinion on.

1: EWS has a service called FindItem(). This service need an attribute in the XML like this:

	    <ns2:FindItem Traversal="Shallow">

But I'm unable to supply this attribute using the FindItem() constructor. Ticket #21 describes this and contains a patch, but it's been open for 2 years. Is anyone willing to commit?

2: The same service has a number of optional elements that affect the returned response, e.g. a CalendarView element to restrict the start- and enddate of the items returned:

	    <ns2:FindItem Traversal="Shallow">
	      <ns2:CalendarView startdate=... enddate=...>

Suds currently ignores these elements when I supply them to FindItem(). Is this intentional, or is there a workaround? I have a patch to solve the problem (no bug report created yet).

3: The WSDL that Exchange supplies doesn't contain a <wsdl:service> element. This probably makes the WSDL invalid. Currently I work around this by adding missing parts and storing the file locally, but I wondered it is desirable to add support for supplying this information using the service, port and location (and possibly a new "binding") arguments to Client()?

4: Using the XSD from Exchange, Suds generates XML for some elements like this:

	<ns5:Path FieldURI="item:ItemClass" xsi:type="ns5:PathToUnindexedFieldType" /> 

But Exchange rejects it (even though it should be valid XML according the the XSD) and needs this instead:

	<ns5:FieldURI FieldURI="item:ItemClass"/> 

(FieldURI has type PathToUnindexedFieldType, and inherits from the Path element). I think this is what is called doc-lit format(?). To work around this, I have modified the XSD to force the latter to be generated by suds. Is there a way to do this without modifying the XSD? Would it be difficult to patch Suds to optionally generate the latter format?

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