[Fedora-suds-list] Microsoft Exchange EWS module

Erik Cederstrand erik at cederstrand.dk
Fri Jul 23 07:14:33 UTC 2010

Den 23/07/2010 kl. 09.08 skrev Erik Cederstrand:

> That's strange. I have a /python-suds-0.4/suds/transport/https.py file which defines a class WindowsHttpAuthenticated(HttpAuthenticated), whic in turn tries this:
> 	from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler
> Can you check if that's correct in your version? If you have Suds 0.4 installed, and python is actually using it, and you have the ntlm module installed, things should just work. Which system are you on? Can you try deinstalling all previous Suds versions and installing just 0.4?

Alternatively, run this in python:

  import suds
  import ntlm
  print sys.modules['suds']
  print sys.modules['ntlm']

and give us the output.

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