funded and unfunded projects [RFC]

Karsten Wade kwade at
Thu May 20 19:35:49 UTC 2010

I have a proposal that in selecting proposals we do this:

1. Decide which proposals are worthy of taking if we had an endless

2. Order those proposals and fund the ones we think should have budget
   right now.

3. The other proposals are unfunded but otherwise good enough to
   proceed; offer to the students and mentors of those proposed
   projects they can run the project for full credit but no pay.

We'd love to fund all the great projects people are proposing.  Some
people are saying they'd love to work the project even if they don't
get funded.  If they have a proposal that would get funded if we had
more budget, and they do the work, they should get full credit.

Credit means:

* Recognition as a participant who completed the program.  The funding
  is not referenced here, so the students can put it on their
  CV/resume the same as if it were a funded project.

* Any materials we provide for students (t-shirt, certificate, etc.)
  goes to the unfunded projects as well.

* Any media/publicity (student blog planet, press releases, etc.)
  include all the students regardless if the project is funded or

This idea has been discussed amongst a few of us, and maybe there are
some parts of it on this list.

The mentors should have this guidance as they go in to proposal review
next week.

Thanks - Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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