Needs some ideas

Karsten Wade kwade at
Wed Oct 13 22:57:25 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 09:47:18AM +0200, Zach Oglesby wrote:
> All,
> I am trying to compile a list of companies to contact about sponsoring
> the next Student Coding session, but I am not having much luck on
> this. I would like some input on companies that you think it might be
> beneficial for them to get behind this. Thank for the help.

I was going to try to cross-reference with anyone who had been
contacted already by others at Red Hat about this program, but I don't
think it matters as much.  Those companies were relatively big,
perhaps the multiple vectors in will help.  Anyone found through these
pages are eligible, IMO:

That means, any one of them might be willing to complete the circle
and place a bet on the future.  The numbers are to our advantage --
student coding participants tend to stick around and do more stuff,
compared to people who walk in off the street.  (I wonder if that
means $ spent here might have 3x the value of $ spend sponsoring a
conference event.)

That means we can think about lots of companies.  Here are some ideas
by sort-of categories.  Let them spark more ideas.  These companies
have people working in Fedora, but we haven't heard if they've asked
around at their companies.  I wonder if we could use some FAS search
capabilities to make some guesses about who works where?  (Answer:
yes; public records we can use to send targeted requests?)

= ISVs ==

These independent software vendors work directly or indirectly in open
source.  They may have employees with worthy ideas who want a chance
to mentor (by throwing their ideas in to the open pool.)  They may
have staff who want to work on a project in the open source way and
help us with administering the program.


= IHVs =

These hardware vendors are much like the ISVs above.

* Intel
* Motorola
* Dell
* HP
* Lexmark
* Xerox
* Nvidia
* Cisco
* Fujitsu
* Hitachi

= Services ==

Solutions integrators (SIs) and professional service companies might
be good ones to look at.

* Accenture
* A really huge list :)

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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