[GSoC] Linuxism Project

Ahmed Hassan ahmed at linuxism.com
Sat Apr 9 08:03:03 UTC 2011

Hello Everyone:

I posted this at GSoC website and I would like you to read it

Hello Mr.Rix:

--Have you done anything to find a mentor for this project?--

I'm trying to join redhat-summer mailing list to find any mentor for my
project. My account is still in pending. I thought that I can find a
mentor over here at this application

-- What code will need to be written for this summer? --

A web application that hosts an Educational Linux videos
(e.g:www.khanacademy.org, or my website http://Linuxism.com) a desktop
client that can access that web application and interact with the web
application to download the videos and comment on it.

It can also stores it offline for furthor usages. The web application
will be written in Django. The client will be written in PyQt. -

-Could you please also include a time line for your project?--

Rough time line starts from May 30th to August 28th.

Week number 22 I will post all the features of the web app and the

Weeks from 22 to 35: Recording videos are going to be every starts from
30th of May to August 28th. Sunday is not included, because I will need
one day to rest. At the same time,

from weeks 22 to 26. I will write the code for the web application in

* weeks 22 to 24 I will write the core and the back engine of the web

* weeks from 24 to 26 I will write the UI. I may code it in JavaScript.

Weeks from 26 to 35 I will code the client. The client will interact
with the web app through XML. Videos are going to be hosted at youtube.

--products are--

Videos that teaches how to use Linux from the scratch.

A web application that host my videos and interact with comments
system..etc and a place to upload sound files to recompile the videos in
different languages.

A Client that can interact with the web applications.

---End of Message---

Here is the whole post 

What do you think?

BTW, I submit this to redhat-summer and they did not approve it at their
Google group.

Ahmed Hassan <Ahmed at Linuxism.com>

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