Congratulations, students!

Ryan Rix ry at
Thu Apr 28 03:07:32 UTC 2011


First of all, congratulations to our six student who will be working on 
projects within Fedora in Google Summer of Code! Contrary to the slashdot 
story from earlier this week ;), we had six students accepted:
* Arun Scaria -- SUDO support in SSSD. mentored by sgallagh and jraquino
* dehydrogenaza -- Educational Application for Fedora Robotics Suite, mentored 
by timn
* Harshard Shirwadkar -- Revert to snapshot feature in Ext4 file system, 
mentored by Amir Goldstein and OpenNode
* Hiemanshu Sharma -- Fedora Events System, mentored by Juan Rodriguez
* Kevin Kofler -- KDE Plasma Dependency Generation and PackageKit Integration, 
mentored by Rex Dieter
* Ankur Sinha -- Fedora Medical, mentored by Susmit

Everyone's going to kick butt this summer!

A few notes: Make sure everyone is in contact with their mentors, and that you 
guys are spending time figuring out how this summer is going to work, how well 
you will be working with your mentor, when you can get together to talk, 

Second, i'd like to see our six students blogging on Planet Fedora about what 
they are working on, and be able to provide semiregular updates on their 
progress. I'd say that at least half of you are already on planet, but the 
rest should look at adding themselves:

Thanks everyone!

Ryan Rix
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