GSoC : Integrate Proxy Settings and Network Connections(Locations) project

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Thu Mar 22 15:43:35 UTC 2012


Sending the following email which found on the devel-list.


I am Siddharth 2nd year Undergraduate student pursuing M.Sc(TECH)
Information Systems at BITS-Pilani India. I am thorough with languages
like C, C++ and Java and currently learning Python.

I am keenly interested in contributing to the Integrate Proxy Settings
and Network Connections(Locations) project of Fedora Projects for

My understanding of the project is that when a user connects to a
network, all settings such as proxy settings, IP settings (if
required), sharing options etc will be saved for each network. So
whenever the user connects to a previously connected network all these
settings are automatically loaded. Thus making networking much more
user friendly.

Please suggest me how should I go about the project. Should I straight
away make a proposal and send it across or do something else prior to

Any suggestion or advice will help a lot. :)

Thanking you.

Best regards,
Siddharth Mohan Misra.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador - APAC region
Event Liaison - Design Team

Email: bckurera at | IRC: bckurera

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