GSoC schedule for students - After application process

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Wed May 1 14:06:07 UTC 2013

Dear Students,

Please find the Fedora project schedule after the deadline for the
students application submission:

* May 3rd, 1900 UTC : Students application submitting deadline - Each
and every student should make sure, they have completed the student
application process.

* May 3rd to 5th : Initial review of student proposals by the mentors

* May 3rd to 6th : Student should complete a questionnaire (links will
be sent after 3rd May)

* May 4th, 1900 UTC : No update is allowed for the wiki proposal by the students

* May 21st, 1900 UTC : Deadline to send student recommendations

* May 27th, - Google announce the selected students

* No new student application is accepted after the 3rd May, 1900 UTC
* Mentors and Org Admins may contact students time to time for more
information, therefore please make sure you check mails frequently,
try to have at-least response time of 1 day.

Do contact me if you have any issue with the schedule.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)

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