GitLab proposal wiki page

Axilleas Pipinellis axilleas at
Mon May 6 09:41:49 UTC 2013

On 05/05/2013 08:03 PM, Kushal Das wrote:
> On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Sarup Banskota <sbanskota08 at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sorry to interfere (I'm not involved with this project), but I guess if this
>> project is very large and the ideas page has been refreshed, then it can be
>> split into GSoC-worthy portions over the summer among interested applicants?
>> That way, it benefits the project. As long as it doesn't appear to be
>> teamwork, and can be split into chunks that don't depend on another person's
>> work, it should be in keeping with GSoC's rules as well.
> I really want to see how many people will actually volunteer to any
> project if we say that please work on it but we will not count that as
> part of gsoc.
> Kushal

There are already 4(?) who have applied for this project. Even if one is
to get picked, I hope that the rest will contribute and help as well.
The truth is that this project needs longterm maintenance/support more
than just the packaging stuff.

GPG : 0xABF99BE5

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