GSOC student introduction

Achilleas Pipinellis axilleaspi at
Sun Mar 9 09:30:00 UTC 2014

On 08/03/2014 11:52 μμ, Bogdan Ciobanu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am Bogdan-Gabriel Ciobanu, student in the second year at Polytechnic
> University of Bucharest and open-source enthusiast.
> I am looking forward to spend my summer working on a cool open source
> project and Fedora caught my attention as an organisation. I have found
> some really exciting projects on the ideas page and I would like to ask
> you which of the following: Bugspad, Aftertought, Wandaa and Shumgrepper
> would have the biggest impact for the community. I am asking because I
> found all the ideas interesting and I would like to work on something
> meaningful too.
> Reading  the step-by-step guide for students, I have noticed that it is
> a requirement to send the application by 10th of March, which is the
> official date when students start sending applications, so I think it is
> impossible to send applications until then, at least on melange.
> I am looking forward to hear from you and start discussing about ideas
> on how to get the most from the summer.

Hey Bogdan welcome :)

I guess the dates were wrong, I updated the wiki to depict the official

As for the projects you are interested in, start lurking in irc where
most of the mentors/developers are on a daily basis and bug them to know
more on the projects ;)

Good luck with your application!

FAS : axilleas
GPG : 0xABF99BE5

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