how do I add my proposal to wiki

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Tue Mar 18 00:49:59 UTC 2014

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Mohan Prakash <mpduty at> wrote:

> I have created my application on fedora wiki:
> now I want to know how to add my proposal(s) to wiki.
> The guidelines at
> says : "First create your application on fedora wiki and let the
> program administrators know about it. Then you will get a link to add
> your proposal"
> Then should I expect a link?


As I have commented on previous mail yo have sent to me, I see your
application is in place, but what project yo are working on. Once you have
decide it let me know so that I can send you a link to add your proposal
for that project idea.
For example if you are trying to work on 2 projects there will be two links
to place two proposals.
So first decide which projects you need to apply for and then let me know
to get links for proposals.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)
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