Fwd: Meeting of all GSoC mentors and interested upstream devels

Kushal Das kushal at fedoraproject.org
Fri Mar 21 12:43:29 UTC 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kushal Das <kushaldas at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:01 PM
Subject: Meeting of all GSoC mentors and interested upstream devels
To: "summer-coding at lists.fedoraproject.org"
<summer-coding at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Kevin Fenzi <kevin at scrye.com>, Toshio Kuratomi
<a.badger at gmail.com>, rbean at redhat.com, Pierre-Yves Chibon
<pingou at pingoured.fr>, jpacner at redhat.com, Ratnadeep Debnath
<rtnpro at fedoraproject.org>, sochotnicky at redhat.com,
hguemar at fedoraproject.org, Buddhike Kurera
<bckurera at fedoraproject.org>


We will be having a meeting to discuss about the project ideas and
proposals between all interested mentors and upstream developers at
17:30 UTC on 24th March (coming Monday) in #fedora-gsocmentors

Remember this meeting is for the mentors and upstream only.


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