[Open discussion on idea] Git shell prompt daemon

Tim Niemueller tim at niemueller.de
Thu Mar 27 22:46:22 UTC 2014

I don't get the idea. What would it do? Currently it pretty much sounds
like an SSH session to which you login and find all the tools you need
neatly setup. What am I missing?


Am 27.03.2014 18:15, schrieb Ratnadeep Debnath:
> Git shell prompt daemon
> Status: Proposed
> Summary of idea: Fedora packaging is heavily dependant on git. Without
> specialized git tools, maintenance of tens or hundreds of Fedora
> packages can become tedious.
> This project is about implementing a deamon which would listen on
> named pipe to requests from system shell (like bash) and it would
> respond with command line prompt dependant on context (like status of
> git repository in given directory) and user configuration.
> The core of the daemon should not rely on git, but instead be written
> using plugin framework allowing different plugins to be implemented.
> Each plugin could provide different information to be displayed in
> shell prompt.
> Besides the core, a git plugin should be implemented. This plugin
> should not call git executable, but instead use a git library (such as
> libgit2 which has bindings for many languages).
> Knowledge prerequisite: Git, Linux, any programming language which has
> bindings for libgit2 [1]
> Skill level: Medium
> Contacts: Mikolaj Izdebski [2]
> Mentor(s): Mikolaj Izdebski [2], Stanislav Ochotnicky [3] (backup)
> [1]: http://libgit2.github.com/
> [2]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Mizdebsk
> [3]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sochotni
> Regards,
> rtnpro

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