Introduction | Enhance Fedora build setup

Zhenbo Li litimetal at
Wed Mar 11 13:12:33 UTC 2015


I'm Zhenbo Li[0], a student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University,  China,
with  major Pharmacy. I've been involved in GSoC 2014 for Wine,  which
meant to improve Wine's support of JavaScript [1]. As I've been a
Fedora user since Fedora 16, I'm glad to contribute to Fedora in GSoC

After reading the Idea Page, I'm glad to choose "Enhance Fedora build
setup"[2]. I love Python, especially Python 3. I'm envious  that Arch
Users can enjoy Python 3 by default[3], but I have to wait  until
Fedora 22[4]. That is to say, I'm glad to move old code to Python  3.

I've glanced at releng scripts, and most of them are Python 2  only.
As the Idea page mentioned, "Make select releng scripts PEP8
compliant/python3 ready". Does this mean I need to keep the code
compatible with Python2, using the approaches mentioned in Python
Future[5]? If so, as there are so many methods, which one should I
choose? That's the first question I met.

I'm glad to work for Fedora Project this summer, and I'm waiting for
your feedback.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice day!
Zhenbo Li


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